How to registery event handlers on the individual categories of a AMCharts v4 CategoryAxis - events

I have seen and'hit', function (ev) {
console.log('clicked on ',
}, this)
works. However, this returns the complete CategoryAxis. I would like to distinguish on which catgeory the user clicked.
e.g.'hit', function (ev) does not exist.

You need to add the hit event listener on the axis renderer's label template in order to capture the category label that was clicked:'hit', function(ev) {


D3 - event on chart type change

Is there any callback for the chart type change in d3
I know there is a legendClick event callback which is called when we click on legend but I want a callback when I click on Grouped/Stacked types
You can achieve it like this:
chart.dispatch.on('stateChange', function(e) {
nv.log('New State:', JSON.stringify(e));
Now when grouped is clicked it will log
New State: {"stacked":false,"disabled":[false,false,false]}
Now when stacked is clicked it will log
New State: {"stacked":true,"disabled":[false,false,false]}
Working example here
Hope thsi helps!

google charts remove event listener

I haven't seen much documentation and cant seem to get my code to work. the code snippet is below. I'm trying to remove the on mouse over listener but have had no success. Google charts docs has the method as such - Listener(listener_handler).
I'm uncertain what the listener_handler actually pertains to. Im trying to remove the on mouse over listener once the chart has been clicked., 'onmouseover', chartMouseOver);, 'onmouseout', chartMouseOut);, 'select', function () {;
You need to store the returned event object in a variable, and pass that to removeListener :
var event =, 'onmouseover', function() {
alert('onmouseover');; //the event object as param
demo ->

How to detect double clicks or long clicks on points in Highcharts charts?

Highcharts offers the opportunity to detect clicks on chart points, but is it possible
to detect other events, such as the double click or mousedown event?
Thanks in advance
Each component only supports certain events, for example the Chart component will detect addSeries, click, load, redraw, and selection. I don't believe this set is extensible, so you can't capture a different event like mousedown.
You could try to inspect the source of your page and attach listeners to the elements that HighCharts generates, but this would be an undocumented work-around and would be liable to break in future releases. In addition, if you have to support < IE9 you would need handlers for both SVG and VML generated markup.
You can get creative with some events. Here's an example of detecting a double click using a click handler:
Working Demo
var clickDetected = false;
// create the chart
chart: {
events: {
click: function(event) {
if(clickDetected) {
alert ('x: '+ event.xAxis[0].value +', y: '+ event.yAxis[0].value);
clickDetected = false;
} else {
clickDetected = true;
setTimeout(function() {
clickDetected = false;
}, 500);
It's possible, but in a different way. In Highcharts you can add event to each element using element.on. For example:
chart.series[0].data[0].graphic.on('dblclick', function() {
//callback here
And simple jsFiddle for you. Good thing is that you can add to all elements, and make sure work in all browsers.

Kendo UI dataSource changed event: is it working?

Is the dataSource.changed event working?
After my Kendo UI grid is instantiated, I am binding the change event per the documentation here:
//To set after initialization
dataSource.bind("change", function(e) {
// handle event
I am doing this:
// initialize
dataSource: dataSource,
blah blah blah
// end of initialization
// bind afterwards
var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid');
grid.dataSource.bind("change", function (e) {
//also tried a setTimeout:
// bind afterwards
setTimeout(function () {
var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid');
grid.dataSource.bind("change", function (e) {
}, 350);
function dataChanged() {
// handle "change" whatever that means -- documentation definition is hazy
// does reassigning the data array constitute a change?
// does changing the value of a particular item in the data array
// constitute a change?
// does removing an item from the data array constitute a change?
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
But my dataChanged() function is not called when I do either of these things:
var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid');[1]["deptname"] = 'XXX';
or = aDifferentArray;
I am not sure exactly what the 'changed' event is listening for. What, precisely, is supposed to trigger it?
If I create a completely new dataSource, and assign it to the grid that already has a dataSource, I don't see how that would trigger an existing data source's changed event. Such an event (the grid noticing that its dataSource has been replaced with a different one) would be a grid-level event, not a dataSource-level event, right?
The important thing to note is that the data backing the DataSource is an ObservableArray, and that the data items in that array are converted to ObservableObjects.
The change event of the datasource is fired under 2 conditions:
The data ObservableArray changes (a record is inserted, deleted). An example of this would be using the DataSource.add() or DataSource.remove() functions.
If a property changed event bubbles up to the DataSource from one of the ObservableData objects in the array. However, just like the rest of the Kendo MVVM framework, the notification that a property changed only occurs when its .set("propertyName", value) function is called.
This is why[1]["deptname"] = 'XXX'; is not triggering the change event. If you change it to:[1].set("deptname", 'XXX'); then it should start to work. Basically, think of the change event as being fired in response to an MVVM property change fired from the data observable object.
As for changing the data array = aDifferentArray; I'm actually not sure if that will or should trigger a change. I've never tried that.

