How to use React Bootstrap with Laravel - laravel

I'm currently using Laravel 5.6. I have integrated bootstrap and would like to use the package React Bootstrap. For my component building.
Currently the components do not render properly. I believe it's because it's conflicting with the Laravel bootstrap/
In app.js I've disabled:
// require('./bootstrap');
The component still does not appear correctly.
I also import this in my component:
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
This causes my layout to change drastically.
Is there any specific way I can up my laravel project and be able to take advantage of the React Bootstrap components?

you should run npm install && npm run dev commands and then it will work properly
this is the link from documentation

you can try adding bootstrap cdn on your blade file


Two different versions of Vue in Laravel?

I built my application using Vue3, now deploying it to Laravel.
However, I would like to make an administration panel for it, but I do not want to waste time creating a new template for it, but I want to use a ready-made template from the Internet. However, I have a problem because the all of available templates are based on the older version of VueJS 2.X.
What can I do? Can I somehow use two versions of VueJS with Laravel?
To create a Vue app, we need to use a special createApp function instead of ... will still install Vue 2.x and npm i vue#next will install Vue 3.

is there any proper way to integrate swiper in laravel?

I looking for solution which can describe integration of swiper in Laravel. I searched on internet but didn't find any proper way to integrate swiperjs carousel in Laravel.
I use npm install swiper but don't know how to call it?
Use CDN script is best option than to install locally sipperJs vie npm
use CDN scripts of swipperJs
put CDN script in tag in layout.blade or index.blade in view directory
keep JS in public/js
keep CSS in public/css
add swiperJS layout in index.blade
slider will run....
if not run then maybe if any js script comficting it.
ps: no need to use other solutions like
var Swiper = require('swiper');
import Swiper from 'swiper';

Can't able to update Vue template in laravel

I don't know Vue.js. I have just cloned one project from GitHub and now I want to edit come Vue template code. After updating the class of p tag, I am still getting old class when I refresh the page.
I think I need to re-generate or re-compile like something but don't know how as it's my first time with Vue.js.
Please help me
You need to install node modules and their dependencies from package.json stored in root directory of your laravel project:
npm install
And then after node modules are installed:
npm run dev
To compile the assets.
See more about frontend and vue in laravel here:

How can i build project with vue js & laravel in shared hosting?

I have integrated real chat system develop from VUE JS in my project developed in Laravel framework.
All Vue components need to be compiled down to JavaScript locally. Laravel does that automatically out of the box and you end up with a single static asset app.js. You need to use npm -command to do that see Laravel documentation for details. Then you just deploy single static app.js with you code.

Laravel, Vuejs - Adding a template purchased from themeforest

I installed laravel 5.6 and used a template i purchased from themeforest. I have all the css and js files in version1 folder (public/version1/app.min.css and public/version1/js/app.min.js). Then i modified the template as per blade rules and the website renders good. I want to use a javascript framework for frontend with this template for creating SPA applications so that i can view other pages without refreshing. I checked react, loved it however i see vue is good too with laravel.
I ran php artisan preset vue and npm install && npm run dev
Are there any other steps im missing? I have searched alot and couldn't find a single resource on how to use a template (purchased) with vue and laravel.
Any links to get me started would also help me. I have the links for creating crud with vue.
Followed this link and made the following changes
I placed all the css files in resources/assets/css folder and all the js files in the public/js folder.
Updated the webpack.mix.js
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
], 'public/css/app.css');
Now everything is compiled into public/css/app.css and the theme is rendered without any issues.
