Solve task using matrix toolkit java - mtj

I have matrix A and vector t. And I need to find vector x, so that A*x = t
So there are just 2 steps, convert maxtrix A and vector t to triangle, and then find vector x (or mb it can be done just in one step using this library, idk). How can I do this using MTJ? There is really few documentation or information about MTJ.

I found how to do it:
double[][] matrix = new double[n][n];
double[] vector = new double[n];
Matrix A = new DenseMatrix(matrix);
Vector t = new DenseVector(vector);
Vector x = new DenseVector(n);
And then we will have answer in x


How to solve simultaneous equations through processing

I'm only new to processing and it's confusing me far more than Java or Javascript ever did!
I have to solve simultaneous equations for a college assignment. (It's a class where they don't really explain to us what they're doing in the code.)
I know how they figure out the code with two equations in the code below, however they now want us to do it with 3 equations. Does anyone know how I would do this? I imagined I would just have to add the extra bits into each matrix but it is obviously more complicated than that.
The 3 equations I have are:
The code for two equations is the following:
// import Jama.*;
// Solve 3x+2y=3
// -2x-y=-1
// AX=B
// X=InvA B
void setup()
double [][] Aline12={{ 3, 2}, // Create a 2D array to store A
Matrix A = new Matrix(Aline12); // Copy array to A Matrix data structure
double [][] B1ine12 = {{3}, // Create a 2D array to store B
Matrix B = new Matrix(B1ine12); // Copy array to B Matrix data structure
Matrix X=(A.inverse()).times(B); // Solve for X
// Method added to allow printing on applet screen at (x,y)
void app_print(Matrix P, int x, int y)
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);
You will solve it the same way you solve a system of 2 equations, just add the third variable. Also in practice you almost never want to take the inverse of a matrix, there are better methods like LU decomposition to solve Ax=B. Since you are using Jama, you can try the following snippet
double [][] Aline12={{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, // Create a 2D array to store A
{1.0, 2.0. 3.0},
{1.0, 5.0, -3.0}};
Matrix A = new Matrix(Aline12); // Copy array to A Matrix data structure
double [][] B1ine12 = {{9}, // Create a 2D array to store B
Matrix B = new Matrix(B1ine12); // Copy array to B Matrix data structure
Matrix X = A.solve(B) // Solve for X. See Jama documentation on solve
Jama docs

Compute z-Value (Distance to Camera) of Vertex with given Projection Matrix

I've created a 3D-Scene with Blender and computed the Projection Matrix P (Also have information about the Translation T- and Rotation-Matrix R).
Like I mentioned in the title I try to calculate the z-Value or depth to an Vertex (x,y,z) from my given camera C with these Matrices.
Vertex v = [1.4,1,2.3] and position of camera c = [0,-0.7,10]. The Result should be anything around 10-2.3 = 7.7. Thank you for your help!
Usually rotation matrix is applied before translation. So
transform = R * T
R is the rotation matrix (usually 4 rows and 4 columns)
T is the translation matrix (4 rows and 4 columns)
* is the matrix multiplication wich apply first T and then R
of course I'm assuming you already know how to perform matrix multiplication, I'm not providing anycode because it is not clear if you need python snippet or you are using the exported model somehwere else.
After that you apply the final projection matrix (I'm assuming your projection matrix is already multiplied by view matrix)
final = P * transform
P is the projection matrix ( 4 rows and 4 columns)
transform is your previously obtained (4 rows and 4 columns) matrix
the final matrix is the one that will transform every vector of your 3D model, again here you do a matrix multiplication (but in this case the second operand is a colum vector wich 4th element is 1)
transformedVertex = final * Vec4(originalVertex,1)
transformedVertex is a column vector ( 4x1 matrix)
final is the final matrix (4x4)
a vertex is onl 3 coordinates, so we add 1 to make it (4x1)
* is still matrix multiplication
once transformed the vertex Z value is the one that gets directly mapped into Z buffer and ence into a Depth value.
At this point there is one operation that is done "by convention" and is dividing Z by W to normalize it, then values outside range [0..1] are discarded (nearest than near clip plane or farest than far clip plane).
See also this question:
Why do I divide Z by W?
I may have misinterpreted your question, if you need distance between camera and a point it is simply
function computeDistance( cam, pos)
dx = cam.x-pos.x
dy = cam.y-pos.y
dz = cam.z-pos.z
distance = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
end function
cameraposition = 10,0,0
vertexposition = 2,0,0
the above code
computeDistance ( cameraposition, vertexposition)
Thanks for your help, here is what I was looking for:
Data setup
R rotation matrix 4x4
T translation matrix 4x4
v any vertex in with [x,y,z,1] 4x1
vec4 vector 4x1 (x,y,z,w)
vec4 = R * T * v
The vec4.z value is the result I was looking for. Thanks!

