How to implement ErrorHandlingDeserializer with SeekToCurrentErrorHandler and publish error records on custom topic - spring-boot

I am trying to write a Kafka consumer application in spring-kafka. I can think of 2 scenarios in which error can occur :
While processing records, an exception can occur in Service layer ( while updating records through API in a table)
Deserialization error
I had already explored an option to handle scenario 1, I can just throw an exception in my code and handle it using SeekToCurrentErrorHandler.
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> kafkaListenerContainerFactory() {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setErrorHandler(new SeekToCurrentErrorHandler(new FixedBackOff(1000L, 2L)));
return factory;
For scenario 2, I have got an option of ErrorHandlingDeserializer but I am not sure how to implement it with SeekToCurrentErrorHandler. Is there a way to include ErrorHandler for both scenarios using SeekToCurrentErrorHandler.
My property class is as below :
public ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory(){
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class.getName());
props.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, KafkaAvroDeserializer.class.getName());
props.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, GROUP_ID_CONFIG);
props.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "false");
return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(props);
Publishing error records :
I am also thinking to publish error records to Dead Letter queue. For scenario 1, it should retry and publish on dead letter queue and for scenario 2, it should directly publish as there is no benefit of re-trying. I may not have access to create a topic on my own and would need to ask my producers to create one topic for error records as well. How can I implement logic to publish records on custom error topic.
As I have no control over name if I use DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer. Based on my understanding, it creates topic with <original_topic_name>.DLT.

The SeekToCurrentErrorHandler treats certain exceptions (such as DeserializationException) as fatal and are not retried - that failed record is immediately sent to the recoverer.
For retryable exceptions, the recoverer is called after retrieds are exhausted.
* Add exception types to the default list. By default, the following exceptions will
* not be retried:
* <ul>
* <li>{#link DeserializationException}</li>
* <li>{#link MessageConversionException}</li>
* <li>{#link ConversionException}</li>
* <li>{#link MethodArgumentResolutionException}</li>
* <li>{#link NoSuchMethodException}</li>
* <li>{#link ClassCastException}</li>
* </ul>
* All others will be retried.
* #param exceptionTypes the exception types.
* #see #removeNotRetryableException(Class)
* #see #setClassifications(Map, boolean)
public final void addNotRetryableExceptions(Class<? extends Exception>... exceptionTypes) {
Based on my understanding, it creates topic with <original_topic_name>.DLT.
That is the default behavior; you can provide your own DLT topic name strategy (destination resolver).
See the documentation.
The following example shows how to wire a custom destination resolver:
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer recoverer = new DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer(template,
(r, e) -> {
if (e instanceof FooException) {
return new TopicPartition(r.topic() + ".Foo.failures", r.partition());
else {
return new TopicPartition(r.topic() + ".other.failures", r.partition());
ErrorHandler errorHandler = new SeekToCurrentErrorHandler(recoverer, new FixedBackOff(0L, 2L));


Spring Kafka - Exception is causing Manual Immediate acknowledgment to be rolled back?

Can someone please help me understand why a message offset that is manually and immediately committed is re-processed by the KafkaListener when an exception occurs?
So I'm expecting the following behaviour:
I receive an event in Kafka Listener
I commit the offset
An exception occurs
I'm expecting that message not to be reprocessed because the offset was committed.
Not sure if my understanding is correct? Or does Spring rolls-back the manual Acknowledgment that we do in case of exception?
I have the following Listener code:
#KafkaListener(topics = {"${acknowledgement.topic}"}, containerFactory = "concurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory")
public void onMessage(String message, Acknowledgment acknowledgment) throws InterruptedException {
throw new Exception1();
And the concurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory code is:
public ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory() {
return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(kafkaProperties.buildConsumerProperties());
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> concurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory() {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> concurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
return concurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory;
Yes, the default error handler treats any exception as retryable by default, regardless of whether its offset has been committed.
You should either not throw an exception, or tell the DefaultErrorHandler which exception(s) should not be retried.
* Add exception types to the default list. By default, the following exceptions will
* not be retried:
* <ul>
* <li>{#link DeserializationException}</li>
* <li>{#link MessageConversionException}</li>
* <li>{#link ConversionException}</li>
* <li>{#link MethodArgumentResolutionException}</li>
* <li>{#link NoSuchMethodException}</li>
* <li>{#link ClassCastException}</li>
* </ul>
* All others will be retried, unless {#link #defaultFalse()} has been called.
* #param exceptionTypes the exception types.
* #see #removeClassification(Class)
* #see #setClassifications(Map, boolean)
public final void addNotRetryableExceptions(Class<? extends Exception>...
exceptionTypes) {

Spring Apache Kafka onFailure Callback of KafkaTemplate not fired on connection error

