Oracle query select data in multi tables - oracle

I have 2 tables.
This is tableA
(invoice,D/O, cost..) and
Table B
(D/O, GRN, Qty)
Now how to use query to show table A include GRN,Qty

You need a LEFT OUTER JOIN to retrieve all the records from table A with matched records from table B.
Guessing at the join criteria because your question doesn't say what they are:
select a.*
, b.grn
, b.grn_line
, b.qty_grn
from a
left outer join b
on =
and a.do_line = b.do_line
and a.invoice_line = b.grn_line


Join to another table when the join column is null

I have a sql that is selecting many things from the database however I would like that data to only comeback which is matched to a personal table I have.
I would like to join a column [vin_code] from my table [population] however there are nulls in here and were there are nulls I would like to join another column from my table to another table in the database.
I will give an example sql below:
Select distinct v.kegal_rntity_id
From vin v
Inner join ops$dami.population pop
On v.vin_code = pop.vin_code
Then were pop.vin_code is null I would like to join pop.vis_code on a table in the database called zegal_rentity z column z.vis_code
So something like
join zegal_rentity z
On pop.vis_code = z.vis_code
But I only want to do this were pop.vin_code is null
As sample data is not available, I am unable to test the solution but try the following query with condition based outer join.
Select distinct v.kegal_rntity_id
From ops$dami.population pop
Left join vin v
On v.vin_code = pop.vin_code
Left join zegal_rentity z
On (case when pop.vin_code is null and
pop.vis_code = z.vis_code then 1 end = 1);

Need help to optimize this Sql Query

I want some help to optimize this SQL Query.
This is working completely fine. I just want to reduce the runtime of this query
select distinct
from ms_bvoip_order_extension oe
inner join ms_order o on oe.ms_order_id = o.ms_order_id
inner join ms_sub_order so on so.ms_order_id = o.ms_order_id
inner join ms_job j on j.entity_id = so.ms_sub_order_id
left join mstask t ON t.wf_job_id = j.wf_job_id
o.order_type = 900
and o.entered_date between date_sub(current_date(),53) and
and j.entity_type = 5 and RLIKE 'Error|Correct|Create AOTS Ticket' and t.wf_job_id is not null
order by
The WHERE conditions are being executed after joins in Hive (though CBO and PPD may change this behavior), better study the EXPLAIN output for both queries. You can move conditions like this: o.order_type = 900 to the join ON clause to reduce rows on join. Only non-equi conditions involving both tables columns are not allowed in the join ON clause in Hive. Also table t is left-joined, but conditions in the where: RLIKE 'Error|Correct|Create AOTS Ticket' and t.wf_job_id is null and t.ORIGINAL_START_DATE is not null transform left join to the inner join. Check do you need INNER or LEFT JOIN
select distinct
from ms_bvoip_order_extension oe
inner join ms_order o
on oe.ms_order_id = o.ms_order_id
and o.order_type = 900
and and o.entered_date between date_sub(current_date(),53) and date_sub(current_date(),3)
inner join ms_sub_order so on so.ms_order_id = o.ms_order_id
inner join ms_job j on j.entity_id = so.ms_sub_order_id
and j.entity_type = 5
left join mstask t on t.wf_job_id = j.wf_job_id
and RLIKE 'Error|Correct|Create AOTS Ticket'
and t.wf_job_id is null
and t.ORIGINAL_START_DATE is not null
order by o.usrp_order_number
Also read this answer about configuration settings:
be sure you have proper index on
table ms_order a composite index on columns entered_date, order_type, ms_order_id
table ms_job a composite index on columns entity_type, entity_id
table mstask a composite index on columns wf_job_id, ORIGINAL_START_DATE
table ms_sub_order an index on column ms_order_id
table ms_bvoip_order_extension and index on column ms_order_id
You will need to add indexes for the columns that you are filtering by.
We do not know how many records each of your tables are holding, but the RLIKE criteria should be evaluated as the very last item. I would rewrite your query based on the following idea:
select ...
select ...
inner join ...
inner join ...
inner join ...
left join ...
where ...
) temporary
where temporary.somename RLIKE 'Error|Correct|Create AOTS Ticket'
If the query is not very dynamic, then you can even cache the results for a while.

Oracle how to use distinct command in join

Im am trying to get a list of distinct values from one column whilst getting the key column data by inner join on another table as below..table a and table b hold key column of client.
Table b holds column product which has a range of values against a range of client numbers
Table a holds only client numbet
Table b holds client number and product
Client product
1. A
1. B
2. B
3. C
I want to find the list of distinct product values where the client is in table a and table b
Any suggestions welcome
find the list of distinct product values where the client is in table
a and table b
As you will notice below "distinct" isn't applied in joins
INNER JOIN TABLEB b ON a.Client = b.Client
The inner join ensures that client exists in both A and B and then the "select distinct" removes any repetition in the list of products.
, COUNT(*) AS countof
INNER JOIN TABLEB b ON a.Client = b.Client
An alternative, which also makes a distinct list of products where clients are in A and B is to use group by, with the added bonus that this way you can do some extra stuff like counting how often a product is referenced.
try it at

joining two tables with one table in oracle

I have a table pa_master_details and lov_details.
In the pa_master_details table, I have role_comp_emp_final_rating and role_comp_lm_final_rating columns.
In the lov_details table I have a column rating lov_value and lov_text_en.
I need to join role_comp_emp_final_rating with the lov_value column to get lov_text_en
Based on this lov_value, I need to show lov_text_en from the lov_details table.
So I wrote a query like this and am getting the result for emp rating:
SELECT p.employee_number,
FROM pa_master_details P, lov_details L
WHERE p.role_comp_emp_final_rating = l.lov_value
AND p.employee_number = 34570
Similarly, I need to show lov_text_en for role_comp_lm_final_rating from the lov_details table by joining
role_comp_lm_final_rating with lov_value in the same query.
How do I do it?
I think this is what you're asking for:
SELECT p.employee_number,
lemp.lov_text_en AS "emp_lov_text",
llm.lov_text_en AS "lm_lov_text",
FROM pa_master_details p
JOIN (SELECT lov_text FROM lov_details) lemp ON p.role_comp_emp_final_rating = lemp.lov_value
JOIN (SELECT lov_text FROM lov_details) llm ON p.role_comp_lm_final_rating = llm.lov_value
WHERE p.employee_number = 34570

need help on sql query

am a newbie to Oracle/PL SQL.I've 2 tables A and B.
A has a column CustId,Age,Location and Date. Table B has 2 columns CustId,CustName.
What would be the sql query to show show CustName and Location for a given age?
your question "What would be the sql query to show show CustName and Location for a given age?" helps define your query pretty well:
SELECT CustName, Location
FROM TableA a
ON b.CustId = a.CustId
WHERE a.Age = #
All we need to do on top of that select for your specific fields is make sure to join the two tables on their common column (CustID).
Another option would be to avoid the WHERE statement:
SELECT CustName, Location
FROM TableB b
ON a.CustID = b.CustID
AND a.Age = #
you need join. something like
SELECT custname, location FROM a JOIN b ON a.custid = b.custid WHERE age = [age];