Speed-efficient classification in Matlab

I have an image of size as RGB uint8(576,720,3) where I want to classify each pixel to a set of colors. I have transformed using rgb2lab from RGB to LAB space, and then removed the L layer so it is now a double(576,720,2) consisting of AB.
Now, I want to classify this to some colors that I have trained on another image, and calculated their respective AB-representations as:
Cluster 1: -17.7903 -13.1170
Cluster 2: -30.1957 40.3520
Cluster 3: -4.4608 47.2543
Cluster 4: 46.3738 36.5225
Cluster 5: 43.3134 -17.6443
Cluster 6: -0.9003 1.4042
Cluster 7: 7.3884 11.5584
Now, in order to classify/label each pixel to a cluster 1-7, I currently do the following (pseudo-code):
for each x
for each y
ab = im(x,y,2:3);
dist = norm(ab - clusters); // norm of dist between ab and each cluster
[~, idx] = min(dist);
However, this is terribly slow (52 seconds) because of the image resolution and that I manually loop through each x and y.
Are there some built-in functions I can use that performs the same job? There must be.
To summarize: I need a classification method that classifies pixel images to an already defined set of clusters.
Approach #1
For a N x 2 sized points/pixels array, you can avoid permute as suggested in the other solution by Luis, which could slow down things a bit, to have a kind of "permute-unrolled" version of it and also let's bsxfun work towards a 2D array instead of a 3D array, which must be better with performance.
Thus, assuming clusters to be ordered as a N x 2 sized array, you may try this other bsxfun based approach -
%// Get a's and b's
im_a = im(:,:,2);
im_b = im(:,:,3);
%// Get the minimum indices that correspond to the cluster IDs
[~,idx] = min(bsxfun(#minus,im_a(:),clusters(:,1).').^2 + ...
idx = reshape(idx,size(im,1),[]);
Approach #2
You can try out another approach that leverages fast matrix multiplication in MATLAB and is based on this smart solution -
d = 2; %// dimension of the problem size
im23 = reshape(im(:,:,2:3),[],2);
numA = size(im23,1);
numB = size(clusters,1);
A_ext = zeros(numA,3*d);
B_ext = zeros(numB,3*d);
for id = 1:d
A_ext(:,3*id-2:3*id) = [ones(numA,1), -2*im23(:,id), im23(:,id).^2 ];
B_ext(:,3*id-2:3*id) = [clusters(:,id).^2 , clusters(:,id), ones(numB,1)];
[~, idx] = min(A_ext * B_ext',[],2); %//'
idx = reshape(idx, size(im,1),[]); %// Desired IDs
What’s going on with the matrix multiplication based distance matrix calculation?
Let us consider two matrices A and B between whom we want to calculate the distance matrix. For the sake of an easier explanation that follows next, let us consider A as 3 x 2 and B as 4 x 2 sized arrays, thus indicating that we are working with X-Y points. If we had A as N x 3 and B as M x 3 sized arrays, then those would be X-Y-Z points.
Now, if we have to manually calculate the first element of the square of distance matrix, it would look like this –
first_element = ( A(1,1) – B(1,1) )^2 + ( A(1,2) – B(1,2) )^2
which would be –
first_element = A(1,1)^2 + B(1,1)^2 -2*A(1,1)* B(1,1) + ...
A(1,2)^2 + B(1,2)^2 -2*A(1,2)* B(1,2) … Equation (1)
Now, according to our proposed matrix multiplication, if you check the output of A_ext and B_ext after the loop in the earlier code ends, they would look like the following –
So, if you perform matrix multiplication between A_ext and transpose of B_ext, the first element of the product would be the sum of elementwise multiplication between the first rows of A_ext and B_ext, i.e. sum of these –
The result would be identical to the result obtained from Equation (1) earlier. This would continue for all the elements of A against all the elements of B that are in the same column as in A. Thus, we would end up with the complete squared distance matrix. That’s all there is!!
Vectorized Variations
Vectorized variations of the matrix multiplication based distance matrix calculations are possible, though there weren't any big performance improvements seen with them. Two such variations are listed next.
Variation #1
[nA,dim] = size(A);
nB = size(B,1);
A_ext = ones(nA,dim*3);
A_ext(:,2:3:end) = -2*A;
A_ext(:,3:3:end) = A.^2;
B_ext = ones(nB,dim*3);
B_ext(:,1:3:end) = B.^2;
B_ext(:,2:3:end) = B;
distmat = A_ext * B_ext.';
Variation #2
[nA,dim] = size(A);
nB = size(B,1);
A_ext = [ones(nA*dim,1) -2*A(:) A(:).^2];
B_ext = [B(:).^2 B(:) ones(nB*dim,1)];
A_ext = reshape(permute(reshape(A_ext,nA,dim,[]),[1 3 2]),nA,[]);
B_ext = reshape(permute(reshape(B_ext,nB,dim,[]),[1 3 2]),nB,[]);
distmat = A_ext * B_ext.';
So, these could be considered as experimental versions too.
Use pdist2 (Statistics Toolbox) to compute the distances in a vectorized manner:
ab = im(:,:,2:3); % // get A, B components
ab = reshape(ab, [size(im,1)*size(im,2) 2]); % // reshape into 2-column
dist = pdist2(clusters, ab); % // compute distances
[~, idx] = min(dist); % // find minimizer for each pixel
idx = reshape(idx, size(im,1), size(im,2)); % // reshape result
If you don't have the Statistics Toolbox, you can replace the third line by
dist = squeeze(sum(bsxfun(#minus, clusters, permute(ab, [3 2 1])).^2, 2));
This gives squared distance instead of distance, but for the purposes of minimizing it doesn't matter.

