Installing V8 required by rstan on gentoo - v8

is there a way to install rstan on a Gentoo amd64 system? rstan depends on v8-r (, which depends on a v8 installation. I haven't found a working v8 ebuild, v8 failed to compile with didactic-duck ebuilds. I also tried nodejs, without success. Compiling v8 from source failed with "unsupported linux distro".
Thanks, Sven

UPDATE: as of the latest version of V8 you can use:
# For Linux: download libv8 during installation
This way, you can install the V8 package on any x64 Linux system, without separate system requirements. See also this post:
Original answer
The R package V8 simply needs libv8 headers and shared library. The best solution is to use the V8 engine from NodeJS, but this can only be done if NodeJS itself was built with the --shared option. I don't use Gentoo myself, but from the above I guess this is currently not the case.
You have to talk to the maintainer of the nodejs package in Gentoo, and ask them to enable shared libnode. Below some references about this from Fedora and Debian, that might get you started:
Fedora: and
Debian: and
If you can't get this to work, you could also build libv8 yourself, but I have to warn you this is pretty painful because upstream changes their API and build system every few weeks.
Some working examples are:

Same problem here.
I am afraid I don't have an answer myself. If it helps, the furthest that I have gone is to install "nodejs" and then manually try to install V8 from source:
R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/node/deps/v8/include LIB_DIR=/usr/include/node/libplatform' V8_3.2.0.tar.gz
But CRAN complains about "cannot find -lv8_libplatform", and with other combinations of INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR I have not succeeded.
I have also tried several ebuilds from didactic-duck and even one from petkovich.
Also, installing from source seems to be impossible.
What "nodejs" install is the following, in case someone else has an idea about how to combine INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR, or at least to enlight whether with nodejs is enough, or a full v8 installation is needed:
Thank you very much.


I can't seem to get rdkafka to play nice with the confuent-kafka-go package

this is my first question on StackOverflow. Usually I find a solution from someone else's question but this time the internet does not seem to have many answers.
So I'm getting this message after using go get and every time I try and compile and run my application.
# pkg-config --cflags rdkafka
Package rdkafka was not found in the pkg-config
search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `rdkafka.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'rdkafka', required by
'virtual:world', not found
I searched the issues on the github page for the repo and found one thread related to this, but none of those solutions seem to work for me. I'm running fedora 26, I have go 1.9 installed.
I've tried:
dnf install
Compiling from source as instructed on their README
yum install because I became desperate.
Downloading and installing from the RPM
Has anyone come accross this and maybe have an idea of how I can fix it?
I suggest that you install librdkafka from Confluent's repository as described in their documentation. But I think that you'll need to build librdkafka from source RPMs, like I'm doing for Ubuntu.
So I got it working thanks to Remi. Adding the repo from (I used the one for Fedora 26). Then just installing it using:
sudo dnf --enablerepo=remi install librdkafka-devel

Apache Mesos configured failed on OS X Yosemite

I am following the doc ( and trying to install Mesos on my mac. When I try to configure it, it gives me the error:
checking python extra linking flags... -u _PyMac_Error Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
checking consistency of all components of python development environment... no
configure: error: in `/Users/syang/Desktop/git/mesos/build':
configure: error:
Could not link test program to Python. Maybe the main Python library has been
installed in some non-standard library path. If so, pass it to configure,
via the LDFLAGS environment variable.
Example: ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/non-standard-path/python/lib"
You probably have to install the development version of the Python package
for your distribution. The exact name of this package varies among them.
I use Python 2.7.8 and I am trying to install Mesos 0.23.0. I did some search, it looks like after installing command tools using xcode, the linking problem should get handled. However, it doesn't look like that to me. Is there anyone who has similar experience and can help me?
Thank you.
The easiest way of running Mesos on local machine is to use (Docker) or (Vagrant)
There are a bit different when build it in OSX. You could use "brew install mesos" to install it directly. also show how to build mesos in osx.
I dont know if you have resolved this issue but for future reference I would like to suggest the below steps based on this blog
$ cd mesos-0.x./build/
$ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python ../configure
Moreover in case that you receive any errors like libapr-1 is required for mesos to build. or libsubversion-1 is required for mesos to build. then you could do the following, assuming that apr and subversion libs are installed with brew.
$ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python ../configure -with-svn=/usr/local/Cellar/subversion/1.8.13/ -with-apr=/usr/local/Cellar/apr/1.5.2/libexec/
To verify why the Python path is not correct and the compile fails in the first place please go once through the blogpost.

