Installing drool package in Azure databricks - azure-databricks

I have started learning Azure DataBricks few days back and was trying to install drools compiler in Azure databricks cluster. Here is the information about my cluster:
Cluster Mode: Standard
Databricks runtime version: 7.2 (includes Apache Spark 3.0.0, Scala 2.12)
The maven package which I am trying to install is "org.drools:drools-compiler:7.42.0.Final" and it fails with error
Library resolution failed. Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: unresolved dependency: xmlpull:xmlpull:1.2.0: not found
unresolved dependency: xpp3:xpp3_min:1.2.0: not found
Even installing (xpp3) or (xmlpull) [ xpp3:xpp3_min:1.2.0 or xmlpull:xmlpull:1.2.0 ] is failing with same error.
Would appreciate any help or pointers on this.Thanks in advance.

When I tried to install via maven coordinates, I have received the same error message. It looks like some issue with the missing of dependencies (there is no artifact called drools-compiler).
Alternate solution which helps to install library:
You can directly download the library from maven repository and upload to the cluster.
Step1: Download the library from the maven repository.
Example: I have download (org.drools:drools-compiler:7.42.0.Final) jar file from the maven repository.
Step2: Select the cluster => Libraries => Install New => Library Type "Jar" => Drop the download Jar here and click Install.


Not able to download maven dependencies in Apache Zeppelin notebook

Receiving the following error on trying to download a maven dependency in Apache Zeppelin notebook-
Error setting properties for interpreter 'spark.spark': Cannot fetch dependencies for org.apache.commons:commons-csv:1.8

Error while executing Simple Spring Boot Application in Spring Tool Suite

I have recently installed Spring Tool Suite 4.0.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 and tried to run hello world spring application but it gives the following compile-time error. I have searched on google a lot but cannot find the relevant info.
"Description Resource Path Location Type
Archive for required library: '/home/anshul/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-test/5.1.2.RELEASE/spring-test-5.1.2.RELEASE.jar' in project 'demo' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file"
It looks like the JAR file in your local Maven repository is corrupted. The easiest way to solve this is to completely wipe out the local Maven repo (delete everything under .m2/repository and kick off an Update Maven Project... in STS. That will trigger Maven to download the dependencies again.

Failed to parse plugin descriptor for Oracle maven sync plugin

I'm following instructions on this page to configure the Oracle Service Bus development Maven plug-in.
I'm able to install the sync plugin but running the command to seed the Oracle Service Bus development Maven plug-in into the Maven repository fails with this error:
Failed to parse plugin descriptor for
0-0 (C:\path\to.m2\repository\com\oracle\maven\oracle-ma
0\oracle-maven-sync-12.1.3-0-0.jar): error in opening zip file.
The jar file may be corrupted? But it came from Oracle's website when I downloaded Weblogic 12.1.3...or can there be another problem?
Got it.
I accidentally downloaded the wrong weblogic installation package: a 200 MB update instead of the full 800 MB one.
What a waste of time... :-)

How to install Spring Roo add-ons while offline

At work, our dev environment is an internal network with no connectivity to the internet.
I'm currently trying to use Spring Roo's database reverse engineer function but can't seem to get the add-on org.springframework.roo.wrapping.mysql-connector-java to install correctly offline. I have tried the following:
Following this link jtds driver addon problem
I used the roobot.xml to find the url for the wrapping.mysql-connector-java and downloaded the jar.
According to Roo docs Roo Docs Packaging & Distribution I used the following command to load the osgi jar.
roo> osgi start --url file:///<path-to-addon-project/target/<addon-bundle-name>.<version>.jar
But that resulted in the following errors:
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.springframework.roo.wrapping.mysql-connector-java[75]: Unable to resolve 75.0: missing requirement [75.0] package; (package=org.slf4j)
We have an internal repo with the slf4j jars but I can't figure out how to configure Roo to point to it.
I copied the ROO_HOME of an installation I did on a home computer with the requested mysql add-on but when I tried running it in my work environment I get multiple:
Auto-deploy install: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Bundle symbolic name and version are not unique:...
Any help would be appreciated, thanks
I would recommend creating a maven repository manager on your dev network and seeding it with all of your dependencies. I was unable to use Spring/Roo offline without it as I kept running into the type of trouble that you are. I used Sonatype Nexus OSS. It was a pain to seed the repository, but it made Roo usable offline. Hope that helps.

eclipse comands.jar 3.3.0 dependency not found

I am trying to build the WSO2 Carbon from source and the artifact for org.apache.axis2:axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin:bundle:1.6.1-wso2v5 fails to build because an eclipse dependency cannot be found: org.eclipse.core:commands:jar:3.3.0
I am trying to solve the issue related to the "bad file descriptor" issue in OpenID as related here Unable to configure WSO2 identity server for openID. The solution recommends a code fix but I am unable to build from source.
Can someone point me to a Maven repo with a clean version of commands.jar 3.3.0?
