Run bash then eval command on Docker container startup - bash

I’m setting up a docker container to just be a simple environment for Ocaml, since I don’t wanna have to manage two OPAM tool chains on two computers. (Windows desktop, Linux laptop) My goal is to have the container load in to a bash command prompt on docker-compose run with ocaml ready to go, and to do this I need to enter in to bash and then run eval $(opam env) on startup. This is my current docker file:
FROM ocaml/opam:alpine-3.12
# Create folder and assign owner
USER root
RUN mkdir /code
RUN chown opam:opam /code
USER opam
# Install ocaml
RUN opam init
RUN opam switch create 4.11.1
RUN opam install dune
# bash env
CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]
ENTRYPOINT [ "eval", "\$(opam env)" ]
Building and trying to run this gives me the error:
sh: $(opam env): unknown operand
I tried making a script but that ran into some chmod/permission issues that are probably harder to debug than this. What do I do to open this container in bash and then run the eval $(opam env) command? I don’t want to do this with command line arguments, I’d like to do this all in a dockerfile or docker-compose file

The trick is to use opam exec1 as the entry point, e.g.,
ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "exec", "--"]
Then you can either run directly a command from the installed switch or just start an interactive shell with run -it --rm <cont> sh and you will have the switch fully activated, e.g.,
$ docker run -it --rm binaryanalysisplatform/bap:latest sh
$ which ocaml
As an aside, since we're talking about docker and OCaml, let me share some more tricks. First of all, you can look into our collection of dockerfiles in BAP for some inspiration. And another important trick that I would like to share is using multistage builds to shrink the size of the image, here's an example Dockerfile. In our case, it gives us a reduction from 7.5 Gb to only 750 Mb, while still preserving the ability to run and build OCaml programs.
And another side note :) You also should run your installation in a single RUN entry, otherwise your layers will eventually diverge and you will get weird missing packages errors. Basically, here's the Dockerfile that you're looking for,
FROM ocaml/opam2:alpine
WORKDIR /home/opam
RUN opam switch 4.11.1 \
&& eval "$(opam env)" \
&& opam remote set-url default \
&& opam update \
&& opam install dune \
&& opam clean -acrs
ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "exec", "--"]
1)Or opam config exec, i.e., ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "config", "exec", "--"] for the older versions of opam.

There's no way to tell Docker to do something after the main container process has started, or to send input to the main container process.
What you can do is to write a wrapper script that does some initial setup and then runs whatever the main container process is. Since that eval command will just set environment variables, those will carry through to the main shell.
# Set up the version-manager environment
eval $(opam env)
# Run the main container command
exec "$#"
In the Dockerfile, make this script be the ENTRYPOINT:
COPY /usr/local/bin
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
It also might work to put this setup in a shell dotfile, and run bash -l as the main container command to force it to read dotfiles. However, the $HOME directory isn't usually well-defined in Docker, so you might need to set that variable. If you expand this setup to run a full application, the entrypoint-wrapper approach will will there too, but that sequence probably won't read shell dotfiles at all.
What you show looks like an extremely straightforward installation sequence and I might not change it, but be aware that there are complexities around using version managers in Docker. In particular every Dockerfile RUN command has a new shell environment and the eval command won't "stick". I'd ordinarily suggest picking a specific version of the toolchain and directly installing it, maybe in /usr/local, without a version manager, but that approach will be much more complex than what you have currently. For more mainstream languages you can also usually use e.g. a node:16.13 prebuilt image.
What's with the error you're getting? For ENTRYPOINT and CMD (and also RUN) Docker has two forms. If something is a JSON array then Docker runs the command as a sequence of words, with one word in the array translating to one word in the command, and no additional interpretation or escaping. If it isn't a JSON array – even if it's mostly a JSON array, but has a typo – Docker will interpret it as a shell command and run it with sh -c. Docker applies this rule separately to the ENTRYPOINT and CMD, and then combines them together into a single command.
In particular in your ENTRYPOINT line, RFC 8259 §7 defines the valid character escapes in JSON, so \n is a newline and so on, but \$ is not one of those. That makes the embedded string invalid, and therefore the ENTRYPOINT line isn't valid, and Docker runs it via a shell. The single main container command is then
sh -c '[ "eval", "\$(opam env)" ]' '/bin/bash'
which runs the shell command [, as in if [ "$1" = yes ]; then ...; fi. That command doesn't understand the $(...) string as an argument, which is the error you're getting.
The JSON array already has escaped the things that need to be escaped, so it looks like you could get around this immediate error by removing the erroneous backslash
ENTRYPOINT ["eval", "$(opam env)"] # won't actually work
Docker will run this as-is, combining it with the CMD, and you get
'eval' '$(opam env)' '/bin/bash'
But eval isn't a "real" command – there is no /bin/eval binary – and Docker will pass on the literal string $(opam env) without interpreting it at all. That's also not what you want.
In principle it's possible to do this without writing a script, but you lose a lot of flexibility. For example, consider
# no ENTRYPOINT; shell-form CMD
CMD eval $(opam env) && exec /bin/bash
Again, though, if you replace this CMD with anything else you won't have done the initial setup step.


