Rotate vector using Java 3D - rotation

I'm attempting to use Java3D to rotate a vector. My goal is create a transform that will make the vector parallel with the y-axis. To do this, I calculated the angle between the original vector and an identical vector except that it has a z value of 0 (original x, original y, 0 for z-value). I then did the same thing for the y-axis (original x, 0 for y-value, original z). I then used each angle to create two Transform3D objects, multiply them together and apply to the vector. My code is as follows:
Transform3D yRotation = new Transform3D();
Transform3D zRotation = new Transform3D();
//create new normal vector
Vector3f normPoint = new Vector3f (normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ());
//****Z rotation methods*****
Vector3f newNormPointZ = new Vector3f(normal.getX(), normal.getY(),0.0F);
float zAngle = normPoint.angle(newNormPointZ);
//****Y rotation methods*****
Vector3f newNormPointY = new Vector3f(normal.getX(),0.0F, normal.getZ());
float yAngle = normPoint.angle(newNormPointY);
//combine the two rotations
System.out.println("before trans normal = " +normPoint.x + ", "+normPoint.y+", "+normPoint.z);
//PRINT STATEMENT RETURNS: before trans normal = 0.069842085, 0.99316376, 0.09353002
//perform transform
System.out.println("normal trans = " +normPoint.x + ", "+normPoint.y+", "+normPoint.z);
//PRINT STATEMENT RETURNS: normal trans = 0.09016449, 0.99534255, 0.03411238
I was hoping the transform would produce x and z values of or very close to 0. While the logic makes sense to me, I'm obviously missing something..

If your goal is to rotate a vector parallel to the y axis, why can't you just manually set it using the magnitude of the vector and setting your vector to <0, MAGNITUDE, 0>?
Also, you should know that rotating a vector to be directly pointing +Y or -Y can cause some rotation implementations to break, since they operate according to the "world up" vector, or, <0,1,0>. You can solve this by building your own rotation system and using the "world out" vector <0,0,1> when rotating directly up.
If you have some other purpose for this, fastgraph helped me with building rotation matrices.
It's best to understand the math of what's going on so that you know what to do in the future.


