How to add navigation links (dots) to slick lightbox? - slick.js

I have slick carousel and slick lightbox.
The latter has no dots or navigation links. How to add them?

Since lightbox using slick itself:
Add dots : true to dist/slick-lightbox.js (or rebuild coffeescript)
SlickLightbox.prototype.initSlick = function (index) {
/* Runs slick by default, using `options.slick` if provided. If `options.slick` is a function, it gets fired instead of us initializing slick. Merges in initialSlide option. */
var additional;
additional = { initialSlide: index, dots:true };
Add styles to make them available
.slick-dots {
bottom: 0;
.slick-dots li button::before {
color: #9f9f9f;
.slick-dots li.slick-active button::before {
color: white;


What does :where(:root) mean in SCSS

I have an example code with :where(:root)
:where(:root) {
I know about :root, but not about :where().
I can't find anything on google. What it does actually?
The :where() CSS pseudo-class function takes a selector list as its argument, and selects any element that can be selected by one of the selectors in that list.
/* Selects any paragraph inside a header, main
or footer element that is being hovered */
:where(header, main, footer) p:hover {
color: red;
cursor: pointer;
/* The above is equivalent to the following */
header p:hover,
main p:hover,
footer p:hover {
color: red;
cursor: pointer;
More info here:
:where() Docs

Customizing colors for PrimeReact datatable

There is a way to change a background or text color to a row in PrimeReact Datatable that is using rowClassName={rowClass} where rowClass is a function that allows returning a class configured in the CSS file.
but... what if I want to choose an arbitrary color? for example, one fetched from a database in #RRGGBB format?
Reading de documentation I can't see a way to call a function to return the style string. Another way could be, creating dynamically the class name, for example...
class RRGGBB for a selected color, define this class with background: #RRGGBB and let rowClassName={rowClass} call rowClass function returning this dynamically created class...
I have this approach, but don't work:
const mycolor = "#00ff00";
function createStyle() {
const style = document.createElement("style");
// add CSS styles
style.innerHTML = `
.lulu {
color: white;
background-color: ${mycolor};
// append the style to the DOM in <head> section
const rowClass = (data) => {
return {
"lulu": data.category === "Accessories"
<DataTable value={products} rowClassName={rowClass}>
this code is a modified version of the sample code by prime react, here, in sandbox:
I have solved it...
What I did is to create a dynamic css, and then use it:
function createStyle(color) {
var style = document.getElementsByTagName("style");
var colortag = color.replace("#", "mycolor");
//Assuming there is a style section in the head
var pos = style[0].innerHTML.indexOf(colortag);
style[1].innerHTML += "."+colortag+`
color: ${color}!important;
return colortag;
const rowClass = (data) => {
var colortag;
if (data.COLOR!=undefined)
return { [colortag]: ata.COLOR!=undefined };
<DataTable ref={dt} value={Data} rowClassName={rowClass}>
With this code, if in the data there is a field called COLOR:"#RRGGBB" then it will create a style with this color and use it as text color. The same can be applied to background or whatever

FancyBox 3: top positioning of images

I have to position the image container at the top of the page, but there is no parameter.
I have found a small snippet in the docs of fancybox3, That works for me, but not for the navigation buttons. They are still in the middle of the page:
afterShow : function( instance, current, e ) {
$('.fancybox-content').css('transform','translate3d(0px, 30px, 0px)');
Spacing around content is controlled by CSS padding property of wrapping element. This is the default value for element containing an image:
.fancybox-slide--image {
padding: 44px 0;
#media all and (max-height: 576px) {
.fancybox-slide--image {
padding: 6px 0;
You can adjust that for your likening. As you can see, this gives greater flexibility that just some js option.

Fix kendo grid header

I want to set a kendo grid header fixed. After a lot of internet search I cannot find what I exactly want to do.
This post on telerik doc show how to fix header on top of window :
But it's not exactly what I want to do. I want the header fixed when scrolling the page on the location it is on the page load.
How can I do this ?
After hard work and insanity test I finally found how to fix this grid header. So I share it here because I think many people want to do this...
I rework the telerik tutorial a little for fix the header where you want, take in consideration if the grid has a toolbar and to be reusable :)
.fixed-header {
position: fixed;
width: auto;
z-index: 10000;
Javascript ('#main-header' is the selector of my website main menu) :
* Fix grid header
* #param {kendo.ui.Grid} grid - The grid
* #param {string} [selector] - The selector of the element which the header must be "stuck" on scrolling, by default the main menu
function fixGridHeader(grid, selector) {
var wrapper = grid.wrapper,
toolbar = wrapper.find(".k-grid-toolbar"),
header = wrapper.find(".k-grid-header");
function resizeFixed() {
var paddingRight = parseInt(header.css("padding-right"));
header.css("width", wrapper.width() - paddingRight);
function scrollFixed(selector) {
var offset = $(selector ? selector : '#main-header').offset().top + $(selector ? selector : '#main-header').outerHeight(),
tableOffsetTop = wrapper.offset().top,
top = $('#main-header').height() + (selector ? $(selector).height() : 0);
if (offset >= tableOffsetTop) {
if (toolbar.length > 0) {
toolbar.css({ 'top': top, width: "100%" });
header.css({ 'top': top + toolbar.innerHeight() });
else {
header.css({ 'top': top });
else {
if (toolbar.length > 0)
$(window).scroll(function () { scrollFixed(selector); });

How to scrollTop a div whose content is managed by AngularDart?

