Checking Users in a Queue: Algorithm for managing Priority? - algorithm

Let's say I have a large set of users in a queue that I query each user against a rate-limited API periodically. Once all users have been queried, the process is restarted. The rate limit is applied such that I cannot check all users within a reasonable amount of time (> 1 day to check everyone).
Every time I check a user, I am able to check when they were last active. If a user has been actively recently (let's say last few days), then they should have priority over users that have not been active at all (> a year). However, the probability of an inactive user being queried should still be more than 0. Are there any existing research/methods on how to manage this queue efficiently?
Currently what i'm thinking is doing a simple priority queue and have user's initial value be the time they were last active. Any time a user is queried, their position in the queue is replaced with the date they are last active + some random number generated from a distribution so that all users can be checked eventually.

After some thought I decided to use a bayesian model to infer each user's time between events. I assume that each user's amount of activity within a time-period follows a poisson distribution. It follows that the time between each event follows an exponential distribution. For the rate parameter, i assumed it to be gamma distributed. Therefore, the posterior distribution is a lomax distribution. For every user I add to the queue, I sampled from the posterior as their new priority #. When a user has a recent activity, i update their user-specific hyperparameters and then resample a new priority value. This allows me the flexibility to adjust each user's priority based on data as well as set priors for new users that i dont have any information on.


Approach to measuring end-to-end latency from a sales transaction to a stock level in a database

I have a system in which sales transactions are written to a Kafka topic in real time. One of the consumers of this data is an aggregator program which maintains a database of stock quantities for all locations, in real time; it will consume data from multiple other sources as well. For example, when a product is sold from a store, the aggregator will reduce the quantity of that product in that store by the quantity sold.
This aggregator's database will be presented via an API to allow applications to check stock availability (the inventory) in any store in real time.
(Note for context - yes, there is an ERP behind all this which does a lot more; the purpose of this inventory API is to consume data from multiple sources, including the ERP and the ERP's data feeds, and potentially other ERPs in future, to give a single global information source for this singular purpose).
What I want to do is to measure the end-to-end latency: how long it takes from a sales transaction being written to the topic, to being processed by the aggregator (not just read from the topic). This will give an indicator of how far behind real-time the inventory database is.
The sales transaction topic will probably be partitioned, so the transactions may not arrive in order.
So far I have thought of two methods.
Method 1 - measure latency via stock level changes
Here, the sales producer injects a special "measurement" sale each minute, for an invalid location like "SKU 0 in branch 0". The sale quantity would be based on the time of day, using a numerical sequence of some kind. A program would then poll the inventory API, or directly read the database, to check for changes in the level. When it changes, the magnitude of the change will indicate the time of the originating transaction. The difference between then and now gives us the latency.
Problem: If multiple transactions are queued and are then later all processed together, the change in inventory value will be the sum of the queued transactions, giving a false reading.
To solve this, the sequence of numbers would have to be chosen such that when they are added together, we can always determine which was the lowest number, giving us the oldest transaction and therefore the latency.
We could use powers of 2 for this, so the lowest bit set would indicate the earliest transaction time. Our sequence would have to reset every 30 or 60 minutes and we'd have to cope with wraparound and lots of edge cases.
Assuming we can solve the wraparound problem and that a maximum measurable latency of, say, 20 minutes is OK (after which we just say it's "too high"), then with this method, it does not matter whether transactions are processed out of sequence or split into partitions.
This method gives a "true" picture of the end-to-end latency, in that it's measuring the point at which the database has actually been updated.
Method 2 - measure latency via special timestamp record
Instead of injecting measurement sales records, we use a timestamp which the producer is adding to the raw data. This timestamp is just the time at which the producer transmitted this record.
The aggregator would maintain a measurement of the most recently seen timestamp. The difference between that and the current time would give the latency.
Problem: If transactions are not processed in order, the latency measurement will be unstable, because it relies on the timestamps arriving in sequence.
To solve this, the aggregator would not just output the last timestamp it saw, but instead would output the oldest timestamp it had seen in the past minute across all of its threads (assuming multiple threads potentially reading from multiple partitions). This would give a less "lumpy" view.
This method gives an approximate picture of the end-to-end latency, since it's measuring the point at which the aggregator receives the sales record, not the point at which the database has been updated.
The questions
Is one method more likely to get usable results than the other?
For method 1, is there a sequence of numbers which would be more efficient than powers of 2 in allowing us to work out the earliest value when multiple ones arrive at once, requiring fewer bits so that the time before sequence reset would be longer?
Would method 1 have the same problem of "lumpy" data as method 2, in the case of a large number of partitions or data arriving out of order?
Given that method 2 seems simpler, is the method of smoothing out the lumps in the measurement a plausible one?

