I'm loading my images from a blob and I would like to load only the first page. I know this is possible with the [0] syntax when it is in a file but is there a way to do that without writing my image to the disk? Thanks
Try this....
with Image(blob=my_image_blob, format="PDF[0]") as img:
Where "PDF[0]" is replaced with the correct decoder. Like "PS[0]", "GIF[0]". or 'TIFF[0]" as examples.
Using BIRT. Added Image in a Grid. Unable to put label and data fields over image in certain region. Please advise if you achieved it.
I think all you can do is use the image as background-url. AFAIK this only works for images that actually come from an URL, but not for images that come from e.g. a database BLOB (but you might download the BLOB to a temporary file and use the file name as URL).
I'm trying to use Laravel Excel (maatwebsite) to build a simple function to upload an Excel file and convert it to pdf straight away.
I'm looking for something like that (conceptual obviously) :
$file = $request->file('my_excel');
$excel_object = Excel::import($file);
Can anyone please explain how to achieve or point me to a relevant example ?
thanks a lot
The easiest way would be to use a package like "Html2Pdf". You should make a blade file with your data, render it to HTML and convert it to pdf.
I'm testing this code and it seems to work, but it doesn't show an image but the code of the image.
I'm trying changing headers params with no luck, any idea?
really basic fault :)
You must put header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); at the very top of the file.
I'm gonna visualize on a WebView an external HTML page.. that I cannot modify.
Is there the possibility to insert in the HTML code "viewport" metadata before loading the request on the web view? I'd like to scale the page correctly in the UiWebview.
Thank you all.
I did not quite clearly understood your question..but guess you are trying to append meta viewport tag without modifying the actual html...if yes, you can do it using external Javascript...
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( ... );
Make DOM element like so:
What I'm trying to do is this: I have a string with the full path to the image. I tried to add an external image to my report and set the image source to my string. but every time I load the report, it doesn't load the image. How do I do this, or is there a better way of doing this?
Thank you
For an External image, the image source needs to be a URL for the image. Reporting Services will try to get the image using anonymous access.
Ok, I got it figured out. What I did was in the image properties, in the General Tab, I selected the image source as External, I then created a report parameter Called "#ImageURL", and selected it in the "Use this image:".
On the form I added this line of code:
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(New Parameter("ImageURL", string.concat("file:\","C:\ImagesFolder\ImageName.jpg")))
this brings up the image correctly.