Rotating an image matrix around its center in MATLAB

Assume I have a 2x2 matrix filled with values which will represent a plane. Now I want to rotate the plane around itself in a 3-D way, in the "z-Direction". For a better understanding, see the following image:
I wondered if this is possible by a simple affine matrix, thus I created the following simple script:
%Create a random value matrix
A = rand*ones(200,200);
%Make a box in the image
A(50:200-50,50:200-50) = 1;
Now I can apply transformations in the 2-D room simply by a rotation matrix like this:
R = affine2d([1 0 0; .5 1 0; 0 0 1])
tform = affine3d(R);
transformed = imwarp(A,tform);
However, this will not produce the desired output above, and I am not quite sure how to create the 2-D affine matrix to create such behavior.
I guess that a 3-D affine matrix can do the trick. However, if I define a 3-D affine matrix I cannot work with the 2-D representation of the matrix anymore, since MATLAB will throw the error:
The number of dimensions of the input image A must be 3 when the
specified geometric transformation is 3-D.
So how can I code the desired output with an affine matrix?
The answer from m3tho correctly addresses how you would apply the transformation you want: using fitgeotrans with a 'projective' transform, thus requiring that you specify 4 control points (i.e. 4 pairs of corresponding points in the input and output image). You can then apply this transform using imwarp.
The issue, then, is how you select these pairs of points to create your desired transformation, which in this case is to create a perspective projection. As shown below, a perspective projection takes into account that a viewing position (i.e. "camera") will have a given view angle defining a conic field of view. The scene is rendered by taking all 3-D points within this cone and projecting them onto the viewing plane, which is the plane located at the camera target which is perpendicular to the line joining the camera and its target.
Let's first assume that your image is lying in the viewing plane and that the corners are described by a normalized reference frame such that they span [-1 1] in each direction. We need to first select the degree of perspective we want by choosing a view angle and then computing the distance between the camera and the viewing plane. A view angle of around 45 degrees can mimic the sense of perspective of normal human sight, so using the corners of the viewing plane to define the edge of the conic field of view, we can compute the camera distance as follows:
camDist = sqrt(2)./tand(viewAngle./2);
Now we can use this to generate a set of control points for the transformation. We first apply a 3-D rotation to the corner points of the viewing plane, rotating around the y axis by an amount theta. This rotates them out of plane, so we now project the corner points back onto the viewing plane by defining a line from the camera through each rotated corner point and finding the point where it intersects the plane. I'm going to spare you the mathematical derivations (you can implement them yourself from the formulas in the above links), but in this case everything simplifies down to the following set of calculations:
term1 = camDist.*cosd(theta);
term2 = camDist-sind(theta);
term3 = camDist+sind(theta);
outP = [-term1./term2 camDist./term2; ...
term1./term3 camDist./term3; ...
term1./term3 -camDist./term3; ...
-term1./term2 -camDist./term2];
And outP now contains your normalized set of control points in the output image. Given an image of size s, we can create a set of input and output control points as follows:
scaledInP = [1 s(1); s(2) s(1); s(2) 1; 1 1];
scaledOutP = bsxfun(#times, outP+1, s([2 1])-1)./2+1;
And you can apply the transformation like so:
tform = fitgeotrans(scaledInP, scaledOutP, 'projective');
outputView = imref2d(s);
newImage = imwarp(oldImage, tform, 'OutputView', outputView);
The only issue you may come across is that a rotation of 90 degrees (i.e. looking end-on at the image plane) would create a set of collinear points that would cause fitgeotrans to error out. In such a case, you would technically just want a blank image, because you can't see a 2-D object when looking at it edge-on.
Here's some code illustrating the above transformations by animating a spinning image:
img = imread('peppers.png');
s = size(img);
outputView = imref2d(s);
scaledInP = [1 s(1); s(2) s(1); s(2) 1; 1 1];
viewAngle = 45;
camDist = sqrt(2)./tand(viewAngle./2);
for theta = linspace(0, 360, 360)
term1 = camDist.*cosd(theta);
term2 = camDist-sind(theta);
term3 = camDist+sind(theta);
outP = [-term1./term2 camDist./term2; ...
term1./term3 camDist./term3; ...
term1./term3 -camDist./term3; ...
-term1./term2 -camDist./term2];
scaledOutP = bsxfun(#times, outP+1, s([2 1])-1)./2+1;
tform = fitgeotrans(scaledInP, scaledOutP, 'projective');
spinImage = imwarp(img, tform, 'OutputView', outputView);
if (theta == 0)
hImage = image(spinImage);
set(gca, 'Visible', 'off');
set(hImage, 'CData', spinImage);
And here's the animation:
You can perform a projective transformation that can be estimated using the position of the corners in the first and second image.
original = imread(originalP);
s = size(original);
matchedPoints1 = [1 1;1 s(1);s(2) s(1);s(2) 1];
matchedPoints2 = [1 1;1 s(1);s(2) s(1)-100;s(2) 100];
transformType = 'projective';
tform = fitgeotrans(matchedPoints1,matchedPoints2,'projective');
outputView = imref2d(size(original));
Ir = imwarp(original,tform,'OutputView',outputView);
figure; imshow(Ir);
This is the result of the code above:
Original image:
Transformed image:

Camera Properties from Blender to generate Point Cloud

I used Blender to generate some color images and their corresponding depth map, along with their camera properties(intrinsic and extrinsic).
Then I want to use these information to generate a 3D point cloud from these 2D images using 2D to 3D projection techniques.
Here is the viewpoint of one the cameras in Blender.
I wanted to have the rotation and translation matrix of the camera.
I used the code in this link camera matrix for Blender written by #rfabbri and I used this method "get_3x4_RT_matrix_from_blender" to have the rotation matrix.
After that I want to do 2D to 3D projection with all of these information.
For 2D to 3D projection, I wrote the following code in Java:
static double[] projUVZtoXY( double u, double v, double d)
// "u" and "v" are the pixel number of 2D image and
// "d" is the depth of this pixel (distance of the point to camera)
double[] p = new double[]{u, v, 1};
double[] translate = calibStruct.getM_Trans(); // Translation Matrix, from **T_world2cv** matrix in **get_3x4_RT_matrix_from_blender** method
double[] rotation = calibStruct.getM_RotMatrix(); // Rotation Matrix, from **R_world2cv** matrix in **get_3x4_RT_matrix_from_blender** method
double[] K = calibStruct.getM_K(); // Intrinsic Matrix, from K matrix in **get_calibration_matrix_K_from_blender** method
double[][] invertR = invert33(rotation); // This method give me R^-1 matrix
double[][] invertK = invert33(K); // This method give me K^-1 matrix
double[][] invK_mul_depth = multiply33_scalar(invertK, d); // this method multiply scalar value of "d" to "invertK" matrix
double[] invK_mul_depth_p = multiply33_31(invK_mul_depth, p); // this method multiply 3*3 matrix of "invK_mul_depth" by 3*1 matrix of "p"
// subtract translation Matrix from the "invK_mul_depth_p" matrix
double[] d_InvK_p_trans = new double[]{invK_mul_depth_p[0] - translate[0],
invK_mul_depth_p[1] - translate[1],
invK_mul_depth_p[2] - translate[2]};
double[] xyz = multiply33_31(invertR, d_InvK_p_trans );
return xyz;
All the above code is trying to implement this 3D warping algorithm, to project uv pixel to XYZ 3D point.
But when I generate the 3D point cloud, it looks like this: (in Meshlab)
It is the point cloud of just one image, the following image:
I can't understand what happened here. And why in 3D point Cloud, all of the players in the image, are repeated in a line !
Could anyone guess what is happening?
I think maybe the Rotation Matrix that I get it from Blender, is not correct. What's your idea?

