How to create a job in Rundeck that triggers REST URL? - job-scheduling

There is a REST endpoint doing some automation work. I need to run it from Rundeck as a JOB. Is it possible to do so.

Sure, for example, you can use the HTTP Workflow Step Plugin plugin to call any API REST URL in the same way of cURL. Or just call directly (using cURL on command step or inline-script/script steps).
I leave this job definition example (with the HTTP Workflow Step plugin way) that uses the httpbin testing service:
<plugins />
<sequence keepgoing='false' strategy='node-first'>
<step-plugin type='edu.ohio.ais.rundeck.HttpWorkflowStepPlugin'>
<entry key='authentication' value='None' />
<entry key='checkResponseCode' value='false' />
<entry key='method' value='POST' />
<entry key='printResponse' value='true' />
<entry key='printResponseToFile' value='false' />
<entry key='proxySettings' value='false' />
<entry key='remoteUrl' value='' />
<entry key='sslVerify' value='false' />
<entry key='timeout' value='30000' />
Here the same thing but using script step:
<plugins />
<sequence keepgoing='false' strategy='node-first'>
<script><![CDATA[curl -s -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json"]]></script>
<scriptargs />
And here the result.


windows container open ppt failed

use odt to install office365 in container.
then use this command to open ppt with no response(open function not return)
$Powerpoint = New-Object -ComObject powerpoint.application
$ppt = $"c:\2.pptx", $TRUE, $FALSE)
RUN mkdir c:\\install
COPY .\\office2019 c:\\install\\office2019\\
WORKDIR c:\\install\\office2019
RUN mkdir C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\config\\systemprofile\\Desktop
RUN mkdir C:\\Windows\\system32\\config\\systemprofile\\Desktop
RUN C:\\install\\office2019\\setup.exe /configure C:\\install\\office2019\\config.xml
<Logging Level ="Standard" Path ="c:\\install\\logs" Template ="RI-O365NEW.log.txt"/>
<Add OfficeClientEdition="32">
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Excel" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Groove" />
<ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive" />
<ExcludeApp ID="OneNote" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Outlook" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Publisher" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Word" />
<!-- <RemoveMSI All="True" /> -->
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
<!-- <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /> -->
some test:
1.ppt delete object action is work
enter image description here
2.use is work
3.use office 2019, install failed
how to make it to work with and object action?
or how to get the error?

Passing a bearer token in a 'Web Test' without Visual Studio?

