Profile Search option in talent solution - google-cloud-talent-solution

Do we have Profile Search APIs on talent solution?. I can see few documentation but showing as "This is a closed beta release of Profile Search (Beta). We are not accepting new customers into the beta at this time." Do we have a stable version of service for same from google?

Profile search is no longer being actively developed.


Microsoft USD - The newer version of USD comparision

I am currently working on USD 1.0 which is of-course a very old version of USD.
We are trying to move to the newest version of USD in my organization, which i believe is USD 4.0
I have tried searching the web but other than the MSDN article i have been able to gather much detail on this version.
I am trying to figure out my possibilities in trying to adapt to this newer version. In light of it, i have a few questions listed below,
Has Microsoft released only the preview/trial version of USD 4.0 yet? Or is it made available for general public which means we can access and start developing in our production environment?
Is the new version of USD, a web based version? I have heard that
this version is not the desktop application like it was before.
Will it be safe to migrate from USD 1.0 to USD 4.0?
Microsoft has also introduced Unified Client Interface, what is it?
Is it available only with USD 4.0?
Features comparison with USD 1.0?
If Microsoft have released the preview version only, then when will
they release the stable version? (any tentative date)?
Also, if they have released the preview version just then obviously they might change it in future. Therefore, it will not be wise enough to migrate to it if it is just a preview version.
Looking forward to your answers. Any sort of videos, articles, documentations, press releases, your personal opinions are welcome.
Most 'manual' based MSDN information has been moved to Microsoft Docs:
USD 4.x is still a desktop application that loads MSD components. You can upgrade to a more recent version 3.2 quite easily:
You can upgrade a Unified Service Desk 1.x or Unified Service Desk 2.0 sample application package to Unified Service Desk 3.2 by importing the Upgrade sample application package. The upgrade will not affect the configuration data associated with the existing solution.
Follow the steps here:
From there on forward it is much more easy to compare 3.x with 4.x and answer all your remaining questions.
Neil Parkhurst also has a ton of information.

Where can I find the latest software image for an old Google Mini Appliance?

I'm trying to bring back to service the Google Mini that I found in our racks.
I managed to login, and found that the software version is 5.0.4.
AFAIN, there is already version 7.6, but we can't download any new software version without access to Google Enterprise support portal, and We can't find the login details...
Any idea where can I find the latest software image (and how to update)?
Thanks in advance!
The Google Mini was discontinued about 4 or 5 years ago. The software version, of the Mini, never went beyond the 5.x series line.
The Google Mini software is no longer available for download as it is no longer supported. Any legal license to use it would have expired long ago.
The full Google Search Appliance is currently on version 7.6

How to know the number of beta users of my app?

Google Play Developer Console allows developers to upload a beta APK, and invite a Google Group to use it.
How to know how many users are using my beta?
In the console:
Go to Statistics,
Click Export as CSV,
Uncheck everything but Installs devices current and by app version
In the resulting CSV, spot the id of the APK you sent for beta
The number in the third column is the number of beta users.
The Google Play Developer Console has changed a lot since the original answer.
If you are using Open Beta Testing then go to:
Release Management / App Releases / Manage Beta
and you will see something like this:
Note: if the number of testers is not showing, this might be because the number has not yet reached a certain threshold.
This specifically answers the question "How many people have opted into Beta testing?" which may or may not be what the OP was really interested in.
Analytics would be the way to discover how many are actually using the beta version.

WP7 beta testing with ads

I know this question isn't strictly programming related, however I have been unable to find an answer elsewhere and I'm sure the answer would benefit others.
I'm releasing a beta version of my WP7 game soon and in order to test all the functionality, I'd like to enable my pubcenter ads. Is this allowed and could you back this up with a link please?
Don't see why not, after all, you should test the app fully, with the ads!
The Windows Phone Beta Marketplace rules don't state anything about not being able to enable the pubcenter ads, so I guess it is allowed!
The real question should be if the beta marketplace place allows for pubcenter ads, but if pubcenter ads can be used in beta versions of apps...

Microsoft Windows DRM Server tips [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 3 years ago.
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We are looking into solution which involves playing copyright protected video using Microsoft DRM Server and Silverlight player. the video will be played to registered users on the web using Silverlight player.
I've read all MSDN documentation on this subject and kind of get an idea how it is supposed to work.
However, I couldn't find information on pricing and installation of Microsoft Inidividuazation server. Hence, here are my questions for someone with experience in this area:
How fast is it to setup a quick "proof of concept" solution involving windows DRM and Silverlight. Can we do it on our own or need Microsoft help?
What is the pricing for such solution in operations?
To answer your first question: Micorsoft Silverlight has built in support for Microsofts latest DRM technology: PlayReady DRM. To set up a proof of concept solution you will need a license server and a packaging server, both of these are availible through the PlayReady Server SDK which is built upon the .NET framework. Notice: it is an SDK, not an out-of-the box server, so some developing needs to be done. To set up a proof-of-concept solution you will need the SDK, which is accessible to you after a licensing progress that can take a few weeks. For the Silverlight DRM client, all you need is the silverlight development kit, availible free online. It's hard to say how much time that needs to go into developing the license server and packaging server since it depends on how much staff that is availible to the project and the skill of your staff, but creating licenses for the silverlight client is the easiest license to create. It should not be an overwhelming project to take on. You can set up this proof-of-concept solution your self, but you will need to involve microsoft to license the server sdk.
To answer you second question: The pricing for the Server SDK is 30k $, with additional cost depending on number of processors in the license server or a small additional cost for each license that is released by the license server. So it depends on the size of your service and customer base. If you need to release a lot of licenses you will need at more powerful license server, plus release a lot of licenses.
I would also suggest looking into PlayReady service providers. These sell production-ready playready solutions to be used by other service providers that don't wish to implement a whole PlayReady solution by themselves. A list of available service providers is available from Microsoft's PlayReady homepage.
I hope this answers have been at least a little helpful, and I wish you all luck!
You can ask from Microsoft WMDRM 10.1. It is for SERVER 2003, and It's free !!!
