With all the changes to UISplitViewController for iOS 14, is there now a simple way to show or hide the primary view controller when it's using displayMode == .automatic? Basically a way to programmatically do what the displayModeButton does when it's tapped?
I've tried invoking the new .hide(.primary) method, which does indeed hide the primary as advertised, but unfortunately the display mode button also goes away so the user has no way to get the primary back again.
I tried to update the UISplitViewController in my old iOS project to use the newer column-based API, but noticed that when setting the Style to Double Column in IB from the currently selected Unspecified (Discouraged), the swipe gesture doesn't show and hide the master view controller anymore, even if the option Presents Primary With Gesture is selected. This also happens with a fresh project where I dragged the standard split view controller into the IB canvas as the initial view controller. Is this expected or am I missing something?
I have a weird problem with my Xamarin App. When I turn on the power saving mode the App resets the Detail Property of my MasterDetailPage and thus navigate back to the Loginscreen. I cant really debug that.
My Navigation works like that: I create a new NavigationPage and set the Detail Property of my MasterDetailPage to the new NavigationPage.
Does anyone know why this happens?
//Edit using FlyoutPage instead of MasterDetailPage doesn't work
//Edit2 apparently that only happens on my Zebra TC26. Also it not only resets the Detail property to its default value it resets ALL variables/properties in my entire app except static ones to its default value...
I'm quite new to iOS Programming. I've done Objective-C for about a year, and now I want to start making apps for the iPhone. I think I'm missing out on something really simple, though. What I've done is this:
First I created a new Single View Application with TestApp as a product name. I enabled Use Storyboards, Use Automatic Reference Counting and Include Unit Tests. After creating the project, I dragged a UIButton onto the View in the storyboard file.
Note that I didn't write a single line of code. I launched my app in the iPhone Simulator and pressed the button, but it's not responding. I know I didn't assign an action to the press of the button, but the gradient of the button isn't changing, as I know it should. The User Interaction Enabled properties of both my view and my button were enabled.
Recently, I've created a few apps in Xcode that worked just fine, but I didn't use storyboards in those projects. Thus, I'm guessing there's something extra to do when using storyboards of which I'm just unaware. I'm using Xcode 4.5 and the iPhone 6.0 Simulator.
I wrote NSLog(#"View was loaded."); statement in the viewDidLoad method of my ViewController to make sure this view controller was actually loaded. (I know my button wouldn't show up if it was the wrong view controller, but I did this just to make sure.)
I also wrote a changeTitle: method in my ViewController to change the title of my button to New Title after it was pressed, just in case the button worked but its gradient just wouldn't respond to a tap. I linked this IBAction to my button, but it wasn't called.
In my ViewController, I created an IBOutlet of a UIButton which I connected to my button. In the viewDidLoad method of my ViewController, I changed the title of my button to New Title, this actually worked. The title of my button changed to this new title when launching my app in the iOS Simulator. The button itself still wasn't responding, though.
As a last try, I also wrote [button setEnabled:YES]; in my ViewController's viewDidLoad method, but this didn't help. My button still doesn't respond to any tap. What am I missing out on?
This is weird. I had an issue with my printer, so I restarted my computer. After this, this issue was suddenly solved as well (just like my printer issue). I'm not sure how this could have affected anything, but I'm glad it works again!
Ran into the same issue.
Apparently Content Reseting the Simulator worked for me
Very strange this..
I have a problem with accessory views on NSSavePanel and NSOpenPanel.
Sometimes, (very often) when I open one of these panels the accessory view does not work (the view is shown but controls seem disabled).
I'm using this code to show the panel:
[openPanel beginSheetModalForWindow:appWindow completionHandler:openPanelHandler];
This only happens when app-sandbox is enabled.
After much testing I found out that what was happening was that the view was being misplaced (not attached to the panel).
When I open Mission Control and move the mouse pointer over the app windows I noticed that an "invisible" window hilighted and when select it I can take control over the accessory view (all controls work) but it appears detached from the open or save panel as shown on the screenshot.
I tried to create a new app just to test this behavior but was not able to reproduce it, so I suppose that has something to do with my app.
Any hint of what I may be doing wrong?
I don't want to code everything from scratch just to solve this issue.
Just a side note, when I close the window, just before the window close the accessory view flashes with the correct values for the controls. It appears that the application does not add the view in time for showing the panel.
Update 1
I subclassed the view that is used as accessory view and noticed that the
- (void)viewWillMoveToSuperview:(NSView *)newSuperview
is called, but
- (void)viewDidMoveToSuperview
never gets called even when the view is shown correctly, is this the normal behavior?
Update 2
I confirmed that - (void)viewDidMoveToSuperview should be called, on the test app both methods are called.
I also noticed a slight difference between my app and the test app. On my app the panel just slides down but on the test app the panel appears to "flip down" (don't know exactly how describe). The way the panel appears is irrelevant to me, I just noticed that it is not shown the same way.
After trying many things I concluded that the problem had to do with ARC (Automatic Reference Count) settings for the project.
In my case I had enabled ARC on target but not on project, after enabling ARC on project (and dealing with resulting errors and warnings) everything works perfectly now.
I am developing an iOS app and I need to know how to "break/clear" the chain of navigation so that I have full control over when the back button appears.
How can I break/clear this "chain"?
You can remove the back button by doing Ti.UI.currentWindow.leftNavButton = null assuming you are using the Ti.UI.iPhone.NavigationGroup.
This is how they do it in the KitchenSink.