Performance difference map() vs withColumn() - performance

I have a table with over 100 columns. I need to remove double quotes from certain columns. I found 2 ways to do it, using withColumn() and map()
Using withColumn()
cols_to_fix = ["col1", ..., "col20"]
for col in cols_to_fix:
df = df.withColumn(col, regexp_replace(df[col], "\"", ""))
Using map()
def remove_quotes(row: Row) -> Row:
row_as_dict = row.asDict()
cols_to_fix = ["col1", ..., "col20"]
for column in cols_to_fix:
if row_as_dict[column]:
row_as_dict[column] = re.sub("\"", "", str(row_as_dict[column]))
return Row(**row_as_dict)
df =
Here is my question. I found using map() takes about 4 times longer than withColumn() on a table that has ~25M records. I will really appreciate if any fellow stack overflow user can explain the reason for the performance difference, so that I can avoid similar pitfall in future.

firstly, one piece of advice: do not convert DataFrame to RDD and just do function here), this may save a lot of time.
the following page
would save us a lot of time, its main conclusion is that RDD is remarkably slow than DataFrame/Dataset, not to mention the time used for the conversion from DataFrame to RDD.
Let's talk about map and withColumn without any conversion between DataFrame to RDD now.
Conclusion first: map is usually 5x slower than withColumn. the reason is that map operation always involves deserialization and serialization while withColumn can operate on column of interest.
to be specific, map operation should deserialize the Row into several parts on which the operation will be carrying,
An example here :
assume we have a DataFrame which looks like
| Java| 20000|
| Python| 100000|
| Scala| 3000|
Then we want to increment all the values in column users_count by 1, we can do it like this: => {
val usersCount = row.getInt(1) + 1
(row.getString(0), usersCount)
}).toDF("language", "users_count_incremented_by_1")
In the code above, we firstly need to deserialize every row to extract the values in the 2nd column, after that we output the modified values and save it as an DataFrame(this step requires serialization of (a,b) into Row(a, b) since DataFrame is nothing but a DataSet of Rows).
for more detailed explanation, check the following excellent article
map can not operate on the column itself but have to operate on the values of the column, getting the values require deserialization, saving it as a DataFrame requires serialization.
But map is still of great use: with the help of map method people could implement very sophisticated operations while just built-in operations could be done if we just use withColumn.
To sum it up, map is slower but more flexible, withColumn is surely the most efficient while it's functionality is limited.


Ruby storing data for queries

I have a string
This is telephone outbound call data where each new line represents a new phone call.
(Call From, Call To, Duration, Line Type)
I want to save this data in a way that allows me to query a specific number and get a string output of the number, its type, its total minutes used, and all the calls that it made (outbound calls). I just want to do this in a single ruby file.
Thus typing in this
4813243948, Type 2, 3.9 Minutes total
1234433948, 1.3
2435677524, 1.3
5245654367, 1.3
I am wondering if I should try to store values in arrays, or create a custom class and make each number an object of a class then append the calls to each number.. not sure how to do the class method. Having a different array for each number seems like it would get cluttered as there are thousands of numbers and millions of calls. Of course, the provided input string is a very small portion of the real source.
I have a string
This looks like a CSV. If you slap some headers on top, you can parse it into an array of hashes.
str = "4813243948,1234433948,1.3,Type2
require 'csv'
calls = CSV.parse(str, headers: %w[from to length type], header_converters: :symbol).map(&:to_h)
# => [{:from=>"4813243948", :to=>"1234433948", :length=>"1.3", :type=>"Type2"},
# {:from=>"1234433948", :to=>"4813243948", :length=>"1.3", :type=>"Type1"}]
This is essentially the same as your original string, only it trades some memory for ease of access. You can now "query" this dataset like this:{ |c| c[:from] == '4813243948' }
And then aggregate for presentation however you wish.
Naturally, searching through this array takes linear time, so if you have millions of calls you might want to organize them in a more efficient search structure (like a B-Tree) or move the whole dataset to a real database.
If you only want to make queries for the number the call originated from, you could store the data in a hash where the keys are the "call from" numbers and the value is an array, or another hash, containing the rest of the data. For example:
{ '4813243948': { call_to: 1234433948, duration: 1.3, line_type: 'Type2' }, ... }
If the dataset is very large, or you need more complex queries, it might be better to store it in a database and just query it directly.

