Apollo Client 3: How to implement caching on client side for graphql interfaces? - graphql

I have a case where I have an interface, which has different type implementations defined in graphql. I may not be able to share the exact code. But the case looks something like:
interface Character {
name: String!
type Human implements Character {
name: String!
friends: [Character]
type Droid implements Character {
name: String!
material: String
There is query which returns either Human or Droid type in response.
Response may contain something like:
name: 'Human_01',
friends: []
__typename: 'Human'
name: 'Droid_01',
material: 'Aluminium'
__typename: 'Droid'
I am using Apollo Client 3 on client side for querying the data and have fragments for these like:
fragment Human on Human {
fragment Droid on Droid {
fragment Character on Character {
I am querying for the Character data as:
character {
Since, this is the case of interface, and as defined in the docs for Apollo client 3, we need to use possibleTypes in order to match the fragments in such cases. For caching purpose, I have defined InMemoryCache as:
new InMemoryCache({ possibleTypes: { Character: ['Human', 'Droid'] } })
The primary key field for a Character implementation is the name field, which I need to use in order to store its value in cache.
In Apollo client 3, it is mentioned to use typePolicies for defining keyFields for a type.
So, I need to ask as to whether I should define, type policy for both type implementations, specifying keyFields as name in both cases like:
new InMemoryCache({
possibleTypes: { Character: ['Human', 'Droid'] },
typePolicies: { Human: { keyFields: ['name'] }, Droid: { keyFields: ['name'] } }
In my example, I have provided only 2 such type implementations but there can be n number of type implementations corresponding to Character interface. So, in that case I will need to define keyFields as name in typePolicies for all the n type implementations.
So, does there exist any better way of implementing caching wrt these types of interface implementations ?
Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks!!!

Inheritance of type and field policies is coming in the next minor version of #apollo/client, v3.3!
You can try it out now by installing #apollo/client#3.3.0-beta.5.
To stay up to date on the progress of the v3.3 release, see this pull request.


How could I structure my graphql schema to allow for the retrieval of possible dropdown values?

I'm trying to get the possible values for multiple dropdown menus from my graphQL api.
for example, say I have a schema like so:
type Employee {
id: ID!
name: String!
jobRole: Lookup!
address: Address!
type Address {
street: String!
line2: String
city: String!
state: Lookup!
country: Lookup!
zip: String!
type Lookup {
id: ID!
value: String!
jobRole, city and state are all fields that have a predetermined list of values that are needed in various dropdowns in forms around the app.
What would be the best practice in the schema design for this case? I'm considering the following option:
query {
lookups {
jobRoles {
This has the advantage of being data driven so I can update my job roles without having to update my schema, but I can see this becoming cumbersome. I've only added a few of our business objects, and already have about 25 different types of lookups in my schema and as I add more data into the API I'll need to somehow to maintain the right lookups being used for the right fields, dealing with general lookups that are used in multiple places vs ultra specific lookups that will only ever apply to one field, etc.
Has anyone else come across a similar issue and is there a good design pattern to handle this?
And for the record I don't want to use enums with introspection for 2 reasons.
With the number of lookups we have in our existing data there will be a need for very frequent schema updates
With an enum you only get one value, I need a code that will be used as the primary key in the DB and a descriptive value that will be displayed in the UI.
enum jobRole {
id: 1,
value: "Manager"
id: 2,
value: "Engineer"
id: 3,
value: "Sales"
I wanted to give another example of why enums probably aren't going to work. We have a lot of descriptions that should show up in a drop down that contain special characters.
// Client Type
id: 'ENDOW',
value: 'Foundation/Endowment'
id: 'PUBLIC',
value: 'Public (Government)'
id: 'MULTI',
value: 'Union/Multi-Employer'
There are others that are worse, they have <, >, %, etc. And some of them are complete sentences so the restrictive naming of enums really isn't going to work for this case. I'm leaning towards just making a bunch of lookup queries and treating each lookup as a distinct business object
I found a way to make enums work the way I needed. I can get the value by putting it in the description
Here's my gql schema definition
enum ClientType {
Public (Government)
When I retrieve it with an introspection query like so
__type(name: "ClientType") {
enumValues {
I get my data in the exact structure I was looking for!
"data": {
"__type": {
"enumValues": [{
"name": "PUBLIC",
"description": "Public (Government)"
}, {
"name": "MULTI",
"description": "Union/Multi-Employer"
}, {
"name": "ENDOW",
"description": "Foundation/Endowment"
Which has exactly what I need. I can use all the special characters, numbers, etc. found in our descriptions. If anyone is wondering how I keep my schema in sync with our database, I have a simple code generating script that queries the tables that store this info and generates an enums.ts file that exports all these enums. Whenever the data is updated (which doesn't happen that often) I just re-run the code generator and publish the schema changes to production.
You can still use enums for this if you want.
Introspection queries can be used client-side just like any other query. Depending on what implementation/framework you're using server-side, you may have to explicitly enable introspection in production. Your client can query the possible enum values when your app loads -- regardless of how many times the schema changes, the client will always have the correct enum values to display.
Enum values are not limited to all caps, although they cannot contain spaces. So you can have Engineer but not Human Resources. That said, if you substitute underscores for spaces, you can just transform the value client-side.
I can't speak to non-JavaScript implementations, but GraphQL.js supports assigning a value property for each enum value. This property is only used internally. For example, if you receive the enum as an argument, you'll get 2 instead of Engineer. Likewise, you would return 2 instead of Engineer inside a resolver. You can see how this is done with Apollo Server here.

