Query specific value in array from a metadata entity in Dynamics 365 - dynamics-crm

I'm trying to avoid iterating through this array, but I imagine that is the only way to handle this. Just seeing if there is a way to directly query this value in the array from the Web API URI.
This is the URI example:
And this is an example of the response:
"#odata.context": "https://example.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/$metadata#GlobalOptionSetDefinitions/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OptionSetMetadata/$entity",
"MetadataId": "f4a9de67-1d00-ea11-a811-000d3a33f702",
"Options": [
"Value": 799680006,
"Color": "#0000ff",
"IsManaged": false,
"ExternalValue": "",
"ParentValues": [],
"MetadataId": null,
"HasChanged": null,
"Label": {
"LocalizedLabels": [
"Label": "ABC123",
"LanguageCode": 1033,
"IsManaged": false,
"MetadataId": "b4eb2c69-b500-ea11-a811-000d3a33fe19",
"HasChanged": null
"UserLocalizedLabel": {
"Label": "ABC123",
"LanguageCode": 1033,
"IsManaged": false,
"MetadataId": "b4eb2c69-b500-ea11-a811-000d3a33fe19",
"HasChanged": null
Basically, I have the "Value": 799680006 which is what I want to somehow add to the URI query parameters, so that I can ultimately get "Label": "ABC123".
Any suggestions or is iterating through the array of objects with if Value = x really the only option?

Let me clarify two things:
Querying metadata like you are using GlobalOptionSetDefinitions to get all the localized labels if you have multiple language packs or for verifying customizations or for Devops deployment purpose is one thing
Getting the label for the selected picklist value in one of the transaction database record is another purpose
If you simply need for second purpose, you can get it by selecting the Formatted value, after adding a header in web api request. Read more in my SO answer
Another way to inspect the label is using stringmap entity.
https://crmdev.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/stringmaps?$filter=objecttypecode eq 'account' and attributename eq 'accountclassificationcode' and attributevalue eq 1


Is there an API that shows the user task histroy on the Camunda side?

I have a Camunda flow, there are 2-3 user tasks in this flow. I want to see their history after completing these tasks. There are a couple of methods, but I just want to get both the label and the entered value with rest-api.
I can't get them directly with rest-api.
The following method returns variables with the processInstanceId.
List<HistoricVariableInstance> instances = historyService.createHistoricVariableInstanceQuery()
but I need to call another rest-api to get the labels. GET /process-definition/{id}/xml with this api.
Other topics have been opened for this, but it does not meet exactly what I want.
similar question
I think you are right, you need 2 steps. I would combine the following requests:
First get all User Tasks:
GET /history/task -see API Reference
From its result Array you need the id and the name (which is the label):
Now you can get the variables for each UserTask, like
GET /history/variable-instance?taskIdIn=YourTaskId see API Reference
returns the name (label) and the value of the process variables
"id": "someId",
"name": "someVariable",
"type": "Integer",
"variableType": "integer",
"value": 5,
"valueInfo": {},
"processDefinitionKey": "aProcessDefinitionKey",
"processDefinitionId": "aProcessDefinitionId",
"processInstanceId": "aProcInstId",
"executionId": "aExecutionId",
"activityInstanceId": "aActivityInstId",
"caseDefinitionKey": null,
"caseDefinitionId": null,
"caseInstanceId": null,
"caseExecutionId": null,
"taskId": null,
"tenantId": null,
"errorMessage": null,
"state": "CREATED",
"removalTime": "2018-02-10T14:33:19.000+0200",
"rootProcessInstanceId": "aRootProcessInstanceId"

Get the list of action items from Google Drive API

Hi, everyone.
I have been trying to use Google Drive API for getting a list with the action items assigned in all files (docs or spreadsheets) in my company's domain using Spring Boot and the google-api-services-drive, but I have faced some issues:
Looks like there is nothing about action items on the API.
Comments are the closest I could get, but they don't include action item information. They only have the emails of people who were mentioned.
Documentation looks broad and not precise. For instance, here they say files resources include an indexableText property, but it is not present on the response.
As explained in Term for followup, looking for actionitems you can apply a query for getting the files with action items. Why is the fullText field not available in the response, or some other equivalent attribute to see the actual content and use it as a workaround to get the action items?
I just need to know who was assigned to the action item from the comment.
Any ideas?
Retrieve the action items with Comments: list specifying fields as comments/replies/action
I agree with you that it is not straightfoward, but there is a way to retrieve the full comment content including action items.
Use Files:list specifying q as fullText contains 'followup:actionitems', just as in the post you mentioned
For each of the retrieve items, use the fileId for the method Comments: list
For better understadning specify first the fields for Comments:list as * - this will return you the complete reponse looking as following:
"kind": "drive#commentList",
"comments": [
"kind": "drive#comment",
"id": "AAAAGlyxwAg",
"createdTime": "2020-06-08T09:04:34.907Z",
"modifiedTime": "2020-06-08T09:05:07.279Z",
"author": {
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "XXX",
"photoLink": "//ssl.gstatic.com/s2/profiles/images/silhouette96.png",
"me": true
"htmlContent": "+\u003ca href=\"mailto:YYY#YYY.com\" data-rawHref=\"mailto:YYY#YYY.com\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eYYY#YYY.com\u003c/a\u003e Could you please check the spelling?",
"content": "+YYY#YYY.com Could you please check the spelling?",
"deleted": false,
"resolved": true,
"quotedFileContent": {
"mimeType": "text/html",
"value": "Hello"
"anchor": "kix.94ksxclyqix",
"replies": [
"kind": "drive#reply",
"id": "AAAAGlyxwAo",
"createdTime": "2020-06-08T09:05:02.999Z",
"modifiedTime": "2020-06-08T09:05:02.999Z",
"author": {
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "YYY",
"photoLink": "//ssl.gstatic.com/s2/profiles/images/silhouette96.png",
"me": false
"htmlContent": "Will do!",
"content": "Will do!",
"deleted": false
"kind": "drive#reply",
"id": "AAAAGlyxwAs",
"createdTime": "2020-06-08T09:05:07.279Z",
"modifiedTime": "2020-06-08T09:05:07.279Z",
"author": {
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "YYY",
"photoLink": "//ssl.gstatic.com/s2/profiles/images/silhouette96.png",
"me": false
"deleted": false,
"action": "resolve"
This response contains the following information:
The quoted file content (the text to which the comment refers)
The content of the initial comment and the replies
The user to whom the comment was assigned
The reply of the user including his user name
And finally, the action taked by the user
Now, if you are not interested in all fields but only in the action, you can see that action is a resources nested in comments/replies
To query for action, replace the * in fields with comments/replies/action
as for your question about indexableText, the documentation specifies that it is a property of contentHints and
Additional information about the content of the file.
These fields are never populated in responses.
A way to make indexableText "useful" is e.g. apply it in queries like
Files:list with q : fullText contains 'indexableText'
The good new are that if you not happy with the way how actions are retrieved now and can think of a better method to implement it, you can file a Feature request on Google's Public Issue Tracker. If enough users show interest in the feature, Google might implement it in the future.

Problem creating "Global-OptionSet" attribute using CRM Dynamics WebApi

I'm trying to create a "Global OptionSet"-attribute (sd_MyAttribute) for an existing entity (entity ID = 70816501-edb9-4740-a16c-6a5efbc05d84) via Dynamics CRM WebAPI.
The JSON I send is this using method "POST":
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.PicklistAttributeMetadata",
"OptionSet": {
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.OptionSetMetadata",
"IsGlobal": true,
"Name": "sd_MyPickList",
"OptionSetType": "Picklist",
"MetadataId": "a50cfc0a-e206-ea11-a811-000d3ab82e70"
"AttributeType": "Picklist",
"SchemaName": "sd_MyAttribute",
"Description": {
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
"LocalizedLabels": [
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
"Label": "This is the attribute I want to create.",
"LanguageCode": 1033
"DisplayName": {
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.Label",
"LocalizedLabels": [
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LocalizedLabel",
"Label": "This is the attribute I want to create.",
"LanguageCode": 1033
"RequiredLevel": {
"Value": "None",
"CanBeChanged": true
I expected to get a status 204 response, indicating that a new Picklist attribute on the entity using the sd_MyPickList option set has been created.
Unfortunately, the response is:
"error": {
"code": "0x80048403",
"message": "Only Local option set can be created through the attribute create. IsGlobal flag must be set to 'false'.",
"innererror": {
"message": "Only Local option set can be created through the attribute create. IsGlobal flag must be set to 'false'.",
"type": "Microsoft.Crm.CrmException",
"stacktrace": " ...)"
There is already an issue in the github project (see https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/dynamics-365-customer-engagement/issues/601), but I wonder whether there is a way around this problem - what json do I need to send to create an attribute adressing a global option set? Is there someone who has successfully created such an entity attribute via web-api?
There is a usecase, I don't have the ability to use an existing library for that and importing a solution is not an option in my case.
Would be perfect if someone can provide a simple json that can be send e.g. using the Contact entity and any global optionset.
Finally, I found a way to accomplish what I need. To specify the global option set I need to use the "#odata.bind" action in the JSON data. For an attribute "sd_MyAttribute" that uses the global OptionSet with the MetaDataId "62654906-7A0b-ea11-a817-000d3ab826fd", I need to do POST:
"#odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.PicklistAttributeMetadata",
"GlobalOptionSet#odata.bind": "/GlobalOptionSetDefinitions(62654906-7A0b-ea11-a817-000d3ab826fd)",
"AttributeType": "Picklist",
"SchemaName": "sd_MyAttribute",
"Description": { ... },
"DisplayName": { ... },
"RequiredLevel": { ... }
If the entity does have the MetaDataId "70916b01-edb2-4840-a16b-6a2efbc75d84", the URI for the POST would be "/api/data/v9.0/EntityDefinitions(70916b01-edb2-4840-a16b-6a2efbc75d84)/Attributes" (logical- or schema-names are not supported).
Hope my question and answer does help someone who gets the same error message.

