can't convert Array into Integer - ruby

I'm trying to iterate through an array, #chem_species = ["H2", "S", "O4"] and multiply a constant times the amount of constants present: H = 1.01 * 2, S = 32.1 * 1 and so on. The constants are of course defined within the class, before the instance method.
The code I've constructed to do this does not function:
def fw
x = { |chem| chem.scan(/[A-Z]/)}
y = { |chem| chem.scan({/\d+/)}
#mm = x[0] * y[0]
yields -> TypeError: can't convert Array into Integer
Any suggestions on how to better code this? Thank you for your insight in advance.

How about doing it all in one scan & map? The String#scan method always returns an array of the strings it matched. Look at this:
irb> "H2".scan /[A-Z]+|\d+/i
=> ["H", "2"]
So just apply that to all of your #chem_species using map:
irb>! { |chem| chem.scan /[A-Z]+|\d+/i }
=> [["H", "2"], ["S"], ["O", "4"]]
OK, now map over #chem_species, converting each element symbol to the value of its constant, and each coefficient to an integer:
irb> H = 1.01
irb> S = 32.01
irb> O = 15.99
irb> { |(elem, coeff)| self.class.const_get(elem) * (coeff || 1).to_i }
=> [2.02, 32.01, 63.96]
There's your molar masses!
By the way, I suggest you look up the molar masses in a single hash constant instead of multiple constants for each element. Like this:
MASSES = { :H => 1.01, :S => 32.01, :O => 15.99 }
Then that last map would go like: { |(elem, coeff)| MASSES[elem.to_sym] * (coeff || 1).to_i }

You have a syntax error in your code: Maybe it should be:
def fw
x = { |chem| chem.scan(/[A-Z]/)}
y = { |chem| chem.scan(/\d+/)}
#mm = x[0] * y[0]

Have you looked at the output of { |chem| chem.scan(/[A-Z]/)} (or the second one for that matter)? It's giving you an array of arrays, so if you really wanted to stick with this approach you'd have to do x[0][0].
Instead of mapping, do each
#chem_species.each { |c| c.scan(/[A-Z]/) }
Edit: just realized that that didn't work at all how I had thought it did, my apologies on a silly answer :P

Here's a way to multiply the values once you have them. The * operator won't work on arrays.
x = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
y = [ 7, 8, 9 ]
res = [] { |a,b| res.push(a*b) }
res.inject(0) { |sum, v| sum += v}
# sum => 122
Or, cutting out the middle man:
x = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
y = [ 7, 8, 9 ]
res = 0 { |a,b| res += (a*b) }
# res => 122

(one-liners alert, off-topic alert)
you can parse the formula directly:
# -> [["H", "2"], ["S", ""], ["O", "4"]]
calculate partial sums:
aw = { 'H' => 1.01, 'S' => 32.07, 'O' => 16.00 }
"H2SO4".scan(/([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)/).collect{|e,x| aw[e] * (x==""?1:x).to_i}
# -> [2.02, 32.07, 64.0]
total sum:
"H2SO4".scan(/([A-Z][a-z]*)(\d*)/).collect{|e,x| aw[e] * (x==""?1:x).to_i}.inject{|s,x| s+x}
# -> 98.09


What's the difference `{'x'=> 3}` and `{x: 3}`?

I have this:
a = {'x' => 3}
b = {'x': 3}
c = {x: 3}
d = {:x => 3}
e = {:'x' => 3}
So, I have that b = c = d = e = {:x => 3}, meanwhile a = {"x" => 3} but a.class == b.class.
I don't understand what the difference is between a and the rest of variables.
In b,c,d, and e, the key is a Symbol.
In a, the key is a String.
a = { 'x' => 3 } #=> { "x" => 3 }
b = { 'x': 3 } #=> { :x => 3 }
c = { x: 3 } #=> { :x => 3 }
d = { :x => 3 } #=> { :x => 3 }
e = { :'x' => 3 } #=> { :x => 3 }
Your variable a hash has "x" key as a string, while other variables have that key as symbol.
Calling class on an object in Ruby returns its class, in your example it is Hash. In other words, the constructor of all hash instances, such as {x: 3} is Hash object.
There is a significant difference between String and Symbol classes in ruby:
explanation on SO;
good article on the topic.
By convention, all but the very first hash notations cast keys to the Symbol instance, while the first one uses the key (String instance in this particular case) as is. (To be more precise: b and c cast key to the Symbol instance, d and e do not cast anything, but keys given in these cases are Symbol instances already.)
Since ('x' == :x) == false, a hash differs from the latters.

