How to upgrade pgAdmin 4 on macos? - macos

I installed pgAdmin 4 as part of the postgres installer for MACOS. pgAdmin is now telling me there is a newer version.
However, there is no built in upgrade functionality in pgadmin 4.
Can someone help on this matter?

brew upgrade --cask pgadmin4
Works all the time.

You can reinstall a new pgadmin here:

I've installed pgadmin once via homebrew, and everytime I've done brew upgrade and there's been an update its installed it.

I go directly to the pgAdmin download page. Then I install it just like any other Mac program (dragging into the Applications folder).
Be sure to close all connections and shut down the server before installing.
Note: For me, this is in a folder within my Applications folder called "PostgreSQL 11" Not sure if this was by design or a mistake on my part.


How to upgrade pgAdmin 4 on windows?

I installed pgAdmin 4 as part of the postgres installer for Windows. pgAdmin is now telling me there is a newer version (4.8, > 4.5 which I have). However, there is no built in upgrade functionality that I can see, and when I went to download and run the pgAdmin 4 installer to upgrade, it installed itself in the wrong place, leading to problems.
At first I tried installing it to the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4), which was incorrect, because the previous installation (from the postgres installer) went to a different location (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4).
The second time, I pointed it to my existing install of postgres (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4), but it installed itself to a subdirectory there instead (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\v4), rather than upgrading the existing installation, once again yielding to duplicated installations and problems arising from that. I assume if I go download the postgres installer, it will just reinstall version 4.5 of pgAdmin, though I have not tested this.
What is the correct method for upgrading a pgAdmin instance originally installed by the postgres Windows installer?
I think the best option is to go to Program and files -> Select PostgreSQL and "Uninstall".
Uninstaller will ask you if you want to uninstall the whole application or only individual components. Select individual components and then select pgAdmin.
This will uninstall pgAdmin from PostgreSQL directory.
From now, install the latest version pgAdmin only from official website which will install it into: C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4
If you Download the installer from here
It should automatically install the 4.8 version in (C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4)
overwriting any existing 4.x version but keeping your server connections and setting.
In your case, the previous install was in a different place, therefore, you ended up having 2 versions.
What I suggest to you is go to control panel and uninstall from there all the versions you have. After that go to the above link, download and install the v4.8 in the default location. Every time there is a new version available just install it and let the installer install it on the default location.
Please note that your pgadmin server connections can be found in %appdata%\pgAdmin.
Note that I have personally just upgraded from v4.5 to v4.8 using this method (installing it in the default location) and it worked like a charm.
Not sure the best approach here.
If you update directly pgadmin from: the installation goes into
"C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4\runtime\pgAdmin4.exe"
Wheras the installation of the whole EnterpriseDB Installer from: is installed here:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\bin\pgAdmin4.exe"
This looks like a wholly undesirable conflict? And leads to the problem identified by #Anomaly ?
To anyone finding this post (like me), before uninstalling your current pgAdmin 4, be aware that there may be limits on compatible versions based on your version of PostgreSQL. Following the instructions by Claudio Corchez, I removed my existing pgAdmin 4 and downloaded the latest 6.15. When I attempted to install it, the installer informed me that this version was not compatible with my version of PostgreSQL 10.3. So, I headed back and downloaded 4.30, which is now running. Unfortunately, it warns me each time I run it that a newer version is available. I just need to upgrade my entire PostgreSQL installation.
I had the same issue previously, and had to manually select the path.
Apparently now (v. 4.25) it auto-detects the path and updates correctly.
I had to download from the website, there was no update button embedded in pgAdmin itself

MySQL Server wont start on MAMP/AMPPS/XAMPP after updating to mac High Sierra 10.13.2

I'm desperate.. I updated to mac High Sierra 10.13.2 and my MySQL wouldn't start on my MAMP:
So I deleted the ib_logfileN:s, typed sudo killall mysqld in terminal and restarted MAMP(that usually works)
but it didn't. So in the end I had to uninstall MAMP and download it again - and it worked the first time, but when I restarted it, same problem. So I uninstalled MAMP - downloaded AMPPS - and the same problem appeared there. So uninstalled AMPPS and downloaded XAMPP, and the same problem appeared there:
.. Obviously there is something wrong with my MySQL Server that I cant figure out, i want to murder my computer. Any help or guideance would be greatly appreciated
In the end I had to uninstall mysql with homebrew, and reinstall it according to: It has worked after that.

Unable to install XAMPP in windows 10

When i tried to install xampp in windows 10 64 bit it shows "windows cannotfind -n".
Is it the first time you're installing XAMPP on that machine? If it is, I would suggest to run some cleaning software that searches for unnecessary files and folders, clean them up and then try to install XAMPP again.
I recommend software like:
AdwCleaner (
Malwarebytes (
Why do I suggest these? I personally use those myself and it often helps solving my problems with installing software.
If you've already installed XAMPP before, uninstall it completely and try to install it again after reboot!

