couldn't understand app review process on google play - google-play

Does google review app everytime when we upload new android app bundle because I uploaded new .aab file in production and status is written "in review".

Yes it does review the app every time except for the internal test track.


google play Internal track testing

I'm new to android development and uploaded my app to google play "internal track" over a week ago and it still says that it's not reviewed and in "draft" mode.
I'm assuming despite the app not being public and only on the internal track i am still at the mercy of google to review the app before my testers can test it ?. Also , my code for google play billing is returning 0 items. Again... i assume that because i need google to "review" it first and take it out of draft mode before i can test google play billing functionality ?

How to delete a draft app from play console and publish from different account?

We created an app and uploaded the bundle from dev1 developer account.
The app is in draft stage as can be seen in the screenshot below
We created the internal testing track and send the link to 4 friends to install and provide feedback.
Later we decided we want to publish/release the app from a different developer account (dev2)
We paused the internal track , uninstalled the app and requested google support to delete the app. However support is saying that as the application has 'install statistics' they cannot delete the application at this time.
Question 1: As per it should be possible to delete a draft. Am I misunderstanding draft status somehow?
Question 2: Is there something I can do to reset the install statistics. I could not find clear meaning of 'App must have 0 lifetime installs'. From literal meaning it appears if any one installs it even once, then it can never be deleted.
Question 3: If it is not possible to delete the app, is following workaround inline with google's policies
We leave the application as is in dev1 account (i.e. not published, internal testing track paused) .
We also unhook this version of the application from the back end server.
There after we publish the app from a different account (dev2) with new package name.

Push Notificaion capability

I am developing mobile app by using nativescript with angular. For earlier version of the app, we didn't include Push Notification when we published the app on both stores. Now, we included Push Notification in the app. It is OK when I published the app on Google Play Store. But when I built the app to upload on the Apple Store, I got the following error.
If you already this problem and solved, please let me know how you solved it.
You need to activate Push Notification capabilities from xcode for your provisioning profile.
Check this questionXcode Push notifications
Go to and edit your App Id settings.
Should be under App Ids inside Identifiers in left hand side. and then select your app id's Setup and configure services for this App ID. Enabled the Push Notifications.
You need to regenrate the provison profile for this is.

Test GMail marketplace app flow

So here I am again, exploring new Google platform and hunting down information and docs.
I'm trying to build a skeleton of a flow before I write any business logic code with actual use of the APIs, and as expected from Google, this process is excruciatingly painful.
I've tried to follow this doc:
Packaged the zip, put the flag DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE flag as was instructed in order for the app to be installible from the marketplace. In the dashboard of PRICING & DISTRIBUTION I've selected Private and added testers to the list of testers.
Now when I click View in Chrome Web Store (seen in image) it takes me to the extensions web store, and not to the marketplace store.
How can I get to the GSuite Marketplace flow, rather than the extension flow? Do I need to alter my manifest.json in some way that is not mentioned in the docs?
it's true that the publishing flow is too complicated now. We are working on improvements and in the future everything will be in one place.
Unfortunately G Suite Marketplace does not support trusted testers (yet), that's why it doesn't show up.
What you might be able to do, is modify the url a bit after you clicked on 'View in Chrome Web Store'.
Just remove everything after the webstore id
I use this url:
xxxx should be your webstore id
You should be able to show your unlisted app in the Gsuite Marketplace, where you can initiate the install flow.
It works for me, but my test app

Gsuite Marketplace publish process: 404 error

Looking into building some Gsuite Marketplace apps, but we have having issues at the publish time already.
Publishing an app following these steps makes the app to be accessible from the Chrome Marketplace.
Using Chrome web store app link (e.g.
redirects to a Gsuite link (e.g. but brings a 404 page.
Waiting seems to do the job (url works after a couple of days - approval)
Changing app type from "Private" to "Unlisted" break it completely; even waiting up to a week, the link never works again.
My questions are:
How do you switch between "Visibility options" without breaking your
How do you guys deal with updating publishing apps on Gsuite
Marketplace and keep it working?
Every new update requires a new installation. So everytime you make changes whether feature or visibility settings, treat it as if you were uploading a new app.
If you change the visibility, it will undergo a review process as if it were a new app.
Users who have already installed your app will still be able to use it.