the bashrc file is not working when I docker run --mount bashrc

I'm testing an app on docker (search engine) but when I use docker run the bashrc doesn't work if for example there was an alias inside bashrc, I can't use it.
The file bashrc is copied to the container but still can't use it.
My question is why not? is it only because that bashrc needs to be reloaded or there is another reason?
sudo docker run \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/remise/bashrc,destination=/root/.bashrc,readonly \
--name="s-container" \
ubuntu /go/bin/s qewrty
If you start your container as
docker run ... image-name \
/go/bin/s qwerty
when Docker creates the container, it directly runs the command /go/bin/s qwerty; it does not invoke bash or any other shell to do it. Nothing will ever know to look for a .bashrc file.
Similarly, if your Dockerfile specifies
CMD ["/go/bin/s", "qwerty"]
it runs the command directly without a shell.
There's an alternate shell form of CMD that takes a command string, and runs it via /bin/sh -c. That does involve a shell; but it's neither an interactive nor a login shell, and it's invoked as sh, so it won't read any shell dotfiles (for the specific case where /bin/sh happens to be GNU Bash, see Bash Startup Files).
Since none of these common paths to specify the main container command will read .bashrc or other shell dotfiles, it usually doesn't make sense to try to write or inject these files. If you need to set environment variables, consider the Dockerfile ENV directive or an entrypoint wrapper script instead.

Run a simple shell script before running CMD command in Dockerfile

I have a dockerfile and the last command is
CMD ["/opt/"]
Now i have another shell script i.e and i want to execute the following command in my dockerfile.
sh ${app_dir} dev
How can i execute this command. It is a simple script which is basically going to replace some characters of files in ${app_dir}. What can be the solution for this because when i see any kind of documentation they all suggest to run only one sh script.
You can use a Docker ENTRYPOINT to support this. Consider the following Dockerfile fragment:
RUN chmod +x
# Same as above
CMD ["/opt/"]
The ENTRYPOINT becomes the main container process, and it gets passed the CMD as arguments. So your entrypoint can do the first-time setup, and then run the special shell command exec "$#" to replace itself with the command it was given.
./ "${app_dir}" dev
exec "$#"
Even if you're launching some alternate command in your container (docker run --rm -it yourimage bash to get a debugging shell, for example) this will only replace the "command" part, so bash becomes the "$#" in the script, and you still do the first-time setup before launching the shell.
The important caveats are that ENTRYPOINT must be the JSON-array form (CMD can be a bare string that gets wrapped in /bin/sh -c, but this setup breaks ENTRYPOINT) and you only get one ENTRYPOINT. If you already have an ENTRYPOINT (many SO questions seem to like naming an interpreter there) move it into the start of CMD (CMD ["python3", "./"]).

