Three.js OrbitControls - change autorotate direction - three.js

I am using the OrbitControls functionality in three.js. I have set autoRotate to true, and while it works, I want to be able to change the direction of the rotation around the y axis.
I have searched for the longest time and I can't find a setting for the auto rotate direction. Can anyone please help?


THREE.js PointerLock rotate Object3D on y-Axis towards the point the PointerLock camera is looking at

I'm trying to rotate an Object3D in the FPV on the y-Axis to follow the mouse movement when walking around. I couldn't find a simple solution yet. Can you help me out? Thanks.

How to change pivot point for rotation on TrackballControls but keep camera.lookAt position same?

I need to be able to change rotation pivot without changing camera lookAt on THREE.TrackballControls no mater what I tried I could not succeed. Please give me a direction to solve this problem. What I am actually trying to achieve is Revit like mouse controls.
I was able to solve this problem by creating 2 3D objects named orbit and target, then add target and camera into orbit as child objects... camera always looks at target.position, mousemove on x axis rotates the orbit object around Z axis (hence target and camera rotates around the orbit) and mousemove on y axis rotates the camera arm (camera.position vector) around cameraSideways direction.

Why can't I set the camera rotation?

I've been struggling with an application where I'm trying to set the camera rotation initially so when the scene is loaded, you'll be looking where we want you to look.
The backstory, I'm creating a panorama viewer where the panorama is applied to a mesh with a sphere geometry.
The problem I'm having is I don't seem to be able to set the camera rotation. I've tried multiple attempts, but none have been working. I attempted setting the camera rotation after creating the camera, and I tried applying the target of my orbitcontrols and setting the object rotation in the orbit controls. I haven't had any luck yet with just setting an initial camera rotation.
I'm really hoping at this point that this is due to something minor that I'm over looking.
Here's a source:
It shows the camera itself AND the orbit controls object. It also shows what their target is I'm setting, and what they really are. So far I haven't been able to get this to accept anything I give it.
THREE.js OrbitControls take over the camera completely, so you should not use that in conjunction with updating camera rotations.
Instead, OrbitControls has methods that help you do this:
orbitControls.rotateLeft( angle );
orbitControls.rotateUp( angle );
In addition, you can move around (it's a THREE.Vector3) and the camera will just look to that direction.

threejs retrieving euler angles from trackball controls?

I am using the three.js trackball controls to rotate around my object. However, when the user is not actively using the trackball, I want the view to slowly just rotate around the vertical axis.
Anyone know how I would do that? I tried just changing camera.rotation.y but it didn't do anything.
The easiest solution is to use OrbitControls instead, and set controls.autoRotate = true.

Getting coordinates of the mouse in relation to 3D space in THREE.js

I have struggled for the past 3 weeks trying to figure this out. If anyone could help me I would appreciate it so much.
I'm developing a game similar to Geometry Wars in where I have a triangle in the middle of the screen which you can move around.
The problem is I need the triangle to rotate and face toward the direction of the mouse curser. I don't need to worry about the z-axis per-say as I always have the camera in a fixed position (z=500) and I am treating the scene as a "2D scene" - all the action occurs on the z=0 plane.
Calculating the angle between the triangle and the mouse is elementary:
targetAngle = Math.atan2(mouseCoord.y-this.position.y, mouseCoord.x-this.position.x)
where this is the mesh.
The problem is that the mouseCoords are in standed Dom window format whilst the position of the triangle is in Three.js format.
Q) How would I convert the mouse coords to represent the coords on the z=0 plane where the triangle is?
I have tryed so many ways including ray intersection but nothing works ;(
Thank you all for your help and thank you so much for an amazing framework!!!!
I don't actually see the problem. use the THREE.vector3 with the z coord in 0. then use something like triangle.rotate(THREE.vector3(targetAngle,0,0) or something
I suspect your intersection isn't working because of a CSS offset by your canvas within the DOM.
If you need the triangle to look at something specific, you should simply be able to use the "lookAt" method of the triangle.
To have it look at the camera for example:
