I am running Sqitch on a Windows 10 machine. Using mysql 8.0.19.
I initially installed Sqitch using Strawberry Perl.
Every time I try to run verify scripts, the verify script fails. Every time my co-worker runs the same verify script on his machine that has Sqitch .9999 it works flawlessly.
We have both tried to diagnose the issue, and we have been able to narrow it down being a sqitch issue. As both our setups are the same except for the version of Sqitch we run. I am using the latest version of Sqitch 1.1.0.
What is the safest way to downgrade a CPAN module ? I have tried to use;
cpan install DWHEELER/App-Sqitch-v1.0.0.tar.gz
I have tried to force the install as well. With no luck.
The error I get when I try and run the above command;
Could not fetch authors/id/////////D//DWHEELER/App-Sqitch-v1.0.0.tar.gz
Please note the example I provide is for V1.0.0. as I try and see if the bug exists in 1.0.0 as well before I report it as a bug.
Use cpanm, instead:
cpanm DWHEELER/App-Sqitch-v1.0.0.tar.gz
I was trying to install Mujoco in Ubuntu. I have downloaded mujoco200, and put it to ./mujoco with the license. Then downloaded mujoco_py with 'pip3 install mujoco_py=='. According to the instructions I read online that should be all, and then when I run 'import mujoco_py', the following error shows:
distutils.errors.CompileError: command '/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit code 1
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? If not, I am using Mac M1, does anyone know how else can I use Mujoco since I don't think I can use Mujoco in Mac M1?
At first, the terminal asks me to put 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/yilin/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin' in .bashrc, I did that and that bug is gone. But now this bug comes up. I have tried to use Mujoco with Mac, use mujoco_py in colab and both of them failed.
Any particular reason you want to use mujoco 2.0.0 rather than a later version of MuJoCo? mujoco_py supports the free MuJoCo since November last year (install mujoco_py==
Or better, avoid mujoco_py, and use the mujoco package on pip instead. If you're using Gym, read their note about the latest MuJoCo environments: https://github.com/openai/gym#mujoco-environments
Using mujoco rather than mujoco_py will avoid all installation problems, because the MuJoCo binary is included in that Python package and doesn't need to be installed separately. It works fine on Mac M1.
There is a nasty bug in Docker 1.9.x that is causing java
processes to hang and frankly hang up the entire container
instance, spinning 100% CPU.
I currently have docker 1.9.1 installed because that is all that
the docker install tool will install. There is no opportunity during
the install process to select any other version.
This is completely preventing me from building a cordova
build container. In my internet research I have found many
others who are encountering the same problem.
I've done some research and seen that others are reporting this
problem does not occur with Docker 1.8.3.
I've searched in vain for some hints on how to install older versions
of docker on OS-X. I tried replacing the boot2docker.iso in ~/.docker/machine/machines/default with the 1.8.3 version downloaded
from here: https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker/releases/tag/v1.8.3 but that fails miserably. I am guessing that there are other things about my default machine (which had been created with 1.9.1) that are incompatible with it.
If anybody has hints as to how I could create a new machine or modify
the existing machine to work with 1.8.3 I would very much appreciate
Alternatively, let me know if there is some other installation method that would allow me to specify which version of docker to install.
I figured out that what I needed to do is to find an older version of DockerToolbox and that would install the version of docker that I wanted.
I went to the github repository for DockerToolbox:
and there I found a link to the 1.8.3 binary:
I still had to uninstall my previous installation of docker so I followed the uninstall instructions on this page:
Once I had uninstalled and reinstalled via the legacy DockerToolbox, I managed to build the cordova container:
without incident.
I've been using the following:
https://get.docker.com/builds/$(uname -s)/$(uname -m)/docker-.tgz
See https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/1120.
