The procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library MetropolisULiveTile200.bpl - indy

Today I start getting this message when I open Delphi XE6.
The procedure entry point #Idstackwindows#TidStackWindows#NetworkToHost$qqrj could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\14.0\bin\MetropolisULiveTile200.bpl.
I answered Yes to "Do you want to load it next time".
When I look in the folder I see that the MetropolisULiveTile200.bpl is in the folder.
I haven't installed anything new since 9/24/2020, when I installed the latest version of Indy. I have used Delphi XE6 every day since I upgraded.
It looks like any program I have are building and compiling without any errors.
I search the internet, but was not able to find any with the same problem.

This issue is documented in Indy's installation notes:
In D/CB/RAD XE3+, Embarcadero's Metropolis UI LiveTile framework is compiled against the Indy 10 packages that ship with the IDE. Installing a new version of Indy will render LiveTiles unusable, as it will not be able to load the Indy packages anymore, and LiveTiles cannot be recompiled by end users. If you need to use LiveTiles then you will need to maintain the original Indy 10 packages for use in LiveTile projects. You can use a separate installation of Indy 10 for non-LiveTile projects. This has not been addressed by Embarcadero yet so Indy 10 upgrades and LiveTiles can co-exist.
If you were not getting this error between 9/24 and today, and now you are, then you probably opened a project today that has a dependency on (or at least enables) the LiveTile package, whereas projects you worked on earlier do not.


Updated Indy - Getting error related to IPPeerClient and IPPeerServer

I've been practicing updating Indy on a VM and I've gotten far enough to compile some of my projects but not all.
First of all I'm Delphi Seattle, updated to Indy 10.6.2 following the instructions here
In my client projects that use Indy, there is IPPeerClient in the Uses clause. This is causing the error "Unit IPPeerClient was compiled with a different version of IdTCPConnection.TidTCPConnection". I can remove the Use statement and they seem to be working (so far, the ones I've tested).
But for my server projects (datasnap and others), if I try to remove IPPeerServer, it gets added back in automatically and I'm stuck.

CVIRTE.dll Missing error?

I want to install a software on my PC but when i clicked to install it I got
CVIRTE.dll Missing error
I search for this error but unable to download this dll file. Please provide any link to download this file
Any help would be highly appreciated
I guess this is the CVI Runtime Engine. It is needed to run Applications that were made with LabWindows/CVI or MeasurementStudio by National Instruments ( ). Usually, programmers of such applications also generate a Windows Installer Package for the application, which also does the installation of the CVI Runtime Engine. So , once you installed a CVI application like that, you usually can run other CVI application just by copying them (as long as they do not need additional packages from Ni). So, either run an installer of another application made with CVI, or just install the RTE.
Be aware that there are new versions of the RTE with every new version of CVI, and the library is getting larger and larger. So maybe you can go for an older version of the RTE, it could be more compact.
The 2015 version of the RTE can be downloaded here :
Good luck !

latest 'ADT BUNDLE' open as JUNO eclipse for windows 7 64 bit

I downloaded the latest adt bundle (adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624), and uncompresed that zip file, but when i try to open that adt, it open as juno eclipse. can any body help me to resolve this prblem.
thanks in advance
ADT Bundle contains Eclipse, to start Android development you need the ADT and the bundle comes with both you don't have to spend time searching for the ADT and Eclipse
Same problem here, using OSX. The downloaded ADB dows not show the typical ADB buttons and other extension provided by the plugins, but just a plain Eclipse. Installing an older version of ADT (adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321) and updating won't help.
The package seemes somehow broken, some files like the ADT app icon, just aren't there. Other people experimented problems (Same problem; Other problem, also documented here).
I know it's not a real answer, but I just switched to Android Studio. I think the only other option is reverting to an older versione and wait for a new release.
To not get blocked I've continued to install the latest ADT Bundle 23.0.0 and adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624 fresh on my system. Updated the SDK to the latest and continued to set "targetVersion as '19'" instead of setting it to 20 or 21.
That way you can proceed ahead with your coding and later when things get can implement that to new version. BTW, I've also selected 'Blank Activity / Empty Activity" during the project creation
Comment back if it makes sense or NOT until the problem gets resolved by Google... :)
The Bug thread about this issue can be tracked here : Latest ADT Bundle Bug Tracker

Where can I get the latest Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.DLL?