I dont want to redefine properties when defining a GraphQL type. Is there a way to get past it? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use inheritance with GraphQL input types?
Something like that (this, of course, doesn't work with input types):
interface UserInputInterface {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput implements UserInputInterface {
password: String!
input UserChangesInput implements UserInputInterface {
id: ID!
password: String
No, the spec does not allow input types to implement interfaces. And GraphQL type system in general does not define any form of inheritance (the extends keyword adds fields to an existing type, and isn't for inheritance). The spec is intentionally constrained to stay simple. This means that you're stuck repeating fields across input types.
That said, depending on the way you construct your schema, you could build some kind of type transformer that appends the common fields programmatically based on some meta-data, e.g. a directive.
Better yet, you might be able to solve your problem via composition (always keep composition over inheritance in mind).
input Name {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput {
name: Name
password: String!
input UserChangesInput {
name: Name
id: ID!
password: String
The client now has to send an object a level deeper, but that doesn't sound like much of a price for avoiding big repeating chunks. It might actually be good for the client as well, as they can now have common logic for building names, regardless of the query/mutation using them.
In this example, where it's only 2 simple fields, this approach is an overkill, but in general - I'd say it's the way to go.
Starting with the June2018 stable version of the GraphQL spec, an Input Object type can extend another Input Object type:
Input object type extensions are used to represent an input object type which has been extended from some original input object type.
This isn't inheritance per se; you can only extend the base type, not create new types based on it:
extend input MyInput {
NewField: String
Note there is no name for the new type; the existing MyInput type is extended.
The JavaScript reference implementation has implemented Input Object extensions in GraphQL.js v14 (June 2018), though it's unclear how to actually pass the extended input fields to a query without getting an error.
For actual type inheritance, see the graphql-s2s library.
It's doable using a custom directive.
Code Summary
const typeDefs = gql`
directive #inherits(type: String!) on OBJECT
type Car {
manufacturer: String
color: String
type Tesla #inherits(type: "Car") {
manufacturer: String
papa: String
model: String
type Query {
tesla: Tesla
const resolvers = {
Query: {
tesla: () => ({ model: 'S' }),
Car: {
manufacturer: () => 'Ford',
color: () => 'Orange',
Tesla: {
manufacturer: () => 'Tesla, Inc',
papa: () => 'Elon',
class InheritsDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
visitObject(type) {
const fields = type.getFields();
const baseType = this.schema.getTypeMap()[this.args.type];
Object.entries(baseType.getFields()).forEach(([name, field]) => {
if (fields[name] === undefined) {
fields[name] = { ...field };
const schemaDirectives = {
inherits: InheritsDirective,
query {
tesla {
"data": {
"tesla": {
"manufacturer": "Tesla, Inc",
"papa": "Elon",
"color": "Orange",
"model": "S",
Working example at https://github.com/jeanbmar/graphql-inherits.
If you came here looking for an explanation for the "implements", keyword, here it is:
An object type must be a super‐set of all interfaces it implements. The object type must include a field of the same name for every field defined in an interface.
(Excerpt taken from the June 2018 GraphQL spec.)
Here's an example
interface Foo {
id: ID!
foo: Int!
type Bar implements Foo #entity {
id: ID!;
foo: Int!;
bar: Int!;
So the Bar type doesn't inherit from the Foo interface, but it implements it. The former must include all the fields that are listed in the latter.
I think that this is a nice way to annotate types that should be like other types.

