Share structure between GraphQL schemas - graphql

I have a Apollo GraphQL server talking to an API returning responses with roughly the following structure:
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
// more stuff
sorting: {
// even more stuff
data: [ // Actual data ]
This structure is going to be shared across pretty much all responses from this API, that I'm using extensively. data is going to be an array most of the time, but can also be an object.
How can I write this in an efficient way, so that I don't have to repeat all these pagination and sorting fields on every data type in my schemas?
Thanks a lot!

I've sorted your problem by creating a lib called graphql-s2s. It enhances your schema by adding support for type inheritance, generic types and metadata. In your case, creating a generic type for your Paginated object could be a viable solution. Here is an example:
const { transpileSchema } = require('graphql-s2s')
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require('graphql-tools')
const schema = `
type Paged<T> {
data: [T]
cursor: ID
type Node {
id: ID!
creationDate: String
type Person inherits Node {
firstname: String!
middlename: String
lastname: String!
age: Int!
gender: String
type Teacher inherits Person {
title: String!
type Student inherits Person {
nickname: String!
questions: Paged<Question>
type Question inherits Node {
name: String!
text: String!
type Query {
students: Paged<Student>
teachers: Paged<Teacher>
const executableSchema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: [transpileSchema(schema)],
resolvers: resolver
I've written more details about this here (in Part II).

When you define your schema, you will end up abstracting out pagination, sorting, etc. as separate types. So the schema will look something like:
type Bar {
pagination: Pagination
sorting: SortingOptions
data: BarData # I'm an object
type Foo {
pagination: Pagination
sorting: SortingOptions
data: [FooData] # I'm an array
# more types similar to above
type Pagination {
page: Int
# more fields
type SortingOptions {
# more fields
type BarData {
# more fields
So you won't have to list each field within Pagination multiple times regardless. Each type that uses Pagination, however, will still need to specify it as a field -- there's no escaping that requirement.
Alternatively, you could set up a single Type to use for all your objects. In this case, the data field would be an Interface (Data), with FooData, BarData, etc. each implementing it. In your resolver for Data, you would define a __resolveType function to determine which kind of Data to return. You can pass in a typename variable with your query and then use that variable in the __resolveType function to return the correct type.
You can see a good example of Interface in action in the Apollo docs.
The downside to this latter approach is that you have to return either a single Data object or an Array of them -- you can't mix and match -- so you would probably have to change the structure of the returned object to make it work.


Sorting results in AWS Amplify GraphQL without filtering

Provided a very simple model in graphql.schema, how would I perform a simple sort query?
type Todo #model
id: ID!
text: String!
Which generates the following in queries.js.
export const listTodos = /* GraphQL */ `
query ListTodos(
$filter: ModelTodoFilterInput
$limit: Int
$nextToken: String
) {
listTodos(filter: $filter, limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken) {
items {
I have found multiple sources pointing me in the direction of the #key directive. This similar question addresses that approach (GraphQL with AWS Amplify - how to enable sorting on query).
While that may seem promising and successfully generates new queries I can use, all the approaches I have tried require that I filter the data before sorting it. All I want to do is sort my todo results on a given column name, with a given sort direction (ASC/DESC).
This is how I would perform a simple (unsorted) query:
const todos = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listTodos));
I would be looking to do something along the lines of:
const todos = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(listTodos, {sortField: "text", sortDirection: "ASC"} )).
Decorate your model with the #searchable directive, like so:
type Todo #model #searchable
id: ID!
text: String!
After that, you can query your data with sorting capabilities like below:
import { searchToDos } from '../graphql/queries';
import { API, graphqlOperation } from 'aws-amplify';
const toDoData = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(searchToDos, {
sort: {
direction: 'asc',
field: 'text'
For more information, see
Declaring #searchable incurs pointless extra server cost if all you need is straight forward sorting. It spins up an EBS and an OpenSearch that will be about $20 a month minumum.
Instead you need to use the #index directive.
As per the documentation here:
In your model, add the #index directive to one of the fields with a few parameters:
type Todo #model {
id: ID!
title: String!
type: String! #index(name: "todosByDate", queryField: "todosByDate", sortKeyFields: ["createdAt"])
createdAt: String!
By declaring the queryField and the sortKeyField you will now have a new query available to once you push your amplify config:
query todosByDate {
type: "Todo"
sortDirection: ASC
) {
items {
The field you declare this directive on can not be empty (notice the ! after the field name)
This is a much better way of doing it as opposed to #searchable, which is massively overkill.
I've accepted MTran's answer because it feels to me it is the nearest thing to an actual solution, but I've also decided to actually opt for a workaround. This way, I avoid adding a dependency to ElasticSearch.
I ended up adding a field to my schema and every single entry has the same value for that field. That way, I can filter by that value and still have the entire table of values, that I can then sort against.

