Roman Numerals Decoder: Ruby - ruby

Alright I've been working on this coding challenge for quite some time and I guess it's officially time for me to raise the flag. Help!
My task is to create a function that takes a Roman numeral as its argument and returns its value as a numeric decimal integer.
So far I've successfully created a hash mapping the numbers to its numeric values. I've also created an empty array roman_no to pass the key/value pair through.
What I am struggling with is writing the expression. Below is the full code:
def solution(roman)
# take a value of a roman numeral
roman_numeral =
1000 => "M",
900 => "CM",
500 => "D",
400 => "CD",
100 => "C",
90 => "XC",
50 => "L",
40 => "XL",
10 => "X",
9 => "IX",
5 => "V",
4 => "IV",
1 => "I"
roman_no =
roman_numeral.each do | key, value |
"#{roman}" >= "#{key}"
+= roman_no
"#{roman}" -= "#{key}"
return roman_no
How can I write an argument that will take the value from roman_numeral and return its number counter part?
for example:
solution('XXI') # should return 21

def solution(roman)
mapping = {
# split string into characters do |l|
mapping[l] # replace character with integer value
.compact # removes potential nils caused by invalid chars
# Splits array into chunks so that we can handle numerals such as IIX
.chunk_while do |i,j|
i <= j #
# each chunk will be an array like [10, 10, 100] or [1, 1, 1, 1]
.map do |chunk|
if chunk.first < chunk.last
chunk.reverse.inject(:-) # handles numerals such as IIX with subtraction
chunk.sum # chunk is just a list of numerals such as III
.sum # sums everything up


My return statement will not exit a recursive method

Simple Roman Numerals Algorithm solved using recursion.
I know the code get's into my if statement holding my base case. When I check the values using 'pry' everything is fine. However it just skips over my return statement and get's stuck in an infinite loop
1000 => "M",
900 => "CM",
400 => "CD",
500 => "D",
100 => "C",
90 => "XC",
50 => "L",
40 => "XL",
10 => "X",
9 => "IX",
5 => "V",
4 => "IV",
1 => "I"
def roman(num, output="")
return output if num <= 1
ROMAN_HASH.each do |k,v|
roman(num - k, output+v) if num >= k
You need to return out of your ROMAN_HASH.each loop, or your recursive functions never end (at least, not for huge numbers of iterations). The problem is that you (seemingly) intended to return the largest value found in the ROMAN_HASH hash, but instead you iterate over all values, recursively calling roman for each one that is greater than k, do nothing with the result, and then return the .each iterator.
You're also misusing if/else. You can't mix post-if with an else expression.
Finally, you're stripping off the last digit by returning if num <= 1. You need to return output when num < 1, and if output is equal to 1 you should return output + 'I', or just let the else branch handle this case:
def roman(num, output="")
if num < 1
return output
ROMAN_HASH.each do |k, v|
return roman(num - k, output+v) if num >= k

Ruby How to convert string to integer without .to_i

Is there a way to output an integer given a string containing numbers between 0 and 9. For example, input is "219", output would be 219, and you can't use .to_i
You can use Kernel::Integer:
#=> 219
# ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer(): "21cat9"
Sometimes this method is used as follows:
def convert_to_i(str)
rescue ArgumentError
#=> 219
#=> nil
#=> 1234
convert_to_i(" 12 ")
#=> 12
convert_to_i("0b11011") # binary representation
#=> 27
convert_to_i("054") # octal representation
#=> 44
convert_to_i("0xC") # hexidecimal representation
#=> 12
Some use an "inline rescue" (though it is less selective, as it rescues all exceptions):
def convert_to_i(str)
Integer(str) rescue nil
There are similar Kernel methods to convert a string to a float or rational.
def str_to_int(string)
digit_hash = {"0" => 0, "1" => 1, "2" => 2, "3" => 3, "4" => 4, "5" => 5, "6" => 6, "7" => 7, "8" => 8, "9" => 9}
total = 0
num_array = string.split("").reverse
num_array.length.times do |i|
num_value = digit_hash[num_array[i]]
num_value_base_ten = num_value * (10**i)
total += num_value_base_ten
return total
puts str_to_int("119") # => 119

How do I use a hash to modify the values of an Array?

