oracle import joinning 2 tables using query - oracle

Is it possible to join 2 tables inside the query in oracle while importing ? I have a dump for 2 tables tab1 and tab2. and I am trying to query on 1 of the tables:
tables = tab1,tab2
Query=tab1:"WHERE code= 2
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tab2 b WHERE type=b.type and numb=b.numb)"
it just give me 0 rows exported.

Would ku$. do any good? Documentation says that
The table alias used by Data Pump for the table being loaded is KU$.
Query=tab1:"WHERE ku$.code= 2
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tab2 b WHERE ku$.type=b.type and ku$.numb=b.numb)"


Oracle Performance issues on using subquery in an "In" orperator

I have two query that looks close to the same but Oracle have very different performance.
Query A
Create Table T1 as Select * from FinalView1 where CustomerID in ('A0000001','A000002')
Query B
Create Table T1 as Select * from FinalView1 where CustomerID in (select distinct CustomerID from CriteriaTable)
The CriteriaTable have 800 rows but all belongs to Customer ID 'A0000001' and 'A000002'.
This means the subquery: "select distinct CustomerID from CriteriaTable" also only returns the same two elements('A0000001','A000002') as manually entered in query A
Following is the query under the FinalView1
create or replace view FinalView1_20200716 as
<Some columns>
Table1_20200716 T1
INNER join Table2_20200716 T2 on
T1.Invoice_number = T2.Invoice_number
T1.line_id = T2.line_id
left join Table3_20200716 T3 on = T1.Customer_ID
left join Table4_20200716 T4 on
T4.Shipping_ID = T1.Shipping_ID
left join Table5_20200716 Table5 on
Table5.Invoice_ID = T1.Invoice_ID
left join Table6_20200716 T6 on
T6.Shipping_ID = T4.Shipping_ID
left join First_Order first on
first.Shipping_ID = T1.Shipping_ID
Table1_20200716,Table2_20200716,Table3_20200716,Table4_20200716,Table5_20200716,Table6_20200716 are views to the corresponding table with temporal validity feature. For example
The query under Table1_20200716
Create or replace view Table1_20200716 as
from Table1 as for period of to_date('20200716,'yyyymmdd')
However table "First_Order" is just a normal table as
Following is the performance for both queries (According to explain plan):
Query A:
Cardinality: 102
Cost : 204
Total Runtime: 5 secs max
Query B:
Cost: 14846
Total Runtime:20 mins until user cancelled
All tables are indexed using those columns that used to join against other tables in the FinalView1. According to the explain plan, they have all been used except for the FirstOrder table.
Query A used uniquue index on the FirstOrder Table while Query B performed a full scan.
For query B, I was expecting the Oracle will firstly query the sub-query get the result into the in operator, before executing the main query and therefore should only have minor impact to the performance.
Thanks in advance!
As mentioned from my comment 2 days ago. Someone have actually posted the solution and then have it removed while the answer actually work. After waiting for 2 days the So I designed to post that solution.
That solution suggested that the performance was slow down by the "in" operator. and suggested me to replace it with an inner join
Create Table T1 as
FinalView1 FV
inner join (
select distinct
) CT on CT.customerid = FV.customerID;
Result from explain plan was worse then before:
Cardinality:28364465 (from 27921981)
Cost: 15060 (from 14846)
However, it only takes 17 secs. Which is very good!