FaunaDB - How to bulk update list of entries within single graphQL mutation?

I want to bulk update list of entries with graphQL mutation in faunaDB.
The input data is list of coronavirus cases from external source. It will be updated frequently. The mutation should update existing entries if the entry name is present in collectio and create new ones if not present.
mutation UpdateList($data: ListInput!) {
updateList(id: "260351229231628818", data: $data) {
cities {
data {
"data": {
"title": "COVID-19",
"cities": {
"create": [
"id": 22,
"name": "Warsaw",
"location": {
"create": {
"lat": 52.229832,
"lng": 21.011689
"deaths": 0,
"cured": 0,
"infected": 37,
"type": "ACTIVE",
"created_timestamp": 1583671445,
"last_modified_timestamp": 1584389018
type cityEntry {
id: Int!
name: String!
deaths: Int!
cured: Int!
infected: Int!
type: String!
created_timestamp: Int!
last_modified_timestamp: Int!
location: LatLng!
list: List
type LatLng {
lat: Float!
lng: Float!
type List {
title: String!
cities: [cityEntry] #relation
type Query {
items: [cityEntry!]
allCities: [cityEntry!]
cityEntriesByDeathFlag(deaths: Int!): [cityEntry!]
cityEntriesByCuredFlag(cured: Int!): [cityEntry!]
allLists: [List!]
Everytime the mutation runs it creates new duplicates.
What is the best way to update the list within single mutation?
my apologies for the delay, I wasn't sure exactly what the missing information was hence why I commented first :).
The Schema
An example of a part of a schema that has arguments:
type Mutation {
register(email: String!, password: String!): Account! #resolver
login(email: String!, password: String!): String! #resolver
When such a schema is imported in FaunaDB there will be placeholder functions provided.
The UDF parameters
As you can see all the function does is Abort with the message that the function still has to be implemented. The implementation starts with a Lambda that takes arguments and those arguments have to match what you defined in the resolver.
Query(Lambda(['email', 'password'],
... function body ...
Using the arguments is done with Var, that means Var('email') or Var('password') in this case. For example, in my specific case we would use the email that was passed in to get an account by email and use the password to pass on to the Login function which will return a secret (the reason I do the select here is that the return value for a GraphQL resolver has to be a valid GraphQL result (e.g. plain JSON
Query(Lambda(['email', 'password'],
Login(Match(Index('accountsByEmail'), Var('email')), {
password: Var('password')
Calling the UDF resolver via GraphQL
Finally, how to pass parameters when calling it? That should be clear from the GraphQL playground as it will provide you with the docs and autocompletion. For example, this is what the auto-generated GraphQL docs tell me after my schema import:
Which means we can call it as follows:
mutation CallLogin {
login (
email: "<some email>"
password: "<some pword>"
Bulk updates
For bulk updates, you can also pass a list of values to the User Defined Function (UDF). Let's say we would want to group a number of accounts together in a specific team via the UI and therefore want to update multiple accounts at the same time.
The mutation in our Schema could look as follows (ID's in GraphQL are similar to Strings)
type Mutation { updateAccounts(accountRefs: [ID]): [ID]! #resolver }
We could then call the mutation by providing in the id's that we receive from FaunaDB (the string, not the Ref in case you are mixing FQL and GraphQL, if you only use GraphQL, don't worry about it).
mutation {
updateAccounts(accountRefs: ["265317328423485952", "265317336075993600"] )
Just like before, we will have to fill in the User Defined Function that was generated by FaunaDB. A skeleton function that just takes in the array and returns it would look like:
Some people might have seen an easier syntax and would be tempted to use this:
Query(Lambda(arr => arr))
However, this currently does not work with GraphQL when passing in arrays, it's a known issue that will be fixed.
The next step is to actually loop over the array. FQL is not declarative and draws inspiration from functional languages which means you would do that just by using a 'map' or a 'foreach'
Lambda("account", Var("account")))
We now loop over the list but don't do anything with it yet since we just return the account in the map's body. We will now update the account and just set a value 'teamName' on there. For that we need the Update function which takes a FaunaDB Reference. GraphQL sends us strings and not references so we need to transform these ID strings to a reference with Ref as follows:
Ref(Collection('Account'), Var("account"))
If we put it all together we can add an extra attribute to a list of accounts ids as follows:
Ref(Collection('Account'), Var("account")),
{ data: { teamName: "Awesome live-coders" } }
At the end of the Map, we just return the ID of the account again with Var("account") in order to return something that is just plain JSON, else we would be returning FaunaDB Refs which are more than just JSON and will not be accepted by the GraphQL call.
Passing in more complex types.
Sometimes you want to pass in more complex types. Let's say we have a simple todo schema.
type Todo {
title: String!
completed: Boolean!
And we want to set the completed value of a list of todos with specific titles to true. We can see in the extended schema generated by FaunaDB that there is a TodoInput.
If you see that extended schema you might think, "Hey that's exactly what I need!" but you can't access it when you write your mutations since you do not have that part of the schema at creation time and therefore can't just write:
type Mutation { updateTodos(todos: [TodoInput]): Boolean! #resolver }
As it will return the following error.
However, we can just add it to the schema ourselves. Fauna will just accept that you already wrote it and not override it (make sure that you keep the required fields, else your generated 'createTodo' mutation won't work anymore).
type Todo {
title: String!
completed: Boolean!
input TodoInput {
title: String!
completed: Boolean!
type Mutation { updateTodos(todos: [TodoInput]): Boolean! #resolver }
Which means that I can now write:
mutation {
updateTodos(todos: [{title: "test", completed: true}])
and dive into the FQL function to do things with this input.
Or if you want to include the ID along with data you can define a new type.
input TodoUpdateInput {
id: ID!
title: String!
completed: Boolean!
type Mutation { updateTodos(todos: [TodoUpdateInput]): Boolean! #resolver }
Once you get the hang of it and want to learn more about FQL (that's a whole different topic) we are currently writing a series of articles along with code for which the first one appeared here: which is probably a good gentle introduction.

