Timeout with EvaluateExpressionAsync<>? - puppeteer-sharp

I'm using Puppeteer sharp to render reports and part of that is executing user provided javascript to prepare the data for the report.
I use AddScriptTagAsync to add the scripts to the page then call the user provided script before rendering the report.
If the user provided javascript has an issue that causes an infinite loop (for example) then my call to EvaluateExpressionAsync could await forever:
await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync<dynamic>($"Prepare({DataObject});")
I can't pass a cancellation token to EvaluateExpressionAsync so I can't control it and there appear to be no timeouts available for this method.
I would like to limit it to a controllable number of seconds and then have it timeout.
Any suggestions on how to do this would be very much appreciated.

You would use WaitForExpressionAsync.
The idea of this method is executing the expression over a period of time until the result is truthy.
But if you make sure that your expression will always return a truthy value, WaitForExpressionAsync will timeout using the timeout you pass as an option.


Cypress not retrying assertion

My Cypress test is acting inconsistently due to an assertion set on header text. Here is my code:
cy.get('.heading-large').should('contain', 'dashboard') // passes
cy.contains('View details').first().click()
cy.get('.heading-large').should('contain', 'Registration details') // sometimes fails
If it fails, it is because the heading still contains 'dashboard' - Cypress appears not to have retried but gives error Timed out retrying: expected '<h1.heading-large>' to contain 'Registration details'
From reading about Cypress retry-ability, my understanding is that the should assertion should keep trying until timeout, which is set as "defaultCommandTimeout" : 5000. This feels true even if I have an element with the same identifier across two pages. There are no major performance issues with the app I'm testing.
The test seems more likely to fail if I am not watching the window and this issue looks like a possible cause.
Can anyone help determine: is there an issue with my test or Cypress, and how might I improve the test? I'm using Cypress 5.1.0 and Chrome 85 on MacOS Catalina.
It is failing occasionally because the request that fills the header with information has not resolved by the time the timeout has been reached.
You can solve this by setting up a route with a route alias to wait for that exact response from the request to resolve before you proceed with the click.
In other words, When you click(), there is a request sent that grabs the information you want to check for in the next get(). This response for this request has sometimes not resolved by the time your get() reaches timeout. You could increase the timeout but that's not recommended and not good practice here. Instead, wait for that specific response with route & route alias. If you do that, in every case, the last get() won't get called until the information it is looking for has been resolved.
I don't know your request but it would work something like this:
// setup the route and alias
// first get
cy.get('.heading-large').should('contain', 'dashboard')
// this click fires the request url from route() above
cy.contains('View details').first().click()
// wait for route to resolve using route alias
cy.wait("#myLovelyAlias").then((response) => {
// next get called after response resolves
cy.get('.heading-large').should('contain', 'Registration details')
Route & alias
Best Practice - get()
Network Request - wait()
As mentioned above, you could also cheat and set the defaultCommandTimeout to a higher number but that is not recommended because you could still run into cases where the response resolution takes longer than the timeout you've set. The route/wait pattern is the better, more stable approach.
Just in case you want to know how its done though, you would change your get() to something like:
cy.get('.heading-large', {defaultCommandTimeout: 60000}).should('contain', 'Registration details')
Again, other way would be much better.
Cypress configuration
It looks like we need to wait for the Cypress bug "Some tests flake only if test runner's browser loses focus (or run headlessly)" to be fixed. This is because I have tried the alternative, helpful answers but am consistently facing the original issue when the window is out of focus.
Thank you to those who have answered and commented.

Cypress async form validation - how to capture (possibly) quick state changes

I have some async form validation code that I'd like to put under test using Cypress. The code is pretty simple -
on user input, enter async validation UI state (or stay in that state if there are previous validation requests that haven't been responded to)
send a request to the server
receive a response
if there are no pending requests, leave async validation UI state
Step 1 is the part I want to test. Right now, this means checking if some element has been assigned some class -- but the state changes can happen very fast, and most of the time (not always!) Cypress times out waiting for something that has ALREADY happened (in other words, step 4 has already occurred by the time we get around to seeing if step 1 happened).
So the failing test looks like:
cy.get("#some-target-element").should("have.class", "class-to-check-for");
Usually, by the time Cypress gets to the second line, step 4 has already ran and the test fails. Is there a common pattern I should know about to solve this? I would naturally prefer not to have change the code under test.
Edit 1:
I'm not certain that I've 100% solved the "race" condition here, but if I use the underlying native elements (discarding the jQuery abstraction), I haven't had a failure yet.
So, changing:
cy.get("#some-input").then(jQueryObj => {
let nativeElement = jQueryObj[0];
nativeElement.value = "...";
nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); // make sure the app knows this element changed
And then running Cypress' checks for what classes have / haven't been added has been effective.
You can stub the server request that happens during form validation - and slow it down, see delay parameter https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/route.html#Use-delays-for-responses
While the request is delayed, your app's validation UI is showing, you can validate it and then once the request finishes, check if the UI goes away.

