How to use Get Record to lookup a related record on another object when I don't have the schema Entity Name - Just the LogicalName - dynamics-crm

I am building a Power Flow. I am returning an object that has a relationship to another entity.
I want to get some values from the related entity.
I am attemping to use the "Get Record" connector. The returning object returns just the logicalEntityName (in this case "opportunities") but Get Record wants an Entity Name that is the Schema Name ("Working Opportunities").
Big Question: What's the secret to use CDS to get information from a related record in another object?
Little Question: How do I do get the Schema Name?

The logical name will be the same as schema name except some casing difference, ie schema name will have camel casing (first letter of first/second word with capitals, you can notice it clearly in custom entity which will have publisher prefix like new_entityname) and logical name will have pascal casing (all lower case).
You can find the details in XrmToolBox metadata browser or in Solution.
In the below snip, (Logical) Name = Opportunity and Schema Name = Opportunity, also Display Name can be anything and can be changed anytime.
Regarding the related entities, you should use List Records: GetItems_V2 and you can use filter by passing parent record to get related child records. Read more

Could you please share flow screenshot and response to help you with your requirement?
As suggested by Arun you could use List Record and filter query to pass parent record id which will be available from dynamic content.
see below link.
Please mark my answer verified if i were helpful


Microsoft Dynamics API - Getting Fields from Entity with Navigation

I am trying to get the field list from an entity, in example contact, I have successfully done it doing a Request to:
But now I need to get the Navigation Properties defined on this entity, I have found information on how to get Navigation Properties when querying a specific record by id, but in this case I need it when getting the field list.
Thanks in advance for your help
Referring the docs:
You already have the Lookup attributes, AttributeMetadata has everything.
If you want to only read the metadata of lookups, change the type to LookupAttributeMetadata.
To obtain relationships info alongside the columns list then an additional query is required, RelationshipDefinitions:
filter on ReferencedEntity / ReferencingEntity to limit the results
filter on Entity1LogicalName / Entity2LogicalName / IntersectEntityName

Loading records into Dynamics 365 through ADF

I'm using the Dynamics connector in Azure Data Factory.
Does this connector support loading child records which need a parent record key passed in? For example if I want to create a contact and attach it to a parent account, I upsert a record with a null contactid, a valid parentcustomerid GUID and set parentcustomeridtype to 1 (or 2) but I get an error.
Long Story
I'm successfully connecting to Dynamics 365 and extracting data (for example, the lead table) into a SQL Server table
To test that I can transfer data the other way, I am simply loading the data back from the lead table into the lead entity in Dynamics.
I'm getting this error:
Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=DynamicsMissingTargetForMultiTargetLookupField,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=,Source=,''Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Cannot find the target column for multi-target lookup field: 'ownerid'.
As a test I removed ownerid from the list of source columns it loads OK.
This is obviously a foreign key value.
It raises two questions for me:
Specifically with regards to the error message: If I knew which lookup it needed to use, how can I specify which lookup table it should validate against? There's no settings in the ADF connector to allow me to do this.
This is obviously a foreign key value. If I only had the name (or business key) for this row, how can I easily lookup the foreign key value?
How is this normally done through other API's, i.e. the web API?
Is there an XRMToolbox addin that would help clarify?
I've also read some posts that imply that you can send pre-connected data in an XML document so perhaps that would help also.
I realised that the lead.ownertypeid field in my source dataset is NULL (that's what was exported). It's also NULL if I browse it in various Xrmtoolbox tools. I tried hard coding it to systemuser (which is what it actually is in the owner table against the actual owner record) but I still get the same error.
I also notice there's a record with the same PK value in systemuser table
So the same record is in two tables, but how do I tell the dynamics connector which one to use? and why does it even care?
I was getting a similar message for msauto_testdrive for customerid.
I excluded all records with customerid=null, and got the same error.
This link appears to indicate that I need to set customeridtype to 1 (Account) or 2 (Contact). I did so, but still got the same error.
Also I believe I have the same issue as this guy.
Maybe the ADF connector suffers from the same problem.
At the time of writing, #Arun Vinoth was 100% correct. However shortly afterwards there was a documentation update (in response to a GitHub I raised) that explained how to do it.
I'll document how I did it here.
To populate a contact with against a parent account, you need the parent accounts GUID. Then you prepare a dataset like this:
-- a NULL contactid means this is a new record
CAST(NULL as uniqueidentifier) as contactid,
-- the GUID of the parent account
CAST('A7070AE2-D7A6-EA11-A812-000D3A79983B' as uniqueidentifier) parentcustomerid,
-- customer id is an account
'account' [parentcustomerid#EntityReference],
'Joe' as firstname,
'Bloggs' lastname,
Now you can apply the normal automapping approach in ADF.
Now you can select from this dataset and load into contact. You can apply the usual automapping approach, this is: create datasets without schemas. Perform a copy activity without mapping columns
This is the ADF limitation with respect to CDS polymorphic lookups like Customer and Owner. Upvote this ADF idea
Workaround is to use two temporary source lookup fields (owner team and user in case of owner, account and contact in case of customer) and with parallel branch in a MS Flow to solve this issue. Read more, also you can download the Flow sample to use.
First, create two temporary lookup fields on the entity that you wish to import Customer lookup data into it, to both the Account and Contact entities respectively
Within your ADF pipeline flow, you will then need to map the GUID values for your Account and Contact fields to the respective lookup fields created above. The simplest way of doing this is to have two separate columns within your source dataset – one containing Account GUID’s to map and the other, Contact.
Then, finally, you can put together a Microsoft Flow that then performs the appropriate mapping from the temporary fields to the Customer lookup field. First, define the trigger point for when your affected Entity record is created (in this case, Contact) and add on some parallel branches to check for values in either of these two temporary lookup fields
Then, if either of these conditions is hit, set up an Update record task to perform a single field update, as indicated below if the ADF Account Lookup field has data within it