I'm trying to use the latest Exchange Web Services DLL, however when I search my hard drive I see many versions of Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.DLL, the most recent being version 14.0.650.7 with a date of 1/24/12.
I want to rebuild my machine but can't find an official place to get this DLL. I attempted to download the latest SDK I don't see any DLL to use, nor is there any CHM for me to use.
Where can I get the latest version of Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.DLL?
Current version of the EWS Managed API is 1.2. It seems that Microsoft sometimes forgets to update links to the newest download which makes it hard to find out what the newest version is but I usually go to and search for "Exchange Web Services Managed API" whenever I need a fresh download.
EWS is on NuGet:
This is an old question, and the two answers by the OP and #JakobChristensen do answer the question. I'll just mention that I'm finding the situation fairly confusing.
I recently (manually, not via NuGet) downloaded the current NuGet version, which they currently call "2.2.0".
But the internal file/product version on the .dll is 15.00.0913.015.
According to this page
the file should be placed here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.0\
So that's where I placed it. Later, when playing around with a Microsoft sample program I noted that it did indeed reference the file at that location.
But another Microsoft sample program referenced the file in the GAC!
This version had file/product version 15.00.0847.030.
I'm not sure how that file got there, probably part of a Visual Studio installation.
There's also something called EWSCore, which is apparently a forked version of the official EWS with some bug fixes.
My current decision is that I'll consider the official NuGet version to be the version I'll standardize on, and manually download it to my development PC and my build PC and place it here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\2.0\
If you use .net framework, there is a nuget package "Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices 2.2.0" here
If you use .netstandard/.net5+, you need to go the Github open source project "OfficeDev /
ews-managed-api" here , and there you download the code, and compile it. However, this project is targeting .net3.5. So, you need to convert/upgrade it to .netstandard/.net5+ manually and compile it for your self.
!! Update !!: I took the version as of date of this post from GitHub. Replaced Old Style project with SDK project. Target framework set to netstandard2.0. Added packages System.DirectoryServicesandSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml. In files, I had to remove few namespaces that not compatible, but were not used. Removed AsImageinPhoto, this is public image retrieving method, not needed - it only converts byte array. And fixed loading issue with Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();`
Type[] types;
types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
types = ex.Types.Where(t => t != null).ToArray();
I also deleted or excluded from project bunch of files related to documentation, fxcop, and assembly info.
And then it worked for sending emails with different API versions. Reading emails is not tested yet.
There is a third option. Nuget has a package "Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.NETStandard 2.0.0-beta3" But this is not an official Microsoft code.
!! Update !!: Got this version and compared to the original code in option #2. This code has more changes than necessary to convert to .netstandard. It has some async stuff added.

Make Visual Studio not care about DLL versions

Is there a way to make visual studio not care about dll versions? Is this a bad idea?
I am resetting up my dev machine and I just installed the latest version of Pex and Moles (version .92). All my projects are on version .91.
We are in the middle of a release and don't want to upgrade right now. Also, I cannot find an installer to version .91.
When I try to compile I get a message that I am missing the reference. (Hence this question)
The version is important.. By definition, there is a difference from each released version to the next (or there would be no need for a new version). Your program may not perform correctly if you are expecting one version and instead have another.
This was a part of what was known as "DLL Hell" in the pre-.NET days... If you needed to use a third party component (Crystal Reports Viewer is one we always had to deal with), you would just use the reference to whatever installed version was on the user's PC. Our retail locations had to have a specific version of Crystal Reports for their bookwork reports to print correctly, and because of that, we had to hold on to an old version forever.. Upgrading Crystal on the PC broke the vendor's bookwork app. On my first ever PC, I had several applications break when I would install or upgrade another. In particular, Real Player broke my telephone answering machine software. Goofy stuff like that...
So, the version IS important, even if it is an annoyance. It's also why I have a bias against third party tools that I have no code for, and can't recompile myself.
If you look at the properties of a referenced DLL, you will see a property "Specific Version". If you set it false, it doesn't track the specific version in the project file.
For this to work, you have to somehow fix the references where ever they are used. You can do this by opening every solution and fixing the references (at which time you could also just update the references to the correct version, paying heed to David's comments).
If you have a lot of solutions, you might use a tool like sed (see this post for windows versions of tool like this Is there any sed like utility for cmd.exe) to just update the project files as needed all at once.
