Openid between parties in different networks - spring-boot

I am creating a Spring Boot application with oauth2 (openid Connect with ADFS) authentication.
The application's server and the ADFS server reside in two different private networks that cannot communicate with each others.
The client (web browser) resides in a third network that can connect to the two others.
Is it possible to set up open id in this configuration?
I cannot figure out how to configure the SpringBoot application to avoid communication between the two servers, like it is with Saml for instance.

you could consider to use OpenID Connect implicit flow which avoids direct communication between application server and identity provider.


How to secure springboot Resource server API's where Authitication is done on differnt service?

I am new to Spring Security. I am facing an issue to secure the resource server APIs. flow diagram . I need to authenticate and authorize users using the LDAP server which is written in a different microservice and all the data resources are written in a different microservice. How to secure resource server APIs. I cannot use Keylock or any other external sso software to be installed in our environment nor we can share our credentials with an external server.
I have gone through various designs. OAuth2 using keylock, Embedded keylock, Springboot authorization server, etc. Is this the right approach or do I need to flow a different flow?

What are the security concerns for not installing ssl certificate in spring boot application which runs behind a azure APIM?

I have a spring boot application which runs on Azure Kubernetes Service and it exposes a private IP, using this IP I have configured this API on Azure API Manager. All the traffic will be coming to this spring boot application via API manager. Client to APIM connection is secured with SSL certificate coming from azure API manager. But from API manager to back end API application is not secured it is plain http. Is there any security issues for this architecture?
For your situation, since you already use SSL certificate to protect your APIM, I think the architecture is no problem even though there isn't any security configuration between APIM and backend api. APIM will not expose your backend, so others can't get your backend IP or backend url according to the APIM. So I think you do not need to add any other security configuration for your architecture.
For the comment about Azure AD mentioned by Tiny, you can also use Azure AD to protect your api or APIM, but I think it is unnecessary.

Authentication and Authorization for microservices architecture

I have implemented microservices architecture in Spring Boot. All services are accessible from the front-end. There are 2 types of API in few Microservices -
Public - (Directly Accessible from the front-end)
Internal - (for inter-service communication)
I have implemented JWT based authentication. But I want to know how to implement auth for internal APIs?
In internal API we will not get the JWT token. Auth is needed because someone can mock a private API.
For Authentication, we are using an auth service. All other services call the Auth service before every API call to authenticate the request.
Auth is needed because someone can mock a private API
While this may be true, an attacker would need to be inside your network already.
However, assuming you still need secure intra-service communication, you could look at service discovery to mediate this communication. Service registry platforms such as Eureka or Consul, will allow you to set up service discovery.
Eureka is commonly used in sprint boot applications, and is fairly lightweight, but weighted toward AWS hosting.
In addition to other benefits, such as configuration management, failure detection, and load balancing, these platforms will also enable you to secure your intra-service communication.

Spring Boot REST service – End User Authentication vs APP (REST client) Authentication

I have gone through many posts and articles but didn't find a straightforward solution for the case below which I have to implement.
Platform: Spring Boot 2.x.x (Spring Security 5.x.x) with embed Tomcat
Solution: REST service that consume many client apps and many end users.
I have to implement a REST end point /api/search which accessible for many client application. As an example, web application APP-X (Angular), web application APP-Y(Jquery/Bootstrap) and mobile application APP-Z (IOS). All three clients are separate entities (both technical perspective and business perspective).
So I have to authenticate above application using onetime token. Therefore I planned to go for Spring OAuth2 by enabling #EnableAuthorizationServer and #EnableResourceServer. For each app client I’ll generate a token and they can use it when they connect with my REST service. Is this approach correct?
Apart from the app clients system has capability to register and login functionality for end users. Also my end point (/api/search) can access both anonymous users and users who registered under ROLE_REGUSER role. And through the security context, I need to access the user details as usual user authentication.
This is the place I got stuck. How can I handle the following points together using Spring Security 5.x.x (Spring Boot 2.x.x).
I. Both client apps and end users authentications.
II. Allow access for anonymous users and registered users for same end point.
I have attached small diagram to elaborate the above scenario.
I found a solution when I upgraded my spring security version to 5.2. In version 5.2, they have depreciated #EnableAuthorizationServer and #EnableResourceServer. So I had to move with an external authorization provider who supports auth2. I chose AWS Cognito, and fulfill the above requirement, using the user pool option.
In AWS Cognito
I created a user pool.
Then created two app clients in the same user pool.
One app client configured as support to the client credentials flow.
The second app client configured as support to the user authentication flow.
In client applications
Retrieve access token directly from AWS Cognito using client credentials and used to secure all API calls.
If a user login at any stage, retrieve access token directly from AWS Cognito using the authorization code and replace any existing access token.
The advantage is, the resources server can validate any access token that generated related to the same user pool.
In resources server (backend API/Spring Boot)
Validate access token.

Spring-Security + SAML: authorize multiple applications acting as a single service provider

We are currently developing an application for a customer. The project has the restriction that we shall deliver only deployable WAR files. The customer provides the infrastructure and doesn't allow much deviation from it.
The application is developped with Spring Boot, Spring Security and SAML. The current version is a single monolithic WAR file.
At the moment, we are in the process of splitting this monolithic application in separate applications because of multiple reasons (maintainability, deployment, code quality, ...). Unfortunately we do not know yet how to implement authorization with these given restrictions:
Infrastructure constraints:
Applications will be deployed on JBoss EAP 7.0
A custom Identity Provider is provided by the customer
Communication with IdP has to be implemented with SAML 2.0
The custom IdP has the following restrictions:
Authentication is done through a proxy, which means only authenticated users arrive at the application
Only one SP metadata file can be provided, because it is linked to the user database. We want to share the same user database for all applications.
The SP metadata file can only provide one AssertionConsumerService-Location
The AssertionConsumerService-Location is statically defined in the metadata file and cannot be overriden in an AuthnRequest
Problem description:
Each application has to authorize itself with the IdP to receive roles and assertions. With the current (monolithic) deployment this is no problem as we require only a single AssertionConsumerService. With the new architecture, each application is able to redirect to the IdP, but the IdP can only redirect to the statically configured ACS. How can each application receive the AuthnResponse, when only a single ACS is possible?
Any ideas?
From SAML-standards point of view this could be achieved with an SAML IdP Proxy. Your apps, acting as the ServiceProviders only communicate with the IdP part of the IdP Proxy. The actual IdP only communiates with the SP apart of the IdP Proxy (so there is only a single ACS url).