I dont want to redefine properties when defining a GraphQL type. Is there a way to get past it? [duplicate]

Is it possible to use inheritance with GraphQL input types?
Something like that (this, of course, doesn't work with input types):
interface UserInputInterface {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput implements UserInputInterface {
password: String!
input UserChangesInput implements UserInputInterface {
id: ID!
password: String
No, the spec does not allow input types to implement interfaces. And GraphQL type system in general does not define any form of inheritance (the extends keyword adds fields to an existing type, and isn't for inheritance). The spec is intentionally constrained to stay simple. This means that you're stuck repeating fields across input types.
That said, depending on the way you construct your schema, you could build some kind of type transformer that appends the common fields programmatically based on some meta-data, e.g. a directive.
Better yet, you might be able to solve your problem via composition (always keep composition over inheritance in mind).
input Name {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput {
name: Name
password: String!
input UserChangesInput {
name: Name
id: ID!
password: String
The client now has to send an object a level deeper, but that doesn't sound like much of a price for avoiding big repeating chunks. It might actually be good for the client as well, as they can now have common logic for building names, regardless of the query/mutation using them.
In this example, where it's only 2 simple fields, this approach is an overkill, but in general - I'd say it's the way to go.
Starting with the June2018 stable version of the GraphQL spec, an Input Object type can extend another Input Object type:
Input object type extensions are used to represent an input object type which has been extended from some original input object type.
This isn't inheritance per se; you can only extend the base type, not create new types based on it:
extend input MyInput {
NewField: String
Note there is no name for the new type; the existing MyInput type is extended.
The JavaScript reference implementation has implemented Input Object extensions in GraphQL.js v14 (June 2018), though it's unclear how to actually pass the extended input fields to a query without getting an error.
For actual type inheritance, see the graphql-s2s library.
It's doable using a custom directive.
Code Summary
const typeDefs = gql`
directive #inherits(type: String!) on OBJECT
type Car {
manufacturer: String
color: String
type Tesla #inherits(type: "Car") {
manufacturer: String
papa: String
model: String
type Query {
tesla: Tesla
const resolvers = {
Query: {
tesla: () => ({ model: 'S' }),
Car: {
manufacturer: () => 'Ford',
color: () => 'Orange',
Tesla: {
manufacturer: () => 'Tesla, Inc',
papa: () => 'Elon',
class InheritsDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
visitObject(type) {
const fields = type.getFields();
const baseType = this.schema.getTypeMap()[this.args.type];
Object.entries(baseType.getFields()).forEach(([name, field]) => {
if (fields[name] === undefined) {
fields[name] = { ...field };
const schemaDirectives = {
inherits: InheritsDirective,
query {
tesla {
"data": {
"tesla": {
"manufacturer": "Tesla, Inc",
"papa": "Elon",
"color": "Orange",
"model": "S",
Working example at
If you came here looking for an explanation for the "implements", keyword, here it is:
An object type must be a super‐set of all interfaces it implements. The object type must include a field of the same name for every field defined in an interface.
(Excerpt taken from the June 2018 GraphQL spec.)
Here's an example
interface Foo {
id: ID!
foo: Int!
type Bar implements Foo #entity {
id: ID!;
foo: Int!;
bar: Int!;
So the Bar type doesn't inherit from the Foo interface, but it implements it. The former must include all the fields that are listed in the latter.
