Compare results from a previous test in jmeter - jmeter

I want to run a test every 3 days and compare some of the results with the last test run. What is the best way to achieve this? I have considered writing the results to files and reading the values for comparison in the next test but having difficulty generating unique file names automatically and having the test recognise which one to use in the next test run.

If you are using Jenkins to run your test periodically you can use `Performance Plugin' of jenkins for JMeter to compare the results of every run.
For more details:
You can also use Grafana to compare the results.
For more details:
Blazemeter sense - and you need this plugin to upload the results to Blazemeter sense.


How to use Filter results tool in Jmeter

I have a question about filter results tool in Jmeter.
I have a loop called "loop controller not for reports", and all I want to do is not to print in reports the values of 3 HTTP that exists in it (see pic). it is useless for me, and just expand the report (10000 records).
I understand that exists plugin that called filter results tool, and I download it via the plugin manager, the problem is that I do not understand how to use it?
1. Shall it be in UI, for example to add it like you add sampler? is it via UI?
2.I run the tests via command line, and get CSV how can I make sure not to display this steps inside the loop? (is it create another CSV? or adjust the existing one?)
3. what is the operation need to perform to use it, step by step explanation will be helpful since on net not found exactly how to use it.
Provided a PIC of the loop with the 3 http requests that I do not want to see in CSV report while I am running via command line.
can someone please clarify how to use this plugin after install it (PIC will be helpful)
test name: loop Junk Jmeter
step name: Loop controller not for reports (include 3 HTTP inside it)
what is the command that I need to write?
Check Filter Results Tool plugin example,
This is an offline process (not UI) that is execute after test is done and jtl results file is create
Than you need to execute command on jtl file as:
jmeter\lib\ext\FilterResults.bat --output-file filteredout.csv --input-file inputfile.jtl
--exclude-labels HTTP1
It will create results in filteredout.csv without HTTP1 request
For excluding HTTP1,HTTP2 and HTTP3:
jmeter\lib\ext\FilterResults.bat --output-file filteredout.csv --input-file inputfile.jtl
--exclude-label-regex true --exclude-labels HTTP[1-3].*

In Summary report csv,how to add Average, Min and Max when running from console

When I run the test in GUI, i see the Average, Min, Max in GUI. But when I run in console, is there a way to add these to the csv file?
These values are being calculated so you will be able to see the values only when you open .jtl results file after test finishes in the listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Report or Summary Report.
If you want to see the interim statistics while your test is being executed you have the following choices:
JMeter Summarizer output. JMeter reports some numbers into stdout while your test is being running
You can get some extended information if you run your JMeter test using Taurus tool as a wrapper
Both console and web interface options are available, in order to see current test execution stats in browser start your test like:
bzt yourtest.jmx -report
And finally you can use Backend Listener to send your results into database, message queue or web service and use custom plotting application to print out either raw or parsed statistics, here you are limited only by your fantasy:
More information:
JMeter: Real Time Results
How to Use Grafana to Monitor JMeter Non-GUI Results
JMeter produces some basic fields/result_field. JMeter doesn't create everything you see in different types of Listeners.
You can give this a try.
Create a plan
Generate atleast 100 samples (As large amount of data is required for some listeners), using a single sampler (request)
Use as many Listeners as you want of different types (say 15 types of listeners)
Run the plan....
Now in the filename field of all the listeners give series of names of files like a1.jtl a2.jtl
and so on....
see the screen shot
enter image description here
Now again run the plan. Go to the files and open them in some good editors like notepad++.
For your surprise you will find the same data in all the files irrespective of the type of listener generating the file.
Crux of the matter is : JMeter gathers only handful of information from the run, the rest information which is shown in different Listeners is COMPUTED by the JMeter.
So you can read the *.jtl file into any of the listener.
In JMeter, the new way since 3.0 to have results is to use the Web report generated at end of test:

How to get a measure of the 'test count' using SonarJS?

Is there a way to get a measure of the number of tests in SonarQube JavaScript project?
We currently only have coverage metrics, and SonarQube even identifies the test files as 'Unit test', but I can't find a measure for test count anywhere.
In contrast, on my Java project I do have a test count measure.
Coverage metrics is provided by SonarJS, while test count is not. You need to use Generic Test Coverage plugin (by providing test execution results in xml format) in order to get it.

How to fail fast only specific rspec test script?

I have a test suite of rspec tests which are divided into different files.
Every file represents one test scenario with some number of test steps.
Now, on some particular tests, it can happen that specific step fails but it is too time consuming and not needed to run rest of the steps in that scenario.
I know there is an option --fail-fast in rspec but if I'm running tests like: rspec spec/* that will mean that when first step fails in any script, it will abort complete execution.
I'm just looking for mechanism to abort execution of that specific test scenario (test script) when failure happens but to continue execution of other test scenarios.
Thanks for the help,
Use the RSpec-instafail gem.
According to its documentation, it:
Show failing specs instantly. Show passing spec as green dots as usual.

Assign another tester in a Test Run in Microsoft Test Manager

I'm testing a Test Case with a few steps in Microsft Test Manager.
When I run this Test Case, I want to execute only a few steps and then assign another tester to this Test Run.
I have three steps. The first two steps are for me to test.
After those two steps, I want to stop testing and assign another tester so that he can test the third step.
But I can't find a way to stop testing, and assign a new user to this Test Case.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
This definitely cannot be done. When you run a Test Case a new Test Run is created and stored in the tfs database. The steps executed for this run and their result, comments, attachments e.t.c. are saved and cannot be edited.
From a test point of view, I think that even if you could do this, you shouldn't. Every test case should be as simple as possible so everyone can execute it. If you really need this, perhaps you should split the test case to two different tests, and the second one will have the first as prerequisite.
