Google Maps Distance Matrix API - google-distancematrix-api

For the trafficModel parameter (using bestguess), the guide indicates that the returned duration_in_traffic should be the best estimate of travel time given what is known about both historical traffic conditions.
Given the time you enter in secs (as an integer), is the returned travel time based on historical data for that specific day, say a Friday at 6pm over the course of a few weeks, months (or particular month) or even whole year? Anyone have the criteria that the "historical data" is based on? Thanks


Algorithm for Scheduling One Appointment in Already Full Schedule

I'm building a calendar scheduling application for, let's say a plumbing company. The company has one or more plumbers, who each have a schedule of appointments at different times throughout the day. So Josh's schedule on May 30th might include a 30-minute appointment at 10 AM, a 45-minute appointment at 1 PM, and an hour-long appointment at 3 PM, while Maria has a completely different schedule that day. Now say a customer wants to book an appointment with this company, and my program has already calculated the time this new appointment will take. I want my program to return a list of possible appointment times for any plumber(s). Is there a standard algorithm for this type of problem?
I'd prefer language-agnostic, general steps just to be more helpful to anyone who might be in a similar situation with a different language, though I'm using PHP and PostgreSQL if there's a specific language feature suited to this.
Here's what I've tried so far:
Get all available shifts for every plumber on the requested day
Get all appointments already made on that day
Do a sort of boolean subtraction to cut the appointments out of the shifts, leaving gaps in each plumber's schedule
Get rid of all schedule gaps that are smaller than the requested appointment length (I also calculate drive times here so I know how far appointments need to be from one another)
Return those gaps to the customer, trimmed to the appointment length, as appointment possibilities
I've learned that the problem with this approach is that it doesn't understand what to do with a gap much larger than the requested appointment. If you have a gap from 10 AM to 6 PM but you want an hour-long appointment, it will only suggest 10 AM to 11 AM. This approach doesn't allow for time-of-day choices, either. In that same scenario, what if the customer wants a morning appointment? Then it should only suggest 10-11 and 11-12. Or if they want an evening appointment, it should only suggest 5-6 PM. This approach also doesn't consider two plumbers working together. If we assume that two workers = half the time, then maybe the algorithm should look for the same 30 minutes available in both Josh and Maria's schedules along with 60-minute gaps in either plumber's schedule. Lastly, this algorithm feels very inefficient.
By the way, I've looked at several other questions here and around the Internet about how to solve similar situations, but I'm finding that most (if not all) of those questions involve optimizing a schedule. That might be valuable for other parts of this program, but for now, let's assume that the existing appointments are fixed and unchangeable. We're just looking to fit a new appointment into an existing schedule. I know this is possible because applications like Calendly have similar inputs and outputs.
In short, is there a better way of meeting these goals:
Suggest available gaps in one plumber's schedule given a time interval
If possible, only return appointment possibilities in the given time of day (morning = 4-12, afternoon = 12-5, evening = 5-10, night = 10-4, or any), and if not possible, continue with the algorithm as if no time of day had been specified
Suggest smaller gaps where n plumbers might do the job in 1/n time (there aren't that many plumbers, so setting a limit on this isn't necessary). This isn't as important as the other criteria, so if this isn't possible or would make the algorithm far more complex, then don't worry about it.
Split big appointment gaps into smaller gaps so we can suggest 4 hour-long gaps in between 10 AM and 2 PM. Obviously we can't suggest all possible hour-long segments of that gap because they'd be infinite
Thank you in advance.
There is no need for any sophisticated algorithm. There is only a small number of possible appointment times throughout a day, let's say every 30 minutes or so. Iterate over all possible times: 06:00, 06:30, 07:00, ... 20:00. Check each time if it matches the requirements, that check can either return a yes/no result, or a number that say how good a match that time is. You end up with a list of possible appointment times, pick the best one or all of them.