Calculating quaternion for transformation between 2 3D cartesian coordinate systems

I have two cartesian coordinate systems with known unit vectors:
System A(x_A,y_A,z_A)
System B(x_B,y_B,z_B)
Both systems share the same origin (0,0,0). I'm trying to calculate a quaternion, so that vectors in system B can be expressed in system A.
I am familiar with the mathematical concept of quaternions. I have already implemented the required math from here:
One possible solution could be to calculate Euler angles and use them for 3 quaternions. Multiplying them would lead to a final one, so that I could transform my vectors:
v(A) = q*v(B)*q_conj
But this would incorporate Gimbal Lock again, which was the reason NOT to use Euler angles in the beginning.
Any idead how to solve this?
You can calculate the quaternion representing the best possible transformation from one coordinate system to another by the method described in this paper:
Paul J. Besl and Neil D. McKay
"Method for registration of 3-D shapes", Sensor Fusion IV: Control Paradigms and Data Structures, 586 (April 30, 1992);
The paper is not open access but I can show you the Python implementation:
def get_quaternion(lst1,lst2,matchlist=None):
if not matchlist:
for i,coord1 in enumerate(lst1):
quat= vectors[:,w.index(mw)]
return quat
This function returns the quaternion that you were looking for. The arguments lst1 and lst2 are lists of numpy.arrays where every array represents a 3D vector. If both lists are of length 3 (and contain orthogonal unit vectors), the quaternion should be the exact transformation. If you provide longer lists, you get the quaternion that is minimizing the difference between both point sets.
The optional matchlist argument is used to tell the function which point of lst2 should be transformed to which point in lst1. If no matchlist is provided, the function assumes that the first point in lst1 should match the first point in lst2 and so forth...
A similar function for sets of 3 Points in C++ is the following:
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
using namespace Eigen;
/// Determine rotation quaternion from coordinate system 1 (vectors
/// x1, y1, z1) to coordinate system 2 (vectors x2, y2, z2)
Quaterniond QuaternionRot(Vector3d x1, Vector3d y1, Vector3d z1,
Vector3d x2, Vector3d y2, Vector3d z2) {
Matrix3d M = x1*x2.transpose() + y1*y2.transpose() + z1*z2.transpose();
Matrix4d N;
N << M(0,0)+M(1,1)+M(2,2) ,M(1,2)-M(2,1) , M(2,0)-M(0,2) , M(0,1)-M(1,0),
M(1,2)-M(2,1) ,M(0,0)-M(1,1)-M(2,2) , M(0,1)+M(1,0) , M(2,0)+M(0,2),
M(2,0)-M(0,2) ,M(0,1)+M(1,0) ,-M(0,0)+M(1,1)-M(2,2) , M(1,2)+M(2,1),
M(0,1)-M(1,0) ,M(2,0)+M(0,2) , M(1,2)+M(2,1) ,-M(0,0)-M(1,1)+M(2,2);
EigenSolver<Matrix4d> N_es(N);
Vector4d::Index maxIndex;
Vector4d ev_max = N_es.eigenvectors().col(maxIndex).real();
Quaterniond quat(ev_max(0), ev_max(1), ev_max(2), ev_max(3));
return quat;
What language are you using? If c++, feel free to use my open source library:
The short of it is, you'll need to convert your vectors to quaternions, do your calculations, and then convert your quaternion to a transformation matrix.
Here's a code snippet:
Quaternion from vector:
cQuat nTrans::quatFromVec( Vec vec ) {
float angle = vec.v[3];
float s_angle = sin( angle / 2);
float c_angle = cos( angle / 2);
return (cQuat( c_angle, vec.v[0]*s_angle, vec.v[1]*s_angle,
vec.v[2]*s_angle )).normalized();
And for the matrix from quaternion:
Matrix nTrans::matFromQuat( cQuat q ) {
Matrix t;
q = q.normalized();
t.M[0][0] = ( 1 - (2*q.y*q.y + 2*q.z*q.z) );
t.M[0][1] = ( 2*q.x*q.y + 2*q.w*q.z);
t.M[0][2] = ( 2*q.x*q.z - 2*q.w*q.y);
t.M[0][3] = 0;