Oracle query select data in multi tables

I have 2 tables.
This is tableA
(invoice,D/O, cost..) and
Table B
(D/O, GRN, Qty)
Now how to use query to show table A include GRN,Qty
You need a LEFT OUTER JOIN to retrieve all the records from table A with matched records from table B.
Guessing at the join criteria because your question doesn't say what they are:
select a.*
, b.grn
, b.grn_line
, b.qty_grn
from a
left outer join b
on =
and a.do_line = b.do_line
and a.invoice_line = b.grn_line

can i set up an SSRS report where users input parameters to a table

I have an oracle query that uses a created table as part of the code. Every time I need to run a report I delete current data and import the new data I receive. This is one column of id's. I need to create a report on SSRS in which the user can input this data into said table as a parameter. I have designed a simple report that they can enter some of the id's into a parameter, but there may be times when they need to enter in a few thousand id's, and the report already runs long. Here is what the SSRS code currently says:
select distinct, n.notes
from notes n
join (
select max(seq_num) as seqnum, id from notes group by id) maxresults
on = maxresults.ID
where n.seq_num = maxresults.seqnum
and in (#MyParam)
Is there a way to have MyParam insert data into a table I would join called My_ID, joining as Join My_Id id on =
I do not have permissions to create functions or procedures in the database.
Thank you
You may try the trick with MATERIALIZE hint which normally forces Oracle to create a temporary table :
WITH cte1 AS
FROM table1 a
INNER JOIN cte1 b ON =

Merging two tables to one parent table

I have a table with 2 columns ID, Name, Now I am trying to make a two different data with the same table that will come around 2 new tables but I want both the table rows merged into parent table.
I will explain with sample data:
Parent table:
ID Name
1 abc
2 def
I am writing a select query as
Select ID, Name||'_First' as a from table
This will give me
ID Name
1 abc_First
2 def_First
Now my another select query as
I am writing a select query as
Select ID, Name||'_Second' as b from table
This will give me
ID Name
1 abc_second
2 def_Second
Now I am trying to join both the queries and produce the parent table as
Tried like this:
Select ID,a,b from
(Select ID, Name||'_First' as a from table
Inner join
Select ID, Name||'_Second' as b from table)
on joins here
But this is producing me 3 columnslike
ID a b
1 abc_First abc_second
2 def_First def_Second
But I need as
ID Name
1 abc_First
2 def_First
1 abc_second
2 def_Second
I am stuck at this point.
Use union all
Select ID, Name||'_First' as name from table
union all
Select ID, Name||'_Second' as name from table

In Elasticsearch, how can I establish join query with conditions and later perform percentile and count functions?

I have set of tables in my data base like table A which has set of set of categories , table B set of repositeries. A and B are related by categoryid. And then table C which has set of properties for a repoId. Table C and A are associated with repoId.
Table C can have multiple values for a repoId.
The data in C table is like a property say a number string like 12345XXXX (max data of 10 characters) and I have to find the top 6 matching characters of a particular value in table C and the count of repoIds associated with those top 6 value for a particular data in table A (categoryid).
Table A(set of categories ) ---------> Table B (set of repositories, associated with A with categoryid)---------> Table V (set of FMProperties against a repoId)
Now currently, this has been achieved by using joins and substring queries on these tables and it is very slow.
I have to achieve this functionality using Elastic search. I dont have clear view how to start?
Do I create separate documents / indexes for table A , B and C or fetch the info using sql query and create a single document.
And how we can apply this analytics part explained above.
I am very new and amateur in this technology but I am following the tutorials provided at elasticsearch site.
PFB the query in mysql for this logic:-
select 'fms' as fmstype, C.fmscode as fmsCode,
count(C.repoId) as countOffms from tableC C, tableB B
where B.repoId = C.repoId and B.categoryid = 175
group by C.fmscode
order by countOffms desc
limit 1)
(select 'fms6' as fmstype, t1.fmscode, t2.countOffms from tableC t1
inner join
select substring(C.fmscode,1,6) as first6,
count(C.repoId) as countOffms from tableC C, tableB B
where B.repoId = C.repoId and B.categoryid = 175 and length(C.fmscode) = 6
group by substring(C.fmscode,1,6) order by countOffms desc
limit 1 ) t2
substring(t1.fmscode,1,6) = t2.first6 and length(t1.fmscode) = 6
group by t1.fmscode
order by count(t1.fmscode) desc
limit 1)
