Search Records from zoho creator based on multiselect dropdown in deluge - zoho

I have two forms "candidates" and "companies" have both having multi-select dropdown "skills_set" . I want to search the records from the "skills_set" of company and filter records of candidates based on "" using deluge in Zoho creator. Let me know if anyone can help. Here is what I Tried. Java, Php is skillset example but this things not work.
responseget = zoho.creator.getRecords("zoomtargen","recruitment-management","All_Candidates","Skills_Set==\"Java,PHP\"");

If you're coding this inside zoho creator, you could do something like this, consider this for the candidates module:
responseget = candidates[Skills_Set = {"Java", "PHP"}];

For Internal Integration have some limitation.
Instead of that you can used external API V2. It allowed to much filter.


Include Order information in MailChimp Campaign?

We already have our customer's Order Information in MailChimp. It shows on the "E-Commerce" tab of each Contact in the List.
Is it possible to send out a campaign in MailChimp that includes this information?
For example, the customer's most recent Order Number?
Unfortunately, they don't yet have pre-built tool capable of pulling customer/order attributes into a Campaign's content, and at least currently adding any data like this you'd like to dynamically populate in Campaign would require adding any data directly to the list fields and using their merge tags.
They do offer Product centric dynamic content options, if that'd be in any way helpful.
Use Product Recommendation Content Blocks:
Merge tags for products:
You can optionally store merge fields associated with each list recipient:
You could create a custom merge field for "MOSTRECENTORDER" for each customer, and then reference it within templates using |MOSTRECENTORDER|

How implement join queries in javascript?

I am new on parse server ( ). I have two classes "students_records" and "students_fee". I am storing fee records in class "students_fee" with objectId of "students_records" in column "student_id". Now I want to collect records from both classes by one query similar to join query we do in mysql with base on column 'fee_year' in class "students_fee". for example get all students who have 'fee_year'=2016 and 'student_id'=objectId of "students_records", this is link of guide I am currently getting help, but i can't find such thing. Can anyone tell me how to do that?
Since parse use MongoDB (NoSQL) behind the scenes there is no real "join". What you can do is to create a array relationship from students to records and then use include in your query in order to include all the records under a student.
You can read more about it here.
I recommend you to use Parse SDK's here in order to keep it simple.
the Parse SDK is available for all the popular programming languages (e.g. iOS, Android, PHP, JavaScript and more)

Overview of all fluidcontent FCEs

For complex TYPO3 project using fluidcontent I'm looking for a tool, which show me the followering informations:
which FCE exists
how often and on what pages are they in use
which partials are used
which flux form fields are used (with name and type)
diposit some meta informations, e.g. tags, description ...
How would be the smartest way to implement this library in a typo3 project?
My idea is, to develop an extension which read the fluidcontent templates and show the informations in a frontend plugin with examples. But i have no idea to read out the information like "used partials" or "used flux form fields".
Any ideas?
FCE's are just cType elements in the tt_content table. you can write a simple query to count the different cTypes, thus gives you a list with all the used FCE's on your site. you can know on witch page they are used because every tt_content entry has a pageUId
for the flux fields. you will have to create a function that fetch all content elements that uses flux and then parse all the flexform fields. note that flux can also store data in other fields then flexform xml.
you can create a basic extbase plugin for this to show it in the front or backend

Generate dynamic form and store the data in Laravel

For a part of my next project I'm looking for the following information.
I'm trying to make an application for something like scouts, all the supervisors will have a user account on the application and the supervisors will be able to manage the members of the scouts. I'm looking for a way to let the supervisor decide what information they would like to store about the member. This will then be converted to a form so they can easily add new members.
What is the best way to make a dynamic form and store the data in a database.
Thanks in advance!
Well there are many ways to do that, so I don't know if this is the best with the little information you give us about your "case scenario".
I'll do create this tables:
forms (hold the form basic info and supervisors reference)
forms_fields (with an Elquent relatinship tipy "belongsTo")
Check Laravel documentation on Eloquent here>

Retrieving articles based on custom URL parameters

I'm a beginner using Joomla 1.5. I have a page which shows articles in a blog format. My objective is to show/filter the articles per year (which isn't that many) based on user input. I'm planning to create a module on the right side, showing a dropdown box of the years, and retrieve the results by passing the year parameter as part of the URL
What is the best, simplest way of passing and processing additional parameters to com_content via URL? Can I do so using extensions such as K2 and flexicontent? If not, can someone advise me what code to add and where, in com_content? If I have to extend com_content itself, can someone guide me how to or point some useful articles?
Appreciate the help. Thanks
I don't know if K2 or flexicontent offer this option, but com_content appears NOT to have this feature.
I would just build a module, create a query and use the table jos_content, select only the fields that you need (like title) and check the field created to be in the year you need.