I am building a base converter. Here is my code so far:
def num_to_s(num, base)
remainders = [num]
while base <= num
num /= base #divide initial value of num
remainders << num #shovel results into array to map over for remainders
return{|i| result = i % base}.reverse.to_s #map for remainders and shovel to new array
puts num_to_s(40002, 16)
Now it's time to account for bases over 10 where letters replace numbers. The instructions (of the exercise) suggest using a hash. Here is my hash:
conversion = {10 => 'A', 11 => 'B', 12 => 'C', 13 => 'D', 14 => 'E', 15 => 'F',}
The problem is now, how do I incorporate it so that it modifies the array? I have tried:
return{|i| result = i % base}.map{|i| [i, i]}.flatten.merge(conversion).reverse.to_s
In an attempt to convert the 'remainders' array into a hash and merge them so the values in 'conversion' override the ones in 'remainders', but I get an 'odd list for Hash' error. After some research it seems to be due to the version of Ruby (1.8.7) I am running, and was unable to update. I also tried converting the array into a hash outside of the return:
Hashes = Hash[remainders.each {|i, i| [i, i]}].merge(conversion)
and I get an 'dynamic constant assignment' error. I have tried a bunch of different ways to do this... Can a hash even be used to modify an array? I was also thinking maybe I could accomplish this by using a conditional statement within an enumerator (each? map?) but haven't been able to make that work. CAN one put a conditional inside an enumerator?
Yes, you could use a hash:
def digit_hash(base)
digit = {}
(0...[10,base].min).each { |i| digit.update({ i=>i.to_s }) }
if base > 10
s = ('A'.ord-1).chr
(10...base).each { |i| digit.update({ i=> }) }
#=> { 0=>"0", 1=>"1", 2=>"2", 3=>"3", 4=>"4",
# 5=>"5", 6=>"6", 7=>"7", 8=>"8", 9=>"9",
# 10=>"A", 11=>"B", 12=>"C", ..., 34=>"Y", 35=>"Z",
# 36=>"AA", 37=>"AB", 38=>"AC", 39=>"AD" }
There is a problem in displaying digits after 'Z'. Suppose, for example, the base were 65. Then one would not know if "ABC" was 10-11-12, 37-12 or 10-64. That's detail we needn't worry about.
For variety, I've done the base conversion from high to low, as one might do with paper and pencil for base 10:
def num_to_s(num, base)
digit = digit_hash(base)
str = ''
fac = base**((0..Float::INFINITY).find { |i| base**i > num } - 1)
d = num/fac
str << digit[d]
num -= d*fac
fac /= base
Let's try it:
num_to_s(134562,10) #=> "134562"
num_to_s(134562, 2) #=> "100000110110100010"
num_to_s(134562, 8) #=> "406642"
num_to_s(134562,16) #=> "20DA2"
num_to_s(134562,36) #=> "2VTU"
Let's check the last one:
digit_inv = digit_hash(36).invert
digit_inv["2"] #=> 2
digit_inv["V"] #=> 31
digit_inv["T"] #=> 29
digit_inv["U"] #=> 30
36*36*36*digit_inv["2"] + 36*36*digit_inv["V"] +
36*digit_inv["T"] + digit_inv["U"]
#=> 36*36*36*2 + 36*36*31 + 36*29 + 30
#=> 134562
The expression:
(0..Float::INFINITY).find { |i| base**i > num }
computes the smallest integer i such that base**i > num. Suppose, for example,
base = 10
num = 12345
then i is found to equal 5 (10**5 = 100_000). We then raise base to this number less one to get the initial factor:
fac = base**(5-1) #=> 10000
Then the first (base-10) digit is
d = num/fac #=> 1
the remainder is
num -= d*fac #=> 12345 - 1*10000 => 2345
and the factor for the next digit is:
fac /= base #=> 10000/10 => 1000
I made a couple of changes from my initial answer to make it 1.87-friedly (I removed Enumerator#with_object and Integer#times), but I haven't tested with 1.8.7, as I don't have that version installed. Let me know if there are any problems.
Apart from question, you can use Fixnum#to_s(base) to convert base.
255.to_s(16) # 'ff'
I would do a
def get_symbol_in_base(blah)
if blah < 10
return blah
return (blah - 10 + 65).chr
and after that do something like:
remainders << get_symbol_in_base(num)
return remainders.reverse.to_s