Applying a "Spread" value to an XMFLOAT4X4

I'm attempting to add a small value to a World Matrix in order to replicate the accuracy of a fired weapon [pistol, assault rifle]
Currently, my World Matrix resides at a Parent Objects' position, with the ability to rotate about the Y axis exclusively.
I've done this in Unity3D, running whenever the object needs to be created [once per]:
var coneRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Random.Range(-spread, spread), Random.Range(-spread, spread), 0);
var go = Instantiate(obj, parent.transform.position, transform.rotation * coneRotation) as GameObject;
and am attempting to replicate the results using Direct3D11.
This lambda returns a random value between [-1.5, 1.5] currently:
auto randF = [&](float lower_bound, float uppder_bound) -> float
return lower_bound + static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX / (uppder_bound - lower_bound)));
My first thought was to simply multiply a random x && y into the forward vector of an object upon initialization, and move it in this fashion: position = position + forward * speed * dt; [speed being 1800], though the rotation is incorrect (not to mention bullets fire up).
I've also attempted to make a Quaternion [as in Unity3D]: XMVECTOR quaternion = XMVectorSet(random_x, random_y, 0) and creating a Rotation Matrix using XMMatrixRotationQuaternion.
Afterwards I call XMStoreFloat4x4(&world_matrix, XMLoadFloat4x4(&world_matrix) * rotation);, and restore the position portion of the matrix [accessing world_matrix._41/._42/._43] (world_matrix being the matrix of the "bullet" itself, not the parent).
[I've also tried to reverse the order of the multiplication]
I've read that the XMMatrixRotationQuaternion doesn't return as an Euler Quaternion, and XMQuaternionToAxisAngle does, though I'm not entirely certain how to use it.
What would be the proper way to accomplish something like this?
Many thanks!
Your code XMVECTOR quaternion = XMVectorSet(random_x, random_y, 0); is not creating a valid quaternion. First, if you did not set the w component to 1, then the 4-vector quaternion doesn't actually represent a 3D rotation. Second, a quaternion's vector components are not Euler angles.
You want to use XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw which constructs a quaternion rotation from Euler angle input, or XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector which takes the three Euler angles as a vector. These functions are doing what Unity's Quaternion.Euler method is doing.
Of course, if you want a rotation matrix and not a quaternion, then you can XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYaw or XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYawFromVector to directly construct a 4x4 rotation matrix from Euler angles--which actually uses quaternions internally anyhow. Based on your code snippet, it looks like you already have a base rotation as a quaternion you want to concatenate with your spread quaternion, so you probably don't want to use this option for this case.
Note: You should look at using the C++11 standard <random> rather than your home-rolled lambda wrapper around the terrible C rand function.
Something like:
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
// spread should be in radians here (not degrees which is what Unity uses)
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dis(-spread, spread);
XMVECTOR coneRotation = XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw( dis(gen), dis(gen), 0 );
XMVECTOR rot = XMQuaternionMultiply( parentRot, coneRotation );
XMMATRIX transform = XMMatrixAffineTransformation( g_XMOne, g_XMZero, rot, parentPos );
BTW, if you are used to Unity or XNA Game Studio C# math libraries, you might want to check out the SimpleMath wrapper for DirectXMath in DirectX Tool Kit.

