How to grab the value of a variable that is tabbed using bash - bash

I have a golang file named ver.go consisting of 1 variable.
const (
ver = "1.1.1"
I want to be able to output 1.1.1 using a bash command. I am able to do this without a problem if we get rid of the tab at the beginning and the spaces like so
const (
by using this command awk -F= '/^ver=/{print $2}' ver.go | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'
However, since it must be formatted properly with gofmt I can't seem to figure it out with the tab in there as well as the space after the equal sign
Any help is appreciated.

You may use this awk:
awk -F= '$1 ~ /^[[:blank:]]*ver/{gsub(/["[:blank:]]+/, ""); print $2}' file

A simple solution if you just want "1.1.1" from the file ver.go is to let sed do the work for you. You can use the normal substitution form with a single backreference to capture the "1.1.1" and reinsert it as the replacement for the entire line. You can use sed -n to suppress output of normal pattern-space and add a p after the substitution so that only the line matching your REGEX prints following successful substitution, e..g
sed -n 's/^[[:space:]]*ver[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"\([^"][^"]*\).*$/\1/p' ver.go
This will work with or without the spaces (or tabs) before the "ver".
Example Use/Output
With your ver.go contents, you would get:
$ sed -n 's/^[[:space:]]*ver[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*"\([^"][^"]*\).*$/\1/p' ver.go
If I misunderstood what you are after, please let me know. If you have further questions, just drop a comment below.

With bash and Parameter Expansion to remove all ":
while read -r key x value; do [[ "$key" == "ver" ]] && echo "${value//\"/}"; done < ver.go


Adding double quotes to beginning, end and around comma's in bash variable

I have a shell script that accepts a parameter that is comma delimited,
-s 1234,1244,1567
That is passed to a curl PUT json field. Json needs the values in a "1234","1244","1567" format.
Currently, I am passing the parameter with the quotes already in it:
-s "\"1234\",\"1244\",\"1567\"", which works, but the users are complaining that its too much typing and hard to do. So I'd like to just take a comma delimited list like I had at the top and programmatically stick the quotes in.
Basically, I want a parameter to be passed in as 1234,2345 and end up as a variable that is "1234","2345"
I've come to read that easiest approach here is to use sed, but I'm really not familiar with it and all of my efforts are failing.
You can do this in BASH:
$> arg='1234,1244,1567'
$> echo "\"${arg//,/\",\"}\""
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -F, -v OFS='","' -v q='"' '{$1=$1; print q $0 q}' <<< "1234,1244,1567"
or shorter with sed
$ sed -r 's/[^,]+/"&"/g' <<< "1234,1244,1567"
translating this back to awk
$ awk '{print gensub(/([^,]+)/,"\"\\1\"","g")}' <<< "1234,1244,1567"
you can use this:
echo QV=$(echo 1234,2345,56788 | sed -e 's/^/"/' -e 's/$/"/' -e 's/,/","/g')
echo $QV
just add double quotes at start, end, and replace commas with quote/comma/quote globally.
easy to do with sed
$ echo '1234,1244,1567' | sed 's/[0-9]*/"\0"/g'
[0-9]* zero more consecutive digits, since * is greedy it will try to match as many as possible
"\0" double quote the matched pattern, entire match is by default saved in \0
g global flag, to replace all such patterns
In case, \0 isn't recognized in some sed versions, use & instead:
$ echo '1234,1244,1567' | sed 's/[0-9]*/"&"/g'
Similar solution with perl
$ echo '1234,1244,1567' | perl -pe 's/\d+/"$&"/g'
Note: Using * instead of + with perl will give
$ echo '1234,1244,1567' | perl -pe 's/\d*/"$&"/g'
I think this difference between sed and perl is similar to this question: GNU sed, ^ and $ with | when first/last character matches
Using sed:
$ echo 1234,1244,1567 | sed 's/\([0-9]\+\)/\"\1\"/g'
ie. replace all strings of numbers with the same strings of numbers quoted using backreferencing (\1).

Getting rid of some special symbol while reading from a file

I am writing a small script which is getting some configuration options from a settings file with a certain format (option=value or option=value1 value2 ...).
for VALUE in $(cat settings | grep IFS | sed 's/.*=\(.*\)/\1/'); do
echo "$VALUE"x
Now I get the following output:
Expected output:
I obviously can't use the data like this since the last read entry is mangled up somehow. What is going on and how do I stop this from happening?
Generally you can use awk like this:
awk -F'[= ]' '$1=="IFS"{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $i"x"}' settings
-F'[= ] splits the line by = or space. The following awk program checks if the first field, the variable name equals IFS and then iterates trough column 2 to the end and prints them.
However, in comments you said that the file is using Windows line endings. In this case you need to pre-process the file before using awk. You can use tr to remove the carriage return symbols:
tr -d '\r' settings | awk -F'[= ]' '$1=="IFS"{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $i"x"}'
The reason is likely that your settings file uses DOS line endings.
Once you've fixed that (with dos2unix for example), your loop can also be modified to the following, removing two utility invocations:
for value in $( sed -n -e 's/^IFS.*=\(.*\)/\1/p' settings ); do
echo "$value"x
Or you can do it all in one go, removing the need to modify the settings file at all:
tr -d '\r' <settings |
for value in $( sed -n -e 's/^IFS.*=\(.*\)/\1/p' ); do
echo "$value"x