I want to import a ".webtest" in Azure's Application Insights availability feature. I dont have a test edition of Visual Studio, but this MSDN article suggests using Fiddler as another option to creating web tests.
I need to perform 2 requests on a REST API:
Request a bearer token from the connect/token endpoint.
Perform a GET at api/resources with the bearer token (retrieved from the above request) in the header.
It's a typical client credentials OAuth 2 flow.
I cannot seem to figure out how to do this with Fiddler. Basically I need to extract a value from the response body of request 1 and use it as the header value in request 2.
This is what the web test looks like without passing the token:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TestCase Name="FiddlerGeneratedWebTest" Id="" Owner="" Description="" Priority="0" Enabled="True" CssProjectStructure="" CssIteration="" DeploymentItemsEditable="" CredentialUserName="" CredentialPassword="" PreAuthenticate="True" Proxy="" RequestCallbackClass="" TestCaseCallbackClass="">
<Request Method="POST" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="8" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<Header Name="Content-Type" Value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" />
<FormPostHttpBody ContentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<FormPostParameter Name="client_id" Value="myclientid" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="client_secret" Value="password123" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="grant_type" Value="client_credentials" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="scope" Value="myscopes" UrlEncode="True" />
<Request Method="GET" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="0" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<Header Name="Authorization" Value="Bearer {{token}}" />
Assuming this comes back as the following example you can use a regex extraction to get it.
{"token_type":"Bearer","scope":"user_impersonation","expires_in":"3600 ... "access_token":"{{TOKEN}}", ...}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TestCase Name="FiddlerGeneratedWebTest" Id="" Owner="" Description="" Priority="0" Enabled="True" CssProjectStructure="" CssIteration="" DeploymentItemsEditable="" CredentialUserName="" CredentialPassword="" PreAuthenticate="True" Proxy="" RequestCallbackClass="" TestCaseCallbackClass="">
<Request Method="POST" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="8" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<ExtractionRule Classname="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules.ExtractRegularExpression, Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" VariableName="token" DisplayName="Extract Regular Expression" Description="Extract text from the response matching a regular expression and place it into the test context.">
<RuleParameter Name="RegularExpression" Value=".*"access_token":"([^"]*)".*" />
<RuleParameter Name="IgnoreCase" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Required" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Index" Value="0" />
<RuleParameter Name="HtmlDecode" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="UseGroups" Value="True" />
<Header Name="Content-Type" Value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" />
<FormPostHttpBody ContentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<FormPostParameter Name="client_id" Value="myclientid" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="client_secret" Value="password123" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="grant_type" Value="client_credentials" UrlEncode="True" />
<FormPostParameter Name="scope" Value="myscopes" UrlEncode="True" />
<Request Method="GET" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="0" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8">
<Header Name="Authorization" Value="Bearer {{token}}" />
To compliment James Davis's answer, if you need to login to by posting the JSON:
user: 'youruser',
password: 'yourpassword'
first base64 encode the json:
> echo "{user: 'youruser', password: 'yourpassword'}" | base64
Then pass this base64 value in a StringHttpBody tag
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebTest Name="login-healthcheck" Id="e91b6e1d-3fa0-475f-a18b-b694b463589c" Owner="" Priority="0" Enabled="True" CssProjectStructure="" CssIteration="" Timeout="0" WorkItemIds="" xmlns="" Description="" CredentialUserName="" CredentialPassword="" PreAuthenticate="True" Proxy="default" StopOnError="False" RecordedResultFile="" ResultsLocale="">
<Request Method="POST" Guid="ef9d1d00-5663-476a-a3cb-ccf49c4d2229" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="8" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8" ExpectedHttpStatusCode="0" ExpectedResponseUrl="" ReportingName="" IgnoreHttpStatusCode="False">
<Header Name="Content-Type" Value="application/json" />
<ExtractionRule Classname="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules.ExtractRegularExpression, Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" VariableName="token" DisplayName="Extract Regular Expression" Description="Extract text from the response matching a regular expression and place it into the test context.">
<RuleParameter Name="RegularExpression" Value=".*"access_token":"([^"]*)".*" />
<RuleParameter Name="IgnoreCase" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Required" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="Index" Value="0" />
<RuleParameter Name="HtmlDecode" Value="True" />
<RuleParameter Name="UseGroups" Value="True" />
<StringHttpBody ContentType="application/json" InsertByteOrderMark="False">e3VzZXI6ICd5b3VydXNlcicsIHBhc3N3b3JkOiAneW91cnBhc3N3b3JkJ30K</StringHttpBody>
<Request Method="GET" Guid="d566422f-af74-47bf-90aa-0c66db6ef567" Version="1.1" Url="" ThinkTime="0" Timeout="60" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8" ExpectedHttpStatusCode="0" ExpectedResponseUrl="" ReportingName="" IgnoreHttpStatusCode="False">
<Header Name="Authorization" Value="Bearer {{token}}" />
Worked for me on Azure Application Insights Availability checking

Freeswitch: mod_xml_curl and call groups

I am currently switching from static configs to using mod_xml_curl and have encountered a problem with setting up call groups.
Inside my dialplan (served dynamically, working as expected) I am bridging to a group:
<action application="bridge" data="${group_call(}"/>
Freeswitch is making a request with section=directory&action=group_call to the web server, to which I respond with a chunk of the directory containing the group and all relevant users:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="directory">
<domain name="">
<param name="dial-string" value="{presence_id=${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain})}" />
<variable name="user_context" value="" />
<group name="call-group">
<user id="john" number-alias="1000">
<param name="password" value="1234" />
<param name="vm-password" value="1000" />
<variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,international,local" />
<variable name="accountcode" value="1000" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_name" value="John at" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_number" value="1234567" />
<user id="lucy" number-alias="1001">
<param name="password" value="1234" />
<param name="vm-password" value="1000" />
<variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,international,local" />
<variable name="accountcode" value="1001" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_name" value="Lucy" />
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_number" value="12345678" />
However, group_call() seems to fail and in the logs I get ``:
2016-02-24 10:42:14.249534 [DEBUG] mod_dptools.c:1498 SET sofia/internal/ [call_timeout]=[15]
2016-02-24 10:42:14.529107 [CONSOLE] mod_xml_curl.c:323 XML response is in /tmp/2f772a8a-4c3a-46f2-834f-b9ba2c735feb.tmp.xml
EXECUTE sofia/internal/ bridge(error/NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION)
Perhaps anyone has experience setting up group calls with mod_xml_curl and could explain what exactly Freeswitch is expecting in the response?
After a little gnashing of teeth, I got this working. The clue was here underneath the group_call description:
Please note: If you need to have outgoing user variables set in leg B,
make sure you don't have dial-string and group-dial-string in your
domain or dialed group variables list; instead set dial-string or
group-dial-string in the default group of the user. This way
group_call will return user/101 and user/ would set all your user
variables to the leg B channel.
So, when you receive an action of type group_call, move the dial-string param to the group level, so instead of
<domain name="">
<param name="dial-string" value="{presence_id=${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain})}" />
<variable name="user_context" value="" />
<group name="call-group">
<user id="john" number-alias="1000">
send this
<domain name="">
<variable name="user_context" value="" />
<group name="call-group">
<param name="dial-string" value="{presence_id=${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}#${dialed_domain})}" />
<user id="john" number-alias="1000">
After I made that change, everything was hunky dory. Cheers!
It's related to your dialplan.It's not generated perfectly. just check the context in the dialplan.