How to read value from JSON object?

I'm trying to read individual value from be json array object to display in the page. I have tried with below code but couldn't make it. Please advise what am i doing wrong here.
Apperciate your help.
You can get the length of a JavaScript array via its property length. To access the array Reference in your object, you can use dot notation.
In combination, the following should do what you expect:
var obj = {
"Reference": [
"name": "xxxxxxxx",
"typeReference": {
"articulation": 0,
"locked": false,
"createdBy": {
"userName": "System",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"userName": "System",
"lastModified": 1391084398660,
"createdOn": 1391084398647,
"isSystem": true
In case you are actually dealing with a JSON string, not a JavaScript object, you will need to parse it first via JSON.parse().
You get the length of an array by simply access the length attribute.
For example [0,1,2,3].length === 4.
If you just want to loop through the array, use forEach or map instead of a for loop. It's safer, cleaner, less hassle and you don't meed to know the length.
[0,1,2,3].forEach(num => console.log(num))

Which is the better design for this API response

I'm trying to decide upon the best format of response for my API. I need to return a reports response which provides information on the report itself and the fields contained on it. Fields can be of differing types, so there can be: SelectList; TextArea; Location etc..
They each use different properties, so "SelectList" might use "Value" to store its string value and "Location" might use "ChildItems" to hold "Longitude" "Latitude" etc.
Here's what I mean:
"ReportList": [
"Fields": [
"Id": {},
"Label": "",
"Value": "",
"FieldType": "",
"FieldBankFieldId": {},
"ChildItems": [
"Item": "",
"Value": ""
The problem with this is I'm expecting the users to know when a value is supposed to be null. So I'm expecting a person looking to extract the value from "Location" to extract it from "ChildItems" and not "Value". The benefit to this however, is it's much easier to query for things than the alternative which is the following:
"ReportList": [
"Fields": [
"SelectList": [
"Id": {},
"Label": "",
"Value": "",
"Location": [
"Id": {},
"Label": "",
"Latitude": "",
"Longitude": "",
"etc": "",
So this one is a reports list that contains a list of fields which on it contains a list of fieldtype for every fieldtype I have (15 or something like that). This is opposed to just having a list of reports which has a list of fields with a "fieldtype" enum which I think is fairly easy to manipulate.
So the Question: Which format is best for a response? Any alternatives and comments appreciated.
To query all fields by fieldtype in a report and get values with the first way it would go something like this:
foreach(field in fields)
case FieldType.Location :
var locationValue = field.childitems;
case FieldType.SelectList:
var valueselectlist = field.Value;
The second one would be like:
foreach(field in fields)
foreach(location in field.Locations)
var latitude = location.Latitude;
foreach(selectList in field.SelectLists)
var value= selectList.Value;
I think the right answer is the first one. With the switch statement. It makes it easier to query on for things like: Get me the value of the field with the id of this guid. It just means putting it through a big switch statement.
I went with the first one because It's easier to query for the most common use case. I'll expect the client code to put it into their own schema if they want to change it.