Distribute user active time blocks subject to total constraint

I am building an agent-based model for product usage. I am trying to develop a function to decide whether the user is using the product at a given time, while incorporating randomness.
So, say we know the user spends a total of 1 hour per day using the product, and we know the average distribution of this time (e.g., most used at 6-8pm).
How can I generate a set of usage/non-usage times (i.e., during each 10 minute block is the user active or not) while ensuring that at the end of the day the total active time sums to one hour.
In most cases I would just run the distributor without concern for the total, and then at the end normalize by making it proportional to the total target time so the total was 1 hour. However, I can't do that because time blocks must be 10 minutes. I think this is a different question because I'm really not computing time ranges, I'm computing booleans to associate with different 10 minute time blocks (e.g., the user was/was not active during a given block).
Is there a standard way to do this?
I did some more thinking and figured it out, if anyone else is looking at this.
The approach to take is this: You know the allowed number n of 10-minute time blocks for a given agent.
Iterate n times, and on each iteration select a time block out of the day subject to your activity distribution function.
Main point is to iterate over the number of time blocks you want to place, not over the entire day.

How to design a system in which we can query top results in last n hours

I was asked this question in an interview. The details were that assume we are getting millions of events. Each event has a timestamp and other details. The systems design requires ability to enable end user to query most frequent records in last 10 minutes or 9 hours or may be 3 months.
Event can be seen as following
event_type: {CRUD + Search}
event_info: xxx
timestamp : ts...
The easiest way to to figure out this is to look at how other stream processing or map reduce libraries do this (and I have feeling your interviewers have seen these libraries). Its basically real time map reduce (you can lookup how that works as well).
I will outline two techniques for event processing. In reality most companies need to do both.
New school Stream processing (real time)
Lets assume for now they don't want the actual events but the more likely case of aggregates (I think that was the intent of your question)
An example stream processing project is pipelinedb (they have how it works on the bottom of their home page).
Events go into use a queue/ring buffer
A worker process reads those events in batches and rolls them up into partial buckets or window.
Finally there is combiner or reducer which takes the micro batches and actually does the updating. An example would be event counts. Because we are using a queue from above events come in ordered and depending on the queue we might be able to have multiple consumers that do the combing operation.
So if you want minute counts you would do rollups per minute and only store the sum of the events for that minute. This turns out to be fairly small space wise so you can store this in memory.
If you wanted those counts for month or day or even year you would just add up all the minute count buckets.
Now there is of course a major problem with this technique. You need to know what aggregates and pivots you would like to collect a priori.
But you get extremely fast look up of results.
Old school data warehousing (partitioning) and Map Reduce (batch processed)
Now lets assume they do want the actual events for a certain time period. This is expensive because if you store all the events in one place the lookup and retrieval is difficult. But if you use the fact that time is hierarchal you can store the events in a tree of tuples.
Reasons you would want the actual events is because you are doing adhoc querying and are willing to wait for the queries to perform.
You need some sort of queue for the stream of events.
A worker reads the queue and partitions the events based on time. For example you would have a partition for a certain day. This is akin to sharding. Many storage systems have support for this (e.g postgres partitions).
When you want a certain number of events over a period you union the partitions.
The partitioning is essentially hierarchal (minutes < hours < days etc) which means you can do tree like operations on them.
There are certain ways to store such events which is called time series data such that the partitioning index is automatic and fast. These are called TSDBs of which you can google for more info.
An example TSDB product would be influxdb.
Now going back to the fact that time (or at least how humans represent it) is organized tree like we can we can preform parallelization operations. This because a tree is DAG (directed acyclic graph). With a DAG you can do some analysis and basically recursively operate on the branches (also known as fork/join).
An example generic parallel storage product would citusdb.
Now of course this method has a massive draw back. It is expensive! Even if you make it fast by increasing the number of nodes you will have to pay for those nodes (distributed shards). An in theory the performance should scale linearly but in practice this does not happen (I will save you the details).
I think you will need to persist the data to the disk as
the query duration is super vague, and data might be loss due to some unforeseen circumstances like process killed, machine failure etc.
you can't keep all the events in memory due to memory
constraints(millions of events)
I would suggest using mysql as the data store with taking timestamp as one of the index key. But two events might have same timestamp. So make a composite index key with auto-increment id + timestamp.
Advantages of Mysql:
Super-reliable with replication
Support all kinds of CRUD operations and queries
On each query you can basically get the range of the timestamps as per your need.
First count the no. of events satisfying the query.
select count(*) from `events` where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y.
If too many events satisfy the query, query them in batches.
select * from 'events' where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y limit 1000 offset 0;
select * from 'events' where timestamp >= x and timestamp <=y limit 1000 offset 1000;
and so on.. till offset <= count of events matching the first query.

