Dockerfile with parametrization: fails with XXX - spring-boot

I have the following Dockerfile in a simple Spring Boot app:
FROM maven:3.6-jdk-8-alpine as build
COPY ./pom.xml ./pom.xml
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline -B
# copy your other files
COPY ./src ./src
# build for release
RUN mvn package -DskipTests
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
ARG artifactid
ARG version
ENV artifact ${artifactid}-${version}.jar
COPY --from=build /app/target/${artifact} /app
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c"]
CMD ["java","-jar ${artifact}"]
When I build it with the required arguments:
docker build --build-arg artifactid=spring-demo --build-arg version=0.0.1 -t spring-demo .
it builds with no errors.
When I try to run the image with:
docker container run -it spring-demo
it fails with the following error:
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
(to execute a class)
or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
where options include:
-d32 use a 32-bit data model if available
-d64 use a 64-bit data model if available
-server to select the "server" VM
The default VM is server,
because you are running on a server-class machine.
-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
-classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
A : separated list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files.
set a system property
enable verbose output
-version print product version and exit
Warning: this feature is deprecated and will be removed
in a future release.
require the specified version to run
-showversion print product version and continue
-jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
Warning: this feature is deprecated and will be removed
in a future release.
include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
-? -help print this help message
-X print help on non-standard options
enable assertions with specified granularity
disable assertions with specified granularity
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
show splash screen with specified image
See for more details.
What's wrong with the above settings, please?
The app example code can be found here.

You should delete that ENTRYPOINT line and use the shell form of CMD.
CMD java -jar ${artifact}
The Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT and CMD lines get combined into a single command line. In your Dockerfile, that gets interpreted as
sh -c java '-jar ${artifact}'
But the sh -c option only actually takes the next single word and interprets it as the command to run; so that really gets processed as
sh -c 'java' # '-jar ${artifact}'
ignoring the -jar option.
There are two ways to "spell" CMD (and ENTRYPOINT and RUN). As you've done it with JSON arrays, you specify exactly the "words" that go into the command line, so for example, -jar ${artifact} would be passed as a single argument including the embedded space. If you just pass a command line, Docker will insert a sh -c wrapper for you, and the shell will handle word parsing and variable interpolation. You shouldn't ever need to manually include sh -c in a Dockerfile.

It looks to me that you have an error with the sh -c. The arguments are not read correctly. You could check that if you do a docker inspect on the exited container. In the output search for the "CMD".
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c"]
CMD ["java","-jar ${artifact}"]
If you would like to run it with sh -c, you have to quote the arguments as one like:
CMD ["java -jar ${artifact}"]
Can you give it a try?

ENV variables are only available during the build. To get env variables into the container at runtime, you have to use --env or -e or --env-file. It is best to use --env-file.
See this for same problem answered already: How do I pass environment variables to Docker containers?
Also look at this: Use environment variables in CMD
Here is one possible solution:
Keep your CMD instruction as this:
CMD ["java","-jar ${artifact}"]
Use this docker run command:
docker container run -it -e artifact=spring-demo-0.0.1.jar spring-demo