LibGDX Matrix4 3d rotation problems given direction vector3

By now I am so confused that I'm not sure of my vector math anymore.. I have a Matrix4: MatrixA representing an objects (sensor cube) world transform. I want to place this object so that it's forward direction is pointing in the same direction as a given normalized Vector3: VecA . I also want to translate the objects (i.e. 4 units) in VecA's direction from a given point: VecB (the translation part works, using the same direction vector, VecA)
I have tried all the ways I can think of including rotate()+translate(), setToWorld(), setToLookAt(), setToRotation(), manually editing the values (column 3) of the Matrix4 (this gave the best results in terms of rotation but I get a skewed cube)
I know my direction vector (VecA) is OK. (by printing it's value and also visually confirming it by looking at the working translation using the same vector)
Can someone please tell me how I should do to achieve my desired results, thanks!
Assuming you're unrotated "forward direction" is (0,0,1), your unrotated "up direction" is (0,1,0) and you don't want to rotate the up direction (if possible), then something like this (untested code) should be what you need:
Vector3 vx = new Vector3(), vy = new Vector3(), vz = new Vector3();
Matrix4 m = new Matrix4();
vecB.set(vecA).scl(4.f); // if understand correctly, this is what you want
vx.set(vz).crs(0, 1, 0).nor();
m.val[Matrix4.M00] = vx.x; m.val[Matrix4.M01] = vx.y; m.val[Matrix4.M02] = vx.z;
m.val[Matrix4.M10] = vy.x; m.val[Matrix4.M11] = vy.y; m.val[Matrix4.M12] = vy.z;
m.val[Matrix4.M20] = vz.x; m.val[Matrix4.M21] = vz.y; m.val[Matrix4.M22] = vz.z;
It is possible that you need to switch the crs arguments though (e.g. vy.set(vx).crs(vz).nor(), in case the rotation is upside-down). Alternatively you could use a Quaternion to specify the rotation and use m.set(vecB, rotationQuaternion);.

Calculating quaternion for transformation between 2 3D cartesian coordinate systems

