awk quoting program text - shell

if I run:
awk '/-jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressE/ {print " \\"}1' >>
the command inserts a new line above line -jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressE \ \ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressErrors -consoleLog &
If I run the following command, it gives: awk: line 1: runaway string constant " ...
bosh -d test-105 ssh service/0 -c 'sudo /usr/bin/awk "/-jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressErrors/ {print \" \\\"}1" /var/vcap/data/jobs/gw_rest/*/target/ >> /tmp/'
bosh -d test-105 ssh service/0 -c 'sudo /usr/bin/awk '\'/-jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressErrors/ {print \" \\\"}1\' /var/vcap/data/jobs/gw_rest/*/target/ >> /tmp/'
no luck so far. can someone suggest the correct way to do it? TYA!
sed command as recommended:
bosh -d test-105 ssh service/0 -c 'sudo sed '/-jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressE/i \\' /var/vcap/data/jobs/gw_rest/*/target/ >> /tmp/'
unknown flag launcher.suppressE/i'
This worked finally:
bosh -d test-105 ssh service/0 -c "sudo sed '/-jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressErrors -consoleLog/i \\\' /var/vcap/data/jobs/gw_rest/*/target/ >> /tmp/"

I strongly suggest use sed command insert your line as:
sed '/-jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar --launcher.suppressE/i \\' >>
It is cleaner and simple.


Multiline heredoc with sudo in Dockerfile

We use our local repo in sources.list, and for 20.04 it required to add in apt.conf.d "false";
With Bash it works, as using,
sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80ssl-exceptions > /dev/null <<'EOF' "false";
But I don't find a solution to do it for Dockerfile.
I've tried it with different escape character/new line and so on, but always unsuccessful.
For example,
sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80ssl-exceptions > /dev/null <<'EOF' \ "false"; \
Results - /bin/sh: 1: EOF: not found
To note that cat or echo is not an option, also adding those 3 line in a script is also not preferable.
If you only have one line to append then I wouldn't use a heredoc. It's simpler to use echo:
RUN echo ' "false";' | \
sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80ssl-exceptions > /dev/null
Or cat:
RUN cat <<< ' "false";' | \
sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80ssl-exceptions > /dev/null
Or send the string directly to sudo tee:
RUN sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80ssl-exceptions > /dev/null \
<<< ' "false";'
Note that the latter two options may require you to also set SHELL /bin/bash since <<< is a bash-ism not available in plain sh.

Bash: Parse Urls from file, process them and then remove them from the file

I am trying to automate a procedure where the system will fetch the contents of a file (1 Url per line), use wget to grab the files from the site (https folder) and then remove the line from the file.
I have made several tries but the sed part (at the end) cannot understand the string (I tried escaping characters) and remove it from that file!
cat File
My line of code is:
cat File | xargs -n1 -I # bash -c 'wget -r -nd -l 1 -c -A rar,zip,7z,txt,jpg,iso,sfv,md5,pdf --no-parent --restrict-file-names=nocontrol --user=test --password=pass --no-check-certificate "#" -P /mnt/USB/ && sed -e 's|#||g' File'
It works up until the sed -e 's|#||g' File part..
Thanks in advance!
Dont use cat if it's posible. It's bad practice and can be problem with big files... You can change
cat File | xargs -n1 -I # bash -c
for siteUrl in $( < "File" ); do
It's be more correct and be simpler to use sed with double quotes... My variant:
scriptDir=$( dirname -- "$0" )
for siteUrl in $( < "$scriptDir/File.txt" )
if [[ -z "$siteUrl" ]]; then break; fi # break line if him empty
wget -r -nd -l 1 -c -A rar,zip,7z,txt,jpg,iso,sfv,md5,pdf --no-parent --restrict-file-names=nocontrol --user=test --password=pass --no-check-certificate "$siteUrl" -P /mnt/USB/ && sed -i "s|$siteUrl||g" "$scriptDir/File.txt"
#beliy answers looks good!
If you want a one-liner, you can do:
while read -r line; do \
wget -r -nd -l 1 -c -A rar,zip,7z,txt,jpg,iso,sfv,md5,pdf \
--no-parent --restrict-file-names=nocontrol --user=test \
--password=pass --no-check-certificate "$line" -P /mnt/USB/ \
&& sed -i -e '\|'"$line"'|d' "File.txt"; \
done < File.txt
You need to add a \ in front of the first pipe
I believe you just need to use double quotes after sed -e. Instead of:
'...&& sed -e 's|#||g' File'
you would need
'...&& sed -e '"'s|#||g'"' File'
I see what you trying to do, but I dont understand the sed command including pipes. Maybe some fancy format that I dont understand.
Anyway, I think the sed command should look like this...
sed -e 's/#//g'
This command will remove all # from the stream.
I hope this helps!

