Generate dynamic form and store the data in Laravel - laravel

For a part of my next project I'm looking for the following information.
I'm trying to make an application for something like scouts, all the supervisors will have a user account on the application and the supervisors will be able to manage the members of the scouts. I'm looking for a way to let the supervisor decide what information they would like to store about the member. This will then be converted to a form so they can easily add new members.
What is the best way to make a dynamic form and store the data in a database.
Thanks in advance!

Well there are many ways to do that, so I don't know if this is the best with the little information you give us about your "case scenario".
I'll do create this tables:
forms (hold the form basic info and supervisors reference)
forms_fields (with an Elquent relatinship tipy "belongsTo")
Check Laravel documentation on Eloquent here>


Laravel keep information about users on multiple sessions

I'm implementing my database. xD
Should I make changes, but I would like any further information about it, by those who are more experienced than me.
1) Should I make sure to keep a tracking for security reasons.
I would like to create a table "access", which contains the following fields.
id, id_user, browser, os, dates, ip.
What should I change, to ensure that each time the user login, is added a new record in this table.
If you have more tips on how to improve this point, I'd be grateful.
2) I would like to do so you can make the user choose whether the session of his choice or whether permanent or not.
I could only find a way to do it, that the session lasting for a certain period of time.
But I would like to implement a graft.
3) Should I implement multiple sessions, I'll explain.
The possibility that every user experience their sessions, such as facebook ago.
You can see how many active sessions exist and on what date.
I thought at a table like this:
id, id_user, queues, browser, os, dates, ip.
What do you think, you can do what?
If yes, what should I change in the structure of laravel to do this?
Thank you in advance who will help me.
I apologize for my English and the long text.
1) You should use also timestamp that logging table. You can use the built in updated_at and created_at timestamps. In your login function simply create a new instance of the model, populate the attributes and save() it.
2) There is a built in remember me behavior that you can use. More details can be found in the Laravel docs
3) Can you explain more of why you would want to implement multiple sessions? Why would this be useful for your application?
I hope my answer helps.

Store Umbraco Member Properties in Separate Table

I want to create a membership based site in Umbraco 7, following the videos and reading through the docs have got me quite far.
My members will have custom properties, firstname, lastname, favourite colours, hats owned etc. I have been adding each of these as custom properties and then assigning them to the tab I want. This works fine and I can then access them from code using:
When I looked in my database I noticed that each of these custom properties is a row in the cmsPropertyData table, linked to the cmsMember table by the nodeId column. Is there a way I can set all of this information to store in it's own table?
Ideally, I want each Member to have a one to many relationship with favourite colours, as well as one to many relationships with other tables; each member might have 100 hats for example. What is the best way for me to set this up? Shall I create custom tables in my Umbraco database for HatsOwned and FavouriteColours, then assign each Member a unique ID so I can set my foreign keys up correctly? That way I would only need to store the Members Unique Id in the cmsPropertyTable. Is there a better way to let Umbraco deal with it? Would I have difficulty retrieving Members using either the Umbraco orm, or EF?
Any help or pointers greatly appreciated!
I would store all data in the PROFILE of the member, in the umbraco membership. E.g. timezone, hair color, ... This makes sense for other developers to find back the data.
For all other data, you have a few options:
If you want to link nodes to members, or nodes to nodes, or... Relations link 2 umbraco entities and can be one way or two way. If you have a color node, you can link all members to this node. Just create a "favoriteColor" relationship on the developer section, linking up nodes to members. Do some programming and you are done. Don't forget that a relation is a database record linking 2 umbraco entities. So think of some caching if you use this in your front end to take off some database load. Read more on the Relationship Api in the umbraco documentation.
It's pretty easy to create new nodes using code to store e.g. comments on an article. Because you are republishing the xml cache every time you create (and publish) a node, don't use content nodes for stroring your data if you have a lot of updates.
External data
It is perfectly legit to store data outside of umbraco. Just create your own tables (or content to any service you created). You could use every ORM you want to, but I would recommend PetaPoco. The reason is obvious. Umbraco uses it also. And it will make you a better Umbraco developer. There is a detailed post on stackoverflow on how to work with external data in umbraco.