Convert string numbers( in word format) to integer ruby

If you have a string ten, is it possible to convert it to an integer 10 in Ruby? (maybe in rails?)
I value the developers at, and in their tutorial here, it specifically says "to_i converts things to integers (numbers.)" I am wondering why they didn't say "to_i converts STRINGS to integers (numbers.)"
What variable types can be converted from their type to an integer?
Check out this gem for handling word to number conversions.
From the readme:
require 'numbers_in_words'
require 'numbers_in_words/duck_punch'
#=> one hundred and twelve
"Seventy million, five-hundred and fifty six thousand point eight nine three".in_numbers
#=> 70556000.893
How I would have done it.
def n_to_s(int)
set1 = ["","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven",
set2 = ["","","twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty",
thousands = (int/1000)
hundreds = ((int%1000) / 100)
tens = ((int % 100) / 10)
ones = int % 10
string = ""
string += set1[thousands] + " thousand " if thousands != 0 if thousands > 0
string += set1[hundreds] + " hundred" if hundreds != 0
string +=" and " if tens != 0 || ones != 0
string = string + set1[tens*10+ones] if tens < 2
string += set2[tens]
string = string + " " + set1[ones] if ones != 0
string << 'zero' if int == 0
p string
for the purpose of testing;
Since String#to_i picks out only the number characters, it will not work in the way you want. There may be some Rails method related to that, but it surely will not have the method name to_i because its behavior will conflict with the original intent of String#to_i.
It is not only Strings that has to_i. NilClass, Time, Float, Rational (and perhaps some other classes) do as well.
"3".to_i #=> 3
"".to_i #=> 0
nil.to_i #=> 0 #=> 1353932622
(3.0).to_i #=> 3
Rational(10/3).to_i #=> 3
This is a simple lookup of strings to their numeric equivalent:
str_to_int_hash = {
'zero' => 0,
'one' => 1,
'two' => 2,
'three' => 3,
'four' => 4,
'five' => 5,
'six' => 6,
'seven' => 7,
'eight' => 8,
'nine' => 9,
'ten' => 10
=> 10
It's obvious there are many other missing entries, but it illustrates the idea.
If you want to go from a number to the string, this is the starting point:
int_to_str_hash = Hash[{ |k,v| [v,k] }]
=> "ten"

can't convert Array into Integer

I'm trying to iterate through an array, #chem_species = ["H2", "S", "O4"] and multiply a constant times the amount of constants present: H = 1.01 * 2, S = 32.1 * 1 and so on. The constants are of course defined within the class, before the instance method.
The code I've constructed to do this does not function:
def fw
x = { |chem| chem.scan(/[A-Z]/)}
y = { |chem| chem.scan({/\d+/)}
#mm = x[0] * y[0]
yields -> TypeError: can't convert Array into Integer
Any suggestions on how to better code this? Thank you for your insight in advance.
How about doing it all in one scan & map? The String#scan method always returns an array of the strings it matched. Look at this:
irb> "H2".scan /[A-Z]+|\d+/i
=> ["H", "2"]
So just apply that to all of your #chem_species using map:
irb>! { |chem| chem.scan /[A-Z]+|\d+/i }
=> [["H", "2"], ["S"], ["O", "4"]]
OK, now map over #chem_species, converting each element symbol to the value of its constant, and each coefficient to an integer:
irb> H = 1.01
irb> S = 32.01
irb> O = 15.99
irb> { |(elem, coeff)| self.class.const_get(elem) * (coeff || 1).to_i }
=> [2.02, 32.01, 63.96]
There's your molar masses!
By the way, I suggest you look up the molar masses in a single hash constant instead of multiple constants for each element. Like this:
MASSES = { :H => 1.01, :S => 32.01, :O => 15.99 }
Then that last map would go like: { |(elem, coeff)| MASSES[elem.to_sym] * (coeff || 1).to_i }
You have a syntax error in your code: Maybe it should be:
def fw
x = { |chem| chem.scan(/[A-Z]/)}
y = { |chem| chem.scan(/\d+/)}
#mm = x[0] * y[0]
Have you looked at the output of { |chem| chem.scan(/[A-Z]/)} (or the second one for that matter)? It's giving you an array of arrays, so if you really wanted to stick with this approach you'd have to do x[0][0].
Instead of mapping, do each
#chem_species.each { |c| c.scan(/[A-Z]/) }
Edit: just realized that that didn't work at all how I had thought it did, my apologies on a silly answer :P
Here's a way to multiply the values once you have them. The * operator won't work on arrays.
x = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
y = [ 7, 8, 9 ]
res = [] { |a,b| res.push(a*b) }
res.inject(0) { |sum, v| sum += v}
# sum => 122
Or, cutting out the middle man:
x = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
y = [ 7, 8, 9 ]
res = 0 { |a,b| res += (a*b) }
# res => 122
(one-liners alert, off-topic alert)
you can parse the formula directly:
# -> [["H", "2"], ["S", ""], ["O", "4"]]
calculate partial sums:
aw = { 'H' => 1.01, 'S' => 32.07, 'O' => 16.00 }
"H2SO4".scan(/([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)/).collect{|e,x| aw[e] * (x==""?1:x).to_i}
# -> [2.02, 32.07, 64.0]
total sum:
"H2SO4".scan(/([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)/).collect{|e,x| aw[e] * (x==""?1:x).to_i}.inject{|s,x| s+x}
# -> 98.09