Run bash then eval command on Docker container startup

I’m setting up a docker container to just be a simple environment for Ocaml, since I don’t wanna have to manage two OPAM tool chains on two computers. (Windows desktop, Linux laptop) My goal is to have the container load in to a bash command prompt on docker-compose run with ocaml ready to go, and to do this I need to enter in to bash and then run eval $(opam env) on startup. This is my current docker file:
FROM ocaml/opam:alpine-3.12
# Create folder and assign owner
USER root
RUN mkdir /code
RUN chown opam:opam /code
USER opam
# Install ocaml
RUN opam init
RUN opam switch create 4.11.1
RUN opam install dune
# bash env
CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]
ENTRYPOINT [ "eval", "\$(opam env)" ]
Building and trying to run this gives me the error:
sh: $(opam env): unknown operand
I tried making a script but that ran into some chmod/permission issues that are probably harder to debug than this. What do I do to open this container in bash and then run the eval $(opam env) command? I don’t want to do this with command line arguments, I’d like to do this all in a dockerfile or docker-compose file
The trick is to use opam exec1 as the entry point, e.g.,
ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "exec", "--"]
Then you can either run directly a command from the installed switch or just start an interactive shell with run -it --rm <cont> sh and you will have the switch fully activated, e.g.,
$ docker run -it --rm binaryanalysisplatform/bap:latest sh
$ which ocaml
As an aside, since we're talking about docker and OCaml, let me share some more tricks. First of all, you can look into our collection of dockerfiles in BAP for some inspiration. And another important trick that I would like to share is using multistage builds to shrink the size of the image, here's an example Dockerfile. In our case, it gives us a reduction from 7.5 Gb to only 750 Mb, while still preserving the ability to run and build OCaml programs.
And another side note :) You also should run your installation in a single RUN entry, otherwise your layers will eventually diverge and you will get weird missing packages errors. Basically, here's the Dockerfile that you're looking for,
FROM ocaml/opam2:alpine
WORKDIR /home/opam
RUN opam switch 4.11.1 \
&& eval "$(opam env)" \
&& opam remote set-url default \
&& opam update \
&& opam install dune \
&& opam clean -acrs
ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "exec", "--"]
1)Or opam config exec, i.e., ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "config", "exec", "--"] for the older versions of opam.
There's no way to tell Docker to do something after the main container process has started, or to send input to the main container process.
What you can do is to write a wrapper script that does some initial setup and then runs whatever the main container process is. Since that eval command will just set environment variables, those will carry through to the main shell.
# Set up the version-manager environment
eval $(opam env)
# Run the main container command
exec "$#"
In the Dockerfile, make this script be the ENTRYPOINT:
COPY /usr/local/bin
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
It also might work to put this setup in a shell dotfile, and run bash -l as the main container command to force it to read dotfiles. However, the $HOME directory isn't usually well-defined in Docker, so you might need to set that variable. If you expand this setup to run a full application, the entrypoint-wrapper approach will will there too, but that sequence probably won't read shell dotfiles at all.
What you show looks like an extremely straightforward installation sequence and I might not change it, but be aware that there are complexities around using version managers in Docker. In particular every Dockerfile RUN command has a new shell environment and the eval command won't "stick". I'd ordinarily suggest picking a specific version of the toolchain and directly installing it, maybe in /usr/local, without a version manager, but that approach will be much more complex than what you have currently. For more mainstream languages you can also usually use e.g. a node:16.13 prebuilt image.
What's with the error you're getting? For ENTRYPOINT and CMD (and also RUN) Docker has two forms. If something is a JSON array then Docker runs the command as a sequence of words, with one word in the array translating to one word in the command, and no additional interpretation or escaping. If it isn't a JSON array – even if it's mostly a JSON array, but has a typo – Docker will interpret it as a shell command and run it with sh -c. Docker applies this rule separately to the ENTRYPOINT and CMD, and then combines them together into a single command.
In particular in your ENTRYPOINT line, RFC 8259 §7 defines the valid character escapes in JSON, so \n is a newline and so on, but \$ is not one of those. That makes the embedded string invalid, and therefore the ENTRYPOINT line isn't valid, and Docker runs it via a shell. The single main container command is then
sh -c '[ "eval", "\$(opam env)" ]' '/bin/bash'
which runs the shell command [, as in if [ "$1" = yes ]; then ...; fi. That command doesn't understand the $(...) string as an argument, which is the error you're getting.
The JSON array already has escaped the things that need to be escaped, so it looks like you could get around this immediate error by removing the erroneous backslash
ENTRYPOINT ["eval", "$(opam env)"] # won't actually work
Docker will run this as-is, combining it with the CMD, and you get
'eval' '$(opam env)' '/bin/bash'
But eval isn't a "real" command – there is no /bin/eval binary – and Docker will pass on the literal string $(opam env) without interpreting it at all. That's also not what you want.
In principle it's possible to do this without writing a script, but you lose a lot of flexibility. For example, consider
# no ENTRYPOINT; shell-form CMD
CMD eval $(opam env) && exec /bin/bash
Again, though, if you replace this CMD with anything else you won't have done the initial setup step.