Encounter code 106 error, when parse class column name is changed

During development stage, sometimes I changed the column name of a parse class and my Query.find() is returning the following error
{"code":106,"message":"key objectId not present"}
The parse help says, I am tinkering with the internals of parse. Certainly no.... Is this a known issue? Do i need to clear the session or something like clear the schema cache?
Please help.
Changing a column name in a class on parse server is not (yet) available as of parse server 2.2.9.
I assume you are changing its name directly in the mongoDB so it is clearly tinkering with the internals of parse server.
However you could technically change a column name if you know which data to adapt, e.g. the _SCHEMA collection (only visible in the database, not in the dashboard) has to account for the new name as has the field name of every document in the collection.
The easier way to do it is deleting the column you don't need and creating a new one with the desired name in parse dashboard. And maybe planning a bit further ahead so you don't have to change column names so often ;)

Show Order ID in Dynamics CRM Order Look up instead of Order Name

In Dynamics CRM 2016 (on-prem), I've custom child entity Partiesthat have a look of type order. Currently it is working properly and it is showing order name but I want it to show Order ID.
I tried to resolve by creating my own view, adding order id field only and making it default view for the look up but it don't meet my requirements.
This is controlled by the lookup view for Orders. The first three fields in the lookup view are shown when selecting records from the lookup field.
You cannot change the position of (or remove) the Name field from the lookup view. That still leaves you with two additional fields to be shown, one of which could be the Order ID.
I know no supported ways around this (except creating a workflow to copy the Order ID to the Name field and adding a custom name field instead, if you really insist).
Changing what appears on the form after you make a selection in a lookup field is not possible, unfortunately. The primary attribute is always what gets displayed after a user specifies a lookup value (which, for the Order entity, is the Name attribute). As Henrik's answer mentions, people commonly get around this by copying the value they want to see into the primary attribute using a workflow or a plugin.

How do I use Spring Roo for referenced data

I’m new to Spring Roo and looking to build an application. I need to have combo boxes to select values into string fields – a fairly common requirement. The Spring Roo Pizza example shows this using enumerated data types enum constant, but I require the source values to be editable by an admin (ie in a table) so we can change the values in the future. Further, my preference would be to use a single table to contain all these lists for easier maintenance.
I know the SQL I want to generate the list would be something like:
Select listvals FROM listTable WHERE listtype = “status”;
Then, my dropdown box would show something like: Active, Inactive. The user would select one, and the string “Active” would be stored in the target field.
And in a second example, we might use:
Select listvals FROM listTable WHERE listtype = “State”;
The second dropdown box would show something like: Alaska, California, Florida. The user would select one, and the string “Florida” would be stored in the target field.
My CORE question is how does one achieve this sort of function in Roo?
Using the Pizza Shop quick start as a sandbox I have tried defining the target fields such as:
I changed: field reference --fieldName base --type ~.domain.Base to:
field reference --fieldName base --type ~.domain.Base --referencedColumnName name
Which returned this error:
#JoinColumn name is required if specifying a referencedColumnName
The initial problem is that at this point roo has yet to create the row ID columns for the db, so I don’t know the name of the join column on the Base table. But, if I wait until after I run the script with a 1:M join, the column pizza.base will be defined as an integer, and not the string that I want.
So, I ran the vanilla pizza shop roo script and interrogated the vanilla db. (Does roo generate an SQL script for db creation that I could look at?)
As it turns out, roo names the row id column “id” as a BigInt. (I also note that it doesn't seem to make use of the SEQUENCE feature that postgres recommends for primary indices / row Ids.)
So now I run:
field reference --fieldName base --type ~.domain.Base --referencedColumnName name --joinColumnName id
Roo likes this!
Until I perform tests where it throws out a number of undecipherable errors in the Surefire reports.
I note that solving this problem is only step 1 to meeting my overall requrement described above. Step 2 will be to try to inject some sort of filter or where clause into the reference statement. I suspect that this has to do with the --fetch option (Roo support docs ( - The fetch semantics at a JPA level; no default value)
But, I can’t find an example of this to see if I’m on the right track or to model my ‘fetch semantics’ – whatever those are.
Another possibility might be to use field list to define a class containing my list of dropdown values. This has a similar modifier --fetch, but again I can’t find any examples.
I’d really appreciate some help in answering my CORE question above.
Fetch parameter indicates whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched (
Maybe the error of tests can be because you try to find, create, delete or update elements with related elements that not exists. Check this first of all.
You can see an example of application created with gvNIX (distribution of Spring Roo) that contains relationships between some entities on