I have a div holding some chat history. I would like for the div content to scroll when it becomes full. I have this working using jQuery in another project, but what would be the proper AngularDart way to achieve this?
Simplifying a bit, in my HTML I have
<div class="chatHistory">{{ctrl.text}}</div>
(using style white-space:pre) and in my controller I have the method
void addToChatHistory(String msg) {
text += msg;
var elt = querySelector(".chatHistory");
elt.scrollTop = elt.scrollHeight;
This code scrolls the div content but not quite enough because it sets the scrollTop too quickly; i.e., even before the .chatHistory can be updated by Angular.
Besides this (partial) solution doesn't feel very Angular in style given the use of querySelector.
I tried setting up a watch on the text field but that also fires too early. Suggestions?
For the first issue you can use to defer the scroll execution : => elt.scrollTop = elt.scrollHeight);
For the second issue you can inject the Element managed by your controller and use querySelector on it :
MyController(Element e) : elt = e.querySelector('.chatHistory');
I published a package containing this directive:
I would create a Directive/Decorator like NgEventDirective but for the resize event and add it to your div. In the event handler you set your scrollTop property.
I found contradictory info about the resize event.
DART - Resize div element event says it is available everywhere
Onresize for div elements? is a workaround for browsers that don't support this event.
another page covering this topic:
I tried to create an Angular implementation for the 'workaround' (2nd link) but run into this issue which contains info about a workaround but I didn't yet find time to implement it.
I checked my attempt and it worked in Dartium with the version I downloaded today (Dart VM version: 1.4.0-dev.4.0 (Thu May 1 04:06:09 2014) on "linux_x64").
I haven't tried in other version since I created the issue.
(The code should be improved to make the directive more generic - the event method should be assignable by an attribute not hardcoded)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app>
<script src="packages/web_components/platform.js"></script>
.resize-triggers {
visibility: hidden;
.resize-triggers, .resize-triggers > div, .contract-trigger:before {
content: " ";
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
.resize-triggers > div {
background: #eee;
overflow: auto;
.contract-trigger:before {
width: 200%;
height: 200%;
#my_element {
height: 200px;
overflow: scroll;
<body ng-cloak>
<div id="my_element" style="border: 1px solid blue;">
<div id='my_sizable' ng-observe-size></div>
<script type="application/dart" src="index.dart"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>
library angular_observe_resize.main;
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:html' as dom;
import 'package:angular/angular.dart' as ng;
import 'package:angular/application_factory.dart' as ngaf;
// see
// and this bug
// source from
#ng.Decorator(selector: '[ng-observe-size]')
class NgObserveSizeDirective implements ng.AttachAware, ng.DetachAware {
dom.Element _element;
bool _hasAttacheEvent;
void onSizeChange(dom.Event e) {
_element.parent.scrollTop = _element.scrollHeight;
dom.HtmlElement _triggers;
void resetTriggers() {
var expand = _triggers.children[0];
var contract = _triggers.children[_triggers.children.length - 1];
var expandChild = expand.children[0];
contract.scrollLeft = contract.scrollWidth;
contract.scrollTop = contract.scrollHeight; = '${expand.offsetWidth + 1}px'; = '${expand.offsetHeight + 1}px';
expand.scrollLeft = expand.scrollWidth;
expand.scrollTop = expand.scrollHeight;
int _resizeLastWidth;
int _resizeLastHeight;
bool checkTriggers() {
return _element.offsetWidth != _resizeLastWidth ||
_element.offsetHeight != _resizeLastHeight;
int _resizeRaf;
void scrollListener(dom.Event e) {
if(_resizeRaf != null) {
_resizeRaf = dom.window.requestAnimationFrame((num highResTime){
if(checkTriggers()) {
_resizeLastWidth = _element.offsetWidth;
_resizeLastHeight = _element.offsetHeight;
void attach() {
if(_element.getComputedStyle().position == 'static') { = 'relative';
_triggers = new dom.DivElement()
..append(new dom.DivElement()..classes.add('expand-trigger')..append(new dom.DivElement()))
..append(new dom.DivElement()..classes.add('contract-trigger'));
new async.Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1), () {
//_triggers = _element.children[_element.children.length - 1];
dom.Element.scrollEvent.forTarget(_element, useCapture: true).listen(scrollListener);
void detach() {
class MyAppModule extends ng.Module {
MyAppModule() {
main() {
ngaf.applicationFactory().addModule(new MyAppModule()).run();
new async.Timer.periodic(new Duration(seconds: 1), (t) {
var elt = (dom.querySelector('#my_sizable') as dom.HtmlElement);
elt.append(new dom.Element.html('<div>${new}</div>'));
If you're using an AngularDart component you can inject the shadowdom then select an element inside it to focus on. Didnt find a way of getting the container of the shadowdom.
new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 300), () {
var rowElement = _shadowRoot.querySelector('.step-container');
if (rowElement != null ) {
}); might work, though its currently marked as experimental.