Getting future duration_in_traffic from Google Distance Matrix

I am calling the Google distance matrix api with an API key along with a Unix time that is three weeks in the future. My goal is to get duration_in_traffic for a typical weekday at a couple of different times of day.
My issue is that I am getting "duration_in_traffic" times that do not differ from "duration" times in the same return.
I am pretty certain that I am getting the UTC right with respect to local time but, just in case, I varied the time with no variation in the result.
What I have been able to find in my searches hints to me that there is a way to get what I am after but that I may have to change the type of account that I have with Google. Although I am using the account on a 30 day free trial I did "enable billing" in case that was the problem. No luck so far. Does anyone out there know the solution I need? Thanks.

How to make a GPS transportation app?

I live in Split,Croatia, and a city bus company recently accuired a new piece of software, and what it does is this: if I am a passenger and am awaiting a bus on a bus station, there is a huge monitor on which I can see the bus code and the time it will take for him to get to my station. The problem is, that in two years of having the software, not once have I seen that the time of the arrival is even remotley accurate. I am aware that GPS data can be inaccurate but this.... And that makes me so frustrated, that I decided that I will try to write a similar application for my final exam in CS in college. The problem is that I searched the web extensively in the last few days, and I cannot find good starting points. So my question is: have you ever been involved in such a project, and if so could you give me some pointers be it tutorials, or books regarding the subject? I appreciate any kind of input.
If I made a mistake regarding the question itself feel free to close it.
You will probably have:
Vehicle object containing each vehicles position, assigned route, direction of travel on route, and next scheduled stop, previous scheduled stop, arrival time at previous scheduled stop
Array of routes which comprises a list of stops and a data structure holding historic transit times between stops on each route
Now, updates to a vehicle's location push to the vehicle's object.
When you want to update a display at a station, find all routes passing through that station and for each route display the estimated arrival time of the next vehicle on that route.
The estimated arrival time structure is at the heart of this. Seed it by assuming some distance between stops and an average travel speed.
Now, every time a vehicle arrives at a stop, calculate the real time it took to get there from its last stop and use this to update an average transit time binned by half-hour increments (or what have you), you could also bin by season and/or day of week. The purpose of the binning is to implicitly account for varying traffic congestion by time of day, day of week, and/or season. Assuming otherwise homogeneous conditions, you'll eventually converge on a decent estimate of the transit time between each station.
You may find it useful to employ a Kalman filter.
Estimates of travel times between more distant stations may be more accurate than travel times between adjacent stations, if you feel like looking into that. Higher-order Markov chains may also help describe the underlying statistics of transit times.
Just ideas.

