RSpec Testing for Slack-Ruby-Bot Commands - ruby

I have been implementing a basic slack bot to a channel and as the code is very simple I have no public methods. Just commands from slack-ruby-bot gem. But as project requirement I need to add several unit testing to my project. Basically when I give command of #ruby_codes strings it gives me the wiki page of that area. how can I test this? attached my version but tests fail everytime.
My command example is as follows:
module RubyCodes
# SlackBot command methods#
class GetWiki < SlackRubyBot::Commands::Base
command 'strings' do |client, data, _match|
client.say(channel:, text: '')
My test case is as follows:
describe SlackRubyBot::Commands do
it 'returns ruby strings wiki page' do
expect(message: "#{SlackRubyBot.config.user} strings").to respond_with_slack_message('')
Thanks in advance!
also, this is the error I get:
expected to receive message with text: once,
received:[{:text=>"Sorry <#user>, I don't understand that command!", :channel=>"channel"}]


How do I get user input for Gherkin/Cucumber & Ruby?

I need to be able to prompt for user input (username, password and authorisation code) so my tests can access a GUI. These details cannot be stored as test data, so they'll have to be input part way through a test.
I've tried the following, but it's not working how I want:
Feature file:
Feature: user input as part of a test
Scenario: user input at the start
Given the test requires a name
Step definition:
Given(/^the test requires a name$/) do
def get_a_name
puts "Gimme a name"
#input_name = gets.chomp
puts "Hello #{#input_name}"
Gimme a name
Hello Feature: user input as part of a test
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
You have a number of options when dealing with external services in test automation. In this particular case you can
Change your source so the authentication behaves differently when testing
Record a response from the external service and use that response instead of going to the external service (see As the response is recorded you will know the authorisation code
Use a test version of the external service which gives back know responses
I suspect there are a number of other solutions, but all three of the above are used widely and work fine.
There is certainly no need to have manual interactions to test your system unless you are running your tests against a production system (which is a very bad idea!).

How mocking works mocha gem?

I am new to mocha gem before that I am using minitest to test my product. Then I came across a situation where my application is publishing jobs to facebook. It selects some jobs and then publish them on facebook.
So somebody told me to use mocking and i found mocha gem.
I see a sample test.
def test_mocking_an_instance_method_on_a_real_object
job =
But I did not get the idea. In my jobs controller, I have validations
and the empty job cannot be saved successfully. But here with mocking the
above test assert that job can be saved without mandatory fields.So what exactly we test in above test case?
It is a good practice generally for several reasons:
From an isolation point of view: The responsibility of the controller is to handle the incoming request and trigger actions accordingly. In our given case the actions are: create a new Job, and issue a new post to Facebook if everything fits. (Please notice our controller doesn't need to know about how to post to FB)
So imagine the following controller action:
def create
job = job_params
FacebookService.post_job job
I would test it like:
class JobsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test "should create a job and issue new FB post" do
job_params = { title: "Job title" }
# We expect the post_job method will be called on the FacebookService class or module, and we replace the original implementation with an 'empty/mock' method that does nothing
FacebookService.expects :post_job
post :create, job_params
assert_equal(Job.count, 1) # or similar
assert_response :created
The other advantage is: FacebookService.post_job might take significant time, and might require internet access etc, we don't want our tests to pending on those, especially if we have CI.
And finally I would test the real FB posting in the FacebookService test, and maybe stub out some other method, to prevent posting on FB every single time when the test runs (it needs time, internet, FB account...).

according to tutorial does not work - rubymine cucumber rspec

I created two files according to some tutorial(I could not find now)
first is steps:
Given(/^: i am on "([^"]*)"$/) do |path_to|
visit path_to # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
When(/^: I type ".*?" in search field$/) do |string_search|
TXT_SEARCH= ".//*[#id='masthead-search-term']" # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
BTN_SEARCH= ".//*[#id='search-btn']"
find(:xpath,TXT_SEARCH).set string_search
Then(/^: i should see install cucumber$/) do |string_expectation|
page.should have_content string_expectation # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
and second one is feature
Feature: as a consumer, i want to search th in yt
Scenario: search dth on yt
Given : i am on ""
When : I type install cucumber in search field
Then : i should see install cucumber
but when I try to run it does not work..I got an error
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
Given(/^: i am on "([^"]*)"$/) do |arg1|
Why? Everything is like on YT