Spring Integration: How to get value from util:map into SI's Router

My configuration is like below:
I am using SpEL inside router to get values from map.
<util:map id="routeConfig">
<entry key="Default" value="not configured" />
<entry key="GB22XXX" value="LON" />
<entry key="AEADXXX" value="ME" />
<entry key="HBXXXX" value="ME" />
<entry key="EBHBXBAO" value="ME" />
<router input-channel="InputRoutingChannel" default-output-channel="testOutputChannel" expression="#routeConfig.get('payload.getMsgHeader().getSourceSystem().substring(4, 12)')">
<mapping value="LON" channel="MarshallerOutputChannel_lonme" />
<mapping value="ME" channel="MarshallerOutputChannel_me" />
Your issue is here:
expression="#routeConfig.get('payload.getMsgHeader().getSourceSystem().substring(4, 12)')
Since you get deal with runtime Message you really don't need to wrap to the literal. Hence an answer to you is:
expression="#routeConfig.get(payload.msgHeader.sourceSystem.substring(4, 12))

getting error in sonar task while executing build.xml

I have configured sonar in my build xml as shown below but upon execution of my build.xml i am getting the error below..can u plas advise how to overcome from this error
target name="sonar">
<echo message="**** thirdparty.lib.dir -- > ${thirdparty.lib.dir}/sonar ****"/>
<sonar:sonar workDir="${build.dir}" key="gtr_61.all.rules:dev" version="1.0" xmlns:sonar="antlib:org.sonar.ant">
<!-- source directories (required) -->
<path location="${pps.dir}/src" />
<path location="${pn.dir}/src" />
<property key="" value="https://abc/" />
<property key="sonar.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:abc" />
<property key="sonar.jdbc.driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />
<property key="sonar.jdbc.username" value="=AAA" />
<property key="sonar.jdbc.password" value="BBB" />
<property name="sonar.scm.url" value="https://svn.ats" />
<property name="" value="1.5" />
<property name="sonar.language" value="java"/>
<property name="sonar.projectVersion" value="1.0"/>
<tstamp prefix="build-info">
<format property="current-date" pattern="dd-MMM-yyyy" locale="en" />
<format property="current-time" pattern="HH:mm:ss z" locale="en" />
<format property="year-month-day" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" locale="en" />
<!-- cobertura -->
<property key="sonar.cobertura.reportPath" value="cobertura-report/coverage.xml" />
<property key="sonar.dynamicAnalysis" value="reuseReports" />
<!-- binaries directories, which contain for example the compiled Java bytecode (optional) -->
<path location="${ps.dir}/build/classes" />
<path location="${omm.dir}/build/classes" />
<!-- path to libraries (optional). These libraries are for example used by the Java Findbugs plugin -->
<path location="${lib.dir}" />
<property key="sonar.profile" value="abc Rule" />
<!--property key="sonar.profile" value="Custom Rules" -->
the error i am getting is ..
[06:56:15]**** thirdparty.lib.dir -- > /opt/app//buildAgent-8.0.3/work/pla/lib/thirdparty/sonar ****
[06:56:15]property doesn't support the "name" attribute
If my feeling is correct you're using a very old version of the SonarQube Ant task. Here is the way to configure this SonarQube Ant task:
Here is a latest documentation on the new syntax:
