Google formating plugin -Spotless - maven

i have added a plug in like
i want me code to be reformated automatically using this plug in. i have old project where i am trying to use this
but it just list down the violation it does not auto reformat it.
After builing it just faild the build wd violation
i tried updating goals apply
but that is also not working

Try using goal apply within process-classes phase:


Make Maven Spotless plugin format Kotlin source code

How do I get the Spotless Maven plugin to format all Kotlin source files?
Not sure why your current configuration doesn't work, maybe its because the config is inside the execution block? If you move it up one level and then replace the apply with check it will work.
<ktlint />

maven command to execute multiple executions in plugin

I am trying to generate sources from wsdl
This is my plug-in.
When I run mvn compile, only gen1 is generated. I want it to generate both executions. I cannot combine them as they are residing in different wsdl directories and require different packagenames.
I understand that I can split into profiles and run it like mvn compile -Pprofile1,profile2.
But is there an easier way?

How to apply jacoco filter

I have a working jacoco maven plugin and want to exclude
code generated by lombok.
I found option LOMBOK.DATA, though I don't know what to do with it.
Putting it into exclude doesn't affect anything.

Inegration test using maven

I am trying to create something like integration tests - i am using groovy to send requests and to parse answers. I'd also want starting of jboss and deploying of .ear to be automatically. Using cargo plugin i was able to start jboss. By using exec plugin i am trying to execute perl script that puts ear to deploy folder. Next phase - execute groovy tests, but this phase starts without waiting for ear to be deployed. Is it possible to make phase to wait for server to be deployed to jboss? My pom:
<timeout>6000000</timeout> <!--in ms-->
<!-- corresponds to -Djboss.bind.address= under jboss -->
<commandlineArgs>${} -x redeploy</commandlineArgs>
setup and tear down your server before and after integration test phase, something like that:
Rename your unit tests to be skipped by surefire but executed by maven-failsave-plugin to *

Embedded tomcat won't let my selenium/jbehave stories run

I am trying for the embedded tomcat to start before the integration tests (mine use Selenium + JBehave) and stop just afterwards.
Here is how I tried to configure maven:
However, Tomcat starts ok when I run mvn integration-test and it seems it won't let my stories run...
Can anyone help?
I think I found the solution. It works with the following configuration:
Notice the added configuration element which tells tomcat to fork.
