influxdb count distinct field - distinct

My table is a follow;
The result I want to get is as follows;
name count 3 2 1
My request is
select distinct(name) from names where name=! /.*name*/ group by name
select count(distinct(name)) from names where name=! /.*name*/ group by name
My response
count 3
Thank for help

You will need to select a field in the query and count the field names in the query
Assuming that there is a field called field is available in the measurement,
select count(field1) from names where group by name should work.
I'm not sure why name=! /.*name*/ where clause is added to the query.


Oracle counting distinct rows using two columns merged as one

I have one table where each row has three columns. The first two columns are a prefix and a value. The third column is what I'm trying to get a distinct count for columns one/two.
Basically I'm trying to get to this.
prefix & value1
prefix & value2
prefix & value3
I've tried a lot of different versions but I'm basically noodling around this.
select prefix||value as Account, count(distinct thirdcolumn) as Totals from Transactions
It sounds like you want
prefix||value Account,
count(distinct thirdcolumn) Totals
FROM Transactions
GROUP BY prefix, value
The count(distinct thirdcolumn) says you want a count of the distinct values in the third column. The GROUP BY prefix, value says you want a row returned for each unique prefix/value combination and that the count applies to that combination.
Note that "thirdcolumn" is a placeholder for the name of your third column, not a magic keyword, since I didn't see the actual name in the post.
If you want the number of rows for each prefix/value pair then you can use:
SELECT prefix || value AS account,
COUNT(*) AS totals
FROM Transactions
GROUP BY prefix, value
You do not want to count the DISTINCT values for prefix/value as if you GROUP BY those values then different values for the pairs will be in different groups so the COUNT of DISTINCT prefix/value pairs would always be one.

How to correct the error, A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected, when used with SELECTCOLUMNS in DAX

I have a table 1- Invoices report that looks like this:
Invoice Number
Customer Number
I want to make a column that has only the Customer Number.
I have used the following Expression:
Invoice Customers Number =
'1- Invoices report',
"Customer Number",
'1- Invoices report'[Customer Number]
With this I am getting the error A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected.
Any solution for this?
The result of SELECTCOLUMNS() is a table, not a column.
Make sure to use it as a calculated table, not a calculated column or measure:

How can i limit the output of select statement for a varchar column in Oracle?

i have a table in which i store the information (product id and description ) of all my products, description column is of type VarChar2(200). i want to format the output of this column in select statement to only result me specific part of output string. E.G Here is my simple select statement:
Select PRODUCTId, PRODUCT_DESC From ProductTable Order By PRODUCTId Desc;
this statement result me the output as:
ProductId Product_Desc
1 Oxford English-Oxford-Oxford Press-Textbook
now i want only the specific part of the output result from product_description column. i have already checked Trim() function but that did not helped me. can someone help me?
A substring function may help.
SELECT SUBSTR('ABCDEFG',3,4) "Substring"
You can use SUBSTR() function. You can provide start and end position for the product_desc column.
The query should be like:
Select product_id,substr(product_desc,2,4) from producttable;
Here you'll get 4 chars from the second one.

Count Length and then Count those records.

I am trying to create a view that displays size (char) of LastName and the total number of records whose last name has that size. So far I have:
SELECT LENGTH(LastName) AS Name_Size
FROM Table
ORDER BY Name_Size;
I need to add something like
COUNT(LENGTH(LastName)) AS Students
This is giving me an error. Do I need to add a GROUP BY command? I need the view:
Name_Size Students
3 11
4 24
5 42
SELECT LENGTH(LastName) as Name_Size, COUNT(*) as Students
FROM Table
GROUP BY Name_Size
ORDER BY Name_Size;
You may have to change the group by and order by to LENGTH(LastName) as not all SQL engines let you reference an alias from the select statement in a clause on that same statement.

Update One table Column with Values from Another table Having Similar

Hi Guys I have Two tables (MIGADM.CORPMISCELLANEOUSINFO and CRMUSER.PREFERENCES) and Each Has a field called PREFERENCE_ID and ORGKEY. I want to Update the Preference ID for MIGADM.CORPMISCELLANEOUSINFO with Preference_ID from CRMUSER.PREFERENCES for Each Corresponding ORGKEY. SO I wrote this Query;
select e.PREFERENCE_ID from crmuser.preferences e where s.ORGKEY = e.ORGKEY)
But I get:
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
What Should I do?
It means the columns you have selected are not unique enough to identify one row in your source table. Your first step would be to identify those columns.
To see the set of rows that have this problem, run this query.
select e.origkey,
from crmuser.preferences e
group by e.origkey
having count(*) > 1
eg : for origkey of 2, let's say there are two rows in the preferences table.
2 202
2 201
Oracle is not sure which of these should be used to update the preference_id column in CORPMISCELLANEOUSINFO
identify the row where the subquery returns more than one row (You could use REJECT ERROR clause to do it for instance) or use the condition 'where rownum = 1'.