GraphQL SDL enum types

We have a bunch of enum types defined in an SDL and they work great for queries and mutations.
In the resolvers section these are mapped to the strings which represent those enums in the back end.
For example in the SDL we have :
enum WRRole {
And in the resolvers section we have :
WRRole: {
USER: 'user',
PROVIDER: 'provider',
SUPPORT: 'support',
ADMIN: 'admin',
SUPER_ADMIN: 'super admin',
GUEST: 'guest'
The resolvers match the enum values defined in the nodejs backend using Mongoose where the field is defined as :
roles: {
type: [
type: String,
enum: ['user', 'provider', 'support', 'admin', 'super admin', 'guest']
default: ['user']
The issue we have with GraphQL enums is that we cannot introspect the enums and get back the mappings using GraphQL introspection....
This causes issues with constructing UI's where we want to present the user with a dropdown list of these as options. The SDL enum values such as SUPER_USER are great for the keys but we want to display the actual backend mapped value to the use to select from.
This is just one example of many enums we have. Many of the mapped values consist of multiple words that have spaces between or words containing characters not allowed in the SDL enum value such as "super admin" in this case.
So my question is... How are you all handling stuff like this without having to repeat yourself or add more code to the front end to map these to more useful meaningful names for presentation ????
The order cannot be guaranteed to match the defined order of the enums in the backend so adding to the backend model enums would seriously mess up any assumptions that SUPER_USER actually maps to "super user" even though the resolver knows this.
While there isn't a perfect solution for this IMHO
there are a couple of ways I would approach this problem
Elegant way
You can add to your graphql schema a query that receives the Enum name
like so (in SDL ) :
type Query {
getEnumValues(enumName: String!): [EnumKeyValue!]!
type EnumKeyValue {
key: String!
value: String
this requires you to change your backend code a bit, for instance I would change the Enum resolver to get it's data from an object like so:
const enums = {
WRRole: {
USER: 'user',
PROVIDER: 'provider',
const enumResolver = {
WRRole: {
USER: enums.WRRole.USER,
and then the resolver for getEnumValues would look like:
const queryResolvers = {
getEnumValues(source, args) {
const enumKey = args.enumName;
// enums is the same enums object from the previous example
return Object.keys(enums[enumKey]).map(key => ({
value: enums[enumKey][key]
Dirty, Abusive but quick
Another possible way, that is a bit abusive is to add a description on the Enum value
so your Enum SDL would like:
enum WRRole {
# user
# provider
# support
# admin
# super admin
# guest
And then you can get the mapping between the key and the description with the following query:
__type(name: "WRRole") {
enumValues {

Share structure between GraphQL schemas

I have a Apollo GraphQL server talking to an API returning responses with roughly the following structure:
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
// more stuff
sorting: {
// even more stuff
data: [ // Actual data ]
This structure is going to be shared across pretty much all responses from this API, that I'm using extensively. data is going to be an array most of the time, but can also be an object.
How can I write this in an efficient way, so that I don't have to repeat all these pagination and sorting fields on every data type in my schemas?
Thanks a lot!
I've sorted your problem by creating a lib called graphql-s2s. It enhances your schema by adding support for type inheritance, generic types and metadata. In your case, creating a generic type for your Paginated object could be a viable solution. Here is an example:
const { transpileSchema } = require('graphql-s2s')
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require('graphql-tools')
const schema = `
type Paged<T> {
data: [T]
cursor: ID
type Node {
id: ID!
creationDate: String
type Person inherits Node {
firstname: String!
middlename: String
lastname: String!
age: Int!
gender: String
type Teacher inherits Person {
title: String!
type Student inherits Person {
nickname: String!
questions: Paged<Question>
type Question inherits Node {
name: String!
text: String!
type Query {
students: Paged<Student>
teachers: Paged<Teacher>
const executableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: [transpileSchema(schema)],
resolvers: resolver
I've written more details about this here (in Part II).
When you define your schema, you will end up abstracting out pagination, sorting, etc. as separate types. So the schema will look something like:
type Bar {
pagination: Pagination
sorting: SortingOptions
data: BarData # I'm an object
type Foo {
pagination: Pagination
sorting: SortingOptions
data: [FooData] # I'm an array
# more types similar to above
type Pagination {
page: Int
# more fields
type SortingOptions {
# more fields
type BarData {
# more fields
So you won't have to list each field within Pagination multiple times regardless. Each type that uses Pagination, however, will still need to specify it as a field -- there's no escaping that requirement.
Alternatively, you could set up a single Type to use for all your objects. In this case, the data field would be an Interface (Data), with FooData, BarData, etc. each implementing it. In your resolver for Data, you would define a __resolveType function to determine which kind of Data to return. You can pass in a typename variable with your query and then use that variable in the __resolveType function to return the correct type.
You can see a good example of Interface in action in the Apollo docs.
The downside to this latter approach is that you have to return either a single Data object or an Array of them -- you can't mix and match -- so you would probably have to change the structure of the returned object to make it work.