Bash script - Some commands don't work in sh file

I have some troubles with my bash script. The end of my file doesn't work but every commands work outside the file. I have two strings as argument $1 and $2. $acl_line and $usebackend_line are numbers and they are good.
Here is my end file :
sed -i "$((acl_line+1))i \ \tacl\t\t is_$2_$1\t\thdr_com(host)\t-i $2.$1" /my_doc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
sed -i "$((usebackend_line+1))i \ \tuse_backend\t$2_$1\tif is_$2_$1" /my_doc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
echo -en "\nbackend $2_$1\n\tserver $2_$1$3 maxconn 1024" >> /my_doc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
cp -r "./model/*" "./script/lp_domains/$1/$2/"
sed -i 's/lp_ports/$ports/g' "./script/lp_domains/$1/$2/my_doc.yml"
sed -i 's/lp_name/$2-$1/g' "./script/lp_domains/$1/$2/my_doc.yml"
Thanks for your anwsers :)
If $1 and $2 should be interpolated, you cannot use single quotes.
Moreover, copying a file and then running sed -i on it is wasteful and error-prone. Just run sed and perform your substitutions at the same time.
sed -i -e "$((acl_line+1))i \ \tacl\t\t is_$2_$1\t\thdr_com(host)\t-i $2.$1" \
-e "$((usebackend_line+1))i \ \tuse_backend\t$2_$1\tif is_$2_$1" /my_doc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg \
-e "\$a\
backend $2_$1\n\tserver $2_$1$3 maxconn 1024" /my_doc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
# remove ./model/my_doc.yml; instead have a template ./
cp -r "./model/*" "./script/lp_domains/$1/$2/"
sed -e "s/lp_ports/$ports/g" -e "s/lp_name/$2-$1/g" \ >"./script/lp_domains/$1/$2/my_doc.yml"
(You should probably do something similar with actually.)
I have fixed my errors. It was just permissions errors, Sed create some temporary files so i add permissions to my user. Thanks for your help !

Using awk inside ssh from ruby

When running the command:
puts `ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i keyfile user#host "sudo cat file | awk '/^server/ {print \$2}' | sort -u"`
After running this command, its only counts the ^server, but it ignores the print $2 command.
i get the whole line instead of just the 2nd word.
You're running through a couple of shell processing layers, so you need an additional backslash:
puts `ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i keyfile user#host "sudo cat file | awk '/^server/ {print \\$2}' | sort -u"`
What happens if you change this:
sudo cat file | awk '/^server/ {print \$2}' | sort -u
to this:
sudo cat file | grep '/^server' | awk '{ print \$2 }' | sort -u
If still not working, try not escaping the $ - try $2 instead of \$2
Might be more maintainable to split it up into pieces. Also using ruby's single quoting mechanism works to send the command as you intend.
cmd = %q(sudo cat file | awk '/^server/ {print $2}' | sort -u)
puts %x(ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i keyfile user#host #{cmd})

Piping commands in a shell script

I want to write a script that opens a shell with a few tabs, and i want each tab to execute somthing automaticly. for some reason when i pipe the commands it does not work.
gnome-terminal \
--tab-with-profile=Titleable -t "A" \
--tab-with-profile=Titleable -t "B" -e "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" \
--tab-with-profile=Titleable -t "C" -e "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep txt"
for some reason for Tab A&B work but in C the grep txt is ignored.
Anyone know why?
Use a shell to call your command:
gnome-terminal \
--tab-with-profile=Titleable -t "A" \
--tab-with-profile=Titleable -t "B" -e "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" \
--tab-with-profile=Titleable -t "C" -e 'sh -c "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep txt"'