Unable to get any Docker Entrypoint from script working without continuous restarts

I'm having trouble understanding or seeing some working version of using a bash script as an Entrypoint for a Docker container. I've been trying numerous things for about 5 hours now.
Even from this official Docker blog, using a bash-script as an entry-point still doesn't work.
FROM debian:stretch
COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/ / # backwards compat
CMD ["postgres"]
set -e
if [ "$1" = 'postgres' ]; then
chown -R postgres "$PGDATA"
if [ -z "$(ls -A "$PGDATA")" ]; then
gosu postgres initdb
exec gosu postgres "$#"
exec "$#"
docker build -t test .
docker service create \
--name test \
Despite many efforts, I can't seem to get Dockerfile using an Entrypoint as a bash script that doesn't continuously restart and fail repeatedly.
My understanding is that exec "$#" was suppose to keep the container form immediately exiting, but I'm not sure if that's dependent some other process within the script failing.
I've tried using a script that simply looked like this:
exec "$#"
And since that also failed, I think that rules out something else going wrong inside the script being the cause of the failure.
What's also frustrating is there are no logs, either from docker service logs test or docker logs [container_id], and I can't seem to find anything useful in docker inspect [container_id].
I'm having trouble understanding everyone's confidence in exec "$#". I don't want to resort to using something like tail -f /dev/null or using a command at docker run. I was hoping that there would be some consistent, reliable way that a script could reliably used to start services that I could run with docker run as well for other things for services, but even on Docker's official blog and countless questions here and blogs from other sites, I can't seem get a single example to work.
I would really appreciate some insight into what I'm missing here.
$# is just a string of the command line arguments. You are providing none, so it is executing a null string. That exits and will kill the docker. However, the exec command will always exit the running script - it destroys the current shell and starts a new one, it doesn't keep it running.
What I think you want to do is keep calling this script in kind of a recursive way. To actually have the script call itself, the line would be:
exec $0
$0 is the name of the bash file (or function name, if in a function). In this case it would be the name of your script.
Also, I am curious your desire not to use tail -f /dev/null? Creating a new shell over and over as fast as the script can go is not more performant. I am guessing you want this script to run over and over to just check your if condition.
In that case, a while(1) loop would probably work.
What you show, in principle, should work, and is one of the standard Docker patterns.
The interaction between ENTRYPOINT and CMD is pretty straightforward. If you provide both, then the main container process is whatever ENTRYPOINT (or docker run --entrypoint) specifies, and it is passed CMD (or the command at the end of docker run) as arguments. In this context, ending an entrypoint script with exec "$#" just means "replace me with the CMD as the main container process".
So, the pattern here is
Do some initial setup, like chowning a possibly-external data directory; then
exec "$#" to run whatever was passed as the command.
In your example there are a couple of things worth checking; it won't run as shown.
Whatever you provide as the ENTRYPOINT needs to obey the usual rules for executable commands: if it's a bare command, it must be in $PATH; it must have the executable bit set in its file permissions; if it's a script, its interpreter must also exist; if it's a binary, it must be statically linked or all of its shared library dependencies must be in the image already. For your script you might need to make it executable if it isn't already
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
The other thing with this setup is that (definitionally) if the ENTRYPOINT exits, the whole container exits, and the Bourne shell set -e directive tells the script to exit on any error. In the artifacts in the question, gosu isn't a standard part of the debian base image, so your entrypoint will fail (and your container will exit) trying to run that command. (That won't affect the very simple case though.)
Finally, if you run into trouble running a container under an orchestration system like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes, one of your first steps should be to run the same container, locally, in the foreground: use docker run without the -d option and see what it prints out. For example:
% docker build .
% docker run --rm c5fb7da1c7c1
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown.
ERRO[0000] error waiting for container: context canceled
% chmod +x
% docker build .
% docker run --rm f5a239f2758d
/usr/local/bin/ line 3: exec: postgres: not found
(Using the Dockerfile and short from the question, and using the final image ID from docker build . in those docker run commands.)