I think that this is a nice way to annotate types that should be like other types.

How to create generics with the schema language?

Using facebook's reference library, I found a way to hack generic types like this:
type PagedResource<Query, Item> = (pagedQuery: PagedQuery<Query>) => PagedResponse<Item>
interface PagedQuery<Query> {
query: Query;
take: number;
skip: number;
interface PagedResponse<Item> {
items: Array<Item>;
total: number;
function pagedResource({type, resolve, args}) {
return {
type: pagedType(type),
args: Object.assign(args, {
page: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(pageQueryType()) }
function pageQueryType() {
return new GraphQLInputObjectType({
name: 'PageQuery',
fields: {
skip: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt) },
take: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt) }
function pagedType(type) {
return new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Paged' + type.toString(),
fields: {
items: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(new GraphQLList(type)) },
total: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt) }
But I like how with Apollo Server I can declaratively create the schema. So question is, how do you guys go about creating generic-like types with the schema language?
You can create an interface or union to achieve a similar result. I think this article does a good job explaining how to implement interfaces and unions correctly. Your schema would look something like this:
type Query {
pagedQuery(page: PageInput!): PagedResult
input PageInput {
skip: Int!
take: Int!
type PagedResult {
items: [Pageable!]!
total: Int
# Regular type definitions for Bar, Foo, Baz types...
union Pageable = Bar | Foo | Baz
You also need to define a resolveType method for the union. With graphql-tools, this is done through the resolvers:
const resolvers = {
Query: { ... },
Pageable {
__resolveType: (obj) => {
// resolve logic here, needs to return a string specifying type
// i.e. if (obj.__typename == 'Foo') return 'Foo'
__resolveType takes the business object being resolved as its first argument (typically your raw DB result that you give GraphQL to resolve). You need to apply some logic here to figure out of all the different Pageable types, which one we're handling. With most ORMs, you can just add some kind of typename field to the model instance you're working with and just have resolveType return that.
Edit: As you pointed out, the downside to this approach is that the returned type in items is no longer transparent to the client -- the client would have to know what type is being returned and specify the fields for items within an inline fragment like ... on Foo. Of course, your clients will still have to have some idea about what type is being returned, otherwise they won't know what fields to request.
I imagine creating generics the way you want is impossible when generating a schema declaratively. To get your schema to work the same way it currently does, you would have to bite the bullet and define PagedFoo when you define Foo, define PagedBar when you define Bar and so on.
The only other alternative I can think of is to combine the two approaches. Create your "base" schema programatically. You would only need to define the paginated queries under the Root Query using your pagedResource function. You can then use printSchema from graphql/utilities to convert it to a String that can be concatenated with the rest of your type definitions. Within your type definitions, you can use the extend keyword to build on any of the types already declared in the base schema, like this:
extend Query {
nonPaginatedQuery: Result
If you go this route, you can skip passing a resolve function to pagedResource, or defining any resolvers on your programatically-defined types, and just utilize the resolvers object you normally pass to buildExecutableSchema.

Can a GraphQL input type inherit from another type or interface?

Is it possible to use inheritance with GraphQL input types?
Something like that (this, of course, doesn't work with input types):
interface UserInputInterface {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput implements UserInputInterface {
password: String!
input UserChangesInput implements UserInputInterface {
id: ID!
password: String
No, the spec does not allow input types to implement interfaces. And GraphQL type system in general does not define any form of inheritance (the extends keyword adds fields to an existing type, and isn't for inheritance). The spec is intentionally constrained to stay simple. This means that you're stuck repeating fields across input types.
That said, depending on the way you construct your schema, you could build some kind of type transformer that appends the common fields programmatically based on some meta-data, e.g. a directive. Here's one such implementation.
Better yet, you might be able to solve your problem via composition (always keep composition over inheritance in mind).
input Name {
firstName: String
lastName: String
input UserInput {
name: Name
password: String!
input UserChangesInput {
name: Name
id: ID!
password: String
The client now has to send an object a level deeper, but that doesn't sound like much of a price for avoiding big repeating chunks. It might actually be good for the client as well, as they can now have common logic for building names, regardless of the query/mutation using them.
In this example, where it's only 2 simple fields, this approach is an overkill, but in general - I'd say it's the way to go.
Starting with the June2018 stable version of the GraphQL spec, an Input Object type can extend another Input Object type:
Input object type extensions are used to represent an input object type which has been extended from some original input object type.
This isn't inheritance per se; you can only extend the base type, not create new types based on it:
extend input MyInput {
NewField: String
Note there is no name for the new type; the existing MyInput type is extended.
The JavaScript reference implementation has implemented Input Object extensions in GraphQL.js v14 (June 2018), though it's unclear how to actually pass the extended input fields to a query without getting an error.
For actual type inheritance, see the graphql-s2s library.
It's doable using a custom directive.
Code Summary
const typeDefs = gql`
directive #inherits(type: String!) on OBJECT
type Car {
manufacturer: String
color: String
type Tesla #inherits(type: "Car") {
manufacturer: String
papa: String
model: String
type Query {
tesla: Tesla
const resolvers = {
Query: {
tesla: () => ({ model: 'S' }),
Car: {
manufacturer: () => 'Ford',
color: () => 'Orange',
Tesla: {
manufacturer: () => 'Tesla, Inc',
papa: () => 'Elon',
class InheritsDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
visitObject(type) {
const fields = type.getFields();
const baseType = this.schema.getTypeMap()[this.args.type];
Object.entries(baseType.getFields()).forEach(([name, field]) => {
if (fields[name] === undefined) {
fields[name] = { ...field };
const schemaDirectives = {
inherits: InheritsDirective,
query {
tesla {
"data": {
"tesla": {
"manufacturer": "Tesla, Inc",
"papa": "Elon",
"color": "Orange",
"model": "S",
Working example at
If you came here looking for an explanation for the "implements", keyword, here it is:
An object type must be a super‐set of all interfaces it implements. The object type must include a field of the same name for every field defined in an interface.
(Excerpt taken from the June 2018 GraphQL spec.)
Here's an example
interface Foo {
id: ID!
foo: Int!
type Bar implements Foo #entity {
id: ID!;
foo: Int!;
bar: Int!;
So the Bar type doesn't inherit from the Foo interface, but it implements it. The former must include all the fields that are listed in the latter.
I think that this is a nice way to annotate types that should be like other types.