How to trigger events on Leaflet map polygons?

I'm trying to figure out how to manually trigger events for Leaflet polygons (loaded via GeoJSON).
In a nutshell, I have a Leaflet map with numerous polygons. I also have a regular hyperlink outside of the map that when clicked, should trigger a mouseover event (or any event really) on a particular polygon.
How do I assign ID's to all of my polygons so that I can bind hyperlink(s) to a specific polygon's event? Or is that even the most logical way of doing this?
Ultimately, I'm trying to create a map with numerous polygons along with an HTML table of text labels that are associated to each polygon. When clicking on the HTML table text, I'd like to trigger events on the map polygons (and vice versa). I just don't know how to reference each polygon.
Here is my very simplified HTML:
<div id="map" style="height: 550px; width:940px"></div>
Click to trigger a specific polygon mouseover event
Here is my very simplified JS:
$(document).ready(function () {
// build the map and polygon layer
function buildMap(data) {
var map = new L.Map('map');
var cloudmadeUrl = 'http://{s}***yourkeyhere***/66267/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
cloudmadeAttribution = '',
cloudmade = new L.TileLayer(cloudmadeUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: cloudmadeAttribution});
var mapLoc = new L.LatLng(43.675198,-79.383287);
map.setView(mapLoc, 12).addLayer(cloudmade);
var geojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON(null, {});
geojsonLayer.on("featureparse", function (e){
// apply the polygon style
(function(layer, properties) {
layer.on("mouseover", function (e) {
// change the style to the hover version
layer.on("mouseout", function (e) {
// reverting the style back
layer.on("click", function (e) {
// do something here like display a popup
// bind the hyperlink to trigger event on specific polygon (by polygon ID?)
// trigger a specific polygon mouseover event here
OK, I've figured it out.
You need to create a click event for each polygon that opens the popup, and assign a unique ID to each polygon so you can reference it later and manually trigger its popup.
The following accomplishes this:
var polyindex = 0;
popup = new L.Popup();
geojsonLayer = new L.GeoJSON(null, {});
geojsonLayer.on("featureparse", function (e){
(function(layer, properties) {
//click event that triggers the popup and centres it on the polygon
layer.on("click", function (e) {
var bounds = layer.getBounds();
var popupContent = "popup content here";
//assign polygon id so we can reference it later
e.layer._leaflet_id = 'polyindex'+polyindex+'';
//increment polyindex used for unique polygon id's
//add the polygon layer
Then to manually trigger a specific layers click event, simply call it like this:
Everything between the square brackets is the unique ID of the layer you want to trigger. In this case, I'm firing the click event of layer ID polyindex0.
Hope this info helps somebody else out!
So, quick update.
Just call fireEvent (or its alias fire) on whatever layer you need.
You don't need to risk ._private[Vars], just get a reference to the target layer and fire away, e.g.
var vectorLayer = map.getLayer('myVectorLayer');'click');
function clickMarker(i){
var popupContent = "content here or html format",
popup = new L.Popup({offset:new L.Point(0,-28)});
map.openPopup(popup); }
i = got a corresponding coordinate which is LatLng