Building libzmq with libsodium

Edit as of ZMQ version 4.1:
Configure automatically looks for libsodium, so this is no longer required. If for some reason you wish to build it WITHOUT libsodium and you have it built and installed, configure libzmq with '--without-libsodium'.
So I'm having problems building/making zeromq with libsodium.
im using msys2 as the shell - specifically the mingw32_shell - , and zmq 4.1.0 rc1 with libsodium 1.0.1 and mingw-w64 32bit (gcc 4.9.2).
im currently able to compile libsodium like this
cd .../libsodium
bash configure
make check
make install
and everything is fine, all the tests pass and the libs and includes end up in the /usr/local/ folders that msys2 seems to know about.
then when i try to build zeromq with these commands
cd .../zeromq
bash configure --with-libsodium
make check
make install
i never get past the configure stage, as configure returns
checking for sodium_init in -lsodium... no
configure: error: libsodium is not installed. Install it or don't pass --with-libsodium to configure script
i have tried the methods suggested in this post - ZeroMQ doesn't spot libsodium - but to no success.
therefore my question is thus: how do i either set the locations for zeromq's configure to look for libsodium to spot, whether with --with-libsodium, --with-libsodium-include-dir= and --with-libsodium-lib-dir=, or have them 'installed' in a location that msys2's shell is able to find?
I assume you tried it already since the link you provided mentions it:
I tried this and it worked for me. However, I don't recommend this because for MSYS2, it is cleaner if /usr/local is used only for MSYS2 software, and not MinGW-w64 software. For MinGW-w64 i686 software, the 'right' prefix for 'local' is /mingw32/local
I've just now added libsodium as a dependency on the zeromq package.
Github MinGW-w64 zeromq PKGBUILD commit e32ae0
I will ask Alexey to rebuild and repackage it tomorrow.

GLIBCXX_3.4.15, GLIBC_2.15 and GLIBC_2.14 not found - Centos 6.5

I am trying to run an app but I get
/usr/lib64/ VERSION 'GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found
/lib64/ VERSION 'GLIBC_2.15' not found
/lib64/ VERSION 'GLIBC_2.14' not found
When I do "strings /usr/lib64/ | grep GLIBC" i get a normal list...
I don't seem to find a simple tutorial on how to install the missing libs/files/dependencies, (or Centos 6.5 or anything else for that mater).
Can someone explain how to install whatever might be missing on Centos?
Can someone explain how to install whatever might be missing on Centos?
You need glibc >= 2.15 and libstdc++ >= 3.4.15.
In theory, installing e.g. glibc-2.19 on the system should work (glibc provides backward binary compatibility), but this message suggests that you would not find a standard package for your OS with such an upgrade.
Instead you would have to either install a second version of glibc, as documented here, and redirect your application to use that version by binary-patching the loader encoded into the application, or run your application in a chroot (where you can install any version of glibc you like).
Similar considerations apply to as well, except you don't have to install it into the fixed location -- you can install newer copy anywhere, and point LD_LIBRARY_PATH to it.
Your final (and most likely easiest) alternative is to build the app you are trying to run from source, or obtain a pre-built binary for your distribution (one that doesn't require newer libraries than what you have).

Installing MySQL Client on OpenWRT

I'm looking for a way to install libmysqlclient on an OpenWRT (ver: Attitude Adjustment) wireless AP.
I've (finally) been able to successfully cross-compile a small C program for the AP, but when trying to install it I get an error indicating that the libmysqlclient dependency for my program cannot be satisfied.
Seems pretty obvious, right? Just install libmysqlclient and be done with it. If only I could figure out how to install the library...
Is it as simple as copying libmysqlclient (which I have on my main box) to the appropriate directory on the AP? OpenWRT uses opkg as a package manager but opkg has no idea what libmysqlclient is.
I'm afraid I'm a little out of my depth here and any guidance the community can provide would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Forgot to add that in my research I've found that there are other packages that can be installed on OpenWRT, such as MySQL, that rely on the library in question, so there must be a way to install it. The Makefile for MySQL found here (under libs -> mysql) indicates quite clearly that it is dependent on libmysqlclient.
Turns out it's just buried deep in the bowels of the internet. The following command will install libmysqlclient to your OpenWRT box:
opkg install
However, this lib depends on a couple others, all of which can be found at OpenWRT's opkg Repository.