Can a GraphQL input type inherit from another type or interface?

Is it possible to use inheritance with GraphQL input types?
Something like that (this, of course, doesn't work with input types):
interface UserInputInterface {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput implements UserInputInterface {
password: String!
input UserChangesInput implements UserInputInterface {
id: ID!
password: String
No, the spec does not allow input types to implement interfaces. And GraphQL type system in general does not define any form of inheritance (the extends keyword adds fields to an existing type, and isn't for inheritance). The spec is intentionally constrained to stay simple. This means that you're stuck repeating fields across input types.
That said, depending on the way you construct your schema, you could build some kind of type transformer that appends the common fields programmatically based on some meta-data, e.g. a directive. Here's one such implementation.
Better yet, you might be able to solve your problem via composition (always keep composition over inheritance in mind).
input Name {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput {
name: Name
password: String!
input UserChangesInput {
name: Name
id: ID!
password: String
The client now has to send an object a level deeper, but that doesn't sound like much of a price for avoiding big repeating chunks. It might actually be good for the client as well, as they can now have common logic for building names, regardless of the query/mutation using them.
In this example, where it's only 2 simple fields, this approach is an overkill, but in general - I'd say it's the way to go.
Starting with the June2018 stable version of the GraphQL spec, an Input Object type can extend another Input Object type:
Input object type extensions are used to represent an input object type which has been extended from some original input object type.
This isn't inheritance per se; you can only extend the base type, not create new types based on it:
extend input MyInput {
NewField: String
Note there is no name for the new type; the existing MyInput type is extended.
The JavaScript reference implementation has implemented Input Object extensions in GraphQL.js v14 (June 2018), though it's unclear how to actually pass the extended input fields to a query without getting an error.
For actual type inheritance, see the graphql-s2s library.
It's doable using a custom directive.
Code Summary
const typeDefs = gql`
directive #inherits(type: String!) on OBJECT
type Car {
manufacturer: String
color: String
type Tesla #inherits(type: "Car") {
manufacturer: String
papa: String
model: String
type Query {
tesla: Tesla
const resolvers = {
Query: {
tesla: () => ({ model: 'S' }),
Car: {
manufacturer: () => 'Ford',
color: () => 'Orange',
Tesla: {
manufacturer: () => 'Tesla, Inc',
papa: () => 'Elon',
class InheritsDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
visitObject(type) {
const fields = type.getFields();
const baseType = this.schema.getTypeMap()[this.args.type];
Object.entries(baseType.getFields()).forEach(([name, field]) => {
if (fields[name] === undefined) {
fields[name] = { ...field };
const schemaDirectives = {
inherits: InheritsDirective,
query {
tesla {
"data": {
"tesla": {
"manufacturer": "Tesla, Inc",
"papa": "Elon",
"color": "Orange",
"model": "S",
Working example at https://github.com/jeanbmar/graphql-inherits.
If you came here looking for an explanation for the "implements", keyword, here it is:
An object type must be a super‐set of all interfaces it implements. The object type must include a field of the same name for every field defined in an interface.
(Excerpt taken from the June 2018 GraphQL spec.)
Here's an example
interface Foo {
id: ID!
foo: Int!
type Bar implements Foo #entity {
id: ID!;
foo: Int!;
bar: Int!;
So the Bar type doesn't inherit from the Foo interface, but it implements it. The former must include all the fields that are listed in the latter.
I think that this is a nice way to annotate types that should be like other types.