t.M[1][0] = ( 2*q.x*q.y - 2*q.w*q.z);
t.M[1][1] = ( 1 - (2*q.x*q.x + 2*q.z*q.z) );
t.M[1][2] = ( 2*q.y*q.z + 2*q.w*q.x);
t.M[1][3] = 0;
t.M[2][0] = ( 2*q.x*q.z + 2*q.w*q.y);
t.M[2][1] = ( 2*q.y*q.z - 2*q.w*q.x);
t.M[2][2] = ( 1 - (2*q.x*q.x + 2*q.y*q.y) );
t.M[2][3] = 0;
t.M[3][0] = 0;
t.M[3][1] = 0;
t.M[3][2] = 0;
t.M[3][3] = 1;
return t;
I just ran into this same problem. I was on the track to a solution, but I got stuck.
So, you'll need TWO vectors which are known in both coordinate systems. In my case, I have 2 orthonormal vectors in the coordinate system of a device (gravity and magnetic field), and I want to find the quaternion to rotate from device coordinates to global orientation (where North is positive Y, and "up" is positive Z). So, in my case, I've measured the vectors in the device coordinate space, and I'm defining the vectors themselves to form the orthonormal basis for the global system.
With that said, consider the axis-angle interpretation of quaternions, there is some vector V about which the device's coordinates can be rotated by some angle to match the global coordinates. I'll call my (negative) gravity vector G, and magnetic field M (both are normalized).
V, G and M all describe points on the unit sphere.
So do Z_dev and Y_dev (the Z and Y bases for my device's coordinate system).
The goal is to find a rotation which maps G onto Z_dev and M onto Y_dev.
For V to rotate G onto Z_dev the distance between the points defined by G and V must be the same as the distance between the points defined by V and Z_dev. In equations:
|V - G| = |V - Z_dev|
The solution to this equation forms a plane (all points equidistant to G and Z_dev). But, V is constrained to be unit-length, which means the solution is a ring centered on the origin -- still an infinite number of points.
But, the same situation is true of Y_dev, M and V:
|V - M| = |V - Y_dev|
The solution to this is also a ring centered on the origin. These rings have two intersection points, where one is the negative of the other. Either is a valid axis of rotation (the angle of rotation will just be negative in one case).
Using the two equations above, and the fact that each of these vectors is unit length you should be able to solve for V.
Then you just have to find the angle to rotate by, which you should be able to do using the vectors going from V to your corresponding bases (G and Z_dev for me).
Ultimately, I got gummed up towards the end of the algebra in solving for V.. but either way, I think everything you need is here -- maybe you'll have better luck than I did.
Define 3x3 matrices A and B as you gave them, so the columns of A are x_A,x_B, and x_C and the columns of B are similarly defined. Then the transformation T taking coordinate system A to B is the solution TA = B, so T = BA^{-1}. From the rotation matrix T of the transformation you can calculate the quaternion using standard methods.
You need to express the orientation of B, with respect to A as a quaternion Q. Then any vector in B can be transformed to a vector in A e.g. by using a rotation matrix R derived from Q. vectorInA = R*vectorInB.
There is a demo script for doing this (including a nice visualization) in the Matlab/Octave library available on this site:
You can compute what you want using only quaternion algebra.
Given two unit vectors v1 and v2 you can directly embed them into quaternion algebra and get the corresponding pure quaternions q1 and q2. The rotation quaternion Q that align the two vectors such that:
Q q1 Q* = q2
is given by:
Q = q1 (q1 + q2)/(||q1 + q2||)
The above product is the quaternion product.