Data driven testing with ruby testunit

I have a very basic problem for which I am not able to find any solution.
So I am using Watir Webdriver with testunit to test my web application.
I have a test method which I would want to run against multiple set of test-data.
While I can surely use old loop tricks to run it but that would show as only 1 test ran which is not what I want.
I know in testng we have #dataprovider, I am looking for something similar in testunit.
Any help!!
Here is what I have so far:
[1,2].each do |p|
define_method :"test_that_#{p}_is_logged_in" do
# code to log in
This works fine. But my problem is how and where would I create data against which I can loop in. I am reading my data from excel say I have a list of hash which I get from excel something like
[{:name =>abc,:password => test},{:name =>def,:password => test}]
Current Code status:
class RubyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#excel_array = util.get_excel_map //This gives me an array of hash from excel
#excel_array.each do |p|
define_method :"test_that_#{p}_is_logged_in" do
//Code to check login
I am struggling to run the loop. I get an error saying "undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)" on class declaration line
You are wanting to do something like this:
require 'minitest/autorun'
describe 'Login' do
5.times do |number|
it "must allow user#{number} to login" do
assert true # replace this assert with your real code and validation
Of course, I am mixing spec and test/unit assert wording here, but in any case, where the assert is, you would place the assertion/expectation.
As this code stands, it will pass 5 times, and if you were to report in story form, it would be change by the user number for the appropriate test.
Where to get the data from, that is the part of the code that is missing, where you have yet to try and get errors.

Reuse Cucumber steps

I want to reuse some Cucumber steps but can't seem to find the right way.
I want to write a step like:
Given /^I login with (.*) credentials$/ |type|
# do stuff with type being one of "invalid" or "valid"
But then have another step like:
Given /^I login successfully$
# call "Given I login with valid credentials"
So in testing user authentication I can use the former, but most other places, I can use the latter, and not actually have to repro code.
Is there a way to call that other step, or do I just put the logic in a helper method, and call said method from each task (basically a method extraction refactoring, which, after reading my question makes me believe that's actually the best way anyway)?
Note that the method for calling steps within steps has changed in recent versions of cucumber, which you'll see if you get an error like "WARNING: Using 'Given/When/Then' in step definitions is deprecated, use 'step' to call other steps instead:/path/to/step_definitions/foo_steps.rb:631:in `block in '
". See the cucumber wiki for details.
The gist of the change is that you should now use the step or steps methods.
When /^I make all my stuff shiny$/
step "I polish my first thing"
When /^I make all my stuff shiny$/
steps %Q{
When I polish my first thing
When I shine my second thing
UPDATE: The method described below has been deprecated. The recommended way to call a step from within another step now looks like this:
Given /^I login successfully$/
step "I login with valid credentials"
Old, deprecated method (for reference):
You can call steps from other steps like this:
Given /^I login successfully$/
Given "I login with valid credentials"
Then "I should be logged in"
If all of the scenarios within a feature require this (or other steps), you can also add a Background to each features, with the common steps, like so:
Given I log in with valid credentials
Scenario: Change my password
Given I am on the account page
Calling steps from step definitions is a bad practice and has some disadvantages:
If scenario will fail and there are nested step invocations, you will get only the last invoked step definition in the stack trace. It may be hard to find from which place that last stepdef was called
Call to stepdef is sometimes harder to find and read than ruby method
Ruby methods give you more power than calling steps from step defs
Aslak Hellesøy recommends to extract popular actions to World instead of reusing steps. It isolates those actions in one place, makes this code easier to find. You can extract code to usual Ruby classes or modules as well.
module KnowsUser
def login
fill_in('User name', with:
fill_in('Password', with: user.password)
click_button('Log in')
def user
#user ||= User.create!(:name => 'Aslak', :password => 'xyz')
When /^I login$/ do
Given /^a logged in user$/ do
Here is a useful discussion on the subject in Cucumber mailing list - link
Best wrap your steps in %{} rather than quotes. Then, you don't need to escape double quotes which you'll need to use frequently.:
Given /^I login successfully$
step %{I login with valid credentials}
Given /^I login with (.*) credentials$/ |type|
# do stuff with type being one of "invalid" or "valid"
Reuse keywords in feature file which will provide code reusability.
It is highly NOT recommended to call step defs within step defs.
I would write my feature file this way,
Scenario Outline: To check login functionality
Given I login with "<username>" and "<password>"
Then I "<may or may not>" login successfully
|username|password|may or may not|
|paul |123$ |may |
|dave |1111 |may not |
In my step definition, (This is Java)
#Given(I login with \"([^\"]*)\" and \"([^\"]*)\"$)
public void I_login_with_and(String username, String password){
//login with username and password
#Then(I \"([^\"]*)\" login successfully$)
public void I_login_successully_if(String validity){
//assert for valid login
if(validity.equals("may not")){
//assert for invalid login
In this way, there is a lot of code reusability.
Your same Given and Then handles both valid and invalid scenarios.
At the same time, your feature file makes sense to the readers.
