My question is in the estimated revenue section on the graph its showing estimated revenue but on top of the section its showing 0$. What could be the problem or is it not a problem.?
Waiting for your kind response.
No its not a poblem.
Facebook audience network shows your estimated revenue as a integer.So your estimated revenue not showing as a decimal number.
Then you can view your estimated revune in graph until reach.
Hope you helpful .
I want to calculate the protocol revenue and supply-side revenue without using the TheGraph subgraph.
The problem with TheGraph is that it requires a smart contract address and all I have is an Ethereum wallet with zero balance.
I also tried to explore the supported tools listed on Polkadot's website but none could help me figure out how to calculate the revenue.
I am unsure how scanning a whole substrate-based chain can help me deduce the revenue generated from protocol and from fees (assuming the supply-side revenue means transaction fees only).
For the trafficModel parameter (using bestguess), the guide indicates that the returned duration_in_traffic should be the best estimate of travel time given what is known about both historical traffic conditions.
Given the time you enter in secs (as an integer), is the returned travel time based on historical data for that specific day, say a Friday at 6pm over the course of a few weeks, months (or particular month) or even whole year? Anyone have the criteria that the "historical data" is based on? Thanks
Working with the Facebook Marketing API -
What is the difference between spend and social_spend?
I assume that spend would be total, and social spend out be a subset of that spend. I have search, and read and googled and can't find a straight answer.
You are correct in that social_spend is a subset of 'spend'.
'spend' is the total you have spent on the object you're querying.
social_spend is the subset of that where the budget went towards stories due to people liking/commenting/sharing on the object. For example, you may have seen a video on your news feed that only showed up because one of your friends liked it. The social_spend by the owner of that video would increase.
My department has installed google analytics on our companies website and none of us are exactly experts on understanding why the data is the way it is.
Anyways, our company is fairly large, but I wouldn't say we are exactly a well known company. We provide internet and Video on Demand to Hotels worldwide. Anyways, as of right now, since I have installed our code last month, we have a total session number of over 78,000. Our average session duration is only 24 seconds, with an average page view per visitor at 1.18 and a bounce rate of 91%.
I don't doubt the session average time. Me and my co-workers are just a little confused as to how with that many visitors, we are consistently across the board getting such a fairly small session duration and a high bounce rate. Could visitors possibly just come to our website, look for our phone number and than leave the site? I'm just trying to find a way to reduce the bounce rate and hopefully increase the session duration average. Or is it possible to add a filter that will exclude visits to the site that are less than 30 seconds, or something like that? I apologize for asking such fairly basic questions I'm sure. I am trying to get up to speed and familiarize myself with how this all works. Just thought I'd maybe ask and see if I am missing something important. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Its hard to tell why your metrics are so low across the board. Your referral traffic could be to blame here - possibly bad ad copy from adwords or bing, which is making users think they're going to a different page. You can always create a filter by the acquisition, and where the clicks and sessions are coming from. From there it'll be easier to see which source of traffic is to blame, and also how you can improve your site overall for traffic optimization and user friendliness. For more info, reach us at on the matter. hope that answers your question
Using I can find out that 0.05 % of all internet users visit some site, but how many people equals that 0.05% ?
Is there any facts like: in US 1% from Alexa statistics is nearly equals 15 mln of people, and in France 1% is about 3 mln of people, for example? reckon that google has something like 147m monthly users, and alexa says they have 34% monthly. Ergo, you could estimate it to be approx 450million. That's one way of estimating...
Of course the data from both Compete and Alexa gets progressively more rubbish the smaller the site gets. Data for the biggest sites is likely to be the least skewed, but I still wouldn't trust it for anything serious. has a number of 1.6 billion internet users worldwide
You can get world population statistics online - estimates are available here:
Wikipedia World Population
This will help you to rough-up some statistics, but you need to remember...
Population is not equal to "has an internet connection"
0.5% does not really equate to "internet users" - it's more like 0.5% of people who are the kind of people that would install a random toolbar that offers them very little - so you need to bear in mind it's a certain "type" of person and that the statistics will be skewed (which is why isn't ranked as EVERYONE with the Alexa toolbar is going to visit that website at some point
The smaller your website, the less accurate the statistics are. If you aren't in the top 100,000 websites in the world, the statistics become largely an anomaly as they "estimate up" the statistics from the toolbar users into an "average if everyone had a toolbar".
Hope this helps.
Alexa doesn't show "X% of France users use this site". Instead it shows "X% of worldwide users use this site". So you don't have such information except the margin cases when 100% of site users are from one country.
Also most toolbars show just Alexa Rank. You can get online converter "Alexa Rank -> Monthly Traffic" here -
Well, here ( is described a way to make a traffic estimation based on the alexa rank. Basically, the author has offered an exponential function, not linear or polynomial.
There is also a web service which aggregated alexa rank information and has already performed all the calculations:
I checked it, and for 80% of the websites the results are very satisfying. Still, there is 20% of (possibly, manipulated by webmasters) incorrect data (the estimated traffic is much higher than in reality)