Rotate vector using Java 3D

I'm attempting to use Java3D to rotate a vector. My goal is create a transform that will make the vector parallel with the y-axis. To do this, I calculated the angle between the original vector and an identical vector except that it has a z value of 0 (original x, original y, 0 for z-value). I then did the same thing for the y-axis (original x, 0 for y-value, original z). I then used each angle to create two Transform3D objects, multiply them together and apply to the vector. My code is as follows:
Transform3D yRotation = new Transform3D();
Transform3D zRotation = new Transform3D();
//create new normal vector
Vector3f normPoint = new Vector3f (normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ());
//****Z rotation methods*****
Vector3f newNormPointZ = new Vector3f(normal.getX(), normal.getY(),0.0F);
float zAngle = normPoint.angle(newNormPointZ);
//****Y rotation methods*****
Vector3f newNormPointY = new Vector3f(normal.getX(),0.0F, normal.getZ());
float yAngle = normPoint.angle(newNormPointY);
//combine the two rotations
System.out.println("before trans normal = " +normPoint.x + ", "+normPoint.y+", "+normPoint.z);
//PRINT STATEMENT RETURNS: before trans normal = 0.069842085, 0.99316376, 0.09353002
//perform transform
System.out.println("normal trans = " +normPoint.x + ", "+normPoint.y+", "+normPoint.z);
//PRINT STATEMENT RETURNS: normal trans = 0.09016449, 0.99534255, 0.03411238
I was hoping the transform would produce x and z values of or very close to 0. While the logic makes sense to me, I'm obviously missing something..
If your goal is to rotate a vector parallel to the y axis, why can't you just manually set it using the magnitude of the vector and setting your vector to <0, MAGNITUDE, 0>?
Also, you should know that rotating a vector to be directly pointing +Y or -Y can cause some rotation implementations to break, since they operate according to the "world up" vector, or, <0,1,0>. You can solve this by building your own rotation system and using the "world out" vector <0,0,1> when rotating directly up.
If you have some other purpose for this, fastgraph helped me with building rotation matrices.
It's best to understand the math of what's going on so that you know what to do in the future.
