I set up a custom Android emulator virtual device in Android Studio and everything seems to work perfectly, but I am not able to full screen the emulator window. I can resize the window just fine, but there's no option for full screen.
I tried running the emulator from the command line and passing the flags -qemu -full-screen, but it shows:
unknown option: -full-screen
please use -help for a list of valid options
even though it is included in the emulator -qemu -help:
-full-screen start in full screen
It looks like this:
Is there any way to make the Android Emulator full screen on macOS?
What is the best way to debug ionic 2 native features like the camera?
My app keeps crashing after i give permission to use the camera on my android device. Google chrome dev tools won't work in my case.
All help is appreciated!
The disadvantages of Ionic framework is hard to debug when call native plugin.
I have suggestion. Should you put breakpoint 'debugger' or "console.log()" before and after your function call Camera ?. And open chrome with url : 'chrome://inspect/#devices' to check what's happen ?
Chrome did leave me with an error:
file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.ionic.starter/cache/.Pic.jpg exposed beyond app through ClipData.Item.getUri()
I do want to know how to fix this but i will start a diffrend question
I think that you could use chrome for debugging , steps you will follow :
connect your pc with your android or IOS device
open chrome and right click , then choose inspect
from the top bar choose more tools then choose remote devices
then click on your connected device in devices settings
write the command ionic cordova run android --device in your terminal to run your app.
click inspect your device on chrome
I've an iMac with OS X Yosemite v.10.10.3. I use Firefox Developer Edition 40.0a2. I've a ZTE Open C (FR version) with Firefox OS; Boot2Gecko (B2G OS).
What I'd like to do is the following: I've a basic webpage (mostyl HTML, CSS and JS) opened in my browser on my Firefox OS phone. I'd like to get the devtools (Cmd+Shift+i) and be able to edit that webpage with my Firefox Developer Edition browser on my iMac.
I've already tried these things:
Use webIDE.
Follow this potential solution.
Connecting a Firefox OS device.
WebIDE Troubleshooting.
Comment déboguer facilement du web y compris sur tablettes et téléphones—french article.
With webIDE, I can build a new app for Firefox OS (with or without a base theme) and I can use the devtools to inspect the DOM and stuff like that. I just want to achieve the exact same thing but directly on my desktop computer.
Do you have any clue?
Feel free to ask me if you need more piece of informations. ;)
Current status
When I launch the Firefox OS browser app, I can inspect (via the devtools) the homepage (DOM stuff, etc.). But when I load another webpage (Google for example), I can't inspect the DOM. Any idea about that?
I often get this message: http://puu.sh/ir2Ju/32563e51bc.png when I switch to several apps I want to debug.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to connect the Firefox Developer Edition WebIDE on your desktop to a tab that is open on your Firefox OS phone. Something like this?
If that's right, once you connect to your phone in the WebIDE, you should see a list of open browser tabs at the bottom of the "Open App" menu, which is in the top left of the WebIDE panel.
When you connect your phone, you have to accept remote debugging.
Then on the left of the window, you should see a dropdown menu with the apps that you can debug. By default, you can only debug unprivileged applications.
Click on the app, the you want to debug and in the middle of the screen click on the "wrench". It is the button to activate debugging.
Now the complicated part. In order to debug privileged apps such as the web Browser. You have to root your phone and change some preferences. To check that you have a rooted phone. Click on the runtime menu and then runtime info.
If your adb is in root mode, then you can press the button to request higher privileges. You can also do that by hand.
There for more info:
Using a real device
On your computer, enter the following command in Terminal/console to enter your device's filesystem via the shell:
adb shell
Your prompt should change to root#android. Next, stop B2G running using the following command:
stop b2g
Navigate to the following directory:
cd /data/b2g/mozilla/*.default/
Here, update the prefs.js file with the following line:
echo 'user_pref("devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps", false);' >> prefs.js
After you've finished editing and saving the file, start B2G again using the following command:
start b2g
Exit the android filesystem using the exit command; this will return you to your normal terminal prompt.
Next, reconnect to the App Manager and you should see certified apps appear for debugging.
When this is done, you should see the application "Browser" in the list of available apps for debugging. At the same time, you should see all other application of your phone available as debugging.
I have an app installed on Android Wear Emulator that I can directly run from Start->MyApp. However when I want to start it with voice command i.e. Start MyApp, it keeps waiting for something but does not complete. What could be reason for this?
There is a limitation of the current emulator that it does not support voice actions via the keyboard, even though the text appears on the display. You will need to start the application by clicking on the display, then the red G, and then going to the start menu and picking the app from there. You can also quickly start the application using something like this from your development machine:
adb shell am start -n com.example.android.test/.TestActivity
The watch needs to be connected to a phone (device or emulator) with an internet connection for the voice commands to work.
I am developing apps for window phone 7 using phonegap. I am facing the problem when launching the apps in emulator. I can see the splashscreen but not the index page. I just see the white blank screen after splashscreen. While running on emulator I got message "this computer do not have required graphics processing unit configuration."
I test with other in built apps with visual studio for window phone. It work fine.
What is the problem? With my graphics or something else.
Did you set up your app to launch index.html. If you have change the tree it's not a problem. You can change it in CordovaLib, CordovaView.xaml, CordovaView.xaml.cs. In this one, you will find StartpageUri. Be sure that is pointing on your file
I'd like to be able to access the emulator's ui buttons from the commandline or from a test script (e.g. the Back, Menu, or Home buttons.) Can this be done through the adb shell? Or does anyone know of a way to do this directly with OS X?
You can use the Emulator Console to do this.