Solving install issues with Python 3.4 on Windows

I have recently tried to install Python 3.4 as an alternative installation on my system in an attempt to familiarise myself before migrating code. My main Python installation is 2.7.6.
I tried the 64 bit installer for Windows, but it came up with an error message
There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
After this the install is rolled back (from the point shown below):
I have eventually found a solution to this posted below and decided to share in case anyone else was having the same issue.
After some looking online I found (here) that the issue was related to conflicting pip installs (I have a version already installed for Python 2.7 and apparently this is not compatible with the version that ships with Python 3.4.
To get around this issue I simply de-selected pip from the install options shown below and the install went ahead smoothly:
Run installer again and select PIP installation.
If the PIP fails to install with the same error, you may want to check environmental variables using a tool like which enables to check whether they are valid. If you had another version installed before, you most likely have wrong PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH variables. Fix them by setting them to relevant paths. e.g. PYTHONHOME=C:\python27 and PYTHONPATH=c:\python27\Lib
You will then be able to run and install PIP.
My issue was that I had a PYTHON_HOME or PYTHON_SOMETHING environment variable set. After removing the environment variable, the installation worked perfectly.
What worked for me, strangely enough, was the "Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter"
The "deselect pip" solution did not work for me.
My Python 3.4.1 install was failing with the same "A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected" error. I tried both installing it on top of Python 3.4.0 and installing it in a new folder, but got the same error. I tried uninstalling Python 3.4.0 first, but got the error during the uninstall, as well.
I ran that Microsoft utility, which helped me uninstall 3.4.0, and was then able to install 3.4.1 cleanly. The utility has options for both problematic installs and uninstalls, so it may help even if you're doing a new install, not an upgrade.
I'm running 64-bit Windows 7, but was working with 32-bit Python versions.
I had similar issues with Python 3.4x on Windows 8.1. Even after a successful install, the uninstaller would fail in the same way. Ultimately, "Method 1" at the MS forum solved this for me when I ran Microsoft's (Un)installer Fix It.
I also had the problem that pip couldn't be installed like #ChrisPosser.
So I deselected pip and the installation went fine. afterwards I restarted the setup, chose "change python" and installed pip. now everything worked like expected.
If you have any problems with windows installers I recommend activating the verbose log like this:
msiexec /i python-2.7.10-1.609.2.msi /lv install-python.log
From the logs I could see that it was the pip install, which was not working.
Yes, I faced the same issue, and was working on this for the past one hour. Was trying to uninstall the Python 3.4.1 from the control panel -> uinstall program -> add/remove program, but was facing issues.
This trick worked for me:
Manually deleted the 3.4.1 folder, which was present in my C folders after I installed the 3.4.1
Then I followed these steps:
-> Went to Regedit.exe, checked in both HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL SOFTWARE Folder, and deleted the Python folders there.
-> windows 8 -> Downloads -> 3.4.1 msi setup (Glad I never deleted it)
-> Right clicked on the msi setup and choose the repair option
-> The repair would re install the Python 3.4.1
-> After this, I un-installed the Python 3.4.1
-> Then I deleted the 3.4.1 msi setup.
Rebooted the system, and now, there is no instance of Python 3.4.1 in my system.
According to me when environment variables containing name 'Python' are created they somehow becomes related with python. I was unable to open idle (GUI PUTHON) and to uninstall it . Deleting a variable named 'PYTHON PATH' solved my all python related problems.
I had 3.7.4 and wanted to move to 2.7.13.
I uninstalled 3.7.4
Tried to install 2.7.13 but got the same error.
There was a 2.7.10 installer(not msi) also present, uninstalling which gave the same error.
So I downloaded 2.7.10 msi, installed it, and then just installed 2.7.13 from the downloaded msi and it worked fine. This overwriting worked because the major version i.e. 2.7 was same for both.
I don't know if this is helpful but after the hours I spent on this, I wanted to write out what worked for me.
Yup, I have already installed another version of python. I have uninstalled them using Program features. But still the same issue persisted because of the folder which was present in my C: drive. After deleting them manually, the installation got completed without errors
I faced this issue because of 2 conflicting versions of 7zip. Removing them both and installing just one fixed this issue.
I had python3.4 installed, then added 3.5, and deleted 3.4. That was a mistake. In trying to get a library to work, I had to go back to 3.4. I uninstalled 3.5, but couldn't uninstall 3.4 (folder deleted).
I ended up searching the registry in rededt32 for "python". There was a Guid folder with a number of entries that had c:\python34 and one more related to the same folder that I deleted. After this, the install worked correctly.
Windows 10.
Mine was linked to having installed an older version in the past, only for my own user account. I got around it by telling the installer to install Python for all users.
For me none of the suggested fixes worked for me. However checking the option "Install just for me" instead of "Install for all users" (Windows 10) worked for me. So this might be another option to try.

Installing Xampp?

Do I have to uninstall the previous version first? before updating to the latest one? I am getting errors.
Yes both Xamp and wamp highly recommend you uninstall before installing a newer version.
I normally use the no-install version that just unzips to a directory. In that case, no, you could just rename the directory and install a new version.
If you're using the installer, though, it's probably best to uninstall. However, make sure you save your mysql databases and anything else you might want to keep across installs!
