Appcelerator. Break the chain of navigation - appcelerator

I am developing an iOS app and I need to know how to "break/clear" the chain of navigation so that I have full control over when the back button appears.
How can I break/clear this "chain"?

You can remove the back button by doing Ti.UI.currentWindow.leftNavButton = null assuming you are using the Ti.UI.iPhone.NavigationGroup.
This is how they do it in the KitchenSink.


Back Button Pressed is not firing

I'm trying to implement a function that will be called when user press back button.
Working exactly how i expect in UWP, but the issue is with android.
In android I got two back button,
One at top Navigation (Let's call it navbackbutton ), and other we get at bottom, the three android button "background apps,Home and back button(android backbutton),
Android back button is firing onBackpressed override method but navbackbutton is not, it is just taking me to the previous page.
I dont understand why it is happening and how to fix it.
Page.OnBackButtonPressed is only triggered with the hardware back button on Android .
You can override OnOptionsItemSelected within MainActivity to hook the navigation back button event , refer to here .
Another way is that customize NavigationPage.TitleView(a layout with a back button and title label) to replace the default navigation bar and then you can get the back button event .

Apple Watch app scroll the view to top programmatically after launching app

I need to scroll to top the main Interface Controller of an Apple Watch app programmatically after each launch specially if users has left the app after scrolling it down.
This is now possible in watchOS 4. Just use the scrollToObject:atScrollPosition:animated: method.
Unfortunately, this isn't currently possible. WatchKit only provides a method to scroll to the top of a WKInterfaceTable, not an entire interface controller.
The only workaround I've found is to hide every element in the interface controller. This doesn't just hide the element, it completely removes it from the controller. Then when you unhide everything, you'll be back at the top of your content.

Is there TOP VIEW(or window) on xamarin forms?

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms.
I wanted to know if there is top window or view for Xamarin.forms.
I want to put something like a alert or indicator so that it remain on top depth all the time until it's gone. (even if new page is pushed.)
I can't find any view or window on XF.
Should I use each native window?
You can try to use Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert method to display alert from the MainPage (which ordinary always exists in app).

Xamarin Forms: GetBackButton

I have Xamarin App, in the app I have a page which I hide the navigation bar for design purposes. But I still want to show back button. What I could do is that I could make a back icon and put it on the layout and call Navigation.PopAsync() on image tab. However is there a way to get the designated back button from the app?

Implement page control in android

I am making new app in which i want to use page control . Can anyone tell me how to implement page control in android.
You have to simply count Scrollx and scroll y and use it accordingly and then use button images.Hope it works
