React Scripts like dynamic import using Laravel Mix - laravel-mix

How we can achieve react scripts like auto chunking of files and dynamic import in Laravel Mix?


Cannot use import statement outside a module laravel vue inertia ssr

I'm implementing inertia ssr to existing inertia website
I got this error from vue agile
Cannot use import statement outside a module
I looked up in vue agile docs the says that I have to do this to work with ssr
ssr support
How can I implement this in laravel mix
I used client only package to continue on

laravel-translatable does not work with vue

I am building a project using Laravel + Vue, I used Vuei18n to localization in vue ,and laravel-translatable was used in Laravel ,but laravel-translatable does not work in a components, it shows all translations of the data, for example:
{en: "Hello" , ar:"مرحبا"}
on laravel I was using Middleware and Prefix to display the text depending on the language, but with vue + laravel this feature does not work.
is there any suggestion or solutions?

How to use React Bootstrap with Laravel

I'm currently using Laravel 5.6. I have integrated bootstrap and would like to use the package React Bootstrap. For my component building.
Currently the components do not render properly. I believe it's because it's conflicting with the Laravel bootstrap/
In app.js I've disabled:
// require('./bootstrap');
The component still does not appear correctly.
I also import this in my component:
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
This causes my layout to change drastically.
Is there any specific way I can up my laravel project and be able to take advantage of the React Bootstrap components?
you should run npm install && npm run dev commands and then it will work properly
this is the link from documentation
you can try adding bootstrap cdn on your blade file

Integrate Vue.js with laravel

I have built my static design using vue.js. Now, I need to integrate it within Laravel.
Once I do integrate Laravel with Vue then Laravel is not getting the Design files path. I mean the various Style and JS files.
FYI, I build the Vue in static design and it was working fine before integration with Laravel. But, while integrating with Laravel I am no longer using the build or build.js file. Instead of this, I am building using Laravel ways.
The main issue is the design is broken and the route is not working.

multiple instances of vue js?

I have just updated my environment, from using vueJS by pulling in the script from the official CDN, to an installed version, with npm under a laravel environment.
I am now, getting two notes about running in developement instead of one.
Does this mean that I'm instantiating Vue twice?
I do have the import Vue from 'vue' in two places. Once in my main .js file and the other one in some bus.js which looks like
import Vue from 'vue'
export default new Vue()