Bin packing parts of a dynamic set, considering lastupdate

There's a large set of objects. Set is dynamic: objects can be added or deleted any time. Let's call the total number of objects N.
Each object has two properties: mass (M) and time (T) of last update.
Every X minutes a small batch of those should be selected for processing, which updates their T to current time. Total M of all objects in a batch is limited: not more than L.
I am looking to solve three tasks here:
find a next batch object picking algorithm;
introduce object classes: simple, priority (granted fit into at least each n-th batch) and frequent (fit into each batch);
forecast system capacity exhaust (time to add next server = increase L).
What kind of model best describes such a system?
The whole thing is about a service that processes the "objects" in time intervals. Each object should be "measured" each N hours. N can vary in a range. X is fixed.
Objects are added/deleted by humans. N grows exponentially, rather slow, with some spikes caused by publications. Of course forecast can't be precise, just some estimate. M varies from 0 to 1E7 with exponential distribution, most are closer to 0.
I see there can be several strategies here:
A. full throttle - pack each batch as much as close to 100%. As N grows, average interval a particular object gets a hit will grow.
B. equal temperament :) - try to keep an average interval around some value. A batch fill level will be growing from some low level. When it reaches closer to 100% – time to get more servers.
C. - ?
Here is a pretty complete design for your problem.
Your question does not optimally match your description of the system this is for. So I'll assume that the description is accurate.
When you schedule a measurement you should pass an object, a first time it can be measured, and when you want the measurement to happen by. The object should have a weight attribute and a measured method. When the measurement happens, the measured method will be called, and the difference between your classes is whether, and with what parameters, they will reschedule themselves.
Internally you will need a couple of priority queues. See for details on how to implement one.
The first queue is by time the measurement can happen, all of the objects that can't be measured yet. Every time you schedule a batch you will use that to find all of the new measurements that can happen.
The second queue is of measurements that are ready to go now, and is organized by which scheduling period they should happen by, and then weight. I would make them both ascending. You can schedule a batch by pulling items off of that queue until you've got enough to send off.
Now you need to know how much to put in each batch. Given the system that you have described, a spike of events can be put in manually, but over time you'd like those spikes to smooth out. Therefore I would recommend option B, equal temperament. So to do this, as you put each object into the "ready now" queue, you can calculate its "average work weight" as its weight divided by the number of periods until it is supposed to happen. Store that with the object, and keep a running total of what run rate you should be at. Every period I would suggest that you keep adding to the batch until one of three conditions has been met:
You run out of objects.
You hit your maximum batch capacity.
You exceed 1.1 times your running total of your average work weight. The extra 10% is because it is better to use a bit more capacity now than to run out of capacity later.
And finally, capacity planning.
For this you need to use some heuristic. Here is a reasonable one which may need some tweaking for your system. Maintain an array of your past 10 measurements of running total of average work weight. Maintain an "exponentially damped average of your high water mark." Do that by updating each time according to the formula:
= 0.95 * average_high_water_mark
+ 0.5 * max(last 10 running work weight)
If average_high_water_mark ever gets within, say, 2 servers of your maximum capacity, then add more servers. (The idea is that a server should be able to die without leaving you hosed.)
I think answer A is good. Bin packing is to maximize or minimize and you have only one batch. Sort the objects by m and n.

Fair job processing algorithm

I've got a machine that accepts user uploads, performs some processing on them, and then returns the result. It usually takes a few minutes to process each upload received.
The problem is, a few users can upload a lot of jobs that basically deny processing to other users for a long time. I thought of just setting a hard cap and using priority queues, e.g. after 5 uploads in an hour, all new uploads are given a lower processing priority. I basically want to process ALL jobs, but I don't want the user who uploaded 1000 jobs to make everyone wait.
My question is, is there a better way to do this?
My goal is to minimize the time between the upload and the result being returned. It would be ideal if the algorithm could work in a distributed manner as well.
Implementation will vary widely depending on what these jobs are and how long they take and how varied the processing times are, as well as how likely there is to be a fatal error during the process.
That being said, an easy way to maintain an even distribution of jobs across users is to maintain a list of all the users who have submitted jobs. When you are ready to get a new job, rather than just taking the next job out of a random queue, cycle through the users taking the top job from each user each time.
Again, this can be accomplished a number of ways, I would recommend a map from users to their respective list of jobs submitted. Cycle through the keys of the map each time you are ready for a new job. then get the list of jobs for whatever key you are on, and do the first job.
This is assuming that each job is "atomic" in that one job is not dependent on being executed next to the jobs it was submitted with.
Hope that helps, of course I could have completely misunderstood what you are asking for.
You don't have to roll-your-own. There is Sun Grid Engine. An open-source tool that is built to do that sort of thing, and if you are willing to pay, there is Platform LSF, which I use at work.
What is the maximum # of jobs a user can submit? Can users submit 1 job a a time OR is it a batch of jobs?
So your algorithm would go something like this
If the User has submitted jobs Then
Check how many jobs per hour
If the jobs per hour > than the average Then
Modify the users profile to a lower priority
Check Users priority level and restore
End If
If the priority = HIGH
process right away
Else If priority = MEDIUM
Check Queue for High Priority
If High Priority Found (rerun this loop)
Else Process
Else If priority = LOW
Check Queue for High Priority
If High Priority Found (rerun this loop)
Else Process
Check Queue for Medium Priority
If Medium Priority Found (rerun this loop)
Else Process
Process Queue
End If
You can use a graph algorithm like Edmond's Blossom V to assign all users and jobs to a process. If a user can upload more then another user it would be more simplier for him to find a process. With the Blossom V algorithm you can define a threshold to not exceed the maximum process the server can handle.
