ns-2 - ./validate fails in Ubuntu 13.10 - validation

I was able to make ns-2 (ns-allinone-2.35) install on Ubuntu 13.10 successfully by modifying linkstate/ls.h, but one test case in the validation suite always seems to fail - tcpLinux. This bothers me because validation works properly in Ubuntu 12. Would you know how to fix this or if this is an issue at all?
Thanks in advance!

So it looks like ns-2 doesn't play nice with the newer versions of gcc.
Before installing, do
export CC=gcc-4.4 CXX=g++-4.4
If you don't have these older versions, use
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4 g++-4.4
Using this method, I didn't have to modify any source code before building.


Can't add gcc-arm-linux-gnueabhf version 7 to Ubuntu

I'm trying to compile u-boot for Raspberry pi 3 but I have an issue
with my cross-compiler on my Ubuntu 16.04. I installed gcc-arm-linux-gnueabhf with sudo apt-get install, it automatically
installed version 4.8.
When I ran make CROSS_COMPILe=arm-linux-gnueabhf- to make u-boot
files, make erros and said that it needs arm-linux-gnueabhf higher version>= 6. To solve this, I downloaded a new 7.4 version and add
it's path to ~/.bashrc file.
I run command arm-linux-gnueabhf-gcc --version. It still in 4.8.
Please help me look into it.
The issue was solved with reference form

How to install libraries (mysql connector cpp) on Mac using terminal and make things simple as in the case of Ubuntu

I will share an example.
I had to install mysql connector c++ libraries for my project.
To install connector c++ on my Mac, i had to build it from the source code and it takes a lot of effort because you get errors sometimes and then it is troublesome, something which should have been done in a short time.
In case of Ubuntu, I just had to write one command in the terminal, and wow, everything just got done automatically.
apt-get install libmysqlcppconn7
Does anybody know any similar command in mac, using brew or macports?
I tried to find but I guess I didn't get any results to satisfaction.
And if there is not, can anyone guide me so that I can make it possible, like I think it's possible for mac, if it is possible in ubuntu.
Please guide me, an answer in a bit detail would be so much appreciated.
Probably the nearest thing to apt-get on a mac is brew
Once it is set up (and this isn't difficult) "brew install mysql-connector-c++" will install on the mac

apt in Linux Subsystem for Windows 10 is failing with 404 Not Found

OK, so this is my first SO question so I'm gonna try my best to lay this out.
I have a Windows 10 laptop on which I am trying to install gcc. I have in the past tried alternatives such as netbeans, cygwin and various emulators and virtual machines all to no avail.
What has been working so far is that I enabled the 'new' windows developer mode which allowed me to download a Linux bash shell from the windows store. It works for all the regular Linux commands, but doesn't have gcc installed.
When I type in gcc (or gcc --version) in the shell, it prints the following line:
The program 'gcc' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install gcc
Which I tried, it then ran through a bunch of installer stuff but consistently seemed to run into errors such as the following:
Err:7 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 libdpkg- >perl all 1.18.4ubuntu1.2
where the ip address is different on each error line.
It ultimately fails with the following line:
Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
I have tried but again I get the same kinds of errors as above.
I would really like to get gcc working in the Windows/Linux shell as it is working great for everything else, and I'm trying to keep the number of programs on my computer to a minimum.
Does anyone know why this isn't working, or how (if possible) I can make it work?
P.S I do need it to be gcc because of school reasons
For what it's worth: I landed on this SO topic after having a similar issue.
What fixed it for me was to run
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
I guess the repo URLs were too old, even though my Ubuntu was in a recent version.
I just ran into the same thing attempting to install python-pip. According to this article, this happens when you have the Windows 10 Anniversary Update (older) instead of the Creators update (newer). The solution is to either uninstall and re-install Ubuntu, or upgrade it (from 14.04 to 16.04). I found the upgrade to be simple and painless:
sudo do-release-upgrade
To check what you have, before and after via:
lsb_release -a
I had the same problem. Pinging the IP resulted in no response and visiting the website returned a 404.
I found a ppa with most current GCC and registered the PPA and was able to successfully install GCC with it; ppa website. I used GCC to build some software I wanted that was not found with apt-get.
From their page:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
Try to run Ubuntu application in Windows with an option "Run as Administrator".

How was my running php compiled?

I'm trying to compile a new instance of PHP (5.4.0) from the source code and want to keep compatibility with the one (PHP 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.6) already installed from the distro, Ubuntu-11.10. That is, I want to run ./configure with the same directives as the installed PHP.
I always could see the ./configure command outputted by phpinfo() but this time, for my surprise, it's not provided.
Do you know of any flag that prevent phpinfo of outputting the compile configuration? Or,
Do you know of any other way to get how PHP was compiled?
Original answer
There should be a script php-config you can install on ubuntu to get the configure parameters used for php.
sudo apt-get install php5-dev
php-config --configure-options
2023 Update
The php-config executable is currently present in the generic package phpX.Y-dev, where X and Y is the major and minor version of the php package installed on your system. Also, the name of the executable reflects your php version.
sudo apt-get install php8.1-dev
php-config8.1 --configure-options
A list of popular ubuntu version and corresponding package:
Ubuntu 18.04: php7.2-dev
Ubuntu 20.04: php7.4-dev
Ubuntu 21.04: php7.4-dev
Ubuntu 21.10: php8.0-dev
Ubuntu 22.04: php8.1-dev
Ubuntu 22.10: php8.1-dev
Ubuntu 23.04*¹: php8.1-dev
*¹ Lunar Lobster nightly, scheduled to be released as 23.04
According to this bug report, the Configure Command output was intentionally suppressed from Ubuntu & Debian PHP builds.
Then recommend installing the source package via apt-get source php5:
If you want to see how PHP is built in Ubuntu, apt-get source php5,
and peruse debian/rules, the ./configure output in phpinfo() is, as the
changelog for the patch states, entirely misleading and not terribly

Installing gcc 4.4.3 on Ubuntu 9.04

I have Ubuntu 9.04 and need to install gcc 4.4.3. Does anyone know how would I do that?
I can't do it with any other versions except maybe gcc 4.4.x.
Currently ubuntu 9.04 has only 4.3.3 available but that is not sufficient for me.
Thank you in advance!
try sudo apt-get install gcc=4.4.3
I'm not sure if that's the exact version, but that's how you specify which version you want.
You can build gcc 4.4.3 from source - http://gcc.gnu.org/install/
Or you can install from jaunty repository - http://packages.ubuntu.com/ru/jaunty/gcc
Add in your /etc/apt/sources.list - deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jaunty main
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc
GCC is not that hard to compile, even if you do the entire bootstrap compile.
You can try:
Updating Ubuntu: come on, it's free, don't keep the old stuff lingering around...
installing the .deb packages from a later Ubuntu release. I would advise against using the full repository, but it might be you need to go dependency hunting (for the right version of glibc, libstdc++ etc.)