If you happen to know the build number (e.g. 14937) -- not the git commit you see when running docker --version or docker version -- you can form the URL:
https://download.docker.com/mac/{{ beta | stable}}/{{ version }}.{{ build number }}/Docker.dmg
# example:
I was able to make ns-2 (ns-allinone-2.35) install on Ubuntu 13.10 successfully by modifying linkstate/ls.h, but one test case in the validation suite always seems to fail - tcpLinux. This bothers me because validation works properly in Ubuntu 12. Would you know how to fix this or if this is an issue at all?
Thanks in advance!
So it looks like ns-2 doesn't play nice with the newer versions of gcc.
Before installing, do
export CC=gcc-4.4 CXX=g++-4.4
If you don't have these older versions, use
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4 g++-4.4
Using this method, I didn't have to modify any source code before building.
I'm pretty rusty with Perl and I don't think it's helping that I'm running it in Windows.
I'd like to install this module. I tried the instructions here to install a CPAN module, but it fails trying to install App::cpanminus (the very first step.) I tried just running cpan Config::Simple and it didn't work either. In both situations, it fails with this error message:
Unwrapping had some problem, won't try again without force
Had problems unarchiving. Please build manually
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
Does CPAN just not work from the version of Perl that's installed with XAMPP? If so, how do I upgrade it without breaking anything?
manually download and unpack the distro archive
change into the unpacked directory
run cpanm . or cpan .
XAMPP also ships with PPM in C:\xampp\perl\bin\ppm.bat which is often a more Windows friendly way to get modules for perl.
There's a step by step example of using ppm with XAMPP here: http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?t=26407
Many modules are already installed in C:\xampp\perl\lib and C:\xampp\perl\site\lib
I found the following guide:
but it seems like a whole lot of manual steps, and I bet it is out of date already. Installing ClojureBox on Windows was a breeze. Does anyone know of a simple installer for it? Where can I download it, and what are the steps?
EDIT: Tried installing cake, got:
$ sudo gem install cake
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException)
HTTP Response 302
Also tried installing using the script:
$ sudo ./cake_install.rb
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file (ordered_set.clj:1)
EDIT 2: Now the Java version issues :) What version of Java do I need and where to download it?
$ sudo cake test
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file (ordered_set.clj:1)
My Leopard software is up to date :(
Apple Computer supplies their own version of Java. Use the Software Update feature (available on the Apple menu) to check that you have the most up-to-date version of Java for your Mac. If you have problems with downloading, installing or using Java on Mac, please contact Apple Computer Technical Support.
EDIT: Hm ... I suspect that one of the suggestions I tried broke my ability to connect to the internet (both wired as well as wireless) on Apple :(
Clojure is also installable via Homebrew:
brew install clojure
If you just want to run clojure programs, then macports works. Bear in mind you're dependent upon the maintainer to update versions.
If you plan on writing clojure programs, then cake is a better starting point. Installation involves one of the following (your choice):
Using gem (easiest)
gem install cake
Standalone script
Download the script
Put it somewhere in your path and chmod +x cake to make it executable
Git repository
git clone git://github.com/ninjudd/cake.git
Symlink bin/cake into your path and make it executable
Cake is a full build system, but you can just use it to fire up the repl by running cake repl. There's also leiningen, but starting repls will feel faster in cake since it uses persistent JVMs.
I find Leiningen very easy to use. Just download the script, put it somewhere in your $PATH (/usr/bin/ for example) and make it executable: sudo chmod +x lein.
Now type lein repl and Leiningen will download all the files you need and create a REPL for you. It's that easy.
You may want to check CounterClockWise (an Eclipse plugin). There's a video on how to install it here. It'll give you a lot of features to play with - including a clojure REPL.
Just checked this will still work under Ubuntu. It should be the same for macs, except using whatever macs use instead of apt-get to install maven:
You need to install maven, create a file, then you can just call mvn clojure:repl and everything should just work.
If you'd also like the whole emacs-swank-slime setup that's also easy now, and described there.
If you try it can you comment back here or on the blog to let me know if there are any changes I need to make for macs?
Install MacPorts and then run sudo port install clojure
I once created a package called ClojureX that was partly based on Mark's article. It's not actively maintained anymore (at least not by me), but there's no reason it wouldn't work: