Is it possible downgrade from laravel 7 to laravel 5.8? - laravel

I need to do the same project but i need to downgrade the version from laravel 7.* to laravel 5.8 because in my project is required php 7.1 ( I know this is not good but my boss want to do for a client )

it is easy to do
first backup your laravel 7 project
second fresh install laravel 5.* in your machine.
and then copy your app , resource , routes and packeage.json and then fire command
composer install
if any error than solve one by one


Laravel Odoo API

I have been using Edujugon/laradoo for interfacing Laravel with Odoo. In a new project I have been using Laravel 9 and Edjugon/Laradoo does not install anymore.
Can somebody help me by updating Edjugon/Laradoo since the composer setting do not fit anymore with laravel 9. I am not enough of an expert to do that myself. The goal is a successful composer require in Laravel 9. I contacted the author but he seems to be not active anymore.
I found a different solution: tbondois/odoo-ripcord. It is not as elegant as Edjugon/laradoo but it does the work.

laravel 5.8 routes not working in xampp after update?

i have a pc and desktop, they both used to have xampp and laravel 5.7, recently i updated laravel to 5.8 in my desktop and reset laptop and install laravel 5.8,, routes are working all fine in desktop laravel version ,, but in newly installed laravel in laptop they aren't working, i get 404 error except '/' i tried override all, ifmodule solution they are all fine it is not working in newly installed laravel 5.8 please help ...
PS : i also created seprate project in desktop and laptop ,, not copy paste but individually created in both of them..
i checked apache hhtp.config for ifmodule and overrride and htaccess is default i haven't modified any and is same as all them in solution
i want to be able to use routes without using php artisan serve
Check the configuration of the Directory section in the vhost settings of xampp.

Class not found despite composer dump autoload

Good day,
I am getting a class not found error on our website.
Class 'BootForm' not found
However when I checked the vendor directory, the files are there.
So I ran this command.
php artisan version
The site that uses the same dependency was this version.
Laravel Framework 5.5.23
The site that is not working was this version.
Laravel Framework 5.4.35
And when I check the files, the working site had this file.
Does that mean that I have to update the laravel version?
In laravel 5.5, a new feature was add called Package discovery
In laravel 5.4 you have to add your providers array located in the config/app.php file
that''s why you got an error on your 5.4 version and not in the 5.5 one :)

create laravel project with laravel installer

I am new to laravel framework,after some search I decided to use laravel 5.1
I read the official document and set the environment,also I install the laravel installer.but when I use laravel installer to create a project, it will use laravel newest version(such as 5.2.*).I want to know how can I specify the laravel version useing laravel installer?
I know I can specify laravel version using composer create-project ...,but for some reason when I using composer I must wait for long is there a way useing laravel installer to create project with specified laravel?
You should be able to do it using this alternative laravel installer.
composer g require artesaos/laravel-installer
And then you can do:
laravel new name version
You may need to uninstall the previous installer you had.

Does Laravel 4.2 and 5.2 supports PHP 7?

I am working on project which was created using Laravel 4.2 and i am curious to know, if Laravel 4.2 and Laravel 5.2 , supports PHP 7 or not ?
Update: Starting from 4.2.20 Laravel supports PHP7
#laravelphp tweet:
A special release of Laravel 4.2 has been made (4.2.20) to provide PHP
7 support. Also updates base Symfony components to 2.7.
From one of Laravel issues:
Laravel 5.1 is the first version of Laravel to support PHP 7.
Laravel 4.2, and the related symfony version will never get PHP 7 support.
Graham Campbell is the main Laravel contributor after Taylor Otwell, so this info is pretty reliable.
As from today Laravel 4.2 got support for PHP 7. So you can upgrade to 4.2.20 to use it in PHP 7