Run local script with arguments with docker

I am trying to run a local script with docker bash in windows PowerShell but not working.
My script part is another program, but the finally goal is to process a media file and zip it with the shell script.
The cmd: docker exec -it containername /bin/bash < -f fileone.mp4 -h output
I have an error in ps:
The '<' operator is reserved for future use.
The parameters (and also the files) are changing, if rerun the shell script, and after the script, processing is done it will create a zip file (what I need) with the output name, but random strings will be placed to the zipped filename too.
Anyone tried to use docker in that way in windows?
I figure out a solution for my own question. I just leave it here, if someone needs it.
The docker-compose file:
version: '3.8'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
container_name: 'name_if_you_need'
The dockerfile:
FROM debian:latest
# Install and/or config anything what you need
ADD . /newfolder
WORKDIR /newfolder
ENTRYPOINT [ "/newfolder/" ]
To call (with arguments and/or flags if your script need it): docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/newfolder image_name -flag1 sample.mp4 -flag2 sample (no tty error, not need winpty)
Please note, if your script working with file or files, and you pass it via arguments like me, you need to copy them in your current folder before docker run
With this solution, if your script generates a file or files when/after executing, you will see them automatically in your current folder.

docker build command add 'C:/Program Files/Git' to the path passed as build argument when executed in MINGW bash on Windows

I have following Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
ARG path1=def_path1
RUN mkdir ${path1}
When I build this Dockerfile using following command:
docker build --build-arg path1=/home/dragan -t build_arg_ex .
I get following error when I execute it in MINGW bash on Windows 10:
$ ./ --no-cache
Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.144kB
Step 1/3 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
---> 2a4cca5ac898
Step 2/3 : ARG path1=def_path1
---> Running in a35241ebdef3
Removing intermediate container a35241ebdef3
---> 01475e50af4c
Step 3/3 : RUN mkdir ${path1}
---> Running in 2759e683cbb1
mkdir: cannot create directory 'C:/Program': No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory 'Files/Git/home/dragan': No such file or
The command '/bin/sh -c mkdir ${path1}' returned a non-zero code: 1
Building same Dockerfile in Windows Command Prompt or on Linux or Mac is ok. The problem is only in MINGW bash terminal on Windows because it adds 'C:/Program Files/Git' before the path that is passed as argument.
Is there a way to execute this in MINGW bash so it does not add the 'C:/Program Files/Git' prefix?
This is actually a bug/limitation of Git for Windows as described in the Release Notes under Known issues:
If you specify command-line options starting with a slash, POSIX-to-Windows path conversion will kick in converting e.g. "/usr/bin/bash.exe" to "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe". When that is not desired -- e.g. "--upload-pack=/opt/git/bin/git-upload-pack" or "-L/regex/" -- you need to set the environment variable MSYS_NO_PATHCONV temporarily, like so:
MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 git blame -L/pathconv/
Alternatively, you can double the first slash to avoid POSIX-to-Windows path conversion, e.g. "//usr/bin/bash.exe".
Further to #mat007's answer:
This bash function solved the problem more permanently for docker, without enabling MSYS_NO_PATHCONV globally, which causes another world of pain.
# See
# Workaround for Docker for Windows in Git Bash.
(export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1; "docker.exe" "$#")
You may need to do the same for docker-compose

