Installing Xampp? - installation

Do I have to uninstall the previous version first? before updating to the latest one? I am getting errors.

Yes both Xamp and wamp highly recommend you uninstall before installing a newer version.

I normally use the no-install version that just unzips to a directory. In that case, no, you could just rename the directory and install a new version.
If you're using the installer, though, it's probably best to uninstall. However, make sure you save your mysql databases and anything else you might want to keep across installs!


How to upgrade pgAdmin 4 on windows?

I installed pgAdmin 4 as part of the postgres installer for Windows. pgAdmin is now telling me there is a newer version (4.8, > 4.5 which I have). However, there is no built in upgrade functionality that I can see, and when I went to download and run the pgAdmin 4 installer to upgrade, it installed itself in the wrong place, leading to problems.
At first I tried installing it to the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4), which was incorrect, because the previous installation (from the postgres installer) went to a different location (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4).
The second time, I pointed it to my existing install of postgres (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4), but it installed itself to a subdirectory there instead (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\v4), rather than upgrading the existing installation, once again yielding to duplicated installations and problems arising from that. I assume if I go download the postgres installer, it will just reinstall version 4.5 of pgAdmin, though I have not tested this.
What is the correct method for upgrading a pgAdmin instance originally installed by the postgres Windows installer?
I think the best option is to go to Program and files -> Select PostgreSQL and "Uninstall".
Uninstaller will ask you if you want to uninstall the whole application or only individual components. Select individual components and then select pgAdmin.
This will uninstall pgAdmin from PostgreSQL directory.
From now, install the latest version pgAdmin only from official website which will install it into: C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4
If you Download the installer from here
It should automatically install the 4.8 version in (C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4)
overwriting any existing 4.x version but keeping your server connections and setting.
In your case, the previous install was in a different place, therefore, you ended up having 2 versions.
What I suggest to you is go to control panel and uninstall from there all the versions you have. After that go to the above link, download and install the v4.8 in the default location. Every time there is a new version available just install it and let the installer install it on the default location.
Please note that your pgadmin server connections can be found in %appdata%\pgAdmin.
Note that I have personally just upgraded from v4.5 to v4.8 using this method (installing it in the default location) and it worked like a charm.
Not sure the best approach here.
If you update directly pgadmin from: the installation goes into
"C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin 4\v4\runtime\pgAdmin4.exe"
Wheras the installation of the whole EnterpriseDB Installer from: is installed here:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\pgAdmin 4\bin\pgAdmin4.exe"
This looks like a wholly undesirable conflict? And leads to the problem identified by #Anomaly ?
To anyone finding this post (like me), before uninstalling your current pgAdmin 4, be aware that there may be limits on compatible versions based on your version of PostgreSQL. Following the instructions by Claudio Corchez, I removed my existing pgAdmin 4 and downloaded the latest 6.15. When I attempted to install it, the installer informed me that this version was not compatible with my version of PostgreSQL 10.3. So, I headed back and downloaded 4.30, which is now running. Unfortunately, it warns me each time I run it that a newer version is available. I just need to upgrade my entire PostgreSQL installation.
I had the same issue previously, and had to manually select the path.
Apparently now (v. 4.25) it auto-detects the path and updates correctly.
I had to download from the website, there was no update button embedded in pgAdmin itself

How to install a lower install version of visual studio Installer project forcefully,without manually removing ,while installing it?

I have an installer project setup from version, 1.0.0 ,1.0.1 and 1.0.2.Each having different changes I needed for my project.When I install them in order,they upgrade properly and get installed nicely.But I have a need where I need to go back from 1.0.2 to 1.0.1,but the setup project won't let me install it since it already has a newer version installed.And one of the ways I can get around it, is to manually uninstall it and run it.But I don't want the end user to do that and just run whatever setup he wants and it gets install removing previous versions. Can anyone suggest me a workaround for this or how to handle this situation?

How to downgrade zeromq from version 4.0.4 to 3.2.4

I Have installed zeromq 4.0.4 in my ubuntu machine.i have to downgrade my zmq to 3.2.4. i have tried sudo make uninstall , sudo make clean but none of them worked so far. and i also installed 3.2.4 from source. but still my system showing zmq version as 4.0.4. How can i get rid of old zmq files (Clean uninstall of 4.0.4)
Usually you can just use sudo make uninstall if the developer of the package has taken care of making an uninstall target. This is probably not the case for zeromq since you are asking (have not tried myself).
To avoid that kind of problems one way is to use checkinstall instead of make install whenever possible. It will create and install a deb file that can be uninstalled using apt.
make clean Is used to clean the temporary files before building, not to uninstall.
In your situation all you can do, I'm afraid, is to manually remove the files installed by zeromq.

I have apache2 installed twice, need to uninstall one

During my newbie phases I was not aware that Max OSX had appache2 installed by default.
I manually installed it and now I have two versions running and it's extremely confusing, because at times I don't know to which version my developments point to. As of now, I have two version in the following locations:
/etc/apache2/ (I believe is the default installation)
/opt/local/apache2 (I believe this is the one I manually installed)
How do I uninstall version 2 (the one I manually installed)?
Being that it's in /opt, the directory MacPorts uses, have you tried port uninstall apache2?

how to install two versions of xcode

I have one version of xcode installed in my mac and now I want to install the new version but I want to keep the old one also. How can I achieve this?
When I installed Xcode 4 it automatically went into it's own folder at the root level. To make sure when you are installing check the install location and make sure it is not /Developer if for some reason it is just change it.
