How to compare 2JTL files - jmeter

In GoCD how we can compare two jtl file to find the average response time difference.
On executing jmeter script through pipeline and on generating the JTL file, want to compare the jtl file from last release and find the average reaponse time differe for each request

You can use this plugin:
It allows to compare 2 jtl/csv files (previous vs last run)
It will provide a CSV file which compares the 2 tests.


How to Generate multiple HTML reports bases on Thread Count in JMETER using "Ultimate Thread Count"?

I have set up multiple thread counts in "Ultimate thread group". After execution in non GUI mode only one csv file and one html report gets generated. Is there any option to generate multiple html reports based on Thread Count.? or can we generate multiple repors from the single csv file?
The command that i used to generate the result csv file and html report is:
jmeter -n -t "path of the filename.jmx" -l "path of the result in csv format" -e -o "path of html report"
enter image description here
I don't know what do you mean by "bases on Thread Count".
JMeter's .jtl result file is normal CSV file and it has the following columns which may be interesting to you:
timeStamp request start time in milliseconds since Unix epoch
grpThreads - the number of active threads in current Thread Group
allThreads - the number of active threads across Thread Groups
If you want to split your .jtl file into several smaller ones you can do this using i.e. Filter Results Tool which provides start-offset and end-offset parameters so you can "cut" the .jtl file into pieces according to your requirements and generate reporting dashboard for each of these "pieces"
Filter Results Tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

How to print timestamp/different name in Jmeter test results csv

I have a performance test plan in Jmeter. As a constant running test plan, I need to generate execution summary in CSV format with a timestamp.
In the View Result Tree, I have provided a csv filename with timestamp variable as '${__time(YYYY-MM-DD-SS,time)}' (Please see image below). But this doesn't work for me as it is not generating any files after the run.
Or is there any way we can generate summary report csv with different name for each run?
It is not recommended to use Listeners for anything but tests development and/or debugging, they don't add any value and consume a lot of resources because all the thread context is being passed to the listener when any Sampler occurs.
So I would recommend:
Removing all listeners from your test plan
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode
If you need to include the timestamp into the .jtl results file you can use Windows date and/or time commands
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l %date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%.csv
You can control what is being stored in the .jtl results file using properties responsible for the Results File Configuration

time filter for jmeter aggregate report and save it again as a jtl

i have a jtl report of my 4 hours load test. I would like to take the results of only 2 hours and save it again as a jtl(not csv, as we can achieve in synthesis report) i Tried using sythesis report ,we get the results of particular time frame but not able to save it as jtl.
Please can anyone help me . I would like to take the results of first 2 hours and save it again as a jtl file.
I have used filterresult jar and used cmd with the mentioned command but as u can see in the screenshot after loading file result is not getting generated in the result folder.
Check out Filter Results Tool plugin, it has --start-offset and --end-offset parameters so you will be able to "cut" your .jtl results file for given timeframe and save it as .jtl without any transformations.
You can install Filter Results Tool using JMeter Plugins Manager
#Shey..Please check the below plugin, It has the GUI and you can filter the results. I hope this is easier than cmd line.

Proper way to save Jmeter Results to csv - how to finalize results file

I do the same scenario that was already described in other topics not at once: I'm trying to save Jmeter results to database from csv file.
I have an Aggregate Report listener that saves results to csv file, and everything is OK here.
I also added TearDown Thread Group to my scenario that gets strings from this csv file (by CSV DataSet config) and processes it to database. This part also works fine with static CSV.
Two problems here:
Aggregate Report listener is added on the top level of scenario. So, it adds all samplers from TearDown group to results file as well. So, it's like a recursion: if I do teardown until end of result file, I'll never reach the end, as every new iteration adds some new rows.
At the moment when CSV dataset config takes csv file, it's still in memory only and not finalized to disk. So, file is just empty. How to tell Jmeter that it should write the content from memory to a file and close input stream?
Any ideas how to solve it?
I know that I can move Listener into threads, but in this case I have to duplicate it for every thread group. It's always better to have one listener in one place as I can potentially change its settings.
Thanks in advance.
There is a JMeter Property defaulting to false
# AutoFlush on each line written in XML or CSV output
# Setting this to true will result in less test results data loss in case of Crash
# but with impact on performances, particularly for intensive tests (low or no pauses)
# Since JMeter 2.10, this is false by default
You can amend its value by setting it to true so JMeter will write down each single line of results into the file and closing the file once done. It can be done in 2 ways:
Permanent: add the following line to file (located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
You will need to restart JMeter to pick the change up
Ad-hoc: pass the property via -J command-line argument
jmeter -n -t .....

Compare results from a previous test in jmeter

I want to run a test every 3 days and compare some of the results with the last test run. What is the best way to achieve this? I have considered writing the results to files and reading the values for comparison in the next test but having difficulty generating unique file names automatically and having the test recognise which one to use in the next test run.
If you are using Jenkins to run your test periodically you can use `Performance Plugin' of jenkins for JMeter to compare the results of every run.
For more details:
You can also use Grafana to compare the results.
For more details:
Blazemeter sense - and you need this plugin to upload the results to Blazemeter sense.