I'm experimenting a lot with Apache Kafka in a Spring Boot App at the moment.
My current goal is to write a REST endpoint that takes in some message payload, which will use a KafkaTemplate to send the data to my local Kafka running on port 9092.
This is my producer config:
public Map<String,Object> producerConfig() {
// config settings for creating producers
Map<String,Object> configProps = new HashMap<>();
configProps.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
return configProps;
public ProducerFactory<String,String> producerFactory() {
// creates a kafka producer
return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerConfig());
public KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate(){
// template which abstracts sending data to kafka
return new KafkaTemplate<>(producerFactory());
My rest endpoint forwards to a service, the service looks like this:
public class KafkaSenderService {
private final KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate;
public KafkaSenderService(KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate) {
this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;
public void sendMessageWithCallback(String message, String topicName) {
// possibility to add callbacks to define what shall happen in success/ error case
ListenableFuture<SendResult<String,String>> future = kafkaTemplate.send(topicName, message);
future.addCallback(new KafkaSendCallback<String, String>() {
public void onFailure(KafkaProducerException ex) {
logger.warn("Message could not be delivered. " + ex.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(SendResult<String, String> result) {"Your message was delivered with following offset: " + result.getRecordMetadata().offset());
The thing now is: I'm expecting the "onFailure()" method to get called when the message could not be sent. But this seems not to work. When I change the bootstrapServers variable in the producer config to localhost:9091 (which is the wrong port, so there should be no connection possible), the producer tries to connect to the broker. It will do several connection attempts, and after 5 seconds, a TimeOutException will occur. But the "onFailure() method won't get called. Is there a way to achieve that the "onFailure()" method can get called event if the connection cannot be established?
And by the way, I set the retries count to zero, but the prodcuer still does a second connection attempt after the first one. This is the log output:
EDIT: it seems like the Kafke producer/ KafkaTemplate goes into an infinite loop when the broker is not available. Is that really the intended behaviour?
The KafkaTemplate does really nothing fancy about connection and publishing. Everything is delegated to the KafkaProducer. What you describe here would happen exactly even if you'd use just plain Kafka Client.
See KafkaProducer.send() JavaDocs:
* #throws TimeoutException If the record could not be appended to the send buffer due to memory unavailable
* or missing metadata within {#code}.
Which happens by the blocking logic in that producer:
* Wait for cluster metadata including partitions for the given topic to be available.
* #param topic The topic we want metadata for
* #param partition A specific partition expected to exist in metadata, or null if there's no preference
* #param nowMs The current time in ms
* #param maxWaitMs The maximum time in ms for waiting on the metadata
* #return The cluster containing topic metadata and the amount of time we waited in ms
* #throws TimeoutException if metadata could not be refreshed within {#code}
* #throws KafkaException for all Kafka-related exceptions, including the case where this method is called after producer close
private ClusterAndWaitTime waitOnMetadata(String topic, Integer partition, long nowMs, long maxWaitMs) throws InterruptedException {
Unfortunately this is not explained in the send() JavaDocs which claims to be fully asynchronous, but apparently it is not. At least in this metadata part which has to be available before we enqueue the record for publishing.
That's what we cannot control and it is not reflected on the returned Future:
try {
clusterAndWaitTime = waitOnMetadata(record.topic(), record.partition(), nowMs, maxBlockTimeMs);
} catch (KafkaException e) {
if (metadata.isClosed())
throw new KafkaException("Producer closed while send in progress", e);
throw e;
See more info in Apache Kafka docs how to adjust the KafkaProducer for this matter:
Question answered inside the discussion on for anyone else stumbling across this thread. In short, kafkaTemplate.getProducerFactory().reset();does the trick.

spring-kafka consumer batch error handling with spring boot version 2.3.7

I am trying to perform the spring kafka batch process error handling. First of all i have few questions.
what is difference between listener and container error handlers and what errors comes into these two categories ?
Could you please help some samples on this to understand better ?
Here is our design:
Poll every certain interval
consume messages in a batch mode
push to local cache (application cache) based on key (to avoid duplicate events)
push all values one by one to another topic once batch process done.
clear the the cache once the operation 3 done and acknowledge the offsets manually.
Here is my plan to have error handling:
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> myListenerPartitionContainerFactory(String groupId) {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
return factory;
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> myPartitionsListenerContainerFactory()
return myListenerPartitionContainerFactory(groupIdPO);
public RecoveringBatchErrorHandler(KafkaTemplate<String, String> errorKafkaTemplate) {
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer recoverer =
new DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer(errorKakfaTemplate);
RecoveringBatchErrorHandler errorHandler =
new RecoveringBatchErrorHandler(recoverer, new FixedBackOff(2L, 5000)); // push error event to the error topic
#KafkaListener(id = "mylistener", topics = "someTopic", containerFactory = "myPartitionsListenerContainerFactory"))
public void listen(List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> records, #Header(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY) String key, Acknowledgement ack) {
Map hashmap = new Hashmap<>();
records.forEach(record -> {
try {
//key will be formed based on the input record - it will be id.
hashmap.put(key, record);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new BatchListenerFailedException("Failed to process", record);
// Once success each messages to another topic.
try {
hashmap.forEach( (key,value) -> { push to another topic })
} catch(Exception ex) {
//handle producer exceptions
is the direction good or any improvements needs to be done? And also what type of container and listener handlers need to be implemented?
#Gary Russell.. could you please help on this ?
The listener error handler is intended for request/reply situations where the error handler can return a meaningful reply to the sender.
You need to throw an exception to trigger the container error handler and you need to know in the index in the original batch to tell it which record failed.
If you are using manual acks like that, you can use the nack() method to indicate which record failed (and don't throw an exception in that case).

How to wrap exception on exhausted retries with Spring Retry

I'm using spring-retry to retry restTemplate calls.
The restTemplate calls are called from a kafka listener.
The kafka listener is also configured to retry on error (if any exception are thrown during the process, not only the restTemplate call).
I'd like to prevent kafka from retrying when the error come from a retry template which has exhausted.
Actual behavior :
When the retryTemplate exhaust all retries, the original exception is thrown. Thus preventing me from identifying if the error was retried by the retryTemplate.
Desired behavior:
When the retryTemplate exhaust all retries, wrap the original exception in a RetryExhaustedException which will allow me to blacklist it from kafka retries.
How can I do something like this ?
RetryTemplate configuration :
RetryTemplate retryTemplate = new RetryTemplate();
FixedBackOffPolicy backOffPolicy = new FixedBackOffPolicy();
Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, Boolean> retryableExceptions = new HashMap<>();
retryableExceptions.put(FunctionalException.class, false);
SimpleRetryPolicy retryPolicy = new SimpleRetryPolicy(3, retryableExceptions, true, true);
Kafka ErrorHandler
public class DefaultErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
public void handle(Exception thrownException, ConsumerRecord<?, ?> data) {
Throwable exception = Optional.ofNullable(thrownException.getCause()).orElse(thrownException);
// TODO if exception as been retried in a RetryTemplate, stop it to prevent rollback and send it to a DLQ
// else rethrow exception, it will be rollback and handled by AfterRollbackProcessor to be retried
throw new KafkaException("Could not handle exception", thrownException);
Listener kafka :
public void onMessage(ConsumerRecord<String, String> record) {
retryTemplate.execute((args) -> {
throw new RuntimeException("Should be catched by ErrorHandler to prevent rollback");
throw new RuntimeException("Should be retried by afterRollbackProcessor");
Simply configure the listener retry template with a SimplyRetryPolicy that is configured to classify RetryExhaustedException as not retryable.
Be sure to set the traverseCauses property to true since the container wraps all listener exceptions in ListenerExecutionFailedException.
* Create a {#link SimpleRetryPolicy} with the specified number of retry
* attempts. If traverseCauses is true, the exception causes will be traversed until
* a match is found. The default value indicates whether to retry or not for exceptions
* (or super classes) are not found in the map.
* #param maxAttempts the maximum number of attempts
* #param retryableExceptions the map of exceptions that are retryable based on the
* map value (true/false).
* #param traverseCauses is this clause traversable
* #param defaultValue the default action.
public SimpleRetryPolicy(int maxAttempts, Map<Class<? extends Throwable>, Boolean> retryableExceptions,
boolean traverseCauses, boolean defaultValue) {
template.execute((args) -> {...}, (context) -> throw new Blah(context.getLastThrowable()));

Spring Kafka consumer - manual commit with recovery callback mechanism

I am building a kafka consumer. I have set the recovery callback similar to below. I have enabled manual commit. How can I acknowledge the message in recovery callback method so that there is no lag.
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, Map<String, Object>> kafkaListenerContainerFactory() {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, Map<String, Object>> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
factory.setRecoveryCallback(new RecoveryCallback<Object>() {
public Object recover(RetryContext context) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
logger.debug(" In recovery callback method !!");
return null;
return factory;
* Retry template.
protected RetryPolicy retryPolicy() {
SimpleRetryPolicy policy = new SimpleRetryPolicy(maxRetryAttempts, retryableExceptions);
return policy;
protected BackOffPolicy backOffPolicy() {
ExponentialBackOffPolicy policy = new ExponentialBackOffPolicy();
return policy;
protected RetryTemplate retryTemplate() {
RetryTemplate template = new RetryTemplate();
return template;
Your question is too broad. You need to be more specific.
There is no any assumption in the Framework what you could do in case of retry exhausting during consumption errors.
I think you should start from the Spring Retry project to understand what is that RecoveryCallback at all and how it works:
If the business logic does not succeed before the template decides to abort, then the client is given the chance to do some alternate processing through the recovery callback.
A RetryContext has:
* Accessor for the exception object that caused the current retry.
* #return the last exception that caused a retry, or possibly null. It will be null
* if this is the first attempt, but also if the enclosing policy decides not to
* provide it (e.g. because of concerns about memory usage).
Throwable getLastThrowable();
Also Spring Kafka populates additional attributes to that RetryContext to deal with in the RecoveryCallback:
The contents of the RetryContext passed into the RecoveryCallback will depend on the type of listener. The context will always have an attribute record which is the record for which the failure occurred. If your listener is acknowledging and/or consumer aware, additional attributes acknowledgment and/or consumer will be available. For convenience, the RetryingAcknowledgingMessageListenerAdapter provides static constants for these keys. See its javadocs for more information.
