How to check, which route is session()->get('url.intended')? - laravel

Need to write some logic based on url.intended for example if the url is route /create show different login form and different if it's /move.

if(Route::current()->getName() == '/create'){
// do something
You can also pass it from your controller to your blade view as a parameter, not the cleanest way, but it works.

You can get the current route name and based on that do stuff;
use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
$routeName = Route::currentRouteName();
if($routeName == 'user.create') {
// whatever is needed.


Passing data from blade to blade in Laravel

I have a page where you can create your workout plan. Second page contains "pre-saved" workouts and I want them to load by passing parameters from second page to first. If you directly access first page, you create your workout plan from scratch.
// first page =
// second page = ; where you can check which one you want to pass to first page
// final step looks like this: - but my URL looks like this:
this 84,85,86 are IDS
Can I pass params without changing URL ? Like having only /training/plan without anything after ?
public function plan(Request $request){
$workout = false;
$workout = $request->workout;
$workout = SablonTrening::find($sabloni); // $workout = array [1,3,4,5,6]
return view('trener.dodaj_trening', compact('workout'));
If you are getting to the /training/plan page with GET request, you could simply change it to POST. That way the parameters would be hidden in the URL but would be present in the request body. You would need a new post route:
Route::post('/training/plan', 'YourController#plan')->name('training.plan');
And then, in the form where you are selecting these plans, change the method on submit:
<form action="{{route('training.plan')}}">
//Your inputs
Your method should still work if your inputs stay the same.
Note: Not sure you would still keep the functionalities that you need, since I can't see all the logic you have.
If you have any questions, let me know.
To pass data from on blade to another blade.
At the end of first post before redirect()-route('myroute') add $request->session()->put('data', $mydata);
At the begining of the route 'myroute', just get back your data with $data = $request->old('data');

How to include a variable in a laravel redirect

I have a variable in a Laravel 5 controller which I am trying to include in the url of a redirect link, however nothing I've tried seems to work, my code is currently as follows.
$newChallenge = ((int) request('challenge_id') + 2);
return redirect('/texttext/{{$newChallenge}}');
However, this doesn't use the variable represented by $newChallenge, but rather
"{{newChallenge}}" as a string, how should this be done?
{{ }} is meant for use in blade files.
I think you can do return redirect('/texttext/{ $newChallenge }'); if you really want those { } brackets.
Or just return redirect(sprintf('/texttext/%s'), $newChallenge));
or return redirect('/texttext/'.$newChallenge);
Edit: Also, your redirect could probably benefit from being a named route.
May be you can change it to a query parameter
return redirect('/texttext/?=newChallenge={{$newChallenge}}');
if you want to use
return redirect('/texttext/{{$newChallenge}}');
It should be something like below
Route::get('texttext/{{newChallenge}}', 'YourController#newChallenge');
and newChallenge signature will function newChallenge(Request $request, $newChallenge)
if you want to use something like return redirect(route('new-challenge', $newChallenge));
just add name to route like
Route::get('texttext/{{newChallenge}}', 'YourController#newChallenge')->name('new-challenge');
I have not tested, but I think it should work.

Get part of url from Laravel named route

Is there a possibility to get the part of url, that is defined in route?
For example with this route:
Route::get('/editor/{id}', 'EditorController#editor')->name('editorNew');
after using mentioned functionality, let's say route_link(); i would like to get:
$route_link = route_link('editorNew', array('id' => 1));
//$route_link containts "/editor/1"
I tried to use route(), but i got http://localhost/app/public/editor-new/1 instead of /editor-new/1 and that's not what i wanted.
For clarity need this functionality to generate links depending on machine, that the app is fired on (integration with Shopify).
You can use route method to get the relative path by passing false in the third parameter as:
route('editorNew', [1], false); // returns '/editor-new/1'
You could use the following:
$route_link = route('editorNew', [1]);
1 is the first value that will be on the route, at this moment {id}.
If you want to use the paramater (id) in your method, it will be the following:
public function editor($id) {
//your code
And in the view you could use:
Hope this works!

Pass variable from middleware to view via controller in Laravel 5.2

Hi I am trying to do the following in Laravel 5.2.
Summary: Pass some variables from middleware to view, via controller
Detailed: When a client is logged in, no matter what route they want, we need to check if they have completed all "setup steps" (each step refers to a different route, e.g. one could be company info, another could be product settings, etc). If they have completed all setup steps, then let them proceed to their chosen route, otherwise we redirect to the appropriate "setup steps" route, whichever one they haven't completed yet.
All client controllers run the same middleware, called NonSuperAdmin. I would like to put the checking of "setup steps" in this middleware, and redirect from there as appropriate. If client is redirected to a setup route by this middleware, we need the "incompleteSetupTasks" collection to be passed on to the relevant view, via the appropriate setup steps controller method.
Is this possible? Any help is much appreciated.
In the middleware use session handler
if($condition === true){
$data = [ //your content ];
Session::flash('your_key', $data);
This data will also be available in your controller and in view
This is how you can access data in controller
public function yourControllerAction($request)
$somevariable = Session::get('your_key');
$viewdata = [
'content' => $somevariable
return view('yourview', $viewdata);
Or directly access the session data in view
Your html content
#foreach(Session::get('your_key' as $data)
//your stuff
May be use Laravel Session to store and read values?
You can pass your setup steps to get or post parameters and check in routes with middleware if these parameters are empty:
Route::get('post/{setup1?}/{setup2?}', ['middleware' => 'role:admin', function ($setup1, $setup2) {
if(empty($setup1) and empty($setup2)){
// do smth
} else {
// redirect
Question marks mean, that they are optional parameters. Hope it was helpful.

Codeigniter - url segment replace or redirect

I have a base controller (base) which all other controllers extend from.
Anything placed here will override other controllers, the redirects will be here.
URLs example:
Using the code below. will give me the controller name
Each of the above controllers need to be redirected to separate URLs, but the funcation part should not change:
In my base controller i want the following logic:
$controller_name = $this->uri->segment(1);
if($controller_name === 'controllerone'){
// replace the controller name with new one and redirect, how ?
}else if($controller_name === 'controllertwo'){
// replace the controller name with new one and redirect, how ?
// continue as normal
i was thinking i should use redirect() function and str_replace(), but dont know how efficient these would be. Ideally i do not want to use the Routing class.
Simple Solution using segment_array:
$segs = $this->uri->segment_array();
if($segs[1] === 'controllerone'){
$segs[1] = "newcontroller";
}else if($segs[1] === 'controllertwo'){
$segs[1] = "newcontroller2";
// continue as normal
CodeIgniter's URI Routing, should be able to help in this case. However, if you have a good reason not to use it, then this solution may help.
The potential redirects are in an array, where the key is the controller name being looked for in the URL and the value is the name of the controller to redirect to. This may not be the most efficient but I think it should be easier to manage and read than a potentially very long if-then-else statement.
//Get the controller name from the URL
$controller_name = $this->uri->segment(1);
//Alternative: $controller_name = $this->router->fetch_class();
//List of redirects
$redirects = array(
"controllerone" => "newcontrollerone",
"controllertwo" => "newcontrollertwo",
//...add more redirects here
//If a redirect exists for the controller
if (array_key_exists($controller_name, $redirects))
//Controller to redirect to
$redirect_controller = $redirects[$controller_name];
//Create string to pass to redirect
$redirect_segments = '/'
. $redirect_controller
. substr($this->uri->uri_string(), strlen($controller_name)); //Function, parameters etc. to append (removes the original controller name)
redirect($redirect_segments, 'refresh');
//Do what you want...