Spark Dataframe suddenly become very slow when I reuse the old cached data iteratively too much time

The problem happened when I try to keep my cached result in a List and try to calculate new DataFrame by all the data from the last list in each iteration. However, Even I use an empty DataFrame and get an empty result each time, the function will suddenly get very slow after about 8~12 round.
Here is my code
def testLoop(lastDfList:List[DataFrame]){
// do some dummy transformation like union and cache the result
val resultDf = lastDfList.foldLeft(Seq[Data]().toDF){(df, lastDf) => df.union(lastDf)}.cache
// always get 0, of course
// benchmark action
the benchmark result
1~6 round : < 200ms
7 round : 367ms
8 round : 918ms
9 round : 2476ms
10 round : 7833ms
11 round : 24231ms
I don't think GC or Block eviction is the problem in my case since I already use an empty DataFrame, but I don't know what is the cause? Do I misunderstand the meaning of cache or something?
After reading ImDarrenG's solution, I changed my code to be the following:
def testLoop(lastDfList:List[DataFrame]){
// do some dummy transformation like union and cache the result
val resultDf = lastDfList.foldLeft(Seq[Data]().toDF){(df, lastDf) => df.union(lastDf)}.cache
// always get 0, of course
// benchmark action
But it still become very slow after a few iterations.
Here you create a list of DataFrames by adding resultDf to the beginning of lastDfList and pass that to the next iteration of testLoop:
So lastDfList gets longer each pass.
This line creates a new DataFrame by unioning each member of lastDfList:
val resultDf = lastDfList.foldLeft(Seq[Data]().toDF){(df, lastDf) => df.union(lastDf))}.cache
Each member of lastDfList is a union of it's predecessors, therefore, Spark is maintaining a lineage that becomes exponentially larger with each pass of testLoop.
I expect that the increase in time is caused by the housekeeping of the DAG. Caching the dataframes removes the need to repeat transformations, but the lineage must still be maintained by spark.
Cached data or no, it looks like you are building a really complex DAG by unioning each DataFrame with all of it's predecessors with each pass of testLoop.
You could use checkpoint to trim the lineage, and introduce some check to prevent infinite recursion.
According to API and code, checkpoint will return a new Dataset instead of changing original Dataset.

Exporting data into excel using iterative loop

I am doing an iterative calculation on maple and I want to store the resulting data (which comes in a column matrix) from each iteration into a specific column of an Excel file. For example, my data is
mydat||1:= <<11,12,13,14>>:
mydat||2:= <<21,22,23,24>>:
mydat||3:= <<31,32,33,34>>:
and so on.
I am trying to export each of them into an excel file and I want each data to be stored in consecutive columns of the same excel file. For example, mydat||1 goes to column A, mydat||2 goes to column B and so on. I tried something like following.
for k from 1 to 3 do
Export(mydat||k, "data.xlsx", "Sheet1", "A:C"): #The problem is selecting the range.
end do:
How do I select the range appropriately here? Is there any other method to export the data and store in the way that I explained above?
There are couple of ways to do this. The easiest is certainly to put all of your data into one data structure and then export that. For example:
mydat1:= <<11,12,13,14>>:
mydat2:= <<21,22,23,24>>:
mydat3:= <<31,32,33,34>>:
mydata := Matrix( < mydat1 | mydat2 | mydat3 > );
This stores your data in a Matrix where mydat1 is the first column, mydat2 is the second column, etc. With the data in this form, either ExcelTools:-Export or the more generic Export command will work:
ExcelTools:-Export( data, "data.xlsx" );
Export( "data.xlsx", data );
Now since you mention that you are doing an iterative calculation, you may want to write the results out column by column. Here's another method that doesn't involve the creation of another data structure to house the results. This does assume that the data in mydat"i" has been created before the loop.
for i to 3 do
ExcelTools:-Export( cat(`mydat`,i), "data.xlsx", 1, ["A1","B1","C1"][i] );
end do;
If you want to write the data out to a file as you are building it, then just do the Export call after the creation of each of the columns, i.e.
ExcelTools:-Export( mydat1, "data.xlsx", 1, "A1" );
Note that I removed the "||" characters. These are used in Maple for concatenation and caused some issues with the second method.