I have two cartesian coordinate systems with known unit vectors:
System A(x_A,y_A,z_A)
System B(x_B,y_B,z_B)
Both systems share the same origin (0,0,0). I'm trying to calculate a quaternion, so that vectors in system B can be expressed in system A.
I am familiar with the mathematical concept of quaternions. I have already implemented the required math from here:
One possible solution could be to calculate Euler angles and use them for 3 quaternions. Multiplying them would lead to a final one, so that I could transform my vectors:
v(A) = q*v(B)*q_conj
But this would incorporate Gimbal Lock again, which was the reason NOT to use Euler angles in the beginning.
Any idead how to solve this?
You can calculate the quaternion representing the best possible transformation from one coordinate system to another by the method described in this paper:
Paul J. Besl and Neil D. McKay
"Method for registration of 3-D shapes", Sensor Fusion IV: Control Paradigms and Data Structures, 586 (April 30, 1992);
The paper is not open access but I can show you the Python implementation:
def get_quaternion(lst1,lst2,matchlist=None):
if not matchlist:
for i,coord1 in enumerate(lst1):
quat= vectors[:,w.index(mw)]
return quat
This function returns the quaternion that you were looking for. The arguments lst1 and lst2 are lists of numpy.arrays where every array represents a 3D vector. If both lists are of length 3 (and contain orthogonal unit vectors), the quaternion should be the exact transformation. If you provide longer lists, you get the quaternion that is minimizing the difference between both point sets.
The optional matchlist argument is used to tell the function which point of lst2 should be transformed to which point in lst1. If no matchlist is provided, the function assumes that the first point in lst1 should match the first point in lst2 and so forth...
A similar function for sets of 3 Points in C++ is the following:
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
using namespace Eigen;
/// Determine rotation quaternion from coordinate system 1 (vectors
/// x1, y1, z1) to coordinate system 2 (vectors x2, y2, z2)
Quaterniond QuaternionRot(Vector3d x1, Vector3d y1, Vector3d z1,
Vector3d x2, Vector3d y2, Vector3d z2) {
Matrix3d M = x1*x2.transpose() + y1*y2.transpose() + z1*z2.transpose();
Matrix4d N;
N << M(0,0)+M(1,1)+M(2,2) ,M(1,2)-M(2,1) , M(2,0)-M(0,2) , M(0,1)-M(1,0),
M(1,2)-M(2,1) ,M(0,0)-M(1,1)-M(2,2) , M(0,1)+M(1,0) , M(2,0)+M(0,2),
M(2,0)-M(0,2) ,M(0,1)+M(1,0) ,-M(0,0)+M(1,1)-M(2,2) , M(1,2)+M(2,1),
M(0,1)-M(1,0) ,M(2,0)+M(0,2) , M(1,2)+M(2,1) ,-M(0,0)-M(1,1)+M(2,2);
EigenSolver<Matrix4d> N_es(N);
Vector4d::Index maxIndex;
Vector4d ev_max = N_es.eigenvectors().col(maxIndex).real();
Quaterniond quat(ev_max(0), ev_max(1), ev_max(2), ev_max(3));
return quat;
What language are you using? If c++, feel free to use my open source library:
The short of it is, you'll need to convert your vectors to quaternions, do your calculations, and then convert your quaternion to a transformation matrix.
Here's a code snippet:
Quaternion from vector:
cQuat nTrans::quatFromVec( Vec vec ) {
float angle = vec.v[3];
float s_angle = sin( angle / 2);
float c_angle = cos( angle / 2);
return (cQuat( c_angle, vec.v[0]*s_angle, vec.v[1]*s_angle,
vec.v[2]*s_angle )).normalized();
And for the matrix from quaternion:
Matrix nTrans::matFromQuat( cQuat q ) {
Matrix t;
q = q.normalized();
t.M[0][0] = ( 1 - (2*q.y*q.y + 2*q.z*q.z) );
t.M[0][1] = ( 2*q.x*q.y + 2*q.w*q.z);
t.M[0][2] = ( 2*q.x*q.z - 2*q.w*q.y);
t.M[0][3] = 0;
t.M[1][0] = ( 2*q.x*q.y - 2*q.w*q.z);
t.M[1][1] = ( 1 - (2*q.x*q.x + 2*q.z*q.z) );
t.M[1][2] = ( 2*q.y*q.z + 2*q.w*q.x);
t.M[1][3] = 0;
t.M[2][0] = ( 2*q.x*q.z + 2*q.w*q.y);
t.M[2][1] = ( 2*q.y*q.z - 2*q.w*q.x);
t.M[2][2] = ( 1 - (2*q.x*q.x + 2*q.y*q.y) );
t.M[2][3] = 0;
t.M[3][0] = 0;
t.M[3][1] = 0;
t.M[3][2] = 0;
t.M[3][3] = 1;
return t;
I just ran into this same problem. I was on the track to a solution, but I got stuck.
So, you'll need TWO vectors which are known in both coordinate systems. In my case, I have 2 orthonormal vectors in the coordinate system of a device (gravity and magnetic field), and I want to find the quaternion to rotate from device coordinates to global orientation (where North is positive Y, and "up" is positive Z). So, in my case, I've measured the vectors in the device coordinate space, and I'm defining the vectors themselves to form the orthonormal basis for the global system.
With that said, consider the axis-angle interpretation of quaternions, there is some vector V about which the device's coordinates can be rotated by some angle to match the global coordinates. I'll call my (negative) gravity vector G, and magnetic field M (both are normalized).
V, G and M all describe points on the unit sphere.
So do Z_dev and Y_dev (the Z and Y bases for my device's coordinate system).
The goal is to find a rotation which maps G onto Z_dev and M onto Y_dev.
For V to rotate G onto Z_dev the distance between the points defined by G and V must be the same as the distance between the points defined by V and Z_dev. In equations:
|V - G| = |V - Z_dev|
The solution to this equation forms a plane (all points equidistant to G and Z_dev). But, V is constrained to be unit-length, which means the solution is a ring centered on the origin -- still an infinite number of points.
But, the same situation is true of Y_dev, M and V:
|V - M| = |V - Y_dev|
The solution to this is also a ring centered on the origin. These rings have two intersection points, where one is the negative of the other. Either is a valid axis of rotation (the angle of rotation will just be negative in one case).
Using the two equations above, and the fact that each of these vectors is unit length you should be able to solve for V.
Then you just have to find the angle to rotate by, which you should be able to do using the vectors going from V to your corresponding bases (G and Z_dev for me).
Ultimately, I got gummed up towards the end of the algebra in solving for V.. but either way, I think everything you need is here -- maybe you'll have better luck than I did.
Define 3x3 matrices A and B as you gave them, so the columns of A are x_A,x_B, and x_C and the columns of B are similarly defined. Then the transformation T taking coordinate system A to B is the solution TA = B, so T = BA^{-1}. From the rotation matrix T of the transformation you can calculate the quaternion using standard methods.
You need to express the orientation of B, with respect to A as a quaternion Q. Then any vector in B can be transformed to a vector in A e.g. by using a rotation matrix R derived from Q. vectorInA = R*vectorInB.
There is a demo script for doing this (including a nice visualization) in the Matlab/Octave library available on this site:
You can compute what you want using only quaternion algebra.
Given two unit vectors v1 and v2 you can directly embed them into quaternion algebra and get the corresponding pure quaternions q1 and q2. The rotation quaternion Q that align the two vectors such that:
Q q1 Q* = q2
is given by:
Q = q1 (q1 + q2)/(||q1 + q2||)
The above product is the quaternion product.