sed or grep to read between a set of parentheses

I'm trying to read a version number from between a set of parentheses, from this output of some command:
Test Application version 1.3.5
card 0: A version 0x1010000 (1.0.0), 20 ch
Total known cards: 1
What I'm looking to get is 1.0.0.
I've tried variations of sed and grep: | grep -o -P '(?<="(").*(?=")")' | sed -e 's/(\(.*\))/\1/'
and plenty of variations. No luck :-(
You were almost there! In pgrep, use backslashes to keep literal meaning of parentheses, not double quotes:
grep -o -P '(?<=\().*(?=\))'
Having GNU grep you can also use the \K escape sequence available in perl mode:
grep -oP '\(\K[^)]+'
\K removes what has been matched so far. In this case the starting ( gets removed from match.
Alternatively you could use awk:
awk -F'[()]' 'NF>1{print $2}'
The command splits input lines using parentheses as delimiters. Once a line has been splitted into multiple fields (meaning the parentheses were found) the version number is the second field and gets printed.
Btw, the sed command you've shown should be:
sed -ne 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/p'
There are a couple of variations that will work. First with grep and sed:
grep '(' filename | sed 's/^.*[(]\(.*\)[)].*$/\1/'
or with a short shell script:
while read -r line; do
value=$(expr "$line" : ".*(\(.*\)).*")
if [ "x$value" != "x" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$value"
done <"$1"
Both return 1.0.0 for your given input file.

sed extract substring between two characters from a file and save to variable

I am automatically building a package. The automated script needs to get the version of the package to build.
I need to get the string of the python script It says in line 15
I need the, in future it can easily become or so, so the sed command must not have a fixed length.
I found this on stackoverflow:
sed -n '15s/.*\#\([0-9]*\)\/.*/\1/p'
"This suppresses everything but the second line, then echos the digits between # and /"
This does not work (adjusted). Which is the last "/"? How can I save the output into a variable called "version"?
version = sed -n ...
throws an error
command -n not found
If you just need version number.
awk -F\" 'NR==15 {print $2}'
This prints everything between " on line 15. Like
With awk:
$ awk -F= 'NR==15 {gsub("\"","",$2); print $2}'
NR==15 performs actions on line number 15.
-F= defines the field separator as =.
{gsub("\"","",$2); print $2} removes the " character on the 2nd field and prints it.
to be more specific the line is version="" #DO NOT MOVE THIS
$ awk -F[=#] 'NR==15 {gsub("\"","",$2); print $2}'
Using multiple field separator -F[=#] which means it can be either # or =.
To save it into your version variable, use the expression var=$(command) like:
version=$(awk -F[=#] 'NR==15 {gsub("\"","",$2); print $2}'
sed -n '15s/[^"]*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' inputfile
In order to assign it to a variable, say:
VARIABLE=$(sed -n '15s/[^"]*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' inputfile)
In order to remove the dependency that the VERSION would occur only on line 15, you could say:
sed -n '/^VERSION=/ s/[^"]*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' inputfile
there should not be space in assigning variables
version=$(your code)
version=$(sed -r -i '15s/.*\"\([0-9]*\)\/.*/"/p'
version=`sed -r -i '15s/.*\"\([0-9]*\)\/.*/"/p'`

Get substring from file using "sed"

Can anyone help me to get substring using sed program?
I have a file with this line:
define("BASE", "empty"); # there can be any string (not only "empty").
And I need to get "empty" as string variable to my bash script.
At this moment I have:
sed -n '/define(\"BASE\"/p' path/to/file.ext
# returns this line:
# define("BASE", "empty");
# but I need 'empty'
UPD: Thanks to #Jaypal
For now I have bash script:
DBNAME=`sed -n '/define(\"BASE\"/p' path/to/file.ext`
echo $DBNAME | sed -r 's/.*"([a-zA-Z]+)".*/\1/'
It work OK, but if there any way to make the same manipulation with one line of code?
You should use is
sed -n 's/.*\".*\", \"\(.*\)\".*/\1/p' yourFile.txt
which means something (.*) followed by something in quotes (\".*\"), then a comma and a blank space (,), and then again something within quotes (\"\(.*\)\").
The brackets define the part that you later can reuse, i.e. the string within the second quotes. used it with \1.
I put -n front in order to answer the updated question, to get online the line that was manipulated.
This should help -
sed -r 's/.*"([a-zA-Z]+)"\);/\1/' path/to/file.ext
If you are ok with using awk then you can try the following -
awk -F\" '/define\(/{print $(NF-1)}' path/to/file.ext
DBNAME=$(sed -r '/define\(\"BASE\"/s/.*"([a-zA-Z]+)"\);/\1/' path/to/file.ext)
sed -nr '/^define.*"(.*)".*$/{s//\1/;p}' path/to/file.ext
if your file doesn't change over time (i.e. the line numbers will always be the same) you can take the line, and use delimiters to take your part out:
`sed -n 'Xp' your.file | cut -d ' ' -f 2 |cut -d "\"" -f 2`
assuming X is the line number of your required line