Scala collection transformation performance: single looping vs. multiple looping

When there is a collection and you must perform two or more operations on all of its elements, what is faster?:
val f1: String => String = _.reverse
val f2: String => String = _.toUpperCase
val elements: Seq[String] = List("a", "b", "c")
iterate multiple times and perform one operation on one loop
val result =
This approach does have the advantage, that the result after application of the first function could be reused.
iterate one time and perform all operation on each element together
val result = => f2(f1(element)))
val result = => f1.compose(f2)
Is there any difference in performance between these two approaches? And if yes, which is faster?
Here's the thing, transformation of a collection is more or less of runtime O(N) , * runtime cost of all the functions applied. So I doubt the 2nd set of choices you present above would make even the slightest difference in runtime. The first option you list, is a different story. New collection creation can be avoided, because that could result in overhead. That's where "view" collections come in (see this good example I spotted)
In Scala, what does "view" do?
If you had the apply several mapping operations you might do this:
val result =
(force at the end, causes all functions to evaluate)
The 2nd set of examples above would maybe be a tiny bit faster, but the "view" option could make your code more readable if you had a lot of these or complex anonymous functions used in the mapping.
Composing functions to produce a single pass transformation will probably gain you some performance, but will quickly become unreadable. Consider using views as an alernative. While this will create intermediate collections:
val result =
This will perform lazy evaluation and will perform functional composition the same way you do:
val result =
Notice that result type will be SeqView so you might want to convert it to list later with toList.

How can I use the map datatype in Apache Pig?

