Text fields with different alignment inside one button - go

Is it possible to extend Fyne’s widget button to accept two different text fields with different alignment inside one button?
For example, I want a button to contain:
I tried to add additional Text field to my structure of a button, but it was ignored.
This is how I tried to add second text
func NewBasicIconButton (text, secondText string, icon fyne.Resource, action func()) *BasicButton {
b := &BasicButton{
Text: text,
Alignment: widget.ButtonAlignLeading,
Icon: icon,
IconPlacement: widget.ButtonIconLeadingText,
OnTapped: action,
return b

The Fyne widget.Button doesn't really do that - it provides for 1 text and 1 icon, although they can be aligned separately the icon cannot be string content.
You probably need a custom widget to do that.


Preselecting a NSComboBox Entry

I have a modal window that contains a NSComboBox. "Uses Data Source" is set to turn and the combobox correctly lists the entries. The view controller is the delegate for the data source. When I call the modal window to update an existing object I would like the combobox to display the selected entry if there is one. How do I do this?
I've tried to access the entries in viewWillAppear. I get and error saying there are no entries. The various print statements I have in the code indicate that the values aren't loaded until the drop down arrow is clicked. The two function I'm supplying as the delegate are:
func numberOfItems(in comboBox: NSComboBox) -> Int
func comboBox(_ comboBox: NSComboBox, objectValueForItemAt index: Int) -> Any?
Would it be possible to set the selected entry in the second function above?
As NSComboBox is a subclass of NSTextField you should be able to set its text by setting the stringValue property of your comboBox.
self.comboBox.stringValue = "Hello World"

Add a Clear button functionality in Custom Keyboard using Swift

I use a custom keyboard which contains a delete and a clear button.I can able to delete the letters using this code
let obj = UIInputViewController()
(obj.textDocumentProxy as UIKeyInput).deleteBackward()
Is it any keyword available to clear whole text in a textfield.
NB: I found this link but it is not apt for my requirement
There is no keyword available for deleting the whole text in the textfield through custom keyboard.
To clear all the text that the UITextDocumentProxy object can access in the textfield before the cursor position
if let word:String = self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput
for _: Int in 0 ..< word.characters.count {
To delete the text after cursor position, you have to move the cursor forward to delete it.

How to expand math field in CKEditor

Math formula field is small.
This is default behavior of the Latex plugin. Can the field can be expanded? If yes, then how can I do that?
I have browse to fix this solution but none of them match with what I want. Anyone know how to expand it?
This is the screen shot:
return{title:b.title,minWidth:1000,minHeight:650,contents:[{id:"info",elements:[{id:"equation",type:"textarea",rows:10,label:b.dialogInput, ..
Note: I can expand the dialog display but I cannot expand the textfield formula form. It seem like the variable rows not functioning.
Should I declare the variable rows in other file?
You can edit the code that displays this dialog.
In your ckeditor folder, under the /plugins/mathjax/dialogs/ folder, open the mathjax.js file.
To make the dialog wider change the minWidth attributes. For example, to set the width to 750 pixels:
return {
title: lang.title,
minWidth: 750,
minHeight: 100,
contents: [
To add more lines to the formula textbox, add the rows attribute with the number of lines you want (the rows attribute is not there by default so add it). For example, to make the textbox 10 lines long:
elements: [
id: 'equation',
type: 'textarea',
rows: 10,
label: lang.dialogInput,
Here's a screenshot with the above changes:
Save the file and clear your cache before testing.

Showing full text in Pin's label in xamarin

I want to display text in multiple lines in the pin's label when it is clicked, but when I have a very long text to be displayed in Address it shows me only a part of it and rest of it remains hidden eg: 'Street 12A...'.
How can I make the label to display the whole text on clicking it and if possible then in multiple lines using Xamarin.Forms.Maps.
var pin = new Pin
Type = PinType.Place,
Position = position,
Label = "Label Name",
Address = "some text..........."
You would be to create a custom render for map on each platform to replace the standard iOS pin annotations, Android pin markers, etc...
Xamarin has a full guide for creating custom pin annotations/markers and thus you can create the UI elements you need to display your full text.
Ref: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/custom-renderer/map/

NSTextField in NSTableCellView - end editing on loss of focus

I have a view with a view-based NSTableView (which itself has a cell view with a single text field) and some buttons and textfields outside the tableview. One of the buttons adds an object into the datasource for the tableview, and after inserting the row into the tableview, immediately makes it editable.
If the user enters the text and pressed the return key, I receive the - (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)fieldEditor delegate method fine, and I can run my validation and save the value. But the delegate doesn't get called if the user selects any of the other buttons or textfields outside the tableview.
What's the best way to detect this loss-of-focus on the textfield inside the NSTableCellView, so I can run some of my validation code on the tableview entry?
If I understand you correctly you want a control:textShouldEndEditing: notification to fire in the following situation:
You add a new object to the array controller.
The row in the table representing the object is automatically selected.
YOU programmatically select the text field in the relevant row for editing.
The user immediately (i.e. without making any edits in the text field) gives focus to a control elsewhere in the UI
One approach I've used in the past to get this working is to make an insignificant programmatic change to the field editor associated with the text field, just before the text field becomes available to the user for editing. The snippet below shows how to do this - this is step 2/step 3 in the above scenario:
func tableViewSelectionDidChange(notification: NSNotification) {
if justAddedToArrayController == true {
// This change of selection is occurring because the user has added a new
// object to the array controller, and it has been automatically selected
// in the table view. Now need to give focus to the text field in the
// newly selected row...
// Access the cell
var cell = tableView.viewAtColumn(0,
row: arrayController.selectionIndex,
makeIfNecessary: true) as NSTableCellView
// Make the text field associated with the cell the first responder (i.e.
// give it focus)
// Access, then 'nudge' the field editor - make it think it's already
// been edited so that it'll fire 'should' messages even if the user
// doesn't add anything to the text field
var fe = tableView.window?.fieldEditor(true, forObject: cell.textField!)