docker run script which exports env variables

I've search some of the questions already like docker ENV vs RUN export, which explains differences between those commands, but didn't help in solving my problem.
For example I have a script called myscript:
export PLATFORM_HOME="$(pwd)"
And have following lines in Dockerfile:
RUN ./
I've also tried to use ENTRYPOINT instead of RUN or declaring variable before calling the script, all that with no success.
What I want to achieve is that PLATFORM_HOME can be referenced from other Dockerfiles which use that one as a base. How to do it ?
There's no way to export a variable from a script to a child image. As a general rule, environment variables travel down, never up to a parent.
ENV will persist in the build environment and to child images and containers.
FROM busybox
FROM me/platform
CMD ["sh", "-c", "echo $PLATFORM_HOME"]
Build the parent
docker build -t me/platform .
Then build the child:
→ docker build -f Dockerfile.child -t me/platform-test .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072kB
Step 1/3 : FROM me/platform
---> 539b52190af4
Step 2/3 : RUN echo $PLATFORM_HOME
---> Using cache
---> 40e0bfa872ed
Step 3/3 : CMD sh -c echo $PLATFORM_HOME
---> Using cache
---> 0c0e842f99fd
Successfully built 0c0e842f99fd
Successfully tagged me/platform-test:latest
Then run
→ docker run --rm me/platform-test
I think export sets the environment variables for the child processes. So it really doesn't matter if you do RUN or ENTRYPOINT. In reading linux source command not working when building Dockerfile, I feel source command cannot help either.
You need to use ENV if you want to set the environment variables in Dockerfile.
Just use ENV PLATFORM_HOME=$(pwd) in your Dockerfile. Variable will be accessible in every container you will create from the Dockerfile.

How to have two JARs start automatically on "docker run container"

I want two seperate JAR files to be executed automatically once a docker container is called via run command, so when I type docker run mycontainer they are both called. So far, I have a dockerfile that looks like this:
# base image is java:8 (ubuntu)
FROM java:8
# add files to image
ADD first.jar .
ADD second.jar .
# start on run
CMD ["/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java", "-jar", "first.jar"]
CMD ["/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java", "-jar", "second.jar"]
This, however, only starts second.jar.
Now, both jars are servers in a loop, so I guess once one is started it just blocks the terminal. If I run the container using run -it mycontainer bash and call them manually, too, the first one will do its outputs and I can't start the other one.
Is there a way to open different terminals and switch between them to have each JAR run in its own context? Preferably already in the dockerfile.
I know next to nothing about ubuntu but I found the xterm command that opens a new terminal, however this won't work after calling a JAR. What I'm looking for are instructions for inside the dockerfile that for example open a new terminal, execute first.jar, alt-tab into the old terminal and execute second.jar there, or at least achieve the same.
The second CMD instruction replaces the first, so you need to use a single instruction for both commands.
Easy (not so good) Approach
You could add a bash script that executes both commands and blocks on the second one:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar first.jar &
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar second.jar
Then change your Dockerfile to this:
# base image is java:8 (ubuntu)
FROM java:8
# add files to image
ADD first.jar .
ADD second.jar .
# start on run
CMD ["bash", ""]
When using docker stop it might not shut down properly, see:
Better Approach
To solve this, you could use Phusion:
It has an init-system that is much easier to use than e.g. supervisord.
Here is a good starting point:
Instructions for using phusion
Sadly there is not official openjdk-8-jdk available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. You could try with an inofficial ppa, which is used in the following explanation.
In your case you would need to bash scripts (which act like "services"):
# (the file has to start with the following line!):
usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar /root/first.jar
usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar /root/second.jar
And your Dockerfile would look like this:
# base image is phusion
FROM phusion/baseimage:latest
# Use init service of phusion
CMD ["/sbin/my_init"]
# Install unofficial openjdk-8
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk
ADD first.jar /root/first.jar
ADD second.jar /root/second.jar
# Add first service
RUN mkdir /etc/service/first
ADD /etc/service/first/run
RUN chmod +x /etc/service/first/run
# Add second service
RUN mkdir /etc/service/second
ADD /etc/service/second/run
RUN chmod +x /etc/service/second/run
# Clean up
RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
This should install two services which will be run on startup and shut down properly when using docker stop.
A Docker container has only a single process when it is started.
You can still create several processes afterward.:
One simple way is to create a second process inside a bash script.
You can also use Supervisor :
You have a few options. A lot of the answers have mentioned using supervisor for this, which is a fine solution. Here are some others:
Create a short script that just kicks off both jars. Add that to your CMD. For example, the script, which we'll call could look like:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar first.jar;
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar second.jar;
Then your CMD would be CMD sh
Another alternative is just running two separate containers-- one for first.jar and the other for second.jar. You can run each one through docker run, for example:
docker run my_repo/my_image:some_tag /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar second.jar
If you want to start two different processes inside one docker container (not recommanded behaviour) you can use something like supervisord