I'd like to use Apache Pig to build a large key -> value mapping, look things up in the map, and iterate over the keys. However, there does not even seem to be syntax for doing these things; I've checked the manual, wiki, sample code, Elephant book, Google, and even tried parsing the parser source. Every single example loads map literals from a file... and then never uses them. How can you use Pig's maps?
First, there doesn't seem to be a way to load a 2-column CSV file into a map directly. If I have a simple map.csv:
And I try to load it as a map:
m = load 'map.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (M: []);
dump m;
I get three empty tuples:
So I try to load tuples and then generate the map:
m = load 'map.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (key:chararray, val:chararray);
b = foreach m generate [key#val];
ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Encountered " "[" "[ "" at line 1, column 24.
Many variations on the syntax also fail (e.g., generate [$0#$1]).
OK, so I munge my map into Pig's map literal format as map.pig:
And load it up:
m = load 'map.pig' as (M: []);
Now let's load up some keys and try lookups:
k = load 'keys.csv' as (key);
dump k;
c = foreach k generate m#key; /* Or m[key], or... what? */
ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Invalid alias: m in {M: map[ ]}
Hrm, OK, maybe since there are two relations involved, we need a join:
c = join k by key, m by /*, what? */ $0;
dump c;
ERROR 1068: Using Map as key not supported.
c = join k by key, m by m#key;
dump c;
Error 1000: Error during parsing. Invalid alias: m in {M: map[ ]}
Fail. How do I refer to the key (or value) of a map? The map schema syntax doesn't seem to let you even name the key and value (the mailing list says there's no way to assign types).
Finally, I'd just like to be able to find all they keys in my map:
d = foreach m generate ...oh, forget it.
Is Pig's map type half-baked? What am I missing?
Currently pig maps need the key to a chararray (string) that you supply and not a variable which contains a string. so in map#key the key has to be constant string that you supply (eg: map#'keyvalue').
The typical use case of this is to load a complex data structure one of the element being a key value pair and later in a foreach statement you can refer to a particular value based on the key you are interested in.
In Pig version 0.10.0 there is a new function available called "TOMAP" ( that converts its odd (chararray) parameters to keys and even parameters to values. Unfortunately I haven't found it to be that useful, though, since I typically deal with arbitrary dicts of varying lengths and keys.
I would find a TOMAP function that took a tuple as a single argument, instead of a variable number of parameters, to be much more useful.
This isn't a complete solution to your problem, but the availability of TOMAP gives you some more options for your constructing a real solution.
Great question!
I personally do not like Maps in Pig. They have a place in traditional programming languages like Java, C# etc, wherein its really handy and fast to lookup a key in the map. On the other hand, Maps in Pig have very limited features.
As you rightly pointed, one can not lookup variable key in the Map in Pig. The key needs to be Constant. e.g. myMap#'keyFoo' is allowed but myMap#$SOME_VARIABLE is not allowed.
If you think about it, you do not need Map in Pig. One usually loads the data from some source, transforms it, joins it with some other dataset, filter it, transform it and so on. JOIN actually does a good job of looking up the variable keys in the data.
e.g. data1 has 2 columns A and B and data2 has 3 columns X, Y, Z. If you join data1 BY A with data2 BY Z, JOIN does the work of a Map (from traditional language) which maps value of column Z to value of column B (via column A). So data1 essentially represents a Map A -> B.
So why do we need Map in Pig?
Usually Hadoop data are the dumps of different data sources from Traditional languages. If original data sources contain Maps, the HDFS data would contain a corresponding Map.
How can one handle the Map data?
There are really 2 use cases:
Map keys are constants.
e.g. HttpRequest Header data contains time, server, clientIp as the keys in Map. to access value of a particular key, one case access them with Constant key.
e.g. header#'clientIp'.
Map keys are variables.
In these cases, you would most probably would want to JOIN the Map keys with some other data set. I usually convert the Map to Bag using UDF MapToBag, which converts map data into Bag of 2 field tuples (key, value). Once map data is converted to Bag of tuples, its easy to join it with other data sets.
I hope this helps.
1)If you want to load map data it should be like "[programming#SQL,rdbms#Oracle]"
2)If you want to load tuple data it should be like "(first_name_1234,middle_initial_1234,last_name_1234)"
3)If you want to load bag data it should be like"{(project_4567_1),(project_4567_2),(project_4567_3)}"
my file pigtest.csv like this
my schema:
a = LOAD 'pigtest.csv' using PigStorage('|') AS (employee_id:int, email:chararray, name:tuple(first_name:chararray, middle_name:chararray, last_name:chararray), project_list:bag{project: tuple(project_name:chararray)}, skills:map[chararray]) ;
b = FOREACH a GENERATE employee_id, email, name.first_name, project_list, skills#'programming' ;
dump b;
I think you need to think in term of relations and the map is just one field of one record. Then you can apply some operations on the relations, like joining the two sets data and mapping:
$ cat data.txt
$ cat mapping.txt
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
mapping = LOAD 'mapping.txt' AS (key:CHARARRAY, value:CHARARRAY);
data = LOAD 'data.txt' AS (value:CHARARRAY);
-- list keys
mapping_keys =
FOREACH mapping
DUMP mapping_keys;
-- join mapping to data
mapped_data =
JOIN mapping BY key, data BY value;
DUMP mapped_data;
> # keys
> # mapped data
This answer could also help you if you just want to do a simple look up:
You can load up any data and then convert and store in key value format to read for later use
data = load 'somedata.csv' using PigStorage(',')
STORE data into 'folder' using PigStorage('#')
and then read as a mapped data.