Safe await on function in another process

How to safely await on function execution (takes str and int as arguments and doesn't require any other context) in a separate process?
Long story
I have aiohtto.web web API that uses Boost.Python wrapper for C++ extension, run under gunicorn (and I plan to deploy it on Heroku), tested by locust.
About extension: it have just one function that does non-blocking operation - takes one string (and one integer for timeout management), does some calculations with it and returns a new string. And for every input string, it is only one possible output (except timeout, but in that case, C++ exception must be raised and translated by Boost.Python to a Python-compatible one).
In short, a handler for specific URL executes the code below:
res = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, func, *args)
where executor is the ProcessPoolExecutor instance, and func -function from C++ extension module. (in the real project, this code is in the coroutine method of the class, and func - it's classmethod that only executes C++ function and returns the result)
Error catching
When a new request arrives, I extract it's POST data by request.post() and then storing it's data to the instance of the custom class named Call (because I have no idea how to name it in another way). So that call object contains all input data (string), request receiving time and unique id that comes with the request.
Then it proceeds to class named Handler (not the aiohttp request handler), that passes it's input to another class' method with loop.run_in_executor inside. But Handler has a logging system that works like a middleware - reads id and receiving time of every incoming call object and logging it with a message that tells you either it just starting to execute, successfully executed or get in trouble. Also, Handler have try/except and stores all errors inside the call object, so that logging middleware knows what error occurred, or what output extension had returned
I have the unit test that just creates 256 coroutines with this code inside and executor that have 256 workers and it works well.
But when testing with Locust here comes a problem. I use 4 Gunicorn workers and 4 executor workers for this kind of testing. At some time application just starts to return wrong output.
My Locust's TaskSet is configured to log every fault response with all available information: output string, error string, input string (that was returned by the application too), id. All simulated requests are the same, but id is unique for every.
The situation is better when setting Gunicorn's max_requests option to 100 requests, but failures still come.
Interesting thing is, that sometimes I can trigger "wrong output" period by simply stopping and starting Locust's test.
I need a 100% guarantee that my web API works as I expect.
UPDATE & solution
Just asked my teammate to review the C++ code - the problem was in global variables. In some way, it wasn't a problem for 256 parallel coroutines, but for Gunicorn was.

Winjs Promise Async test

I m developping a Winjs/HTML windows Store application .
I have to do some tests every period of time so let's me explain my need.
when i navigate to my specific page , I have to test (without a specific time in advance=loop)
So when my condition is verified it Will render a Flyout(Popup) and then exit from the Promise. (Set time out need a specific time but i need to verify periodically )
I read the msdn but i can't fullfill this goal .
If someone has an idea how to do it , i will be thankful.
Every help will be appreciated.
setInterval can be used.
var timerId = setInternal(function ()
// do you work.
}, 2000); // timer event every 2s
// invoke this when timer needs to be stopped or you move out of the page; that is unload() method
Instead of polling at specific intervals, you should check if you can't adapt your code to use events or databinding instead.
In WinJS you can use databinding to bind input values to a view model and then check in its setter functions if your condition has been fulfilled.
Generally speaking, setInterval et al should be avoided for anything that's not really time-related domain logic (clocks, countdowns, timeouts or such). Of course there are situations when there's no other way (like polling remote services), so this may not apply to your situation at hand.

AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) timeout length by browser

I've been scouring the web trying to find a straight answer to this. Does anyone know the default timeout lengths for ajax request by browser? Also by version if it's changed?
According to the specs, the timeout value defaults to zero, which means there is no timeout. However, you can set a timeout value on the XHR.timeout property; the value is in milliseconds.
I don't think browsers have a timeout for AJAX, there is only synchronous or asynchronous requests; synchronous - first freezes the JavaScript execution until the request returns,
asynchronous - does not freeze JavaScript execution, it simply takes the request out of the execution flow, and if you have a callback function it will execute the the function in parallel with the running scripts (similar to a thread)
**sync flow:**
running JS script
(wait for response)
execute callback
running JS script
**async flow:**
running JS script
ajax --------------------
| |
running JS script execute callback
I did a modest amount of testing. To test I loaded my website, stopped the local server and then attempted an AJAX request. I set the timeout to something low like 1000ms until I could ensure I had minimal code (you must put the xhr.timeout after open and before send).
Once I got it working my initial goal was to determine the appropriate amount of time to allow however I was surprised how quickly the timeout would be outright ignored by browsers. My goal reformed in to trying to determine what the maximum timeout could be before error handling was no longer viable.That means past these fairly short spans of time your timeout handler script will not work at all. What I found was pretty pathetic.
Chrome 60: 995ms, 996ms will throw a dirty evil error in to the console.
Firefox 52 ESR: ~3000ms, position of mouse or other issue may cause no response around or just under three seconds.
xhr.timeout = 995;//REALLY short
xhr.ontimeout = function ()
//Code will only execute if at or below *effective* timeouts list above.
//Good spot to make a second attempt.
So if your timeout is set higher than 995ms Chrome will ignore your code and puke on your nice clean empty console that you worked hard to keep clean. Firefox is not much better and there are unreliable requests that just timeout for well beyond any patience I have and in doing so ignore the ontimeout handler.
Browser does have a timeout value, behavior depends upon browser chrome has timeout value of 5 minutes and after 5 minutes it does resend ajax call