Docker Ubuntu environment variables

During the build stage of my docker images, i would like to set some environment variables automatically for every subsequent "RUN" command.
However, I would like to set these variables from within the docker conatiner, because setting them depends on some internal logic.
Using the dockerfile "ENV" command is not good, because that cannot rely on internal logic. (It cannot rely on a command run inside the docker container)
Normally (if this were not docker) I would set my ~/.profile file. However, docker does not load this file in non-interactive shells.
So at them moment I have to run each docker RUN command with:
RUN bash -c "source ~/.profile && do_something_here"
However, this is very tedious (and unclean) when I have to repeat this every time I want to run a bash command. Is there some other "profile" file I can use instead.
you can try setting the arg as env like this
ARG my_env
ENV my_env=${my_env}
in Dockerfile,
and pass the 'my_env=prod' in build-args so that you can use the set env for subsequent RUN commands
you can also use env_file: option in docker compose yml file in case of a stack deploy
I had a similar problem and couldn't find a satisfactory solution. What I did was creating a script that would source the variables, then do the operation. I would then rewrite the RUN commands in the Dockerfile to use that script instead.
In your case, if you need to run multiple commands, you could create a wrapper that loads the variables, runs the command given as argument, and include that script in the docker image.

Reuse inherited image's CMD or ENTRYPOINT

How can I include my own shell script CMD on container start/restart/attach, without removing the CMD used by an inherited image?
I am using this, which does execute my script fine, but appears to overwrite the PHP CMD:
FROM php
COPY /usr/local/bin
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/"]
What should I do differently? I am avoiding the prospect of copy/pasting the ENTRYPOINT or CMD of the parent image, and maybe that's not a good approach.
As mentioned in the comments, there's no built-in solution to this. From the Dockerfile, you can't see the value of the current CMD or ENTRYPOINT. Having a run-parts solution is nice if you control the upstream base image and include this code there, allowing downstream components to make their changes. But docker there's one inherent issue that will cause problems with this, containers should only run a single command that needs to run in the foreground. So if the upstream image kicks off, it would stay running without giving your later steps a chance to run, so you're left with complexities to determine the order to run commands to ensure that a single command does eventually run without exiting.
My personal preference is a much simpler and hardcoded option, to add my own command or entrypoint, and make the last step of my command to exec the upstream command. You will still need to manually identify the script name to call from the upstream Dockerfile. But now in your, you would have:
# run various pieces of initialization code here
# ...
# kick off the upstream command:
exec / "$#"
By using an exec call, you transfer pid 1 to the upstream entrypoint so that signals get handled correctly. And the trailing "$#" passes through any command line arguments. You can use set to adjust the value of $# if there are some args you want to process and extract in your own script.
If the base image is not yours, you unfortunately have to call the parent command manually.
If you own the parent image, you can try what the people at camptocamp suggest here.
They basically use a generic script as an entry point that calls run-parts on a directory. What that does is run all scripts in that directory in lexicographic order. So when you extend an image, you just have to put your new scripts in that same folder.
However, that means you'll have to maintain order by prefixing your scripts which could potentially get out of hand. (Imagine the parent image decides to add a new script later...).
Anyway, that could work.
Update #1
There is a long discussion on this docker compose issue about provisioning after container run. One suggestion is to wrap you docker run or compose command in a shell script and then run docker exec on your other commands.
If you'd like to use that approach, you basically keep the parent CMD as the run command and you place yours as a docker exec after your docker run.
Using mysql image as an example
Do docker inspect mysql/mysql-server:5.7 and see that:
which we put in (remember to chmod a+x):
echo "Start my initialization script..."
# docker inspect results used here
/ mysqld
Dockerfile is now:
FROM mysql/mysql-server:5.7
# put our script inside the image
ADD /etc/
# set to run our script
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh","-c"]
CMD ["/etc/"]
Build and run our new image:
docker build --rm -t sidazhou/tmp-mysql:5.7 .
docker run -it --rm sidazhou/tmp-mysql:5.7
Start my initialization script...
[Entrypoint] MySQL Docker Image 5.7.28-1.1.13
[Entrypoint] No password option specified for new database.
You'll see this has the same output as the original image:
docker run -it --rm mysql/mysql-server:5.7
[Entrypoint] MySQL Docker Image 5.7.28-1.1.13
[Entrypoint] No password option specified for new database.