Project Euler 8 in Ruby

I know my code works to get the correct answer for 4 adjacent integers. But it's not working with 13.
The only thing I can think of is that it can be an issue with an unsigned int, but in Ruby I don't think I'd have that problem because it would change automatically into a Bignum class.
So that means that somewhere in my calculation I am wrong?
Please give me a hint.
# Euler 8
# Find the thirteen adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number
# that have the greatest product.
# What is the value of this product?
number = []
#split the integer as a string into an array
long_digit = "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934
long_digit.split("").map { |s| number << s.to_i }
#iterate through the array to find the 13 ajacent digits that have the largest product
largest_product = 0
a = 0
#stay within the bounds of the array
while number[a+12]
current_product = number[a] * number[a+1] * number[a+2] * number[a+3] * number[a+4] * number[a+5] * number[a+6] * number[a+7] * number[a+8] * number[a+9] * number[a+10] * number[a+11] * number[a+12]
if current_product > largest_product
largest_product = current_product
a = a + 1
puts largest_product
I think this solution is pretty clean and simple:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
input = "
.gsub(/\s+/, '')
puts input.chars
.map { |seq| seq.reduce(:*) }
gsub performs the trimming.
chars gets the characters.
map(&:to_i) maps all the chars to ints.
each_cons(13) gets blocks of consecutive numbers (
map { |seq| seq.reduce(:*) } is going to take each of the consecutive blocks and perform a reduce (multiplying all the numbers of each slice/consecutive block of numbers).
max gets the maximum value.
Issue seems to be due to lot of white space chars in the string long_digit that are become 0 in the array number, thus giving wrong results.
Here is a corrected and simplified version. After removing newlines and spaces using gsub, we now have a 1000 digit number and we get correct answer.
number = long_digit.gsub!(/\s/, '').split("").map{ |s| s.to_i }
n = 13
p number.each_cons(n).map{|a| a.reduce {|a, i| a = a * i }}.max
#=> 23514624000
First, let's fix the string:
long_digit.size #=> 1000
We can speed this up by eliminating 13-character substrings that contain a zero:
shorter_digit_arr = long_digit.split('0').reject { |s| s.size < 13 }
#=> ["7316717653133",
# "6249192251196744265747423553491949349698352",
# "6326239578318",
# "18694788518438586156",
# "7891129494954595",
# "17379583319528532",
# "698747158523863",
# "435576689664895",
# "4452445231617318564",
# "987111217223831136222989342338",
# "81353362766142828",
# "64444866452387493",
# "1724271218839987979",
# "9377665727333",
# "594752243525849",
# "632441572215539753697817977846174",
# "86256932197846862248283972241375657",
# "79729686524145351",
# "6585412275886668811642717147992444292823",
# "863465674813919123162824586178664583591245665294765456828489128831426",
# "96245544436298123",
# "9878799272442849",
# "979191338754992",
# "559357297257163626956188267"]
Now, for each element of shorter_digit_arr, find the 13-character substring whose product of digits is greatest, then find the largest of those (shorter_digit_arr.size #=> 24) products. The main benefit of splitting the string into substrings in this way is that absence of zeroes allows us to perform the product calculations in a more efficient way than simply grinding out 12 multiplications for each substring:
res = do |s|
cand = s[0,13].each_char.reduce(1) { |prod,t| prod * t.o_i }
best = { val: cand, offset: 0 }
(13...s.size).each do |i|
cand = cand*(s[i].to_i)/(s[i-13].to_i)
best = { val: cand, offset: i-12 } if cand > best[:val]
[best[:val], s[best[:offset],13]]
#=> [23514624000, "5576689664895"]
puts "max_product: %d for: '%s'" % res
#=> max_product: 23514624000 for: '5576689664895'
The solution is the last 13 characters of:
s = shorter_digit_arr[7]
#=> "435576689664895"
The key here is the line:
cand = cand*(s[i].to_i)/(s[i-13].to_i)
which computes a 13-digit product by multiplying the "previous" 13-digit product by the digit added and dividing it by the digit dropped off.
In finding the maximum product for this element, the calculations are as follows:
s = "435576689664895"
cand = s[0,13].each_char.reduce(1) { |prod,t| prod * t.to_i }
#=> = "4355766896648".each_char.reduce(1) { |prod,t| prod * t.to_i }
# = 6270566400
best_val = { val: 6270566400, offset: 0 }
enum = (13...s.size).each
#=> #<Enumerator: 13...15:each>
The elements of this enumerator will be passed to the block by Enumerator#each. We can see what they are by converting enum to an array:
#=> [13, 14]
We can use Enumerator#next to simulate the passing of the elements of enum to the block and their assignment to the block variable i.
Pass the first element of the enumerator (13) to the block:
i =
#=> 13
cand = cand*(s[i].to_i)/(s[i-13].to_i)
# = 6270566400*(s[13].to_i)/(s[0].to_i)
# = 6270566400*(9)/(4)
# = 14108774400
cand > best[:val]
#=> 14108774400 > 6270566400 => true
best = { val: cand, offset: i-12 }
#=> { val: 14108774400, offset: 1 }
Pass the second element (14) to the block:
i =
#=> 14
cand = cand*(s[i].to_i)/(s[i-13].to_i)
#=> = 14108774400*(s[14].to_i)/(s[1].to_i)
# = 14108774400*(5)/(3)
# = 23514624000
cand > best[:val]
#=> 23514624000 > 14108774400 => true
best = { val: 23514624000, offset: 2 }
All elements of the enumerator have now been passed to the block. We can confirm that:
i =
#=> StopIteration: iteration reached an end
The result (for shorter_digit_arr[7]) is:
[best[:val], s[best[:offset],13]]
#=> [23514624000, "435576689664895"[2,13]]
# [23514624000, "5576689664895"]