Ideas about designing a database based web app

I'm creating a web app for my client as a part of my schools final project.
It's a web app where users fill forms (surveys) and after forms are submitted,
values are saved in the database.
There are three types of users: admins, moderators and viewers. Admin's can see the
overview of filled forms, moderators will fill these forms and they also can make edits
to them and get the overview of the forms they've filled. We haven't discussed about the rights of viewers
at this point.
I'm using CodeIgniter as a framework of my project since it comes pretty handy when it comes to database
manipulation and forms. What would be the best way to implement this kind of situation? There are apprx.
4-5 forms (surveys) each moderator will fill. After they've filled them, they only can make edits to that particular form.
So one user can fill each form only once.
I've designed that each of the forms needs one table. So if there is a form (survey) about IT equipment, I will create
a table for IT equipment. User's id number will be saved in to the last column in the table, usually called "user_ID" where I can
make queries based on users and check if user is already filled the particular form.
What about controllers and models? I've thought I could only make one model for inserting and editing the form.
However, is it pretty much the only way to create a controller or method foreach form since there are different types
of form fields to validate based on the form user is actually filling. I've already created a controller for inserting and updating
the IT equipment form and both of these methods are pretty big when it comes to the amount of code, over 200 lines per method.
So that would be a total amount of 2000 lines of code just for inserting and editing all the forms.
What'd you do and how you'd implement this if dealing with similiar kind of project?
Thanks in advance for all the ideas and point of views!
You should take a look into this:
It's a really good addon for codeigniter, that allows you to data oriented development.

Implementing a mini social graph

I have an application where users of the application can have many contacts ( other users of the application ) related to them. I would like to maintain a relation between a single user and its set of contacts. At any given point of time, I do NOT need to know anything more than the direct set of contacts for a particular user, i.e, contacts of contact of a particular user is not of relevance in this application.
Any suggestion on how to organise this data within the database? Please note that the number of users could go up really high.
Just to add some extra info, the database I am using right now is Mongodb and language being used is Ruby.
The only model right now before thinking of building all these relations is the Users model which stores details of each user registered onto the application. Now as I mentioned above, I need to built the specified relation between the user and its set of contacts. Any help would be highly appreciated.

How to process 1 form across 2 controllers/models in MVC (CFWheels)?

I'm an old CFML developer, new to CF on Wheels and MVC programming in general. I'm picking it up pretty quickly, but one thing that isn't evident to me is how one can offer a form to optionally update multiple db table records (models). I'd specifically like to set up a tabbed form for User info and User Profile info, where the former is required and the latter is not. This data is stored in two different one-to-one tables. What's the setup I need in order to call two "new" or "edit" views, run 2 "create" or "update" procedures, affecting two different tables. Or am I thinking about this all wrong.
Update: Adding some more info on what I'm trying to do. To keep it simple, I'll stick to 2 tabs and 2 tables, though I'm really looking at at least 3 in this instance.
So I've got a Users table and a UserProfiles table, and I've got models named User.cfc and UserProfile.cfc that are related 1-to-1, with UserProfile dependent on User. Pretty standard stuff. For each I've got controllers: Users.cfc and UserProfiles.cfc, each of those containing actions. add, edit, create, update, doing the obvious stuff (add and edit display forms). I have partials that display the add/edit form fields for each, so that's already prepared. Now, I want to create what is effectively a single add/edit form that can update both tables at the same time. The tabs don't really matter; effectively it could all be on one page.
So conceptually I'm doing something like:
<button type="submit" class="btn">#operation#</button>
Do I need to create a separate controller action that basically combines the create and update actions for two different controllers?
Thanks in advance from a pleased and eager CFWheels newbie...
If all of the data is related through hasMany or hasOne associations, I'd recommend looking at nested properties.
If you're a newbie though, you may want to refrain from this until you've got something simpler worked out.
I guess you are talking about two models representing these two tables, possibly associated using hasOne. Models allow you to validate data, this makes controller much simpler. This way you could create two forms under two tabs, and keep record's primary key as hidden field. Controller could run the validation and re-display the forms (partials may help)... Hold on, I am just going through the reference.
I realize this answer is pretty generic, as well as your question. I suggest you to go ahead and try something, see how it works.
After that update your question with code samples and ask if you have some specific problems. For example, validation and displaying errors in CFWheels may be a bit tricky.