rough estimate of the time offset from GMT from latitude longitude

Is there a way to estimate the offset from GMT (or time zone) from a latitude/longitude? I've seen geonames, but this would need to work long term and we don't really want to rely on a web service. It'd just be used for determining whether to display "today" or "tonight" when giving information to various users so it wouldn't need to be too accurate (an hour or two off wouldn't be bad).
offset = direction * longitude * 24 / 360
where direction is 1 for east, -1 for west, and longitude is in (-180,180)
Basing the time zone on the longitude alone is wildly inaccurate outside of international waters. See the map on this page:
The vertical colored stripes in the deep ocean are the so-called natural time zones derived from longitude alone, and the colors of the land are the actual time zones per the governing laws. You can see that they don't line up very well at all.
I actually ran into this problem while working on a different project and did substantial research and development on it. First my research:
First, time zones are not typically encoded by just an offset from GMT (aka UTC). That fails to take into account Daylight Savings Time, and changes in the time zones over the years. Instead, time zone IDs are used to designate a geographic area in which the official clock time has been the same throughout the area for a given period of time (e.g., since 1970). The most important system of such IDs is the "Olson time zone ID" (together these IDs and their offset rules are known as the "tz database"), which is used by Linux and other Unix operating systems. Most programming languages and operating systems have native or third party support for Olson time zone IDs.
In terms of existing solutions to convert latitude and longitude to time zone: has a vast database of point locations (centers of cities, airports, public buildings, etc.), each of which is annotated with a bunch of useful metadata, including the Olson time zone ID. And they have a nice API to let you access these via the web. The trouble is that if unless the point you are querying is right on top of a record in their database, you might get a result that is on the other side of a time zone border, or you might get no response at all if your query is far from their nearest point. The web service is also painfully slow, and they limit the number of queries you can make in a day to a relatively small number.
Earth Tools ( also has a service for this, and it is much faster than GeoNames, but it returns just an offset from GMT, not a time zone ID, and it doesn't handle Daylight Savings Time correctly for most of the world. Also, it seems to not be maintained, so I'm not sure if the data is accurate anymore (time zones change over time).
After reviewing those options and searching for other possibilities without success, I decided to build my own solution, and have released it at:
AskGeo is based on a time zone map of the world, so it returns a valid time zone for every valid latitude and longitude. It returns the standard Olson time zone ID (e.g., "America/Los_Angeles") used on Linux and most other operating systems and programming frameworks. It also returns the current offset, taking full account of daylight savings time.
It is extremely easy to use and usage is documented on the main page of the site. The API supports batch queries, so if you need to do a lot of look-ups, please use the batch interface rather than bog down our servers with serial requests. The bulk queries are also much faster, so everybody wins.
When we first launched this, we built it on Google App Engine (GAE) and made it free to all users. This was possible because GAE's prices were so low at that time. Since then, our server load has increased substantially and GAE's prices went way up. Both factors combined led us to switch to Amazon Web Services for hosting and to start charging for commercial use, while keeping the service free for non-profit, non-commercial open source projects, and researchers. For commercial users, we provide 1000 free queries to let potential customers evaluate the API to make sure it meets their needs. See the web site for pricing and terms.
The underlying library was written in Java and due to popular demand, we also released the library under a commercial license. Full documentation of the library and pricing details are on the web site.
I hope this is useful. It certainly was useful for the project I was working on.
If you know the users longitude, you completely know every aspect of time for them (neglecting some small errors like special relativity etc). The mean solar time is simply the difference of GMT and longitude (convert degrees part to minutes, 1 degree = 60 minutes). You add or subtract based on East or West. Mean solar time is basically more accurate time then time zones. Day time and night time times are variable and depend on latitude, so you use some approximations of sunrise and sunset times taking in latitude and the date and year. This alone would provide fairly accurate notion of daytime and night.

Time Calendar Data Structure

We are looking at updating (rewriting) our system which stores information about when people can reserve rooms etc. during the day. Right now we store the start and time and the date the room is available in one table, and in another we store the individual appointment times.
On the surface it seemed like a logical idea to store the information this way, but as time progressed and the system came under heavy load, we began to realize that this data structure appears to be inefficient. (It becomes an intensive operation to search all rooms for available times and calculate when the rooms are available. If the room is available for a given time, is the time that it is available long enough to accommodate the requested time).
We have gone around in circles about how to make the system more efficient, and we feel there has to be a better way to approach this. Does anyone have suggestions about how to go about this, or have any places where to look about how to build something like this?
I found this book to be inspiring and a must-read for any kind of database involving time management/constraints:
Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL
(Added by editor: the book is available online, via the Richard Snodgrass's home page. It is a good book.)
#Radu094 has pointed you to a good source of information - but it will be tough going processing that.
At a horribly pragmatic level, have you considered recording appointments and available information in a single table, rather than in two tables? For each day, slice the time up into 'never available' (before the office opens, after the office closes - if such a thing happens), 'available - can be allocated', and 'not available'. These (two or) three classes of bookings would be recorded in contiguous intervals (with start and end time for each interval in a single record).
For each room and each date, it is necessary to create a set of 'not in use' bookings (depending on whether you go with 'never available', the set might be one 'available' record or it might include the early shift and late shift 'never available' records too).
Then you have to work out what questions you are asking. For example:
Can I book Room X on Day Y between T1 and T2?
Is there any room available on Day Y between T1 and T2?
At what times on Day Y is Room X still available?
At what times on Day Y is a room with audio-visual capabilities and capacity for 12 people available?
Who has Room X booked during the morning of Day Y?
This is only a small subset of the possibilities. But with some care and attention to detail, the queries become manageable. Validating the constraints in the DBMS will be harder. That is, ensuring that if the time [T1..T2) is booked, then no-one else books [T1+00:01..T2-00:01) or any other overlapping period. See Allen's Interval Algebra at Wikipedia and other places (including this one at