Ruby: reuse value in a block without assigning it to variable (write object method on the fly)

There are several situations where I'd like to apply a block to a certain value and use the value inside this block, to use the enumerator coding style to every element.
If such method would be called decompose, it would look like:
result = [3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| array[2] + array[3] } # result = 15
# OR
result = {:key1 => 'value', :key2 => true}.decompose{ |hash| hash[:key1] if hash[:key2] } # result = 'value'
# OR
[min, max] = [3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| [array.min, array.max] } # [min, max] = [3, 8]
# OR
result = 100.decompose{ |int| (int - 1) * (int + 1) / (int * int) } # result = 1
# OR
result = 'Paris'.decompose{ |str| str.replace('a', '') + str[0] } # result = 'PrisP'
The method simply yields self to the block, returning the block's result. I don't think it exists, but you can implement it yourself:
class Object
def decompose
yield self
[3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| array[2] + array[3] }
#=> 15
{:key1 => 'value', :key2 => true}.decompose{ |hash| hash[:key1] if hash[:key2] }
#=> "value"
[3, 4, 7, 8].decompose{ |array| [array.min, array.max] }
#=> [3, 8]
It actually exists (I could not believe it didn't).
It is called BasicObject#instance_eval. Here's the doc:
Available since Ruby 1.9 as this post explains: What's the difference between Object and BasicObject in Ruby?

Return variable rather than the value

I am curious about a feature of the .each method.
a = 1
b = 2
[a,b].each do |x|
puts x
Is there a way for ruby to return the variable "a" rather than the value 1?
It doesn't return 1, it returns [1, 2], the each method returns what it iterated over.
> a = 1
=> 1
> b = 2
=> 2
> r = [a, b].each { |x| puts x }
=> [1, 2]
> p r.inspect
"[1, 2]"
If you're asking if you can "go backwards" from the array value, or the variable inside the iteration block, I don't see how. If you were iterating over a map with key/value pairs, yes.
> m = { a: 1, b: 2}
=> {:a=>1, :b=>2}
> m.each { |k, v| p "#{k} = #{v}" }
"a = 1"
"b = 2"

Ruby array with an extra state

I'm trying to go through an array and add a second dimension for true and false values in ruby.
For example. I will be pushing on arrays to another array where it would be:
a = [[1,2,3,4],[5]]
I would like to go through each array inside of "a" and be able to mark a state of true or false for each individual value. Similar to a map from java.
Any ideas? Thanks.
You're better off starting with this:
a = [{ 1 => false, 2 => false, 3 => false, 4 => false }, { 5 => false }]
Then you can just flip the booleans as needed. Otherwise you will have to pollute your code with a bunch of tests to see if you have a Fixnum (1, 2, ...) or a Hash ({1 => true}) before you can test the flag's value.
Hashes in Ruby 1.9 are ordered so you wouldn't lose your ordering by switching to hashes.
You can convert your array to this form with one of these:
a = { |x| Hash[[false] * x.length)] }
# or
a = { |x| x.each_with_object({}) { |i,h| h[i] = false } }
And if using nil to mean "unvisited" makes more sense than starting with false then:
a = { |x| Hash[[nil] * x.length)] }
# or
a = { |x| x.each_with_object({}) { |i,h| h[i] = nil } }
Some useful references:
Array *
If what you are trying to do is simply tag specific elements in the member arrays with boolean values, it is just a simple matter of doing the following:
current_value = a[i][j]
a[i][j] = [current_value, true_or_false]
For example if you have
a = [[1,2,3,4],[5]]
Then if you say
a[0][2] = [a[0,2],true]
then a becomes
a = [[1,2,[3,true],4],[5]]
You can roll this into a method
def tag_array_element(a, i, j, boolean_value)
a[i][j] = [a[i][j], boolean_value]
You might want to enhance this a little so you don't tag a specific element twice. :) To do so, just check if a[i][j] is already an array.
Change x % 2 == 0 for the actual operation you want for the mapping:
>> xss = [[1,2,3,4],[5]]
>> { |xs| { |x| {x => x % 2} } }
#=> [[{1=>false}, {2=>true}, {3=>false}, {4=>true}], [{5=>false}]]
